...and Fanwood Independent VOL 6 NO. 30 .. SCOTCH PLAINS-FANWOOD, N.J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1965 10 CENTS A COPY >oy Scout Talk of the Towns. Pg. 4 Latter To Editor . , . Pg. 7 JOAN MQNAHAN tells the story of BOY SCOUT WEEK FEBRUARY 7-13 is kicked off by American Y.M.C.A. Corner. .Pg. 70 Legion Post Troop No. 209 of Scotch Plains. Mayor Russell Patter- two "Nutty" women (See Page 7) and ? S.R.O.. ....... .Pg. 3 son stands by as Hans Ehml, Scoutmaster prepares to ratio Lou Warshow writes a profile of a guy Church Schedul&s . Pg. 24 flag to the top of the flag pole in front of City Hall.last Saturday. named Howard (See Page 6) Ruth Scout News. ..... Pg. 28 Mayor Patterson spoke to assembled Scouts. (Staff Photo) Gilbert writes the story of a young scientist (Sae Page 7). (Sme Story Page 3) 2...S00TCH PLAINS TIMES, February 11, 1965 Van Dyke Pollift Heads Heart Fund OPEN LETTER The Fanwood Heart Fund drive Dr, Paul Rossey Advises Parents On coincides with the nationally re- cognized Heart Sunday. It Is part Weather Emergencies of the Union County Heart Ass'n, whose goal is $90,000 this year, From time to time it becomes well-being we urgently request necessary to close schools due that you do not call the police "We divided the Borough into to weather emergencies. The de- at any time regarding school its seven election districts, and cision to close schools is based closing since the officer in charge subdivided these districts into solely upon the safety of young- is no longer authorized to give reasonable segments for a team sters travelling between home out this information. of teenagers", pollitt said. "The and school during the normal In order to serve you a mem- March will be supervised by hours when classes are in ses- ber of our central office staff Co-chairmen volunteers for each sion. This decision is reached will be at the Board of Education District, These include Mrs. Ar- by the Superintendent after con- Office to answer 'the telephone thur Terry, Mr. Warren Smith, sultation with the School Main- from 6-30 A.M. until 9:00 A.M. Mr, jerry Boryea, Mr. Robert tenance Department and the local ON THE DAYS WHEN SCHOOL McCarthy, Mr. Irv Fanner, and Police Department, WILL BE CLOSED. PLEASE Mr, Robert Martin. Notification of emergency CALL "ONLY" FA 2-5500. This "I hope Fanwood residents will school closing will be made over new procedure will insure our greet the Volunt •Teens generous- general welfare. 1 Radio Station WERA at 1590 on ly ', Mr. Pollitt concluded,"Heart your dial. The WERA officials Very truly yours diseases are the number one have told us that they will begin PAUL W. ROSSEY cause of death in the country. broadcasting at 6:30 A.M. and Superintendent of Schools The youngsters volunteered will frequently announce the knowing they were helping their school closings for our area. FOR SCHOOL CLOSING INFOR- parents, their neighbors, their Radio Station WQR — 710 will MATION- Community and countless thous- also broadcast school closing ands of others. announcements. We suggest you Tune in WERA 1590 Plalnfleld Others willing to help are in- use WERA because its coverage WOR 710 New York vited to contact Mr, Pollitt at is limited to our general vicinity Call ONLY FAnwood 2-5500. 889-2029. and it will therefore be easier Old Heidelberg to secure the information you Hearing need. Burglarized SCHOOLS WILL BE OPEN IN Postponed To During the early hours of Mon- SCOTCH PLAINS AND FAN- day morning February 8, the Old WOOD UNLESS NOTICE TO THE February 18 VAN DYKE POLLITT, Fanwood's Hmart Fund Chairman. Heidelberg Restaurant on Route CONTRARY IS BROADCAST 22 in Scotch Plains was burglar- OVER THESE RADIO STATIONS, The Board of Adjustment, on ized. Entry was made through a In the past many folks have February 18 at 8 p.m. in the rear kitchen window. felt it necessary to call Police Over 100 Fanwood teenagers teenagers in a drive such as this Municipal Building, will hold a Headquarters in either" Scotch hearing on a proposed 148-unit will "March for Heart" as Volunt- is unique, I think it is fully Liquor and cash were looted Plains or Fanwood to find this garden apartment at 2140 Lake Teens of the Fanwood Heart Fund, appropriate", Mr. Pollitt said, and four doors were damaged. information. This practice has Avenue, The one-day drive is schedul- "Our young people are anxious It is not yet known how many persons ware involved in the jammed police telephone com- The case was scheduled for uled for Heart Sunday, February to help out in Community ser- vice projects but we rarely give robbery. munications and completely hearing last month, but the ap- 21st, The plans were announced them the opportunity, I was de- An investigation is being con- blocks the emergency and pro- plicant, Queen Gardens Inc. of by Van Dyke Pollitt, Fanwood's lighted with the enthusiasm shown ducted by Detective John Trem- tection services our police de- Elizabeth, was unable to notify Heart Fund Chairman, when the .idea was presented bickl of the Scotch Plains Police partments so wonderfully provide. area property owners of the hear- "Although the- Idea to use to them," Force, In the interest of safety and ing within the prescribed time. Cancer Society Appoints County Chairmen Mrs, Robert Heald And Dr. Samenfeld Are Named To Head Fund Drive Herbert W, Samenfeld, Ph.D, of 2421 Seneca Road, Scotch Plains and Mrs, Robert L. Heald of 1246 White Oak Road, Scotch Plains have been appointed Chairman and Co-Chairman, re- spectively, for the 1965 Educa- tional and Fund-raising Crusade of the American Cancer Society's Union County Chapter. The an- nounceman: r,l the pair's selec- tion was mide by Andrew A, Klepchlck, Chapter President, after his appointments were ap- proved by the local Board of Managers. During the last three years the American Cancer Society's annual Crusade in Union County has surpassed its goal. Last year the Crusade reached a total of $141,000, several thousand dollars over the goal of $137,750. In a prepared statement Mr, Klepchlck asserted, "We are still short of the amount of money we need in order to give the people of Union County the com- prehensive program of cancer control that they demand. Each year we have raised our goal, and each year costs have risen coupled with more requests for help. We have the know how, the volunteer workers and an im- pressive record of achievement. All we need is more Crusade dollars to finance our work," Mr. Samenfeld, Dean of stu- dents at Newark State College, has been active in many educa- tional and civic organizations. A member of the Scotch Plains - Fanwood Board of Education, Mr, Samenfeld is the Director and Newsletter Editor of the Scotch Left fo /?/ghf; Herbert W. Sammnfmld, Ph.D., Union County Crusade Chairman; William 0, Bornes, Jr Sfofe Cr rf- Chairman; Mrs. Robmrt L. Heald, County Crusade Co-Chairman; reviewing Union County Cru^ndJ, Pi' ° ^ rusa e Continued On Page 22 Sfofe Crusade Training Meeting held at the Essex Hotml in Newark. ' ns °f ° recent February 11. 1965, SCOTCH PLAINS TIMES...3 Fumed Newsman And Scientist Lecture Talks Are Given Via Bell Telephone Company's Tele-Lecture Installation At Junior High Schqol Eighth grade students of the Before he became executive edi- Scotch Plains-Fanwood junior tor of the Times in September High School who are involved 1964, he served as the news- in a Language Arts-Social Stud- paper's national correspondent, ies team teaching project, under assistant managing editor, exec- the leadership of Mr. James utive managing editor and manag- Cerasa and Mr. Dan Kehr, will ing editor.- have the opportunity to Interviosv During his work with the New Turner Catledge, executive edi- York Times Mr. Catledge was tor of the New York Times on assigned to the Washington Bur- Tuesday, February 9. eau. While in the Bureau Mr. Catledga served as Capitol cor- Mr. Catledge, a native of Ack- respondent and later as White erman, Mississippi, started House correspondent. In May newspaper work at age 14, setting 1937 Mr, Catledge scored a world type for the weekly Neshoba Dem- reporting exclusive. He obtained V ocrat. He first began to attract an interview with Premier Nikita more than local notice as a Krushchev in which the Premier newspaperman of unusual abil- urged a summit meeting of great ities in 1924 when he became a power leaders. reporter on the Memphis (Tenn,) The students will conduct the Commercial Appeal, He joined interview via the Bell Telephone the staff of the Baltimore Sun Company's Tele-Lecture install- in June 1927, and remained there ation at the school. Questions for until he joined the New York the interview ware prepared by a J I • 1' ll > ' Times in July 1929. Mr, Catledge TURNER CATLEDGE, Execu'/ve committee of students assisted by DR. WILLY LEY, eminent sc/en- has been with the Times since Mr. Cerasa who is directing the Editor o f thm New York Tim «s. then except for a brief period fist, who lectured at the Junior Language - Arts part of the team- High School last Monday. with the Chicago Sun (1941-1943), teaching project. 2 Year Community Program Begun Board Of Education The organizational meetingfor national contest sponsored by the Directors, and Mrs, Donald Reduces Budget the two-year Community Im- General Fsderatlon of Women's Moore of the Fanwood-Scotch provement Program, sponsored Clubs in cooperation with the Plains Newcomers'Club.Liaison The Scotch Plains-Panwood lower by 4 to S tax points in by six clubs from Fanwood and Sears-Roebuck Foundation, Pri- for the clubs and the YMCA is Board of Education has spent the increase which would have Scotch Plains, was held Monday, zes for the competition, total Mrs.
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