THE NEW YORK CITY INDEPENDENT MEDIA CENTER ISSUE NO. 24 JANUARY 2003 WWW.NYC.INDYMEDIA.ORG IMAGES FROM THE PEACE PGS.MOVEMENT 16-17 THE INDYPENDENTINDYPENDENT Landlords Discover Life WARHEADS on the Dole BY HEATHER HADDON With a face hardened by struggle, ON Rosaura Robles stares out of the window of the northwest Bronx apartment she can’t call home. The mother of five was placed in the apartment as part of the “scatter-site program”—a temporary THE “fix” to the city’s exploding shelter sys- tem that, before placing the homeless in more permanent dwellings, pays top-dol- lar for private rooms. When she first moved into the cramped one-bedroom, which only had bunk beds, LOOSE Robles slept on the floor. She was eight months pregnant at the time. While her social worker helped Robles get a couch (landlords are supposed to provide basic furniture in the program), her unit in the 2234 Davidson St. building remains decrepit. Her walls are covered with an overpoweringly foul-smelling mildew from perpetually leaking pipes. Yet this substandard shelter didn’t come cheap. In the six months of putting up Robles and her family, the Department of Homeless Services (DHS) shelled out more than $18,000 to Buchanan Realty, despite the fact that the building has racked up over 300 housing code violations. Before placing homeless families in an SPECIAL NUCLEAR apartment, DHS is required to make sure the unit is cleared of housing code viola- ISSUES SECTION tions. The Department of Housing PAGES 10–15 Preservation and Development (HPD), another city agency, has a publicly avail- Illustration by Alicia Kubista able website that lists housing code viola- BY IMC STAFF setting aside the U.S. legal system; scuttling the ABM treaty; tions for every building in the city. DHS trashing the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 against introducing also claims to conduct periodic visits to From rusting weapons factories to a Baghdad brewery to the weapons in space; conducting extra-judicial assassinations; ensure standards. But tenants say this bedrooms of Saddam’s gilded palaces, United Nations organizing a coup; engaging in unprovoked aggression against doesn't happen and that there is little if weapons inspectors have searched without success for Iraqi sovereign nations, and violating virtually every convention on any communication between the two weapons of mass destruction. As we go to press, the Bush conduct during wartime. agencies. “The Homeless Services administration is set to push ahead with escalated war on Iraq, Worse, the lawlessness of these nuclear desperados is fast Department and HPD don’t talk to each despite overwhelming international opposition and growing becoming the international norm. Pakistan has adopted a other,” said Yvette Smith, who was placed resistance at home. U.S. first-nuclear-strike position against India. In turn, India in the building through the scatter-site The strange spectacle being played out in Baghdad comes at has been threatening a White House-style pre-emptive war. program. a moment when the nuclear genie is in fact slipping out of the Israel is in on the game, pummeling the Palestinians under According to Barbara Flynn, chief of bottle once again. However, the world’s most dangerous war- its own nuclear umbrella. North Korea may already have staff for HPD, 2234 Davidson Ave. is cur- heads—Bush, Cheney, Powell, Rice, Rumsfeld and nukes and Iran is racing to join the club before its regime rently under review by her agency’s “anti- Wolfowitz—won’t be found under Saddam’s bedcovers. changes. abandonment unit”—the last stage for a These individuals are heavily armed and on the loose with Yet, following the example set by nuclear resisters like problem building with an uncooperative more than 10,000 strategic and tactical nuclear weapons at Philip Berrigan (page 11), civilian weapons inspectors (page landlord before HPD brings legal action. their command. They believe their arsenal is divinely ordained 10) around the world are challenging the right of any govern- “[DHS] doesn’t tell us what buildings they (page 14), want to extend their power to the heavens (page 14) ment to control nuclear weapons and to threaten the ultimate are going into beforehand,” Flynn said. “If and will only sign arms control treaties (page 12) that don’t form of terrorism: nuclear war. they were to say, ‘What do you think of require them to give up a single weapon. On several occasions, Decisions being made by our current rulers may well make this building?’ we would tell them.” they have explicitly stated that they may use their nukes pre- the world much more dangerous for decades to come. The rise Working with the Northwest Bronx emptively against other “rogue nations.” of a passionate, life-affirming peace movement is the best Community and Clergy Coalition, tenant Their offenses include the use of depleted uranium weapons hope for halting the war in Iraq and braking the descent into in Afghanistan and Iraq; violations of the U.S. Constitution; nuclear chaos. Regime change starts at home. CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 INSANITY JOE STRUMMER IRAQ JOURNAL Government expands spe- Remembering a legendary On the ground reports from cial registration process to musician...pg 9 Basra and Baghdad...pg 18 18 immigrant countries...pg 6 Bronx Action for Peace and Justice: NYC PEACE DIRECTORY Peace Action: (212) 870-2304 (718) 583-1765; (917) 418-5792 [email protected] [email protected] www.peaceactionnewyorkstate.org Park Slope Greens: (718) 788-2260 (718) Brooklyn Parents for Peace: 768-3202; www.parkslopegreens.org North Bronx Social Action Committee: (718) 624-5921; [email protected] (718) 548-7844 www.brooklynpeace.org Greenwich Village Coalition for Prospect Lefferts Voices for Peace and Brooklyn Heights Peace Action: Peaceful Priorities: (212) 989-3123 Justice: (718) 488-1110 (718) 625-6380; [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] DRUM (Desis Rising Up and Moving): Harlem Anti-War Coalition: Queens Peace Action: (718) 275-3932 (718) 205-3036; drum@drumnation@org 212-316-2240 http://www.drumnation.org/drum.html Racial Justice 9-11: (718) 220-7391 International A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to [email protected] Flatbush Peace Action: (718) 377-7788 Stop War and End Racism): N.Y.C. office: (212) 633-6646 Shorefront Peace Committee: new york city Flatbush-Midwood S.N.A.P.: (718) 645-5474 www.internationalanswer.org (718) 648-6656 GABRIELA—A Philippine-U.S. Long Island Alliance for Peaceful Stand Up New York Coalition: independent Women’s Solidarity Organization: Alternatives: (516) 741-4360 (866) 206-9071 (x6253) (212) 592-3507; www.gabnet.org http://longislandpeace.org/about_us.htm [email protected] media center www.StandupNY.org Email : [email protected] Staten Island Peace Action: Phone: 718-816-6242 212.684.8112 www.peaceactionnewyorkstate/SI/ Web: Uptown Youth for Justice and Peace: NYC: www.nyc.indymedia.org (347) 203-6157 GLOBAL: www.indymedia.org [email protected] Office and Mail: NYC Independent Media Center Veterans for Peace, New York Chapter: 34 E. 29th St. 2nd Floor www.veteransforpeace.org NY, NY 10016 Vietnam Veterans Against the War: What is the IMC? Washington, DC, January 18, 2003 (VVAW): (718) 826-1789; With autonomous chapters in [email protected]; www.vvaw.org more than 100 cities throughout the Bay Ridge Greens: (718) 921-6366 world, the three-year-old Mobilize New York: [email protected] www.mobilize-ny.com War Resisters League: (212) 228-0450 Independent Media Center has www.warresisters.org become an international network of Bronx Greens: (718) 548-4693 volunteer media activists. New Yorkers Say No to War: www.bronxgreens.org http://www.nysaynotowar.org West Side Peace Action: (212) 799-7422; The IMC seeks to create a new [email protected] media ethic by providing progres- Brooklyn Greens: (718) 623-1108 sive, in-depth and accurate New York Fellowship of Reconciliation: [email protected] (718) 786-2413; [email protected] Women in Black: (212) 560-0905 coverage of issues. We are a [email protected] community-based organization Central Nassau Greens: (516) 887-9495 www.womeninblack.net using media to facilitate political New York Youth Bloc: [email protected] [email protected] and cultural self-representation. Women’s International League for We seek to illuminate and analyze Downtown Brooklyn Greens: (718) 855- New York City Labor Against the War Peace, Freedom, U.S. Metro Branch: issues impacting individuals, 2263; [email protected] (718) 694-9212; (212) 663-6872 communities and eco-systems by (NYCLAW): [email protected]; providing media tools and space to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LaborAgai Flushing Greens: (718) 888-7411 nstWar/files [Spanish] 911 Coalition for Constitutional and those seeking to communicate. [email protected] Human Rights: (212) 870-2002 Unlike corporate media, we [email protected] espouse open dialogue, and the Northern Manhattan Neighbors for Lower East Side Greens: (917) 612-0776 Peace and Justice: (212) 923-2443 importance of placing the means of [email protected] –compiled by Pandi Hopkins & John Tarleton communication and creativity back [email protected] www.nyselfhelpguide.org/sept11 in the hands of the people, away Manhattan Greens: (212) 665-3988 from the drive of profit. [email protected] The Indypendent is funded by Not In Our Name: (212) 969-8058 [email protected] benefits, subscriptions, donations, Nassau Greens: (516) 676-5277 grants, and ads from organizations www.notinourname.net and individuals with similar mis- sions. All reporting is done by NYC Letters to the Editor may be sent by email to IMC volunteers unless otherwise [email protected] noted. or by mail to: The Indypendent, 34 E. 29th St. 2nd Floor, NY, NY 10016 What can I do to get involved? 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