GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAM SUPPLEMENTARY DEMAND FOR GRANTS 2020 - 2021 (1st March, 2021) [The recommendation of the Governor required under Article 205(1) of the Constitution of India has been obtained] SUPPLEMENTARY DEMAND FOR GRANTS 2020-21 (₹ in lakh) Demand Department Revenue Capital Total Page No. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 Governor Charged 48.37 48.37 1 3 Council of Ministers Voted 6.00 6.00 2 Voted 299.75 4 Law & Judicial 299.75 3-7 Charged 12.00 12.00 Voted 33.60 5 Vigilance 33.60 8 Charged 25.11 25.11 6 Land Revenue & Settlement Voted 106.00 106.00 9 7 Excise & Narcotics Voted 12.10 12.10 10 8 Taxation Voted 47.82 220.00 267.82 11-12 9 Finance Voted 2968.35 2968.35 13-15 10 Mizoram Public Service Commission Charged 39.74 39.74 16 11 Secretariat Administration Voted 143.34 143.34 17 12 Parliamentary Affairs Voted 16.20 16.20 18 13 Personnel & Administrative Reforms Voted 153.95 153.95 19 14 Planning & Programme Implementation Voted 585.18 205.00 790.18 20-23 15 General Administration Voted 1941.14 772.63 2713.77 24-34 16 Home Voted 2208.28 2208.28 35-39 17 Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Voted 401.45 1082.04 1483.49 40-42 18 Printing & Stationery Voted 36.19 36.19 43 19 Local Administration Voted 11912.50 11912.50 44-45 20 School Education Voted 7163.66 1061.60 8225.26 46-48 21 Higher & Technical Education Voted 4931.46 4931.46 49-52 22 Sports & Youth Services Voted 223.93 11570.06 11793.99 53-54 23 Art & Culture Voted 616.63 616.63 55 24 Health & Family Welfare Voted 9664.43 5258.86 14923.29 56-65 25 Public Health Engineering Voted 1398.01 25531.23 26929.24 66-70 26 Information & Public Relations Voted 44.00 500.00 544.00 71-72 27 District Councils & Minority Affairs Voted 1204.18 1204.18 73-74 Labour, Employment, Skill Development & 28 Voted 233.77 233.77 75 Entrepreneurship 29 Social Welfare Voted 8987.00 5494.33 14481.33 76-84 30 Disaster Management & Rehabilitation Voted 576.49 576.49 85-86 31 Agriculture Voted 2332.14 2153.88 4486.02 87-91 32 Horticulture Voted 1389.91 591.29 1981.20 92-94 33 Land Resources, Soil & Water Conservation Voted 198.62 198.62 95 34 Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Voted 1227.03 808.72 2035.75 96-99 35 Fisheries Voted 335.44 335.44 100 36 Environment, Forests & Climate Change Voted 2816.56 2816.56 101-102 37 Co-operation Voted 38.92 15.00 53.92 103 38 Rural Development Voted 16575.69 283.56 16859.25 104-109 39 Power & Electricity Voted 30187.66 5391.79 35579.45 110-114 40 Commerce & Industries Voted 485.03 2415.10 2900.13 115-118 41 Sericulture Voted 572.31 6.00 578.31 119 42 Transport Voted 3.00 11.00 14.00 120 43 Tourism Voted 90.84 224.00 314.84 121-122 45 Public Works Voted 5322.80 39963.67 45286.47 123-131 46 Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation Voted 7771.29 1953.01 9724.30 132-134 47 Irrigation & Water Resources Voted 43.73 1157.52 1201.25 135-136 48 Information & Communication Technology Voted 7.82 94.72 102.54 137 49 Public Debt Charged 85.15 73518.08 73603.23 138-139 TOTAL OF CHARGED 210.37 73518.08 73728.45 TOTAL OF VOTED 124697.57 107381.64 232079.21 GRAND TOTAL 124907.94 180899.72 305807.66 SUPPLEMENTARY DEMAND FOR GRANTS 2020-21 DEMAND NO. 2 GOVERNOR ( ` in lakh) I. Supplementary Estimates for the amount now required Revenue Capital Total Voted Charged 48.37 48.37 TOTAL 48.37 48.37 II. Heads under which this will be accounted for :- State CSS Total REVENUE SECTION Major Head : 2012 - President/Vice President/Governor/Administrator of Union Territories Sub Major Head : 03 - Governor/Administrator of Union Territories Minor Head : 090 - Secretariat Sub Head : (01) - Governor's Secretariat (Charged) Detailed Head : 00 - Object Head : (02) - Wages 3.13 3.13 (06) - Medical Treatment 5.24 5.24 (13) - Office Expenses 20.00 20.00 Total of 090(01) (Charged) 28.37 28.37 Minor Head : 103 - Household Establishment Sub Head : (01) - Household Estt. of Governor (Charged) Detailed Head : 00 - Object Head : (06) - Medical Treatment 5.00 5.00 (11) - Domestic Travel Expenses 5.00 5.00 (50) - Other Charges 10.00 10.00 Total of 103(01) (Charged) 20.00 20.00 TOTAL OF MAJOR HEAD : 2012 (CHARGED) 48.37 48.37 TOTAL OF DEMAND NO. 2 (CHARGED) 48.37 48.37 Explanatory Notes :- Major Head : 2012 - President/Vice President/Governor/Administrator of Union Territories State ( Charged) - A sum of ₹ 35.00 lakh is for smooth functioning of Raj Bhawan. - A sum of ₹ 10.24 lakh is for payment of Medical Treatment. - A sum of ₹ 3.13 lakh is for payment of Wages Page 1 SUPPLEMENTARY DEMAND FOR GRANTS 2020-21 DEMAND NO. 3 COUNCIL OF MINISTERS (₹ in lakh) I. Supplementary Estimates for the amount now required Revenue Capital Total Voted 6.00 6.00 Charged TOTAL 6.00 6.00 II. Heads under which this will be accounted for :- State CSS Total REVENUE SECTION Major Head : 2013 - Council of Ministers Sub-Major Head : 00 - Minor Head : 101 - Salary of Ministers and Deputy Ministers Sub-Head : (01) - Salary of Ministers Detailed Head : 00 - Object Head : (01) - Salaries 6.00 6.00 Total of 101(01) 6.00 6.00 TOTAL OF MAJOR HEAD : 2013 6.00 6.00 TOTAL OF REVENUE SECTION 6.00 6.00 TOTAL OF DEMAND NO. 3 (VOTED) 6.00 6.00 Explanatory Notes :- Major Head : 2013 - Council of Ministers State - A sum of ₹ 6.00 lakh is for payment of salaries Page 2 SUPPLEMENTARY DEMAND FOR GRANTS 2020-2021 DEMAND NO. 4 LAW & JUDICIAL (₹ in lakh) I. Supplementary Estimates for the amount now required Revenue Capital Total Voted 299.75 299.75 Charged 12.00 12.00 TOTAL 311.75 311.75 II. Heads under which this will be accounted for :- State CSS Total LAW & JUDICIAL REVENUE SECTION Major Head : 2014 - Administration of Justice Sub-Major Head : 00 - Minor Head : 114 - Legal Advisers & Counsels Sub-Head : (01) - Legal Remembrancer Detailed Head : 00 - Object Head : (02) - Wages 1.49 1.49 Total of 114(01) 1.49 1.49 Sub-Head : (04) - Advocate General Detailed Head : 00 - Object Head : (01) - Salaries 0.10 0.10 (02) - Wages 1.30 1.30 (28) - Professional Services 7.87 7.87 Total of 114(04) 9.27 9.17 Sub-Head : (05) - Public Prosecutor Detailed Head : 00 - Object Head : (02) - Wages 0.58 0.58 (28) - Professional Services 81.07 81.07 Total of 114(05) 81.65 81.65 Sub-Head : (14) - Registrar General of Marriage Detailed Head : 00 - Object Head : (02) - Wages 1.27 1.27 Total of 114(14) 1.27 1.27 Sub-Head : (15) - Law Commission Detailed Head : 00 - Object Head : (11) - Domestic Travel Expenses 0.06 0.06 Total of 114(15) 0.06 0.06 TOTAL OF MAJOR HEAD : 2014 (L&J) 93.74 93.74 HIGH COURT Minor Head : 102 - High Courts Sub-Head : (01) - High Courts (Charged) Detailed Head : 00 - Object Head : (13) - Office Expenses 12.00 12.00 Total of 102(01)(Charged) 12.00 12.00 TOTAL OF MAJOR HEAD : 2014 (HIGH COURT)(CHARGED) 12.00 24.00 Page 3 SUPPLEMENTARY DEMAND FOR GRANTS 2020-2021 DEMAND NO. 4 LAW & JUDICIAL (₹ in lakh) II. Heads under which this will be accounted for :- State CSS Total STATE LEGAL SERVICES AUTHORITY REVENUE SECTION Major Head : 2014 - Administration of Justice Sub-Major Head : 00 - Minor Head : 114 - Legal Advisers & Counsels Sub-Head : (03) - Legal Services Authority Detailed Head : 00 - Object Head : (02) - Wages 5.50 5.50 (06) - Medical Treatment 0.50 0.50 (11) - Domestic Travel Expenses 0.43 0.43 Total of 114(03) 6.43 6.43 Minor Head : 800 - Other Expenditure Sub-Head : (90) - Socio-Economic Development Policy(SEDP) Detailed Head : 01 - Implementation of SEDP under SLSA Object Head : (50) - Other Charges 15.00 15.00 Total of 800(90)(01) 15.00 15.00 TOTAL OF MAJOR HEAD : 2014 (SLSA) 21.43 21.43 AIZAWL JUDICIAL DISTRICT Minor Head : 103 - Special Courts Sub-Head : (02) - Special Courts(ND&PS) Detailed Head : 00 - Object Head : (06) - Medical Treatment 14.62 14.62 Total of 103(02) 14.62 14.62 Minor Head : 105 - Civil & Session Courts Sub-Head : (01) - District Judge, Aizawl Detailed Head : 00 - Object Head : (02) - Wages 9.64 9.64 (06) - Medical Treatment 6.56 6.56 (11) - Domestic Travel Expenses 1.74 1.74 (13) - Office Expenses 8.63 8.63 (28) - Professional Services 6.28 6.28 Total of 105(01) 32.85 32.85 Sub-Head : (04) - District Judge, Champhai Detailed Head : 00 - Object Head : (13) - Office Expenses 4.00 4.00 Total of 105(04) 4.00 4.00 Sub-Head : (05) - District Judge, Kolasib Detailed Head : 00 - Object Head : (06) - Medical Treatment 1.00 1.00 (13) - Office Expenses 2.00 2.00 Total of 105(05) 3.00 3.00 Page 4 SUPPLEMENTARY DEMAND FOR GRANTS 2020-2021 DEMAND NO. 4 LAW & JUDICIAL (₹ in lakh) II. Heads under which this will be accounted for :- State CSS Total REVENUE SECTION Major Head : 2014 - Administration of Justice Sub-Major Head : 00 - Minor Head : 105 - Civil & Session Courts Sub-Head : (06) - District Judge, Serchhip Detailed Head : 00 - Object Head : (13) - Office Expenses 1.28 1.28 (27) - Minor Works 0.99 0.99 Total of 105(06) 2.27 2.27 Sub-Head : (07) - District Judge, Mamit Detailed Head : 00 - Object Head : (13) - Office Expenses 0.75 0.75 Total of 105(07) 0.75 0.75 Minor Head : 114 - Legal Advisers & Counsels Sub-Head : (21) - Fast Track Special Court, Champhai (Rape & POCSO ACT) Detailed Head : 01 - Fast Track Special Court, Champhai/CSS Object Head : (01) - Salaries 21.65 21.65 (02) - Wages 7.31 7.31 (11) - Domestic Travel Expenses 1.29 1.29 (13) - Office Expenses 2.50 2.50 (28) - Professional Services 5.00 5.00 (50) - Other Charges 1.00 1.00 Total of 114(21)(01) 38.75 38.75 Sub-Head : (22) - Fast Track Special Court, Aizawl (Rape & POCSO ACT) Detailed Head : 01 - Fast Track Special Court, Aizawl /CSS Object Head : (01) - Salaries 21.65 21.65 (02) - Wages 7.31 7.31 (11) - Domestic Travel Expenses 1.29 1.29 (13) - Office Expenses 2.50 2.50 (28) - Professional Services 5.00 5.00 (50) - Other Charges 1.00 1.00 Total of 114(22)(01) 38.75 38.75 Sub-Head : (23) - Fast Track Special Court, Aizawl (POCSO ACT) Detailed Head : 01 - Fast Track Special Court, Aizawl/CSS Object Head : (01) - Salaries 21.65 21.65 (02) - Wages 7.31 7.31 (11) - Domestic Travel Expenses 1.29 1.29 (13) - Office Expenses 2.50 2.50 (28) - Professional Services 5.00 5.00 (50) - Other Charges 1.00 1.00 Total of 114(23)(01) 38.75 38.75 TOTAL OF MAJOR HEAD : 2014 (AIZAWL JUDICIAL DISTRICT) 57.49 116.25 173.74 Page 5 SUPPLEMENTARY DEMAND FOR GRANTS 2020-2021 DEMAND NO.
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