• • Am€rica ~ el..€3~ n€W~paper Copyright 19S1 b y Unit .. d St~tn ChuJ Fooderalion Vol. XI, No. 15 Friday, Ap[il S, 1957 IS Centa Tourney At Mobile To Commemorate Conduc/od b. Position No. ZOJ Morphy's Triumph At New York, 1857 IRWIN SIGMOND From April 26th through April 28th, 1957, there will be held at END solutions to Position No. S1. Joseph's College, Spring Hill (Mobile), Ala. the Paul Morphy Open S 205 to reach Irwin Sigmond, Tournament, commemorating the l00th anniversary of Paul Morphy's 5200 Williamsburg Blvd., Arling­ fin;t major tournament success in the First American Chess Congress ton 7, Va., by May 5, 1957. With of 1857. Morphy enthusiasts will remember that St. Joseph's College was your solution, please send analysis the schoo! at wh ich Morphy studied from 1850 to 1B:i5 and it was there or reasons supporting your choice thal hc cst,lblished his life-long friendship with C. A .. Maurian, a fellow of "Best Move" or moves. student. Solullon to Position No. 1IS will ap­ The tour ney will be a six round Swiss System, held in the college PUt In the May 10, 1957 lu ve. library and sponsored by Log Cabin National Chess Affiliates. There wUl NOTE: Do not piau williio ns 10 1,.,0 be five prizes wi th 1st prizc $75, 2nd prize $50, 3rd prize $25, 4th prize posilious on "ne ca,d; br 11l'( 10 illdicau $15, and 5th prize $10. There will also be two junior prizes of $20 and <o"te/ IlIHnbt, of position br,", sO/'I'rd, S10. It will be a USCF rated event. dnd ,''I't tilt full Ildmt and addrtss of Dedicate Morphy Plaque Iht soi~tr to ,mist jll proptr rrdi/i"8 of A special feature of the tow'ney SEE solution. will be the dedication of a com­ Page Three memorative plaque to Paul Morphy. for photos of The tablet, designed by Ted MUier Morphy Plaque Wanetick Wins Log Cabin Independent, of the Log Cabin and Irvington Chess Clubs, will be 3'h feet by 2 Five Share 1st Place Game Tie feet of bronze on an aluminum WORLD TITLE base, set on a stone base. The STILL SEE-SAWS Saul Wanetiek scored 5-1 to win the Log Cabin Independent Open dedication will form a part or the Tournament at West Orange, N. J. on Solkoil points. Second to fifth in ceremonies of the "Old Home With seven games completed, the World Chess Championship the 61·pl:lyer Swiss, also with 5-1 each, were Matth~w Green, ~htlr Week" at SI. Joseph's College. Feucn;tel.n, Geza Fusler of Toronto, Canada, and Anthony E. Santaslere. Donors of the Morphy plaque Title remains illusively undecided, Sixth to fourleenth with equal 4-2 scores were Bobby Fischer , George are: Dr. Bertram Roberts, George with 11 games yet to go. Botvin· E. O'Rourke, Jr., Attillo DiCamillo, Ellot Hearst, Norman T. Whitaker, Partos, AleX Gilliland, Tom Mahon, nile 3'h, Smyslov 3*- . William J. Lombardy, Homer W. Jones, Jr., and Claude Hillinger . Robert Durkin, Homer Joncs, Eu­ Vassily Smyslov won the first T. Whitaker lost to Fuster and gene Steinberger, Paul Walbrecht, game of the match from World Fifteenth to twenty·seventh with :Mrs. Rosalie de Serrano, George 3Y.! ·2% each were Joseph Tamargo, drew with DiCamillo and O'Rourke; Champion Mikhail Botvinnik. The Willinm Lombardy lost to Wanctick O'Rourke, Edmund Hand, David second and third games were John Falato, Herbert M. Avram, Gladstone, Julius Goldsmith, V. Alt­ Alexis Gilliland, David Gladstone, and drew with An'am and DiCamil­ drawn. Botvlnnik rallied to win the man, S. Haucks, ' B. H. Dermalm, Sdmund Godbold, Sanford Greene, lo; Homer Jones lost his first two fourth and fifth games and ob­ games to Wanelick and George Alcx Goodi ng, Ralpb Coughlin. and tain a lead which was immediately Sigmond Hauc k. Char les C. HeDin, E. Forry Laucks. E. S. Jackson, Jr., George Krauss, Partos; and Claude HilliDger lost shattered by Smyslov's victory in Jr., George J. Mauer, Jr., and Eu­ to Hearst and Fuster. Large Attendance Expected the sixth game. The sevcnth game gene Steinberger. The event, which was heJd in It is anticipated that a host of was a draw. In winning Saul Wanetick lost commemoration of the great Ameri­ cbessplayers will attend for tbe Botvinnlk won the World Champ­ no games but drew in the semi·final can master, Paul Morphy, drew dual purpose of honoring the mem­ ionship in a five master tourney in and final rounds with Ellot Hearst players Crom New York, Ne w Jer­ ory of Paul Morphy and playing: 1948, scoring 14-6, with 10 wins, 8 and Matthew Green respectively. sey, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Con­ chess. Col. Jose J. Araiza of Mexico draws, and 2 losses (one each to Matthew Green also drew twice, necticut, Virginia, Minnesota, Wis­ and his son J. J . Araiza, Jr. are Reshevsky and Keres). Smyslov witb Hearst and Wanetick. Arthur consin, District of Col umbia, and expected as well as many New York tatHed 11·9 in this event, Resbevsky Feuerstein lost his second round Ontario, Canada. experts. Thc tournament commit­ 10112 ·9 %, Kcres 10112·9% and Euwe encounter with Hearst. Geza Fuster tee, thel'dore, has requested that 4-16. lost his third round contest with all participants bring sets, boards MAROCZY INVITE and clock, If possible. In match play, defending his Wanetick. Santasiere lost his initial title, Botvinnik has not been as round game with Feuerstein. TO MINDSZENTY impressive as previous World [n the 42 scoring group Bobby The Maroczy Chess Club of LOMBARDY WINS Champions. Four years ago he re­ Fischer lost games to Herbert Av­ Cleveland has recently extended to tained his title by drawing a 24- ram and Santasiere; George Cardinal Mindszenty of Hungary IN EARLY ROUND game match with Smyslov; two O'Rourke lost to Matthew Green (aL present safely sheltered in the In the early munds of the Inter­ years ago be remained the champ.. and drew with Whitaker and Ed­ U. S. Embassy at Budapest) an in­ national toumament at Mlir del ion by drawing a 24-game match mund Godbold; Attilio DiCamillo vitation to take residence in the Plata in Argentina, William Lom­ with chall enger David Bronstein. lost to Feuerstein and drew with USA with the Maroczy Club acting bardy, sole U. S. representative, The nip and tuck results of the Whitaker and Lombardy; Eliot as "sponsor" for entry ' into the was off to an excellent start with first seven games of this match, al­ Hearst los t to Santasiere and drew country. In honor of the Cardinal's two wins and a draw, ticd with though "fighting" chess, do not In­ with Green and Wanetick; Norman high courage thl'ougb long and sus­ Miguel Najdorf, one half-point be­ dicate a more decisive conclusion. tained tribulations in Hungary, the hind the Russian masters Keres Maroczy Club has elected Cardinal a nd Kotov. U. S. JUNIOR Mindszenty its Perpetual Honorary Other participants are Oscar 58TH U. S. OPEN President and permanent member. Panna, Raul Sanguinetti, Jorge CHAMPIONSHIP Through the efforts of Dr. Sandor Behrensen, Miguel Cuellar, Fer­ CHAMPIONSHIP July 8·14, 1957 Tresz, president of the club, this nando Casas, Bernardo Wexler, invitation has been forwarded to Erich Eliskases, Alfredo esposito, AU.l(Ust 5~17, 1957 Cardinal Mi ndszenty via the State Carlos lncutto, Walter Adler, Hec­ San Francisco. Calif. Department diplomatic mail bag to _tor Rossetto, Fernando Aguado. Cleveland, Ohio Budapest. Joao Mangini, and Horacio Albert. Finish It The Clever Way! TO THE MEMBERS OF THE USCF CoIl-'ll POJjlj~n No. 197 PMi/io," No. 198 Tal vs. Klaman ,,~ than any Ivkov 'liS. Ingerslev send a 12th Chess Olympiad, 1956 USSR, 1957 Ct. ... JJ~ = -:;::: c I>,.J"cttti 6,. Frederick H, Kerf> All (oilell. e'ubs Ind players arl urged to send ne".. Itlms to Fraclarlck H. Kerr, NIHany :n·13, 1100111 271, Plnn· syl.. an;... SI... t. Unl .. erslty, ynl... r,Jty tbls team Park, "ennlyl.. lnl • . this July, tbe n~es.sary N the fi rst round or the Phila· 1I$Slstanee. For tbls rea· ien I ask elch member to COn. I delphia Metropolitan collegiate tribute ONE DOLLAR or MORE SO Chess League, Temple University t h~ t VOU Cln make tbls event 1X's. scored a big upset win over the alble for America 10 pltUclpate. powerful University of Pennsyl­ All dOnaUOn5 may be sent to: WIIII . m Lombardy vania team 3·1. Temple was given % Studtnt Tn"alinll Fund a shot in the arm by the addition 961 F.lIa Streel of USCF Master Robert Sobek. Al­ Bronll: S', NIlW York Sinea ralv, though Sobel is an evening stu· WILLIAM LOMBARDY dent. Morde Trehlow, the league N Position No. 197, a fo ur·move combination decides. director, ruled that he is eligible I The new USSR Chess Champion, and the newest international chess I,vlng Pa rk (Chlngo) YMCA Chess because he is taking undergradu­ grandmaster, Mikhail Tal, indeed played brilliantly in order to finish Club: Harold Stanbridge tallied 13.3 in ate courses. In the same round, ahead of Keres and Bl'onstcin. In Position 19B, he discovered an exciting I double.rOllnd event 10 win the club Haverford Co llege defeated St. title, 10$lng lIame' 10 Joseph Kozak and profound combination that after five moves left Black's game lost; and Mrs. Ev. Arolllon whlle drawIng Joseph's Coilege 3·1. Ogontz Cen­ however. Black did not resign until after White's 12th move.
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