248 Brushes, Cleaners Basic Brush Shapes To assist in brush selection, the following is a brief description of how each brush is used and a sample brush stroke. Note: Short handle brushes are generally used for watercolor painting and long handle brushes for oil/acrylic painting. PRINCETON® PRINCETON® PRINCETON® Angular shader – A versatile brush used Best Synthetic Hair Best Cobalt Synthetic Sable Best Synthetic Bristle to paint both sharply defined edges and Acrylic and Oil Brushes Bristle Oil and Acrylic Brushes Acrylic and Oil Brushes contrasting softly shaded areas like foliage. Best brush for acrylic painting. Unique A blend of interlocked natural bristle and This long handle synthetic bristle brush synthetic hair provides natural bristle synthetic hair combines the stiffness and is the professionals choice for acrylic qualities. Excellent stiffness, snap, and brush characteristics of natural bristle with painting. It provides a sharp point, Bright – Similar to hair shape retention for maximum brush added durability. Features attractive, soft excellent snap and edge with excellent Flat, but with shorter control. Long handle. Velvetouch handle and increased color control features for moving heavy acrylic stubbier bristles to holding ability. paints. Features soft Velvetouch handle. provide more control for details. Produces No. Size BQ SRP short, crisp paint strokes. Bright No. Size BQ SRP No. Size BQ SRP Fan – For blending 6300B-2 2 1 $9.50 ea Angle bright Bright and softening the 6300B-4 4 1 11.25 ea 5300AB-6 6 1 $13.25 ea 6200B-2 2 1 $9.95 ea edges of other 6300B-6 6 1 12.95 ea 5300AB-12 12 1 31.95 ea 6200B-4 4 1 13.50 ea strokes. Dry brushing 6300B-8 8 1 18.25 ea 6200B-6 6 1 15.95 ea to create special effects like grass, trees, 6300B-10 10 1 23.75 ea Bright 6200B-8 8 1 21.50 ea hair, and shrubbery. 6300B-12 12 1 30.50 ea 5300B-2 2 1 8.95 ea 6200B-10 10 1 27.95 ea 5300B-4 4 1 10.75 ea 6300B-16 16 1 44.50 ea 6200B-12 12 1 36.95 ea For edges 5300B-6 6 1 12.75 ea Filbert – 6300B-20 20 1 59.95 ea 6200B-16 16 1 49.95 ea and areas requiring 5300B-8 8 1 17.95 ea 6200B-20 20 1 67.50 ea tight control. Gives a rounded look to a Flat 5300B-10 10 1 22.95 ea flat stroke. 6300F-2 2 1 9.50 ea 5300B-12 12 1 29.95 ea Flat 6300F-4 4 1 11.25 ea 5300B-16 16 1 42.95 ea 6200F-2 2 1 9.95 ea Flat – For broad, 6300F-6 6 1 12.95 ea 5300B-20 20 1 57.95 ea 6200F-4 4 1 13.50 ea sweeping strokes, for 6300F-8 8 1 18.25 ea 6200F-6 6 1 15.95 ea Fan laying in large areas 6300F-10 10 1 23.50 ea 6200F-8 8 1 21.50 ea of color like the sky. 6300F-12 12 1 30.50 ea 5300FN-3 3 1 13.50 ea 6200F-10 10 1 27.95 ea 6300F-16 16 1 44.50 ea 5300FN-8 8 1 17.25 ea 6200F-12 12 1 36.95 ea Flat shader – 6300F-20 20 1 59.95 ea 6200F-16 16 1 49.95 ea Filbert For blending and 6200F-20 20 1 67.50 ea Round 5300FB-2 2 1 8.95 ea large, even strokes. Holds a lot of color. 6300R-2 2 1 8.95 ea 5300FB-4 4 1 11.75 ea Round Creates crisp clean edges. 6300R-4 4 1 11.25 ea 5300FB-8 8 1 18.25 ea 6200R-1 1 1 8.25 ea 6300R-6 6 1 13.75 ea 5300FB-12 12 1 31.95 ea 6200R-2 2 1 9.50 ea Hake – Oriental-style 6300R-8 8 1 17.95 ea 5300FB-16 16 1 45.95 ea 6200R-4 4 1 12.50 ea wash brush on a long flat handle. It is useful 6300R-12 12 1 30.50 ea Flat 6200R-6 6 1 16.50 ea 6200R-8 8 1 22.50 ea for laying in large areas of water or color, Filbert 5300F-2 2 1 8.95 ea for wetting the surface and for absorbing 6300FB-2 2 1 9.50 ea 5300F-4 4 1 10.75 ea Filbert excess paint. 6300FB-4 4 1 12.50 ea 5300F-6 6 1 12.75 ea 6200FB-4 4 1 13.50 ea 6300FB-8 8 1 18.95 ea 5300F-8 8 1 17.95 ea 6200FB-6 6 1 16.50 ea Liner – Extra-long 6300FB-12 12 1 32.95 ea 5300F-10 10 1 22.95 ea 6200FB-8 8 1 22.50 ea hairs, a short 6300FB-16 16 1 48.95 ea 5300F-12 12 1 29.95 ea 6200FB-12 12 1 36.95 ea handle and round ferrule. Carries lots of 5300F-16 16 1 42.95 ea 6200FB-16 16 1 53.75 ea color. Creates consistent thick to thin lines Fan 5300F-20 20 1 57.95 ea 6200FB-20 20 1 74.95 ea for delicate lettering, outlining, and long 6300FN-3 3 1 13.50 ea Round continuous strokes. Use for tree branches, 6300FN-8 8 1 17.95 ea Fan vines, and foliage. 5300R-2 2 1 8.50 ea 6200FN-3 3 1 13.50 ea Angular bright 5300R-4 4 1 10.75 ea 6200FN-6 6 1 20.75 ea 6300AB-6 6 1 14.25 ea 5300R-6 6 1 13.50 ea Mop – Round, 6300AB-12 12 1 32.95 ea 5300R-8 8 1 17.25 ea Angular bright full version of 5300R-12 12 1 29.95 ea 6200AB-8 8 1 22.25 ea the wash brush, made of soft, absorbent natural hair. ® PRINCETON Useful for laying in large areas of water PRINCETON® Best Cobalt Synthetic/Sable PRINCETON® or color, for wetting the surface, and for Best Synthetic Hair Bristle Bristle Oil and Acrylic Best Synthetic Bristle absorbing excess media. Acrylic and Oil Brush Display Brush Display Acrylic and Oil Brush Display Size: 17½"w x 28¼"h x 12¾"d Size: 17½"w x 28¼"h x 12¾"d Size: 17½"w x 28¼"h x 12¾"d Round – An all Contents: 95 assorted long handle brushes Contents: 95 assorted long handle brushes Contents: 94 assorted long handle brushes purpose brush for fine detail and outlining, thick to thin lines, calligraphy. No. 6300D No. 5300D No. 6200D SRP $1,857.70 BQ 1 SRP $1,794.95 BQ 1 SRP $2,086.70 BQ 1 Stroke – Flat ferrule, square-ended medium to long length hairs. Short handles. Carries lots of ® color. Great for painting PRINCETON block letters in one stroke. Use for Brush Displays lettering, blending, and glazing. Princeton displays are very functional, have rich wood panels, and excellent consumer graphics. All displays listed look similar to the display shown here. Wash – For broad strokes and blending. Apply washes of color or finishes. Brushes, Cleaners 249 PRINCETON® Best Refine Natural Bristle Oil and Acrylic Brushes PRINCETON® PRINCETON® PRINCETON® Bristles have a unique softer, richer feel. Best Synthetic Sable Best Synthetic Sable Good Natural Chinese Bristle Features a hardwood stained handle, triple Miniature Watercolor Watercolor and Acrylic Brushes Oil and Acrylic Brushes crimped copper plated ferrule and special shapes. Long handle. Exceptional value. and Acrylic Brushes Performs like sable with exceptional Princeton’s number one selling bristle Unique non-slip comfort control short durability. Features superior color brush. Economically priced. Excellent No. Size BQ SRP handles. Synthetic sable blend for better carrying capacity, excellent brushability, consumer value, features interlocked Bright excellent snap, and points very well. Rich hairs and flagged tips for increased color brushability and color holding capacity for 5400B-1 1 1 $6.50 ea marbleized redwood short handles. carrying capacity and brush control. fine detail painting. 5400B-2 2 1 6.95 ea Long handle. No. Size BQ SRP No. Size BQ SRP 5400B-4 4 1 7.75 ea 5400B-6 6 1 8.75 ea Wash No. Size BQ SRP Round 5400B-8 8 1 11.95 ea Bright 3050R-20/0 20/0 1 $8.95 ea 4050FW-150 150 1 $39.95 ea 5400B-10 10 1 14.25 ea 3050R-12/0 12/0 1 8.95 ea 5200B-1 1 1 $3.75 ea Liner 5400B-12 12 1 16.50 ea 3050R-3/0 3/0 1 8.95 ea 5200B-2 2 1 4.50 ea 4050L-2 2 1 8.35 ea 5400B-16 16 1 20.50 ea 3050R-2/0 2/0 1 8.95 ea 5200B-4 4 1 4.95 ea 4050L-4 4 1 8.75 ea 5400B-20 20 1 33.95 ea 3050R-0 0 1 8.95 ea 5200B-6 6 1 6.25 ea 4050L-6 6 1 9.95 ea 3050R-2 2 1 9.50 ea 5200B-8 8 1 7.95 ea Flat 3050R-4 4 1 9.75 ea Round 5200B-10 10 1 9.50 ea 5400F-1 1 1 6.50 ea 5200B-12 12 1 10.95 ea 5400F-2 2 1 6.95 ea Filbert 4050R-5/0 5/0 1 6.75 ea 4050R-3/0 3/0 1 6.95 ea 5400F-4 4 1 7.75 ea 3050FB-10/0 10/0 1 9.75 ea Angle bright 4050R-2/0 2/0 1 7.15 ea 5400F-6 6 1 8.75 ea 3050FB-2 2 1 9.95 ea 5200AB-8 8 1 8.25 ea 4050R-0 0 1 7.25 ea 5400F-8 8 1 11.95 ea 5400F-10 10 1 14.25 ea Fan 4050R-1 1 1 7.50 ea Flat 5400F-12 12 1 16.50 ea 3050FN-20/0 20/0 1 10.95 ea 4050R-2 2 1 7.75 ea 5200F-1 1 1 3.75 ea 5400F-16 16 1 20.50 ea 3050FN-12/0 12/0 1 10.95 ea 4050R-3 3 1 7.95 ea 5200F-2 2 1 4.50 ea 4050R-4 4 1 8.50 ea 5200F-4 4 1 4.95 ea 5400F-20 20 1 34.95 ea Angular shader 4050R-6 6 1 10.95 ea 5200F-6 6 1 6.25 ea 5400F-24 24 1 45.95 ea 3050AS-12/0 12/0 1 9.50 ea 4050R-8 8 1 14.95 ea 5200F-8 8 1 7.95 ea Round 3050AS-0 0 1 9.75 ea 4050R-10 10 1 16.95 ea 5200F-10 10 1 9.50 ea 5400R-1 1 1 6.50 ea 3050AS-4 4 1 10.75 ea 4050R-12 12 1 20.95 ea 5200F-12 12 1 10.95 ea 5400R-2 2 1 6.75 ea 4050R-16 16 1 25.75 ea 5200F-16 16 1 11.95 ea Liner 5400R-4 4 1 7.75 ea 4050R-24 24 1 55.95 ea 5400R-6 6 1 9.50 ea 3050L-20/0 20/0 1 8.95 ea 4050R-30 30 1 79.95 ea Filbert 3050L-1 1 1 8.95 ea 5200FB-2 2 1 4.50 ea 5400R-8 8 1 10.75 ea Stroke 5200FB-4 4 1 4.95 ea 5400R-10 10 1 12.75 ea Spotter 4050ST-012 012 1 9.50 ea 5200FB-6 6 1 6.25 ea 5400R-12 12 1 14.25 ea 3050SP-20/0 20/0 1 8.95 ea 4050ST-025 025 1 10.75 ea 5200FB-8 8 1 7.95 ea 5400R-16 16 1 20.50 ea 3050SP-3/0 3/0 1 8.95 ea 4050ST-050 050 1 12.95 ea 5200FB-12 12 1 10.95 ea Short filbert Flat shader 4050ST-075 075 1 17.25 ea 5400SFB-4 4 1 7.75 ea 4050ST-100 100 1 22.50 ea Fan 3050FS-10/0 10/0 1 8.95 ea 5200FN-3 3 1 4.50 ea 5400SFB-6 6 1 9.50 ea 3050FS-2/0 2/0 1 8.95 ea Wash/hi-lite 5200FN-6 6 1 4.95 ea 5400SFB-8 8 1 11.95 ea 3050FS-2 2 1 9.95 ea 4050W-050 050 1 18.50 ea 5400SFB-12 12 1 16.50 ea Round Monogram 4050W-075 075 1 22.50 ea Filbert 4050W-100 100 1 29.95 ea 5200R-1 1 1 3.75 ea 3050M-20/0 20/0 1 8.95 ea 5200R-2 2 1 4.50 ea 5400FB-2 2 1 6.95 ea 5400FB-4 4 1 7.75 ea Extra long liner Fan 5200R-4 4 1 4.95 ea 4050FN-4 4 1 10.75 ea 5200R-6 6 1 6.25 ea 5400FB-6 6 1 8.75 ea 3050XL-30/0 30/0 1 9.50 ea 5400FB-8 8 1 11.95 ea 3050XL-20/0 20/0 1 9.75 ea 5200R-8 8 1 7.95 ea Angular wash 5200R-10 10 1 9.50 ea 5400FB-10 10 1 14.25 ea Deer foot stippler 4050AW-075 075 1 25.50 ea 5200R-12 12 1 10.95 ea 5400FB-12 12 1 16.50 ea 5400FB-16
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