Copeia, 1999(1), pp. 141-145 New Physalaemus (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from the Atlantic Forest of Minas Gerais, Brazil RENATO N. FEIO, JOS P. POMBAL JR., AND ULISSES CARAMASCHI A new species of the frog genus Physalaemus,belonging to the P signiferspecies group, is described from the Atlantic Forest of the Serra do Brigadeiro (20'42'S, 42029'N), Municipalityof Araponga,State of MinasGerais, Brazil. The new species is readily separated from all other species included in the P signifergroup by its large size (43.3-48.5 mm SVL). Uma nova esp6cie de anuro do g6nero Physalaemus,pertencente ao grupo de P. signifer,e descrita da FlorestaAtlantica da Serra do Brigadeiro(20?42'S, 42'29'W), Municipiode Araponga,Estado de MinasGerais, Brasil. A nova especie e facilmente separadade todas as outras especies do grupo de P. signiferpelo seu maior tamanho (43,3-48,5 mm SVL). HE genus Physalaemus contains 38 recog- (Celio F. B. Haddad Collection, deposited in the nized species, and is known from Mexico Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Estad- to Southern South America (Frost, 1985; Duell- ual Paulista, Rio Claro, Brazil), EI (Eugenio man, 1993; Pombal and Madureira, 1997). Izecksohn Collection, deposited in the Depar- Lynch (1970) diagnosed and recognized four tamento de Biologia Animal, Universidade Fed- species groups in the genus: P. biligonigerus eral Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), JJ (Jorge group, P cuvieri group, P pustulosus group, and Jim Collection, deposited in the Departamento P. signifer group. However, P deimaticus Sazima de Zoologia, Universidade Estadual Paulista, and Caramaschi and P rupestris Caramaschi, Campus de Botucatu, Brazil), MNRJ (Museu Na- Carcerelli, and Feio are not assigned to any rec- cional, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), MZUFV (Museu ognized species group (Sazima and Caramaschi, de Zoologia "Joao Moojen de Oliveira," Univ- 1986; Heyer and Wolf, 1989; Caramaschi et al., ersidade Federal de Vigosa, Brazil), MZUSP 1991). The P signifer group is characterized by (Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de Sao Pau- its small to moderate size (15-35 mm SVL), lo, Brazil), ZUEC (Museu de Hist6ria Natural, slender body, smooth skin, first finger shorter Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil). than second, no inner tarsal tubercle, small Additional specimens examined are listed in the noncompressed metatarsal tubercles, small to appendix. large inguinal glands, and paratoid glands ab- Abbreviations used in the measurements of sent (Lynch, 1970). Ten species are presently the adults are SVL (snout-vent length), HL allocated to this group: P bokermanniCardoso (head length), HW (head width), ED (eye di- and Haddad, P caetePombal and Madureira, P. ameter), END (eye to nostril distance), IND (in- crombiei Heyer and Wolf, P maculiventris (A. ternarial distance), THL (thigh length), TBL Lutz), P moreirae (Miranda-Ribeiro), P nanus (tibia length), and FL (foot length). All mea- (Boulenger), P obtectus Bokermann, P olfersii surements (in millimeters) follow Duellman (Lichtenstein and Martens), P signifer (Girard), (1970) and Cei (1980) and were taken with a and P spiniger (Miranda-Ribeiro) (Frost, 1985; calliper except for the DO, DON, and DIN, Duellman, 1993; Pombal and Madureira, 1997). which were measured with an ocular microme- During an ecological study on the anurans of ter in a Zeiss stereomicroscope. Drawings of the the Serra do Brigadeiro, State of Minas Gerais, holotype were made using a Zeiss stereomicro- southeastern Brazil, one of us (RNF) collected scope with a drawing tube. specimens of a large species of the P signifer group. Herein, we describe this new species. Physalaemusmaximus sp. nov. MATERIALSAND METHODS Holotype.-MNRJ 18810 (Fig. 1), adult male, col- lected at the Fazenda Neblina, Serra do Brigad- Specimens used in the description or exam- eiro (20?42'S, 42?29'W; 1375 m above sea level), ined for comparisons are deposited in AL-MN Municipality of Araponga, State of Minas Ger- (Adolpho Lutz Collection, deposited in the Mu- ais, Brazil, on 29 October 1996, by R. N. Feio seu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), CFBH andJ. L. Pontes. ? 1999 by the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists 142 COPEIA, 1999, NO. 1 Fig. 1. Physalaemusmaximus, holotype MNRJ18810. (A) Dorsalview, and (B) ventralview. Paratopotypes.-MNRJ 18811 and MZUFV 2723, bercle (present in P. soaresi and P aguirrei; Iz- adult males collected with the holotype; MNRJ ecksohn, 1965; Bokermann, 1966). 21736-38 and MZUFV 3280 collected on 11 No- vember R. N. L. and P. 1997, by Feio,J. Pontes, robust; head S. Santos. Descriptionof holotype.-Body slight- ly wider than long; snout subelliptical in dorsal view, protruding in lateral view (Fig. 2A-B); nos- Diagnosis.-A species belonging to the P signifer trils slightly protuberant, directed laterally; can- group (sensu Lynch, 1970), characterized by thus rostralis distinct, slightly concave; eye me- (1) large size (males 43.3-48.5 mm SVL); (2) dium sized, lateral, slightly protuberant; tympa- snout pointed to subelliptical in dorsal view and num not visible; indistinct supratympanic fold; protruding in lateral view; (3) canthus rostralis vocal sac distinct, distinct; (4) dorsal skin texture smooth; (5) subgular, moderately expand- ed, extending to the border of chest with belly; white stripe from back edge of eye to shoulder. vocal slits present; choanae medium sized, near- Physalaemus maximus is readily separated from rounded; narrow, vomerine all species included in the P. signifergroup by its ly tongue long; teeth absent; teeth visible, numerous; large size (45.4-47.4 mm SVL in P. maximus,and maxillary a small toothlike in front of combined SVL 15.0-34.5 mm in the other spe- single, very process lower Arms forearms cies; see Pombal and Madureira, 1997; Haddad jaw. slender; moderately no forearm and Pombal, 1998, and references therein). The slender; fold; fingers long, slender; no sides of smooth, no new species is distinguished from species of P. prepollex; fingers ridges; extensive brown on inner side of signifer group, except P. olfersii, by the absence nuptial pad divided in two subarticular tuber- of spots in the inguinal region, absence of dark thumb, parts; cles and inner meta- inverted V-shaped or arrow marks on the back, single, protruding round; tubercle outer and presence of a white stripe from posterior carpal large, nearly elliptical; tubercle medium corner of eye to shoulder. The new species, dif- metacarpal sized, nearly fers from syntopic P. cf. olfersiiby absence of an ovoid; metacarpal tubercles present; finger tips < inner tarsal tubercle and in having an oval rath- slightly expanded; finger lengths I II < IV < er than elongate inner metatarsal tubercle. Phys- III (Fig. 2C). Legs moderately robust; tibia alaemus maximus is similar to P. aguirrei and P. length longer than thigh length; toes long, soaresi (however, these species belong to the P. slightly fringed; inner metatarsal tubercle ovoid, cuvierigroup, sensu Lynch, 1970). The new spe- protruding; outer metatarsal tubercle small, cies is disntinguished from P aguirreiand P soar- round, protruding; subarticular tubercle single, esi by its large size (males 25-29 mm SVL in P nearly ovoid, protruding; inner side of the first soaresi and P aguirrei; Izecksohn, 1965; Boker- toe free; toe lengths I < II < V < III < IV (Fig. mann, 1966) and absence of an inner tarsal tu- 2D). Inguinal glands small, no spot on glands; FEIO ET AL.-NEW PHYSALAEMUS 143 Measurements of holotype.-SVL 47.4; HL 13.6; HW 14.5; ED 4.3; END 3.5; IND 4.1; THL 21.2; TBL 22.1; FL 23.7. i r? Variation.-In dorsum brown to . I I i preservative, 4 ,:.*r, b ) .. .i 1, dark gray. Measurements (range, mean ? stan- AC " dard deviation) of seven males (females un- known) are as follows: SVL 43.3-48.5, 46.3 + 1,63; HL 12.5-15.0, 13.6 + 0.86; HW 13.1-15.1, 14.1 + 0.75; ED 3.8-4.3, 4.1 ? 0.20; END 3.1- 3.8, 3.6 ? 0.25; IND 3.6-4.4, 4.0 + 0.29; THL 18.3-21.1, 20.4 + 1.09; TBL 19.9-23.1, 21.9 + 0.97; FL 21.5-24.1, 23.4 + 0.88. Natural history.-All specimens of P maximus were collected at the margins of a permanent pond at the edge of Mesophillic Forest. The ad- vertisement call of P maximuswas heard by one of us (RNF); this call is similar to that of P cf. olfersii but longer and of lower frequency. The following species of anurans were collected in the same temporary pond of P. maximus: Hyla albopunctataSpix, H. minuta Peters, H. polytaenia 5mm Cope, Phylomedusa burmeisteriBoulenger, Scinax C cf. duartei (B. Lutz), S. fuscovarius (A. Lutz) (Hy- lidae), Ceratophrysaurita (Raddi), Physalaemus D . -v cuvieri Fitzinger, and P olfersii. Fig. 2. Physalaemusmaximus, holotype MNRJ Etymology.-The name of the species, a Latin ad- 18810. Dorsal and lateralviews of ven- (A) (B) head; jective, refers to its large size. tral views of (C) hand and (D) foot. Remarks.-All P signifer species group members dorsal and ventral skin smooth, undersurfaces (except P. olfersiiand P. maximus) are very simi- of thighs granular. lar externally. The species this group are typi- cally small to medium-sized (large in P. maxi- Color of the holotype.-In preservative, dorsum mus), have small inguinal glands present, inner brown with dots or blotches dark brown; a small tarsal tubercle absent, and dorsal pattern gen- circle formed by a fine line gray on the scapulr erally with an arrow or an inverted V-shaped region (Fig. 1A); a light brown middorsal stripe mark (except in P. olfersii and P. maximus); all most evident in the sacral region; forearms known species of the P signifer group are asso- brown with a dark brown transverse bar; elbow ciated to the Atlantic Forest Domain (Ab'Saber, and hand dark brown; light finger tips; thigh, 1977).
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