Valley voices offer insights into community JACKSON HOLE 2012 EDITION New perspectives: health, real estate, Economy recreation and more emerges from the bust Movers and shakers, and how to reach them INVESTINVEST: devoting time, talent and treasure to positively impact the community ENRICHENRICH: improving lives through philanthropic leadership When we invest our time, talent or treasure, we all become philanthropists and enrich our community — regardless of our net worth. We are a family of funds, responsibly managed and maintained. By providing superior • Over the last 22 years, the Community Foundation has granted $195 million. donor services, fl exible charitable giving options and prudent investment alternatives, • In 2011, 48 local nonprofits received $758,700 from the Foundation’s competitive grant funds. the Community Foundation helps donors support all the causes they care about at home • The Community Foundation holds approximately 200 funds and $29 million in assets. and around the world. We help them structure their giving to provide immediate • Over its lifetime, Old Bill’s Fun Run has raised over $82.5 million to benefit local nonprofits. funding or to ensure stability for nonprofi ts in perpetuity. • Since 2001, the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole has consistently granted more more dollars dollars per capita capita than than any any other other community community foundation foundation in thein the United United States. States. • In 2011, local students received $96,500 in scholarships to pursue their dreams. • More than 200 nonprofit representatives attended 15 Foundation workshops on topics from board development to grant writing. IMPROVING LIVES THROUGH PHILANTHROPIC LEADERSHIP 255 East Simpson Street • PO Box 574, Jackson, WY 83001 • 307-739-1026 • www.cfjacksonhole.org • www.volunteerjacksonhole.org • www.oldbills.org CFJ264_CompassInsideGateSpread.indd 1 4/20/12 11:50 AM INSPIREINSPIRE: serving as a leader, catalyst and resource to ensure sustainability The Community Foundation of Jackson Hole inspires the entire community to support local nonprofi ts and to celebrate philanthropy through an incredible annual matching grant opportunity – Old Bill’s Fun Run for Charities. The next generation learns the importance of strategic giving through the Youth Philanthropy program. Nonprofi ts fi nd talented new volunteers through our Volunteer Jackson Hole website. Philanthropy reinforces our fundamental humanity and our shared values, connecting us to what is truly important. Unmatched ExpEriEncE exceptional rEsults 2011 REAlToR of THE yEAR Top SAlES pRoducER 2011 JAckSon HolE SoTHEBy’S InTERnATIonAl REAlTy 307.413.5101 cell 307.739.8149 direct [email protected] Associate Broker TomEvansRealEstate.com JACKSON HOLE 2012 EDITION jhcompass.com PUBLISHERS Michael Sellett, Elizabeth McCabe CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Kevin Olson MANAGING EDITOR Angus M. Thuermer Jr. CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Tourism Jonathan Schechter ART DIRECTOR page 28 Kathryn Holloway Bradly J. Boner J. Bradly PHOTO EDITOR 4 Introduction 36 Education Bradly J. Boner Passion defines Stats prove we’re smart, CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Price Chambers Jackson Hole at least statistically Travis J. Garner Ashley Wilkerson 6 Overview 40 Government CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Where we are, and We look Republican, Emma Breysse where we’re going but vote unpredictably Thomas Dewell Jennifer Dorsey Cory Hatch Extremes Philanthropy Kevin Huelsmann 10 42 Katy Niner The highs and lows, We’re the champions Brielle Schaeffer first, most and richest of the non-profit world Tram Whitehurst COPYEDITORS 12 Geography 45 Recreation Richard Anderson The place we live in, We’re still sports-minded, Jennifer Dorsey and who owns it but it’s hard to quantify Mark Huffman AD DESIGN & PRODUCTION Jenny Francis 14 Demographics 49 Social Services Kara Hanson There’s more of us, More demand than ever Lydia Wanner and we’ve changed for a helping hand Caryn Wooldridge ADVERTISING SALES Agriculture Transportation Karen Brennan 16 52 Meredith Faulkner Cows used to be big, More cars, more bikes, Amy Golightly but now tourism rules more traffic all the time Adam Meyer ACCOUNT COORDINATOR 20 Arts 55 Region Heather Best Who’s the artiest of all? Jackson and its neighbors: Jackson Hole, that’s who One big neighborhood CIRCULATION Gary Bourassa Pat Brodnik Kyra Griffin 23 Economy 58 Peers Hank Smith We’ve hit the bottom, How the Hole compares and started back up to its cousin resorts OFFICE MANAGER Kathleen Godines 28 Tourism 62 Directory Cover photograph by Travis J. Garner Visitors make Jackson Who ya gonna call? go ’round, economically Here’s a useful list ©2012 Jackson Hole Compass Additional copies available for $2.95 each. Bulk discount available. 30 Housing Jackson Hole News&Guide Big houses and remodels P.O. Box 7445, 1225 Maple Way Jackson, WY 83002 (307) 733-2047 are the new normal FAX: (307) 733-2138, www.jhnewsandguide.com 2 Jackson Hole Compass 2012 Edition May • ElkFest: & Old West Days September • Jackson Hole Fall Arts Festival September • Jackson Hole - Destination Wellness July • Howdy Pardners 4th of July Parade February • Jackon Hole WinterFest September • Jackson Hole Marathon Respecting the Power of Place: A Commitment to Our Economy, Community, and Environment. Respecting the power of our place is realizing that not only are our economy, community, and environment what makes Jackson Hole special, but being aware that the three are interrelated. Whether you’re currently a resident of Jackson Hole, organizing a relocation, or planning a short vacation, connect with the Jackson Hole Chamber of Commerce and connect to the power of Jackson Hole. 307.733.3316 • [email protected] www.jacksonholechamber.com Introduction Jackson Hole Historical society Vestiges of the old West — such as the recreated sign at right, the original of which welcomed visitors crossing Teton Pass in the early 20th century — are a constant reminder not just of the valley’s past, but the modern-day attractions of the area. Stats may be dry, but they can give important insight into our problems, and suggest solutions. Few people live in Jackson Hole be- cussion about the types and mixes of cause they are forced to. People move social services and amenities needed in here and live here because they want to the community, thereby guiding what be here. Their passion is hormonal, and would otherwise be a completely amor- it makes Jackson Hole a stimulating, ex- phous conversation. citing place to be. That noted, the most striking thing But while residents may share a about Teton County data is how very passion for the place, one person’s little we actually know about ourselves. passion might be very different from For instance, how many permanent res- someone else’s. And when that hap- idents, seasonal residents and tourists Jonathan Schechter pens – when what makes you excited are in the county at any time of year? about living in Jackson Hole is at odds We have no clue, for we have no idea with what makes me excited – the hor- how many hotel rooms, rental condos mones kick in and we tussle. Throw in and campground spaces are scattered the egos and passions that come with around Teton County, much less how the valley’s incredible wealth, and you full they are at any particular time. The have a community with emotions and same is true for things as interesting, issues and conflicts as outsized as the and potentially important, as the num- mountains around us. ber of private planes using the Jackson Which brings us to the need for data. Hole Airport, the number of people Few things are as emotionless as floating the Snake River or the number pages of information. This is doubly of tourists who visit Jackson Hole (park true in a place as visceral as Jackson visitation and skier day counts include Hole – just as only the saddest among locals; people who don’t ski or visit the us fail to be thrilled when seeing the parks aren’t counted at all). Tetons, it’s a sad person indeed who But we do know some things about gets an adrenaline rush from learning ourselves, and the Jackson Hole Com- the latest population count or number pass is an effort to gather the most im- of patients treated at the hospital. portant, most reliable information into But while data is fundamentally col- one volume. Underlying this effort is orless, it’s a valuable tool for Jackson the belief that the better we understand Hole, namely the means for developing ourselves, the better our chances of cre- a common, dispassionate understand- ating a future consistent with our val- ing of itself. ues, character and resources – natural, Of course just knowing any particu- financial and human. lar bit of information isn’t going to pre- This year’s edition of the Jackson vent a food fight from breaking out over Hole Compass benefitted from reaction a particular issue. But what a particular to last year’s, and your thoughts on the fact or two can do is ground a particu- 2012 edition will be similarly welcome. lar discussion. For example, knowing On behalf of all those who worked on there are three times as many children the Jackson Hole Compass 2012, thank ages 0-4 in Teton County as adults ages you for your interest not just in this 80 and older can put form around a dis- publication, but in our community. 4 Jackson Hole Compass 2012 Edition Overview As its name implies, Jackson Hole Compass is meant to give readers a sense of not only where the community is but where it might be going. In that spirit, this introduction economy: Not only do tourists support shines a light on an issue that will local merchants, hoteliers, restaura- surely shape the community’s future. teurs and the like, they also account Last year, this essay focused on for roughly 40 percent of all taxable how the collapse of Jackson Hole’s sales.
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