Eastern Illinois University The Keep April 2011 4-5-2011 Daily Eastern News: April 05, 2011 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2011_apr Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: April 05, 2011" (2011). April. 3. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2011_apr/3 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the 2011 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in April by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Video highlighting first Eastern, Western day of tugs baseball teams to meet Page 12 Visit OE~'News . cotn ELE CTION CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Council seats up for grabs Death penalty ban Polls open from .. hot topic of debate 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. By Rachel Rodgers penalty in Illinois and also the larger Campus Editor issue. in general. about the morality By Elizabeth Edwards aspeCt of rhe issue," Moran said. City Editor Gov. Pat Quinn signed legislation Gerald Coriangco, a senior foreign abolishing the death penalry in llli­ language major and a member of the Two incumbenrs, Larry Rennels no~ on March 9 and. today a philoso­ Philosophy C lub, said the forum was and Jeff Lahr. and the challeng­ phy professor. a lawyer, a minisrer and originally scheduled to take place be­ er Manhew Huui arc vying for the a political science professor will dis­ fore Quinn made his decision. but be­ two-open sears on the Charleston cuss the issue at the Capital Punish­ cau~e of scheduling complications. the dry council, roday. ment Forum. ~ent was scheduled for today. The election polls are open from Andrew Moran. a juruor p hiloso­ "Now the forum will be more of a a.m. to p.m. i phy major and president of the Phi­ reaction to whar the governor decided 6 7 If Larry Rennels. 63. said he has Pet. 1 • 12 - 410 W. Polk losophy. said the main purpose of the and there will be various perspectives been on rhe council for 14 years CUSD # 1L School Administration Office event is to give students and commu­ pre~ented by interested experts con­ ,...,.,....... - .. ~ 't ....,._ and is retired from his television nity members the opportunity to have cerning the fields of rheology. the con­ and appliance store job. • their q uestions answered and to bc:­ stitution. practicing law and more," Rennels said the city is still un­ able to form their own opinions on Coriangco said. "'As these people come dergoing financial challenges. rhe matter. together from different backgrounds, "My experience on the council "This event is meant to spotlight ir will be very interesting to hear their would help Charleston look forward rhe governor's recent decision to abol­ view:. and their debare on capiral pun­ to the future," Rennels said. ish capital punishment in lllinois by ishment. which is greatly relevant at Rennels said he was apan of bringing people together and provid­ this rime in Illinois." the council during recent renova­ ing them with the different side~ of The ~em is sponsored by the East­ rions upgrades including t he up­ the issue," Moran said. ern Philosophy Club and Phi Sigma grades to water treatmem plant and The forwn will be a debare and dis· Tau. the wastewater treatment plant, the cussion with presenters Roy Lanham. "I think the really imporram parr swimming pool renovations. up­ the director of rhe Newman Catholic of thi~ event is not only the broader dares to the library, and the water Ce111er. Grant Sterlmg. a philosophy ethical sense, but the practical ·•~peer maju. professor, Karen Swenson. a political of how our government takes the lives He now that those projects are IlLUS TRATION BY KAITLYN BATTEY I TH E DAI LY EA STERN NEWS science professor and Steve Davis. a of individuals and we have a duty to complete the council can focus on Students and community members can ftnd polling places both on cam­ l:twycr from the Student Legal Service. lx: informed and make our own deci­ o ther things. pus and around the Charleston area. Election polls are open from 6 a.m. to "'We will di~cuss both the practical sions," Moran said. COUNCIL, page 6 7p.m. and ethical implications of the dearh FORUM, page 7 CAMPAIGN ASIAN HERITAGE MONTH 'I Expect Greatness' Asia project gives powerful By Shelley Holmgren & rhropy even before that. Both Han­ Kaylia Eskew ner and her husband are Eastern message despite low turn out Administration Editor & Staff graduat~ and have made several gifts Rep~rter to several different areas at the uni­ By Seth Schroeder versity. including several proJects in. Activities Editor Members of the faculry and staff rhe dean's office and student research. are wo rking to involve rhe Eastern "It feels like I have something to family, love, the '90s and person­ community on a nc:w campaign fo· give back and I'm happy I'm able ro al inscscuritie~ were some of the top­ cused on giving back ro the: academ­ do that," Hanner said. ics covered by Asia Sam~on , poet, and ic department~. This effort, named Alongside rhe payroll deduction Jollan Aurelio, guitarist, of"1bc Asia "I Expecr C.rearness," is a pan of the program tor giving, Hanner h;ts also Project~ during their performance "El&U" capital campaign, and will established :1 planned gift for the uni· Mondar evening in rhl' Grand Ball­ run until April 29. verstty and conrinues ro give to cer· room of the Man in Luther King Jr. A committee was organized to rain causes that arc close to her. Cur­ Uni~versity Union. help ~ pread this effort. The mon­ rently, Hanner and her husband are Darius White, a ~enior family and ey raised from the campaign will go donating to rhe College of Science~ consumer science5 major and cultur­ toward~ "any department or area the Studc:-nt Assisrance Awud. w award al arts eoordinaror for the University do nor wants. it helps pull on their .:.tarred by the college's Student Advi­ Board, said e"Ven with ;& ~mall turnout, heartstrings," said Michelle Payne, ~ory Board five years ago. "The Asia Project" delivered a strong campaign rcprescnrative and direcror "lr was clear they weren't go­ message. o f the annual fund and commence· tng to raise enough funds appropri­ White c~rimated at most 25 people SETH SCHROEDER I DAILY EASTERN NEW S menr. ate for chat kind of award so I want­ attended the show. Asia Samson; a poet from Miami; recites hts work Monday evening In the The campaign has three chair ed ro help." Hanner said .... I he schol· "Not many people got his mes­ Grand Ballroom of the Martin Luther Kmg Jr. University Union as part of members who all come from differ­ arship go~ to a student 1n the (Col­ sage," White said. "But those that "The Asia Project .• Samson's brot her-in-law Jollan Aureho; a guitarist also em areas of the untversity- Ken Bak­ lege of Sciences) that h~ experienced were here definitely got something from Miami; would accompany most of the poems wtth guitar music. er, Roger Beck and Sandy Bingham­ a hardship during rheir time at the out of it." Porter. univer~ity." During the performance Samson m<ltCh what I'm saying with his mu­ Sam~on's abiliry to incorporate audi­ There arc: numcrou~ ways for peo­ Julie Benedict, a training and de· told ~tories and rc.:citetl poems as Au­ sic. 'Jh<lt\ his power." ence re.sponsc.s into his work. ple to donare, such as online giving. vdopment sp<.·cialist with the Depan­ relio accompanied his word) with gw­ Aurelio said he sees his perfor­ "A lot of people get on ~ragt· and gift planning, employee payroll de­ ment of H uman Resource~. has also rar music. The rwo are brothers-in­ mance ~ a scor~; for Samson's words just worry about chcmselves," \~hite ductions, electronic funds transfer, given ro rhe university through the law from Miami. and most of his influences arc mov­ said. "I lc performed for a group of 30 checks o r donating personally. payroll deduction method. Samson said he:- wrote throughout ie scorcs. ,ts he wuuld f(.lr 3.000.'' Many o f those who have already " I wanted to get involved because his life, bur he fel l in love wich poetry Samson said he d raws inspiration White said the UB originally saw given to the campaign ha~·c been giv­ it is a rime where everyone is nee<ied after ~eeing people recite their works from his poems from everything. He "The Asia Project" at a conference in ing ro the universi ty for s~eral years. to help considering the budget and at an open mic night in 1003. He 5aid he uics to stay focused and pay Sr. Louis. He said the\' would be ful ­ M ary Anne Hanner. rhe dean of allrhe orhcr struggles," he said. • It's said Aurdio got wvolvc:d very rum­ attention to what h :uound him. l) booked for next ydr so the UB de­ rhe College of Science~. came to the impornuu ro give back when Eastern rally. Whnc S2id he was 1mpres~ed by the adc:-d ro book him this ~cmc ~ t cr for universi ty 30 years ago. How~er she h~ given me back so much." "1 write anspararion.11ly," Sam­ group's ability to make everyone tn .Asian Hc:ritage Month. wa ~ involved with Eastern philan- CAMPAIGN, page 6 son said.
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