International Journal of Advanced Studies in Sexology https://www.sexology.ro/jurnal © Sexology Institute of Romania ISSN 2668-7194 (print), ISSN 2668-9987 (online) Vol. 2(2), 2020, pp. 89-93 DOI: 10.46388/ijass.2020.13.25 FEMALE ORGASM DISORDER. ANORGASMIA CRISTINA STUPARU Hyperion University, Psychology Faculty, Bucharest, Romania Corresponding author email: [email protected] Abstract Orgasm disorder in women has become an increasingly common reason to consult a doctor, psychotherapist, but especially a sexologist. In this paper we will try to define the concept of anorgasmia, but first we should clarify the terminology. In women, anorgasmia can be caused by various physical and psychological factors that influence the pelvic floor area, having certain associations with other symptoms of sexual dysfunction, such as vulvodynia, dyspareunia, and loss of sexual desire or libido. We will address female orgasm disorder by integrating some elements of psychosexual history and its characteristics. We shall explain the onset, manifestation of this disorder, the causes, the clinical approach, the treatment, and we shall explore the physiological and psychological factors involved in this female orgasm disorder. Key words: orgasm disorder, anorgasmia, sexual dysfunction, physiological factors, psychological factors, pelvic area. INTRODUCTION also differences in accepting the terminological meaning of all existing sexual dysfunctions. Nowadays, there are a variety of terms Orgasm disorder in women belongs to the that can be used to discuss orgasm disorders in category of female sexual dysfunctions and it is women, mainly because the authors in the field commonly seen. do not unanimously agree with the choice of a We believe women are more reluctant to particular, formal and specific terminology. talk about the ways to achieve orgasm, about The sexologists have begun to pay a special its total absence, or certain disorders related to attention to the sexual needs of women. They orgasm, due to the feelings of shame and guilt noticed that there are much rarer the cases they feel, and especially because of the preju- where orgasms are not experienced by men, dices they have to face. and on the contrary there are many women Indeed, in our current society, despite a who fail to reach a sexual orgasm. Each of these relative sexual liberation, a woman who has sexologists conceptualises and defines the multiple adventures wanting to experience sexual disorder according to the results of their certain forms of pleasure, in search of orgasm own research. The results can vary from one with different partners, is often perceived researcher to another and, therefore, there are negatively as an immoral woman. She is thus *Correspondingauthor:CaleaCãlãraşilor169,Sector3,Bucharest,Postalcode030615,Romania,Phone:+40213274464 89 CRISTINA STUPARU judged by others because she does not corre- Theoretical approach spond to the role she “should have” in society, In medical terms, female orgasm disorder according to their vision. Regardless of this is also referred to as anorgasmia. It represents standard, it has been found that many women a type of sexual dysfunction in which a person multiply the number of their sexual adven- cannot reach orgasm, and is often found in tures as a result of the difficulties they have women, but also in men. Orgasm is a feeling of in reaching orgasm. They believe that they physical pleasure and tension release, accom- necessarily need an experienced partner to panied by involuntary, rhythmic contractions achieve these forms of orgasm. Being usually of the pelvic floor. Some women even feel very young, they consider that the best way these pelvic or uterine contractions, others to overcome their need for affection would be describe an electric current through the body, to achieve the sexual satisfaction even though while some others describe some tingling. with some haste. They often do not know of Symptoms associated with anorgasmia are other means, or do not consider that they most often: the impossibility of experiencing have sufficient resources to meet their needs orgasm or delayed orgasm, heightened frus- in a more appropriate way. But they quickly tration and inhibition of sexual desire, fear of come to the conclusion that orgasm does not failure, prejudices, avoidance of sexual contact give them the satisfaction they hoped for. After for various reasons. Anorgasmia is at the top having the experience of certain unpleasant of the list of most common sexual problems situations, sometimes repetitive, these women in women. Over time, the orgasm disorder in end up developing sexual disorders, seeking women has undergone a number of changes. refuge either by frequent masturbation or by In the early twentieth century the psychoanal- engaging in numerous sexual relationships, in ysis of Sigmund Freud suggested experiencing order to obtain a fulfilling, complete orgasmic a mature sexuality, looking only at the vaginal satisfaction. orgasm during sexual intercourse, while clito- This sexual dynamic is manifested through ral stimulation was considered as inappropri- dysfunctional relationships, due to the addic- ately reflecting femininity. Later, American tion factor, the sexual disorder. We believe researchers Alfred Kinsey, William Masters that despite superficial sexual relationships, and Virginia Johnson, contradict this hypothe- these women are looking for orgasm through sis, explaining that all types of orgasm are iden- the ideal man, the prince charming who will tical both psychologically and physiologically, protect them from their problems and cancel regardless of the nature of stimulation (Mantak all their shortcomings, in an ideal relationship Chia & Maneewan Chia, p. 44). Shere Hite form. reveals to us “how women can reach orgasm” Unfortunately most of the time, the actual based on some “anecdotal” answers given partner will be unable to fulfil the needs of by hundreds of women who expressed their their soul as well as the needs related to a personal opinion to the extensive question- sexual dynamic, as fulfilling as possible in naire proposed by her in the book “The Hite terms of exploring multiple forms of orgasm, Report” (Shere Hite, p. 27 ). Based on this “Hite especially since the man is often facing a Report”, the Federation of Feminist Women’s dysfunctional psychological dynamic as well. Health Centers presents a new conception of Always disappointed, these women embark the woman’s body, offering a new approach on multiple occasional adventures in the hope to the female genital organs, redefining the that they will no longer face suffering and importance of clitoral stimulation during love- anguish. Relational failure will reactivate and making and not only. intensify feelings of shame, guilt and despair. According to the definition of DSM-IV “the Their self-esteem will be increasingly affected, essential element of the woman’s orgasm disor- which gradually causes countless dysfunc- der is the delay or recurrent absence of orgasm tional, sexual and emotional problems. after a phase of normal arousal” (Diagnostic 90 Female orgasm disorder. Anorgasmia and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, even raped (subjected to the “conjugal duty” 4th Edition, p. 452). A diagnosis of anorgasmia that some brutal husbands claim, and which should be based on the clinician’s judgment to was rightly named “domestic rape”). observe when exactly the woman’s orgasmic It is known that orgasm is dependent, first capacity is lower than that reasonable for her of all on mental attitude, and here one could age, her sexual experience and the compatibil- say that reaching the state of orgasm is some- ity of the sexual stimulation that she receives, thing to be learned. The first category of anor- and eventually to be kept in mind towards a gasmia includes women who do not know number of physiological and psychological what it means to experience and have never factors. experienced the state of orgasm; nevertheless The erotic stimulation that triggers orgasm they can gradually learn and experience it. in women originates from a variety of geni- The second category includes women who tal and non-genital localisations, therefore can reach the state of orgasm, but not anytime the required stimulation time is much differ- and not with anyone. They need a prior prepa- ent from one woman to another. Although ration, a lot of attention and a special environ- the clitoris and vagina are the most common ment; once these conditions are fulfilled, they places for stimulation, nevertheless the stimu- are able to enjoy extraordinary sexual and lation of other areas (periurethral area, breasts, erotic experiences. Young women who start nipples) can trigger an orgasm, as it can do and their sex life with their fiancé or future husband also help in this respect the sexual fantasies, belong to this stage. From a statistical point of imagination or hypnosis. view, in order to experience the delights of The absence of orgasm often signals us orgasm while lovemaking, a woman needs at that it is necessary to be attentive to our body least two years of personal exploration and and our emotional balance. Thus we can say self-awareness, through an inner experience that female orgasm plays an essential role as a that is consciously assumed and dedicated to barometer of our body. know her own body, both on the physical and emotional level (Ilie T. & Gheorghe L., p. 324). Psychosexual history The mechanism of apparition of a female There are many women who manifest a orgasm disorder has two important aspects: native lack of orgasm. We should turn our the hyper-attention and the hyper-intention. attention to theprimary anorgasmia that char- It was noted that following repeated unpleas- acterises a sexually active woman who has ant experiences (physical discomfort during never had and has never experienced orgasm. sexual intercourse, lack of sexual satisfac- Those rare women who say they have never tion), the woman approaches sexual activity felt sexual attraction to a man, have never with anticipatory anxiety (fear of a new possi- felt sexy and have never had erotic dreams or ble failure).
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