· ¥J [ UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE t [ UNIVERSITY PERSONNEL [ r 2001-2002 L THE BOARD O.F TR.USTEES THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Ex-Officio Members -------------- JOSEPH A MILLER ** RUTH ANN MINNER, Governor of the State oj Delaware HOMER D. REIHM LYNWOOD L DAVENPORT, Master of the State Gra/'tge ROBERT F. RIDER DAVID P ROSELLE, President oj the University STEVEN J. ROTHSCHILD ** JOSEPH PIKA, President of the State Board of Education CONSTANCE GERARDI SULLIVAN Elected and Apppinted Members __ ~ _ PHILIP J. TORINA, JR P COLEMAN TOWNSEND WILLIAM T ALLEN SHERMANL TOWNSEND EDWARDJ. BENNETT * Trustee Emeritus J. BRUCE BREDIN * [ ,** Gubernatorial App,~intment , WERNER c.. BROWN * DONALD R. BRUNNER [ JOHN E BURRIS * [ RRM CARPENTER, III Officers of the University Administratiof1 _ f CHARLES M CAWLEY ** DAVID P ROSELLE, PhD. (Duke), RICHARD S .•CORDREY President;· also Professor of Mathematics '-I HOWARD E COSGROVE, Chair MELVYN D SCHIA VELLI, PhD (California, Berkeley); Provost; also Professor; Chemistry and Eioc~emistry ERNST DANNEMANN ** DAVID E. HOLLOWELL, MBA. (Boston), LOZELLEDe LUZ ** Executive Vice President PATRICIA A. DeLEON ** MAXINE COLM, EdD ..(Delaware), EDWARD B. duPONT Vice President for Administration ROBERTA FISCHER, JR., Vice Chair ** ROBERT R.DAVIS; MA. (Bowling Green), Vice Presidentfor Deyelopment and Alumni Relations CATHERINE B FLICKINGER * SUSAN J. FOSTER, MEd. (Temple), S. LEE FRANKEL, JR. ** Vice Presidentforlnformatioll Technologies ROBERT W GORE, Vice Chair STEPHEN. M. GRIMBLE, B~ (Delaware), SALLY H. HIGGINS Vice President and University Treasurer ILONA E HOLLAND PIERRE D HAYWARD, BA(Triirity), Vice President and University Secretary EDWARD G.. JEFFERSON * ROLAND McFATRIDGE SMITH, DA (Carnegie-Mellon), ANDREW B .KIRKPATRICK, JR. Vice PresidentforSttt(ient Life DENNIS E KLIMA r JOHN A KROL L 279 FACULTY AND PROFESSIONAL STAFF THE FACULTY Dean for Academic Programs, College of Agriculture and Natural COLLEGE OF Resources: M'On'Ogastricnutriti'On AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL, RESOURCE,S, DALLAS G HOOVER, Ph, D (Minnes'Ota), Professor,: F'O'Odmicr'Obi'OI'Ogy, bi'Otechn'OI'Ogy,fermentati'Ons, f'Oodsafety, ROBIN MORGAN, PhO, (J'OhnsH'Opkins), Acting Deanfor Research; also MIR N, ISLAM, Ph D., (Louisil\lla State), Professor, F'O'Odanalysis, f'O'Od Professor; Animal and Food Sciences chemistry, preservati'On Oftropical fruits and flesh f'O'Ods,ingredient LESA GRIFFITHS, PhO (Purdue), Associate Dean for Academic manipulati'On f'Orbakery products ' Programs;' also Associate Professor; Animal and Food Sciences ROLF D, JOERGER, PhO, (North Carolina State), Assistant Professor KAREN ROTH ANIUNAS, MEd, (Delaware), Assistant Dean for Student Microbial genetics and physi'OI'Ogy, Services, LIMIN KUNG, PhO, (Michigan State), Professor, Ruminant nutriti'On and GREGORY W, RUMSEY, M,B.A (Delawar'e), Assistant Dean oj microbi'OI'Ogy, '., " •• ' , Operations, BRIAN $, LADMAN, MS ,,(Delaware), Resemch Associate II, PATRICIA S" BARBER, EdO" (Fl'Orida), Associate Professor; Food and JAMES AMAAS, PhO (Guelph), Assistant Professor,: Ruminant Resource Economics, nutriti'Onal physi'OI'Ogy, JOHN c.. NYE, PhD (Purdue), Director oj Cooperative Extension and GEORGE W MALONE, MS" (Massachusetts), Associate Scientist Professor; Bioresources Engineering, YANGMING MARTIN LO, PhO, (Ohi'OState), Assistant Professor, Food pr'Ocessing and engineering" Agricultural and Technology Education _ ELIZABETH P McMULLEN, B.S" (Delaware), Assistant to the Chair: L RICHARD BACON, MS" (Tennessee), Agricultural Education ROBIN W MORGAN, PhO (J'OhnsH'Opkins), Professor; also Acting Dean Coordinator;' also Associate Scientist, Food and Resource Economics" for Research, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources;' also PATRICIA,S" BARBER, EdO" (Fl'Orida),Associate Deanfor·,Outreach afza Professor; Biology and Professor; Chemistry and Biochemistry.' M'Olecular Extension; alYOAssociate Professor; Food and Resource Economics virol'Ogy, CONRAD R POPE, DVM, (Tuskegee), Senior Scientist,: Veterinary Adjunct Appointment _ path'OI'Ogy, Adjunct Faculty,' ARBA HENRY, HILARY], REIDY, AAS (Del Tech), Research Associate I C. MELVIN REITNOUR, PhO, (Kentucky), Professor, Equine nutrition and Animal and Food Sciences_~_~ _ management MARIANO SALEM, VMZ" (Mexic'O), Seni'OrScientist Veterinary JOHN K ROSENBERGER, Ph.D (Wisc'Onsin), Professor and Chair, diagn'Ostics Micr'Obi'OI'Ogy, WILLIAM W, SAYLOR, PhO (Penn State), Associate Profesyor: CALVIN KEELER, PhO (Maryland), Professor and Assistant Chair: M'On'Ogastricnutriti'On M'Olecular virol'Ogy, CARL 1 SCHMIDT, Ph 0, (J'OhnsH'Opkins), Assistant Professor: Gen'Omics, ROBERT L ALPHIN, JR, MS" (Delawar'e), Poultry Research Coordinator, ADRIENNE E SHEARER, MS, (Delawar'e), Research Associate II AMY ANDERSON, B.S" (Delaware), Research Associate III 0" SUE SNIDER, PhO, (Miss'Ouri), Extension Specialist IV; also Associate CYNTHIA M BOETTGER, B.S, (Delawar'e), ResearchAssociate II Profes sor;Nutrition and Dietetics' Devel'Opment 'Off'O'Odsafety JOAN BURNSIDE, PhO" (Dartm'Outh), Professor; also Professor; Biological educati'Onal materials f'Orthe public, analysis 'Ofquality attributes 'Offood, Sciences,' M'Olecular'end'Ocrin'Ol'Ogy KATHLEEN SPLANE, B..8"(Delawar'e), Extension Associate I SANDRA S CLOUD, PhO (Delaware), Scientist Virol'Ogy, PHAEDRA I. TAVLARIDES-HONTZ, B S" (Delaware), Research Associate I LARRY A, COGBURN, PhO, (Illin'Ois), Professor Avian physi'Ol'Ogy DIANE D TOTH, AAS, (Del Tech), Research Specialist CATHERINE GA DAVIES, PhO (Leeds University), Assistant Professor MARCY TROEBER, B..8", (Delaware), Research Associate II F'O'Odbiochemistry/bi'Otechn'Ol'Ogy ANDRE E ZIEGLER, D,VM, (Calif'Ornia, Davis), Scientist Veterinary JOHN E. DOHMS, PhO, (Ohi'OState), Professor,:' Immun'Ol'Ogyand Diagn'Ostics, microbi'Ol'Ogy MARLENE G" EMARA, PhO, (Ohi'OState), Assistant Professor,' M'Olecular' Joint and Adjunct Appointments _ immun'Ol'Ogy Biological Sciences MELINDA K DUNCAN NEGEDE GEDAMU, B.S, (N'Orf'OlkState), Research Associate I Delaware Biotechnology Institute,' DAVID S" WEIR, PhO JACK GELB, JR" PhO, (Ge'Orgia), Professor' Virol'Ogy, Adjunct Faculty,: ROBERT M DYER, MICHAEL HAAS, KEVIN B., LESA GRIFFITHS, PhO, (Purdue), Associate Professor; also Associate HICKS, MICHAELA KRISTULA, HYUN S" LILLEHOJ, JOHN A PROUDMAN, JAMES E. WOHLT, WILLIAM H WRIGHT 280 FACULTY AND PROFESSIONAL STAFF Bioresources Engineering _ MARGARET BROWN, PhD (Delaware), Family and Child Development Specialist KENNETH M LOMAX, PhD, (Maryland), Associate Professor and Chair, JOSHUA M, DUKE,'PhD" (WiscQnsin), Assistant Professor, Environmental VentilatiQn systems, biQlQgical engineering law, land use and reSQurce ecQnQmics CARMINE c.. BALASCIO, PhD (IQwa State), Associate Professor,: StOim PAUL P EGGERMONT, PhD. (SUNY, BuffalQ),Associate Professor; also water management, hydrolQgic mQdeling, Associate Professor; Computer and lnformation Sciences and Associate ANASTASIA E. M, CHIRNSIDE, MS" (Delawar'e), Research Associate Ill, Professor; Mathematical Sciences Numerical analysis, integral equatiQns NORMAN E COLLINS, PhD, (Pennsylvania), Professor, Fluid dynamics, and image recQnstructiQn PQwer and machinery, CONRADO M, GEMPESAW II, PhD (Penn State), Professor;' ProductiQn JAMES L GLANCEY, PhD, (California, Davis), Associate Professor: eCQnQmics,agricultural finance, and statistics; also Professor 'Mechanical design, mechanical and fluid PQwer systems mQdeling, EcQnQmics;'also Vice Provost for Academic Programs and Planning; als() Acting Associate Provostfor International Programs and Special RONALD c.. JESTER, MS, (Purdue), Extension Specialist, Sessions LUTHER J KEMBLE, B.S, (Delawar'e), Research Associate II, CARL L GERMAN, M.s, (SQuthern IllinQis), Crops Marketing Specialist, PALANIAPPA KRISHNAN, PhD. (IllinQis), Associate Professor and CQQperative ExtensiQn, Director~ Operations Research Program,' Chemical spray applicatiQn, STEVEN E" HASTINGS,PhD., (Penn State), Professor ResQurce machinery management. 'exQnomics and rural develQpment JOHN c.. NYE, PhD, (Purdue), Director of Cooperative Extension and Professor~ Bioresources Engineering RHdNDA HYDE, PhD" (ClemsQn), Associate Professor; also Associate Professor~ Operations Research Program OperatiQns resear'ch and WILLIAM E RITTER, PhD, (IQwa State), Professor SQil and water decision analysis" engineering, waste management. VINCENT N, LaRICCIA, PhD. (Texas A&M), Associate Professor; also JAMES N, SCARBOROUGH, PhD (IllinQis),Associate Professor Structures Professor; Mathematical Sciences: Mathematical statistics JOHN EA MACKENZIE, PhD, (RhQde Island), Associate Professor: Entomology and Applied Eco/ogy _ ResQurce eCQnQmics,GIS, and land use, SCOTT A MALCOLM, PhD.(Pennsylvania), Assistant Professor, JUDITH A HOUGH-GOLDSTEIN, PhD (CQrnell), Professor and Chair, Insect pest management, insect behaviQr and eCQlQgy, OpelatiQns resear'ch and prQductiQn systems" DAVID M MASON, Ph,D, (WashingtQn),Professor; also, Mathematical JACOB L BOWMAN, PhD., (Mississippi State), Assistant Professor, Sciences PrQbability and statistics Wildlife eCQlQgy,cQnservatiQn biQlQgy,biQmetrics, habitat management, mammalQgy PATRICIA NELSON, EdD, (CQlumbia), Family and Child Development Specialist; also Associate Professor; lndividual and Family Studies,: DEWEY M, CARON, PhD, (CQrnell), Professor,: ApiQlQgy,insect behaviOi and general entQmQIQgy, CQQperative ExtensiQn JOHN PESEK, PhD. (Michigan), Associate Scientist Statistics CLIFFORD B.0 KEIL, PhD (Virginia Tech), Associate Professor: Insect genetics, genetics .of insecticide resistance, insect pathQlQgy,mushroQm
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