Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 5-16-1952 The B-G News May 16, 1952 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News May 16, 1952" (1952). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1068. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/1068 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. ■ o»i»; BABV- Read Five More Eyas Review Cramming Days On Page 2 Until Finals 'Bourlliw Green State Uniifetsmp VoL 36 Official Student Publication. Bowling Grown, Ohio. Friday. May 18. 1952 No. 54 Al Dyckes Elected Student Greek Dance Outstanding Students Recognized Is Scheduled Senate President For Year In Men's Gym During 13th Honors Day Program Albert Dyckei will be next year's* Student Senate president as result Grecian Gardens is the theme Summa Cum Laude of this week's election. Nancy for this year's Greek Week Dance Gruner is vice-president; Nancy English Department for which Billy May's orchestra Brown, secretary; and Bill Bittner, will play from 9 to 1 tonight in Awarded Gerhart treasurer. the Men's Gym. Five men and nine women were Dyckes is a member of A Phi O, Chairman Retires; No corsages are to be given for recognised for leadership and Inter-fraternity Council, president this semi-formal dance. One per- scholarship at the thirteenth an- of Kappa Delta Pi, and vice-presi- son in each couple must belong to nual Honors Day held Wednesday dent of Delta Upeilon. He is a jun- Honored At Event a social fraternity or sorority. In the Amphitheatre. ior majoring in history with a Dance decorations include sil- Judson Ellertson, Lamont minor in political science. Dr. Rea McCain, English depart- houetted Greek Agures on a dark Greene, Paul Guthrie, Howard Nancy Gruner is a junior in both ment chairman, was honored at a backdrop behind the bandstand, Hahn, and Lawrence Hall were false ceiling, a replica of the Par- tapped as new initiates of Omicron Education and Liberal Arts. She banquet held at the Commons Tues- thenon to be constructed opposite Delta Kappa, men's leadership is a member of Phi Alpha Theta, day night. Dr. McCain, who is re- Iota Epsilon Alpha (Esperanto the bandstand, and crests of the honorary. Dean J. Robert Overman tiring at the end of the year, has various fraternal groups. was tapped as an honorary mem- Honorary), SCF, and has held been at Bowling Green since 1914. several Senate committee positions. Chaperones will sit within a ber; Dr. W. Maurice Nielson was Dr. and Mn. Ernest G. Hesscr She was co-chairman of this year's miniature garden which is com- named Faculty Member of the of Crestline, Ohio, were among the Year; and Dr. Frank J. Prout was all-campus Charity Drive. plete with arbor, picket fence, 126 guests present. Dr. Hesser awarded the Charter Membership Nancy Brown, Senate secretary, grass, and a bridge entrance. headed the original music depart- Billy May's 15-piece orchestra Plaque. Is a sophomore in the College of ment at the University. Capped aa members of Cap and Business Administration. She has and vocalist were contracted by Dr. Walter A. Zaugg, on behalf Nick Mileti and Mary Lou Bar- Gown, women's leadership honor been on the Student Union Commit- of the faculty, presented Dr. Mc- faolo br Hal Van Tassel society, were Mary Lou Bernum, tee, Pan-hellenic Council, and the num, co-chairmen for Greek Week. Cain with the traditional bouquet Willie Smith, alto-saxophone play- New members of Omicron Delia Kappa tapped on Honors Day Frances Coe, Helen D 1 e d r 1 e k, Leadership Workshop Committee. of roses—one for each year of ser- are. from Uft to right Dr. Maurice Nielsen, faculty member; Jud- Nancy Gruner, Anne Huston, She recently attended the student er, formerly with Harry James vice. Dr. Paul F. Leedy and J. and Duke Ellington, is the fea- son Ellertson, Lawrence Hall. Lamont Greene, Paul Guthrie, and Katherine O'Connor, Sue Prim, government convention at Antioch Robert Bashore. Jr. presented gifts tured orchestra member. Howard Hahn. Dr. McDonald, cantor, congratulates Initiates. Pat Wallace, and Jane Winfleld. College. on behalf of the English depart- Each fraternity and sorority The Booster Club Spirit Awards Bill Bittner is a sophomore ma- ment a'nd the alumni. member contributed $1 toward the went to Kappa Sigma and Gamma joring in insurance. He is a mem- dance, which was planned by co- Phi Beta. ber of APhiO, Young Republican Dr. McCain does not plan to re- chairmen Elsie Martin and Dick Sicaic trophies went to Bob Tay- Club, SCF, Student Union Com- tire to a sedentary existence. In- Parade To Open Activities Longanbach. lor, Howard Hahn, and Harold mittee, Men's Glee Club, and a cluded among her plans are a trip to Iceland this fall and study in an Sub-committee heads arc Mary Brundage. Cappella choir. art school at SarasoU, Fla. this Jane McFall, Marilyn Bets, Char- The Kohl Hall Scholarship Pla- New class representatives are winter. les Chase, and Sam Morgan. que was awarded by Janet Truss, sophomore, Pat Vietmeier; junior In Chariot Race Tomorrow house chairman, to Corridor VI. representative, Karl Mauerhan; A campus and downtown parade Williams Hsll received the J. J. and senior Evelyn Pond. of chariots and contestants will be Urschel Cup which is awarded to Openings On Five Committees Outstanding Greek gin the activities of Kappa Sigma'i the independent dormitory with the Chariot Race Saturday at 12 p.m. highest point average. Students, Instructor Named At Banquet Groups entering the parado will Sigma Phi Epsilon received the Made Available To Students meet at the Kappa Sigma House at Sigma Chi Foundation Scholarship Cost In TV Play 11:45,'and organizations partici- Trophy for the greatest improve- Openings on five student-faculty be appointed to the Publication Monday Evening pating in the race are to assemble ment in scholarship for the year. committees have been announced Committee according to Jesse J. Theta XI was swarded the Clay- Presentation of the "Outstand- at the fraternity house at 2 p.m. Saturday, May 24 by Nick Mileti, chairman of the Currier, committee chairman. The Here the chariots will be inspect- ton C. Kohl Fraternity Scholarship ing Greek" award to Robert Award for the highest point aver- Senate Reviewing Committee. Publications Committee will ap- ed, and escort Venus For a Day Three University students and prove applications for the staffs of Keener, Phi Delta Theta, was the age. a speech Instructor are appearing The committees, the Athletic highlighting event of the annual and her attendants to the practice Committee, Activity Fee Commit- the various publications and allo- field behind the English Bldg. be Twenty-five students were on television over station WSPD- Greek Week Banquet Monday eve- honored with swards for contri- tee, Artist Series Committee, Pub- cate funds to the publications. fore post time of 2:30. TV Saturday, May 24, at 1 p.m. ning at the Commons. buting to the cultural vtlu>s of lications Committee, and Speech The Speech Activity Committee Last year's Venus, Sue Wynd- the University. Jack Mullen, Diana Totter, Jim Activity Committee, are made up has an opening for one junior, ac- Prcs. Ralph W. McDonald made ham, will head the parade and the Liedtke, and Gene Reynolds will cording to Elden T. Smith, chair- the award to Keener, who had The following five awards of faculty and student members new queen and her attendants will ware now Ibis year. The Book appear in "The Valiant," a one- who help determine University man of the committee. This com- been chosen by a secret committee follow the chariots. of four men and one woman, as and Motor Scholarship award act play, directed by Stan Morris, policy in their respective fields. mittee approves the program for The order in which the groups exemplifying the leading qualities want to Fa ma Gat hart i Gamma housefather of Sigma Phi Epsilon the speech and dramatics depart- will be scheduled to run has not fraternity Dr. Ralph G. Harshman, chair- of a good fraternity man, student, Epsilon, German honorary man of the Athletic Committee, an- ments, and helps set up the budget been announced. Four chariots will trophy to Louis E. Bcrtoaii The play is an experiment to and individual. nounced that there is an opening for the entire year. participate at one time, with alter- Kappa Mu Epiilon, math honor- •how that television can be used Keener, who is past president of for one sophomore or junior man Applications for these commit- nating heats of men's and women's ary award to William El lea- along'educational lines. The tele- tees may be picked up at the Stu- Phi Delta Theta, is from Ashland. groups. The committee is in charge of He is a member of Book and Mo- brock aad Donald SoadorgoMi vision station is donating all scheduling all University intercol- dent Senate desk in the Student Ornaments and decorations on tor, Omicron Delta Kappa, and Phi Alpha Theta John Schwan equipment for the hour-long play. Center. Deadline for the return of chariots used in the parade must History Prise to Norman Lat- legiate athletic events. The entire Alpha Epsilon Delta, prc-med hon- The Unlveraity, however, ia pay- the application ia Tuesday, May bo left on the chariots during the tanaai and the Delta Phi Delta, University athletic program is orary.
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