A Computational Semantics for Natural Language Lewis G. Creary and Carl J. Pollard Hewlett-Packard Laboratories 1501 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA Abstract a. a system of conceptual representation for internal use as a computational medium in processes of information In the new Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar retrieval, inference, planning, etc. (HPSG) language processing system that is currently under b. a system of linkages between expressions of the natural development at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, the language and those of the conceptual representation, Montagovian semantics of the earlier GPSG system (see and [Gawron et al. 19821) is replaced by a radically different approach with a number of distinct advantages. In place c. a system of linkages between expressions in the concep- of the lambda calculus and standard first-order logic, our tual representation and objects, relations, and states of medium of conceptual representation is a new logical for- affairs in the external world. realism called NFLT (Neo-Fregean Language of Thought); [n this paper, we shall concentrate almost exclusively on compositional semantics is effected, not by schematic the first two components. We shall sketch our ontologi- lambda expressions, but by LISP procedures that operate cal commitments, describe our internal representation lan- on NFLT expressions to produce new expressions. NFLT guage, explain how our grammar (and our computer im- has a number of features that make it well-suited {'or nat- plementation) makes the connection between English and ural language translations, including predicates of variable the internal representations, and finally indicate the present arity in which explicitly marked situational roles supercede status and future directions of our research. order-coded argument positions, sortally restricted quan- tification, a compositional (but nonextensional) semantics Our internal representation language. NFLT. is due to that handles causal contexts, and a princip[ed conceptual Creary 119831. The grammatical theory in which the present raising mechanism that we expect to lead to a computation- research is couched is the theory of head grammar (HG) set ally tractable account of propositional attitudes. The use forth in [Pollard 1984] and [Pollard forthcoming i and imple- of semantically compositional LiSP procedures in place of mented as the front end of the HPSG (Head-driven Phrase lambda-schemas allows us to produce fully reduced trans- Structure Grammar) system, an English [auguage database lations on the fly, with no need for post-processing. This query system under development at Hewlett-Packard Lab- approach should simplify the task of using semantic infor- oratories. The non-semantic aspects of the implementation mation (such as sortal incompatibilities) to eliminate bad are described in IFlickinger, Pollard, & Wasow t9851 and [Proudian & Pollard 1.9851. parse paths. 2. Ontological Assumptions I. Introduction To get started, we make the following assumptions Someone who knows a natural language is able to use about what categories of things are in the world. utterances of certain types to give and receive information about the world, flow can we explain this? We take as a. There are individuals. These include objects of the our point of departure the assumption that members of a usual kind (such as Ron and Nancy) as well as situations. language community share a certain mental system -- a Situations comprise states (such as Ron's being tall) and grammar -- that mediates the correspondence between ut- events (such as Ron giving his inaugural address on January terance types and other things in the world, such as individ- 21, 1985). u~ds, relations, and states of ~ffairs, to a large degree, this b. There are relations (subsuming properties). Exam- system i~ the language. According to the relation theory ples are COOKIE (= the property of being a cookie) and BUY of meaning (Barwise & Perry !1983!), linguistic meaning is (= the relation which Nancy has to the cookies she buys). a relation between types of utterance events and other as- Associated with each relation is a characteristic set of roles pects of objective reality. We accept this view of linguistic appropriate to that relation (such as AGENT, PATIENT, LO- meaning, but unlike Barwise and Perry we focus on how the CATION, etc.) which can be filled by individuals. Simple meaning relation is mediated by the intersubjective psycho- situations consist of individuals playing roles in relations. logical system of grammar. Unlike properties and relations in situation semantics [n our view, a computational semantics ['or a natural [Barwise & Perry 1983[, our relations do not have fixed ar- language has three essential components: ity (number of arguments). This is made possible by taking 172 explicit account of roles, and has important linguistic con- 3. The Internal sequences. Also there is no distinguished ontological cate- Representation Language: NFLT gory of locations~ instead, the location of an event is just the individual that fillsthe LOCATION role. The translation of input sentences into a logical for- c. Some relations are sortal relations, or sorts. Associ- malism of some kind is a fairly standard feature of com- ated with each sort {but not with any non-sortal relation) puter systems for natural-language understanding, and one is a criterion of identity for individuals of that sort [Coc- which is shared by the HPSG system. A distinctive feature chiarella 1977, Gupta 1980 I. Predicates denoting sorts oc- of this system, however, is the particular logical formalism cur in the restrictor-clanses of quantifiers (see section 4.2 involved, which is called NFLT (Neo-Fregean Language of below), and the associated criteria of identity are essential Thought). 2 This is a new logical language that is being to determining the truth values of quantified assertions. developed to serve as the internal representation medium in computer agents with natural language capabilities. The Two important sorts of situations are states and events. language is the result of augmenting and partially reinter- One can characterize a wide range of subsorts of these preting the standard predicate calculus formalism in sev- (which we shall call situation types) by specifying a par- eral ways, some of which will be described very briefly in ticular configuration of relation, individuals, and roles. For this section. Historically, the predicate calculus was de- example, one might consider the sort of event in which Ron ve|oped by mathematical logicians as an explication of the kisses Nancy in the Oval Office, i.e. in which the relation is logic of mathematical proofs, in order to throw light on KISS, Ron plays the AGENT role, Nancy plays the PATIENT the nature of purely mathematical concepts and knowledge. role, and the Oval Office plays the LOCATION role. One Since many basic concepts that are commonplace in natu- might also consider the sort of state in which Ron is a per- ral language (including concepts of belief, desire, intention, son, i.e. in which the relation is PERSON, and Ron plays the INSTANCE role. We assume that the INSTANCE role is temporal change, causality, subjunctive conditionality, etc.) play no role in pure mathematics, we should not be espe- appropriate only for sortal relations. cially surprised to find that the predicate calculus requires d. There are concepts, both subjective and objective. supplementation in order to represent adequately and natu- Some individuals are information-processing organisms that rally information involving these concepts. The belief that use complex symbolic objects (subjective concepts) as com- such supplementation is needed has led to the design of putational media for information storage and retrieval, in- NFLT, ference, planning, etc. An example is Ron's internal rep- resentation of the property COOKIE. This representation While NFLT is much closer semantically to natural lan- in turn is a token of a certain abstract type ~'COOKIE, guage than is the standard predicate calculus, and is to an objective concept which is shared by the vast majority some extent inspired by psycho[ogistic considerations, it of speakers of English. t Note that the objective concept is nevertheless a formal logic admitting of a mathemati- cally precise semantics. The intended semantics incorpo- ~COOKIE, the property COOKIE, and the extension of that rates a Fregean distinction between sense and denotation, property (i.e. the set ofall cookies) are three distinct things associated principles of compositionality, and a somewhat that play three different roles in the semantics of the Eng- non-Fregean theory of situations or situation-types as the lish noun cookie. denotations of sentential formulas. e. There are computational processes in organisms for manipulating concepts e.g. methods for constructing com- 3.1. Predicates of Variable Arity plex concepts from simpler ones, inferencing nmchanisms, etc. Concepts of situations are called propositions; organ- Atomic formulas in NFLT have an explicit ro[e-marker isms use inferencing mechanisms to derive new propositions for each argument; in this respect NFLT resembles seman- from old. To the extent that concepts are accurate repre- tic network formalisms and differs from standard predicate sentations of existing things and the relations in which they t We regard this notion of obiective concept as the appro- stand, organisms can contain information. We call the sys- priate basis on which to reconstruct, ia terms of informa- tem of objective concepts and concept-manipulating mech- tion processing, Saussure's notions of ~ignifiant (signifier) anisms instantiated in an organism its conceptual ~ystem. and #ignifig (signified) [1916!, as well an Frege's notion of Communities of organisms can share the same conceptual Sinn (sense, connotation) [1892 I. system. ~" The formalism is called ~neo-Fregean" because it in- f. Communities of organisms whose common concep- corporates many of the semantic ideas of Gottlob Frege, tual system contains a subsystem of a certain kind called though it also departs from Frege's ideas in several signif- a grammar can cornnmnicate with each other.
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