The EllifISH Jewish Historical Socie Mr. Julian H. Preisler 505 Market Street Mall Wilmington, DE 19801 W VOICE Vol. 28, No. 17 5 lyar 5755 May 5, 1995 24 Pages PUBLISHED BY THE JEWISH FEDERATION OF DELAWARE 101 GARDEN OF EDEN RD., WILMINGTON, DE 198C3 Liberators, Officials And Interfaith Leaders Join In Remembrance By DAN WEINTRAUB Holocaust. Greenhouse quoted Noble Prize Editor of The Jewish Voice winner Elie Weisel who once said that he fears "Each year we come together to remember not hatred but indifference. Greenhouse those brutally murdered in the Holocaust," said pledged to see that the voices of victims and Toni Young, President of#the Jewish Federa- survivors will continue to be hear. He pro- tion of Delaware (JFD), "this year we also re- claimed the week as Days of Remembrance member the liberators. On the fiftieth anni- in New Castle County. versary year of the liberation of Nazi concen- Also acknowledging the Oklahoma tragedy, tration camps, Delaware's interfaith Holocaust Wilmington Mayor James H. Sills, Jr., spoke remembrance included three liberators in ad- of a new urgency to remember victims of or- dition to distinguished civic and religious lead- ganized political violence because of the re- ers at the City/County Council Chambers on cent "vivid reminder that such organized vio- April 27. lence still threatens us." Sills sees a growing A U.S. Marine Corps Color Guard was led intolerance for others growing. He said this is by Harry Lubin, Commander of the Delaware caused in part by some who perceive a loss of Jewish War Veterans. Lubin, a veteran of special preferences which have been wrong- World War II received the Bronze Star and fully enjoyed in the past. Sills urged that Dela- Rabbi Sanford Dresin reflects before solemn prayers and remarks at the Holocaust the Purple Heart. wareans reaffirm commonalty and a sense of Memorial in Freedom Plaza on April 27. congressman Michael N. Castle indicated community. He quoted the Reverend Dr. Mar- that remembering the Holocaust is important tin Luther King, Jr. who said "we must all learn because it "shows how deep hatred can rtin" to live together as brothers or we will all per- and the acts which it can inspire. Alluding to ish together as fools." In the aftermath of the bombing of the Murrah Federal building Oklahoma, Sills said we as a people must re- in Oklahoma, Castle asserted that "a tremen- spond to higher values or what President dous amount of hatred still exists." He said we Abraham Lincoln called the "better angels of "still have a distance to travel" because "ex- our nature." Sills also said we can only find tremism still leads to violence." He concluded common ground by moving to higher ground. that all should speak out again "despicable Dr. William Newby, who witnessed the lib- hatred." eration of the Dachau concentration camp New Castle County Executive Dennis Green- when he was 21 years old, said he was shocked house said that he was honored and humbled when he first saw the "living corpses" of the to be with the liberators in attendance. He concentration camp in what he later learned noted with regret that they were too late to was a death march. Recalling the victims, es- save six million Jews who perished in the pecially the boys, girls and infants who in his words were "guilty of what?" Newby was vis- ibly moved as he said "we mourn and we re- member." Merle Ward liberated the Nordhausen con- centration camp. He recalled how photos he brought back were not run by The News Jour- nal because they were considered by the edi- tors to be "too graphic for those who read our paper with their morning coffee." Ward says that as terrible as the Oklahoma bombing was it only represents the hatred of the few. He A U.S. Marine Corps Color Guard stands at attention during Delaware's interfaith concludes that the Holocaust was proof that Holocaust remembrance. man's horror to man knows no bounds. David Morrison was assigned to sanitize the Edward R. Murrow and liberators. endorsed by the Delaware Commission of barracks area at Buchenwald and assist med- Following the program Rabbi Sanford Veterans Affairs. ics at the death camp. He recalled sadly of Dresin, President of the Rabbinical Associa- learning that up to a third of those killed at tion of Delaware, and cantor Norman Swerling Buchenwald were killed in the two weeks prior of Congregation Beth Shalom led in memo- INSIDE rial to the American's arrival. He was shocked to prayers at the Holocaust Memorial in Free- ARTS 17 dom Plaza. see Buchenwald survivors who were so ema- Rabbi Dresin, a former Army BRIEFS 3 ciated that one could "put your fingers around Chaplain, recalled a colleague who while both their thigh bones." Many suffered from dys- were stationed in Germany talked about her BUSINESS/PROFESSIONALS 15 entery and tuberculosis. Other complications liberator father's burned hand he received CALENDAR OF EVENTS 18 came from sleeping 3 to 4 deep in barracks while it was placed against a crematorium wall. CLASSIFIEDS 23 This hand reminded the with no cushions. In trucks and in sheds he chaplain's father when EDITORIAL 4 saw dead bodies piled high. he encountered racism or anti-Semitism to ask ENTERTAINERS 13 During the course of the program Rever- "what can I do to intervene?" Dresin also wor- (MAY 1) NEW YORK - President Clinton end Patricia McClurg of the Christian Council ried that so often the words of our mouths, LATE BITS 3 addresses the audience at the World Jew- of Delaware, gave the invocation. Rick the meditations of our hearts and the words LOCAL 11 ish Congress Edgar M. Bronfman Tribute Geisenberger presented a proclamation from of our hands are evil. NATIONAL* INTERNATIONAL 3 Dinner in New York April 30, where he for- the Governor. Cindy Goldstein sang two mu- The remembrance was sponsored by the OBITUARIES 22 mally announced his intention to impose sical selection "Many Gifts, One Song" and Christian Council of Delaware and Maryland's additional trade sanctions on Iran. The "Partisan's Song" in Yiddish. Reverend Dawn Eastern shore; Delaware Region of the Na- OPINION 5 executive order Clinton is expected to Christopher of the Interdenominational Min- tional Conference or Christian and Jews; the PANIM EL PANIM 7 sign the week of May 1, which goes into isterial Action Council and Richard LaPenta Interdenominational Ministerial Action Coun- RESTAURANTS 12 effect 30 days later, will prohibit trade and of the National Council of Christians and Jews cil; the Jewish Federation of Delaware and the SYNAGOGUE LIFE 16 U.S. investment#in Iran. read selected words from General Eisenhower, Rabbinical Association of Delaware. It was 2 5 —ins/ 5755 May 5, 1995 Page OffroN (K) FP'E TIME Kutz Home Prepares For Expansion By STEVE WILLENS of a Jewish nursing home and mak- tivity space will enable us to decen- Executive Director of the The Kutz Home ing capital improvements to the tralize our group programs and in- The Kutz Home,through its Long Home at its current location, as op- stitute innovative state-of-the-art pro- Term Planning Committee, has been posed to building a new Home adja- grams designed to enhance the qual- working for several years to develop cent to the Jewish Family Campus. ity of service we provide. For ex- a plan to improve the Home and The survey also demonstrated a con- ample, we plan to use diverse ensure its continued viability in the siderable demand for Jewish-spon- Alzheimer's and "dementia" pro- years ahead. Those efforts have pro- sored assisted living. gramming focusing on prevention, duced a plan for the renovation and In the summer of 1993, based on response, activities, and imagery. expansion of the Home from 82 to the results of these studies, the Plan- Safe and interesting places for move- 90 beds, with twice as many single ning Committee retained Lorraine ment will be developed both inside rooms and much needed additional Hiatt, a nationally respected expert and outdoors. Space and activities HA777E LIITZ HOME space for resident treatment and ac- in nursing home renovation, to re- will be provided for a wide spectrum IfffETON AND tivities. On March 17, 1994, the view its plans for renovation and ex- of needs, such as light to heavy losses project as it will look upon Board of the Jewish Federation of pansion and to explore the possibili- of memory and memory loss with or Shown above is an illustration of the Delaware(JFD) approved those plans ties for providing assisted living. without a reduction in physical ca- completion. and authorized the Home to proceed Over the next six months, the Plan- pability. We will also expand our with them. ning Committee worked closely with physical therapy and rehabilitation Since being built as a retirement Ms. Hiatt and Jerry Roller of J.K. programs and create more activities community in 1960 and expanded Roller Architects to develop detailed for our alert residents, including the in 1970, the Kutz Home has had to plans for an ambitious project to sat- development of additional options for adapt to major changes in the na- isfy the Home's needs. dining. ture of the residents and market it The renovation and expansion We are especially excited about the serves. Residents of the Home to- project will alleviate most of our cur- design of the new rooms. The ex- day are much older, more frail and rent problems. An important market- panded facility will include eight new less mobile than they were in 1960 ing consideration confirmed by the "biaxial" double rooms, which pro- or 1970.
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