Unesco technical papers in marine science 49 Pelagic biogeography Proceedings of an international conference The Netherlands 29 May-5 June 1985 Unesco 1986 UNESCO TECHNICAL PAPERS IN MARINE SCIENCE Numbers 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, IO. 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18. 20,21,22,23,24, 27,28, 29, arc? 30,,ire out of stock. For full titles see inside back cover. Numbers 1, 4, 8 and 14 are incorporated in No. 27. No. Year SCOR No. Year SCOR WG WG 19 Marine Science Teaching at the University Level. 37 Background papers and supporting data on the Report of the Unesco Workshop on University Pratical Salinity Scale 1978. 1981 WG IO Curricula-/!vai/ah/e in Spanish and Arabic 1974 38 Background papers and supporting data on the 25 Marine science programme for the Red Sea: International Equation of State of Seawater 1980. 1981 WII IO Recommendations of the workshop held in Bremerhaven, FRO, 22-23 October 1974; 39 International Oceanographic Tables, Vol. 3 1981 WG IO sponsored by the Deutsche Forschungsgemcin- schaft and Unesco 1976 •IO International Oceanographic Tables, Vol. 4. (To be published) 1982 WG IO 26 Marine science in the Gulf area-Report of a consultative meeting, Paris, 11-14 November 1975 1976 41 Ocean-Atmosphere Materials exchange (OAMEX) Report of SCOR Working Group 44, 31 Coastal lagoon survey (1976-1978) 1980 — Unesco, Paris, 14-16 November 1979 1982 WG44 32 Coastal lagoon research, present and future, 42 Carbon dioxide sub-group of the joint panel Report and guidelines of a seminar, Duke on oceanographic tables and standards. Report University Marine Laboratory, Beaufort, NC, of a meeting Miami, Florida, 21-23 September 1981 U.S.A. August 1978. (Unesco, IABO). 1981 sponsored by Unesco, ICES, SCOR. IAPSO 1983 33 Coastal lagoori research, present and future. 43 International Symposium on Coastal lagoons Proceedings of a seminar, Duke University, Bordeaux, France, 8-14 September 1981 August 1978, (Unesco, IABO). 1981 — Available in F and S 1982 34 The carbon budget of the oceans. Report of a 44 Algorithms for computation of fundamental meeting, Paris, 12-13 November 1979 1980 WG 62 properties of seawater. Endorsed by Unesco/SCOR/ICES/IAPSO Joint Panel 35 Determination of chlorophyll in seawater. on Oceanographic Tables and Standards Report of intercalibration tests sponsored by and SCOR Working Group 51. 1983 SCOR and carried out by C.J. Lorenzen and S.W. Jeffrey, CSIRO Cronulla, N.S.W., 45 The International System of Units (SI) Australia, September-October 1978 1980 — in Oceanography Report of IAPSO Working Group on Symbols, Units and Nomenclature 36 The practical salinity scale 1978 and in Physical Oceanography. (SUN) 1985 the international equation of state of seawater 1980. Tenth report of the Joint Panel on 46 Opportunities and problems in Oceanographic Tables and Standards, (JPOTS). satellite measurements of the sea Sidney, B.C., Canada, 1-5 September 1980. Report of SCOR Working Group 70 1986 Sponsored by Unesco, ICES, SCOR, IAPSO. Available in At, Ch. F, R, S 1981 WG IO 47 Research on coastal marine systems Report of the third meeting of {npuMtHOHue: 3tot notium (Tetter KnetmtueH) the Unesco/SCOR/IABO 6bn; nepBOHauajibHo tanaii To/ibtco Ha consultative panel on coastal systems aHiTiHAcicoM «bitte non 3aronoBKOM October, 1984 1986 Tenth report of the Joint Panel on Oieanographic Tables and Standards 48 Coastal off-shore ecosystems relationships (JfeorrbiA nolai an 06i>enHHeHHoA rpynnbi no Final Report of SCOR/IABO/ otteaHorpa4>HHecitHM Ta6jitmaH h cTattnapTaM)). Unesco Working Group 65 Hmcctcs Ha arabcKOW, HcnaHCKOM, KHraAcitoM, Texel, Netherlands, September 1983. pyccKOM h 4>paHttyKKOM atbiKax. English only. 1986 Unesco technical papers in marine science 49 Pelagic biogeography Proceedings of an international conference The Netherlands 29 May-5 June 1985 Edited by: A. C. Pierrot-Bults S. van der Spoel B. J. Zahuranec R.K. Johnson ICoPB Sponsored by: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization International Association for Biological Oceanography Netherlands Ministry of Education and Science Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences National Science Foundation, U.S.A. Office of Naval Research, U.S.A. Netherlands Council for Sea Research Amsterdam University Society 40* ANNIVERSAIRE ( '.»«* ÎTIÏÏT »M) 40,h ANNIVERSARY Unesco 1986 ISSN 0503-4299 Published in 1986 by (he United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Place de Fontenoy, 75700 Paris. Printed in Unesco's workshops. © Unesco 1986 Printed in France Reproduction authorized, providing thai appropriate mention is made of Unesco Technical Papers in Marine Science and voucher copies are sent to the Division of Marine Sciences. PREFACE This series, the Unesco Technical Papers in Marine Science, is produced by the Unesco Division of Marine Sciences as a means of informing the scientific community of recent advances in oceanographic research and on recommended research programmes and methods . The texts in this series are prepared in co-operation with non-governmental scientific organizations. Many of the texts result from research activities of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) and are submitted to Unesco for printing following final approval by SCOR of the relevant working group report. Unesco Technical Papers in Marine Science are distributed free of charge to various institutions and governmental authorities. Requests for copies of individual titles or additions to the mailing list should be addressed, on letterhead stationery if possible, :o: Division of Marine Sciences Unesco Place de Fontenoy 75700 Paris, France. ABSTRACT The International Conference on Pelagic Biogeography (ICoPB) was held at Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands, from 29 May to 6 June 1985. The conference was scheduled around nine topics in a combined symposium/ workshop format. It brought together active workers on phytoplankton, zoo­ plankton, fishes, cetaceans, scientists from a variety of disciplines, ecologists, systematists, historical biogeographers, palaeontologist and physical oceanographers. The conference recognized a.o. the need: 1. To incorporate modern concepts and theory on biogeography in pelagic oceanography, such as cladistics and vicariance, and to relate modern distribution patterns with patterns and changes read from the fossil record. 2. To develop adequate sampling techniques. 3. To stimulate systematic studies utilizing both traditional and recently developed approaches such as genetic/biochemical methods and studies of living organisms both In situ and in culture. 4. To carry out additional mapping studies, aiso advocating the use of existing collections. 5. To study the congruencies of distribution patterns and to test the hypothesis that closer correspondence between major distribution patterns and large-scale current patterns is related to marked changes in productivity. This report does not consist of polished and finished research documents. The deliberately short papers are an outpouring of ideas, where we are now and where we ought to be going. (i) RESUME La Conférence internationale sur la biogéographie pélagique (ICoPB) 3'est tenue à Noordwijkerhout (Pays-Bas), du 29 mai au 6 juin 1985. Conçue sous la forme d'un colloque/atelier, cette conférence s'arti­ culait autour de neuf thèmes. Elle a rassemblé dea chercheurs dont les travaux ont trait au phytoplancton, au zooplancton, aux poissons ou aux cétacés et des scientifiques spécialisés dans diverses disciplines (éco­ logie, systématique, biogéographie historique, paléontologie e' océano­ graphie physique). La Conférence a reconnu en particulier la nécessité : 1. d'intégrer dans l'océanographie pélagique la théorie et les notions modernes de la biogéographie, telles que la cladistique et la vicariance, et d'établir des relations entre les caracté­ ristiques de la distribution actuelle et les caractéristiques et évolution que l'on peut déduire de l'étude des fossiles ; 2. de mettre au point des techniques d'échantillonnage adéquates ; 3. d’encourager la réalisation d'études systématiques utilisant à la fois les approches traditionnelles et les approches nou­ velles, telles que les méthodes génétiques/biochimiques, ainsi que l'étude des organismes vivants in situ et en culture j 4. d'entreprendre de nouvelles études de cartographie tout en sti­ mulant l'exploitation des collections existantes ; 5. d'étudier les concordances dea caractéristiques de la distribu­ tion et de soumettre à l'épre-‘v. des faits l'hypothèse selon laquelle l'étroite correspondance qui existe entre les grandes caractéristiques de la distribution et celles des courants est liée à des modifications marquées de la productivité. Le présent rapport ne prétend pas rassembler des documents de recherche soigneusement rédigés et mis au point. Les communications, délibérément courtes, se bornent à énoncer des idées brutes pour tenter de faire le point sur la situation actuelle et sur les objectifs vers lesquels on devrait tendre. (ü) RESUMEN ANALITICO Del 29 de mayo al 6 de junto de 1985 se celebró en Noordwijkerhout (Païses Bajos) la Conferencia Internacional de Biogeografîa Pelagica. En la Conferencia se examinaron nueve temas y el método de trabajo asumiô las formas de un simposio-taller. Participaron en la reunion cientîficos dedicados a la investigaciôn del fitoplancton, el zooplancton, Ios peces y cetâceos, asi como especiallstas de una gran variedad de disciplinas, taies como la ecologîa, el anâlisis sistémico, la biogeograffa historica, la paleontologfa y la oeeano- grarîa fîsica. La Conferencia seiïalô
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