' '.V X" . ■ • ' Majtcheater Evening. Herald FRIDAY, nJNS li, IWf ■ 'Avwagelcta^yGbr^^ Foe the MonUi .of May, 194S - ^ . T h e W eather yiManley J. OeadaMd. IT, aoa of . Private Ouerino J. Agoatinelll, ple, .for Service Clubs, sponsored Pweoaai ol U. 8. Ufeatber Joaeph Oaadatcki, .of 84 Middle. of 183 Eldridge street, is at tbe Mancheafer, by Soroptimists. , Abflf^tTowir Turnpike, Eaat; la taking a; 18 Field Artillery Replacement Train­ Surgical dresainge for Red POOFIHC 8,230 ht nnd" Hundny weeka Intensive course fo r' Gun­ ing Center, Fort Bragg,. N. 0., for D a l e B o o k Cross. Volunteers "alWays welcome HALE'S SELF SERVE Member o4 the Andit morning^ light nhowen be­ _i IxxJf* and nng: ners Mates at the ^rvlCe, School basic training. He has been as­ at Ameriean Lbgion hall, Leonard ginning .BUttday morning. at the U. S. Kaval ’rrainlng SU- signed to- Battery A, 10th Bat­ street,.from 10 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. I\C.SIDIMC Wnraas OUeolatloaa ot Odd^fUawm wUl talion, 4th Regiment^ , ' The Original In New England ! I . • _ worahip tlon. Great Lakes, lUa. Strawberiy supper, 5:80 to 7:bo. 'Tuesday, July 8 a EottnwtM FieOy Oiven. ^Manchester A City o/.Fiffagg Charns I iPHMIi^ a t ItM South' The family of Town Clerk* Sam­ Second Cdngre(mtional church. Cohununtty- vacation school • Workmanship Onaranteed. ____ The lodge mem- Dr. W. John Field, 953 Main uel J. Turklngton ■ left today to South Methc^ist church. Children (CInaaUM Adverttalig na Faga 1») it at 10;00 o'clock in afreet, Manchester, la scheduled to Tomorrow 4 to 14 of .that church, St. Mary’s a HI'ghnt Quality Materials, YOL. LXn., NO. 222 MANCHi^STER. CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 19, 1943 (TWELVE PAGES) i PRICE THREE CKN IV I ««a spend the summer at their cot­ and Center dfaui-ch. * - ' ' haB, donoa ncalUncalta tand take k prominent part In the War tage a t Beabh' Park, Clinton. They Sunday school picnic on west a Ttnte Payments Arrarged. fORSAtORDAY ihiaM dp. Service Conference of the Amert- lawn of ^ u th church. / lUWm can Osteopathic AssoclaUon to bo made the trip by train via New held July 1« to . 20 -In Detroit, Haven. Monday, June 21 < A. A. DION, INC. X As Rescue Plane Found Miirponed Fliers VlM SalvattoB Arnqr Oorpe haa Michigan. Dr.- Field has been rtt tho data of Saturday, June 2d, Trinity Past.Noble Grande assi- .Special meeting . of service FALL CEDARS CONTRACTORS OJ I t e Ma »M"«ai diureh achool picnic, elected as ah alternate fh the clation will meet Tuesday, June ?3 group and Selectmen to discuss 299 Autunui St. Tel. 4860 Sun-Maid Raisins ^Pkg. 15c > bo kahj a t Highland Parit. Hie House of Delegates, which is the in Rockville. There/ are several Memorial to town's war heroes. Bftle claaa wlU begin legislative body of the associa­ matters of Importanc.e to be acted Missionary rally at Emanuel T o m e n r Uncle Sam ^ morning at the rttadel, tion. ■ . upon and It is i.oped all past noble Lutheran church. , . 8:00 O’clock '/i-Pound Package i^and an ehildren planning to attend grands of the local Rebekah Lodge Tuesday,. June 22 - . V Manchester ■ilbBiSd ha preaent a t the opening, Members, of th* Washington Social club will have a get to-, will be present. ■Tricky Tray’.’ party on lawn Orange^Hail Macaroni 110 a. m. Monday. gether In the club rooms tomorrow at Mra. D. M. Caldwell’s 11 Rich­ New and-Used night - Members are privileged Miss June. Jaserie who has been ard road, benellt Memorial Hosl 20 Rcig;, Games At to have guests at the gathering. conducting a dance studio at 324 pital auxiliary. i- Homes Available for te Is Seen ^urriB OOTiSAN James Rolston heads the commit­ Center street since Oefober 1, will Monday, June 28 - a Game for 25c Hale's Bread (■aowB Am Queoa Alice) present her pupils '. recital, Wed-; SraUTUAL. MEOnilM tee schediiled to put.on the aiip- Vacation church achool .open’s 2 Free Game*! Immediate Occupwey per. Since Jim Is the,local dog nesday evening, June 23, in High for l'?th seaaon at Second Con­ Britain Tells of J^dzis^ M oV Diuighter of a Seventh Son n-atden and a veteran hunter and school hall, In- a colorful dance re­ gregational church. Bora With a VelL vue ' entitled, "Americana." This 7 SpecialsI Alexaiider Jar Rubbers for coming . Formation of 1. ^ r SiBga OaSy, laeliidlng Sunday, trapper and Since ■. he has an­ Also, vacation achool at Eman­ .M. tot'T.M. Or By Appoint. nounced that he has a surprise In will be the only dance recital in uel Lutheran . church, children Sweepstake! New East Asia Com­ store for the members they are towm this season. Art McKay’s or­ Jarvis Crown Sub Drive I t . la Hw liertice of tbe Feo- chestra will furnish the music for frbm three years up. '*''"'** Running Om on wondering just what he will serve Wednesday, June 80 S5 Doof Prize! 28 Alexander St. Manebestev mand to Direct Fi­ Two Agencies Dispels Idea for SO Teara. —dog, rabbit, cat or may|io, general dancing to follow, the pro­ PhoHM: Latest Truce as Travel t i t ChBfvb Street, Hartford, Conn. Chinese dinner at Masonic'Tem­ nal Death Blow in Topy Push Phene 6-20tt skunk. gram. O'^oa 41Ui BesIdMM 2815 Mason Caps and Lids k Pay Deinaiuls Rejected War Against Japan. Under Attack Subs Beaten , bm 25c By War I.abor Board; London, June 19.—(JP)— Balfour Repeats Church­ t w , Announcement In Congress In Atlantic Miners’ l.eader Con­ . KeHogg*a ' ■ Great Britain today appoint­ ills Assertion Brit­ tinues Silence as Pid- FORMER SENATOR ed Field Marshal Sir Archi­ ish y Losses Lowest bald Pefcival Wavell as vice- ‘M l' Knox Virtually Predicts TCV Coininittee Mcm- WM. J. THRESHER Corn Flakes l‘ks. Sinoe ^ Pearl Harbor, House l^ cid es to Cut . roy of India and announced OPA Fuiuls 20 Per ISeu) V-Boat Offen­ hers Gather to ' M^twJ has been selected .by Johhs- the forthcoming formation, N sive;. Lull Must lu€li- ManviUs. diyisipn of Home Pkg. of a new East Asia command- Margate, England. June 19.—(jP) Cent ami Outlaw Pro­ Washington, June 19. Insulation, to ' represent Wheoties to direct the final death blow —Germany threw her greatest gram for Subsidies. cate Plans Change. —The soft coal wage dispute them in this, territory. against Japan. The London submarine force in history into an boiled toward a new crisis tQ-'-.{ press promptly hailed -the Wavell all-out sea offensive against Al­ Washiiigton, June 19.—(/Pi - Wa.shlngton, June 19.--1/P) — Anyone wishing an esti­ -appointment and predicted he. da.v with the miners' travel Lb. Pkg. 17c would take the earliest opportuni­ lied shipping in May. Sir Harold Congress, holder of ■ the purse Navy Secretary Knox went out of pa.v demand? rejected by the mate on life cost of insn* Pure Lard Balfour, undersecretary of state \ iating their home or busi- ty to emphasize that the British strings, _,wlelded ., -a .threatening his way to dispel today any ideas War Labor Board and time YES«..In 194S government Intends to give Uidla for air, told an audience today at club today over two of the admin­ the public may have that the U- I ' ' . ■ > ’ neas estabiishment wUi be a "Wings for Victory" bond sell­ running out on the latest self rule as soon after the war as This picture.' taken from a reseng plane as it came to a stop oh the beach of a South Pacific istration’s war-born .agencies — boat is licked simply Because At­ Yon don't neei} Ip be told that ihiM year I • given prompt servie'e. possible. ing campaign. truce. Tlie naition looked to- Certo Bti. He repeated Prime Minister Island, shows the stranded crew of an'^m encan bomber waving a joyous WL-lcome Ttu-ir plane made the Office of Price Administration lantic sinkings have fallen off President' John L. Lewis and different* Implies Successful ConclualoH a forced landing near the island 66 day.s b^ore, and here the men had lived until a fl'er sighted them. and the Office of War Informa- For Appointment Caii, The proposal to set up the new (TiurchlU’s assertion that Brit- tion. sharply. In fact, he virtually .fore­ a meeting of the United Mina military command Implied Brit­ bin’s Mav lps.ses, nevertheless, In the background is visible one of the thatPbed huts they built for shelter.—(Official U. S. Army Air cast a new Axis aubmarine offen­ Wbrkers Policy committee for an Sliced, Rlndl^^ Corps photo, from NEA.) Capitol Hill attacks on the two answer. to , the question: Will tee It Is different hi the fnrlndnstry, too. Trappers X; WM. J. THRESHER ain's promise to • add her full were lower than any month since agencies shared interest' in Wash­ sive in -he Atlantic. might to that of the United the united States entered tte ---------^ ^ ------------------------------------------------ ~ -------------- ---------------- -. miners work-after tbmorrow mid­ are going Into war indnstries. Craftsmen are ington with the soft coal wage dis­ Progress in the Allied anti-sub­ night? States in the war against Japan war. "V pute where time was ronning out Hartford 5-3030 Bacon' 46c ' ’‘Biggest Effort to Date” marine campaign 'a t preseiit is Lewis Declines Comment being dndFted. Fine fnrs.are more and more dif* when the European fight has come on the latest strike truce. "very satisfactory,’’ he told a press to a successful conclusion,, a , The (Jerman offensive .
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