I 7 L_ I _ n1son____.__- TL ash _.- 1? A 1P&#39;..~_ ~ Y . rL»._____ I FALWL wALAu0.» INVESTIGATIUN -- _ I I -A CUMWUIITICATIONS sacnom H A rcr "I""""IA--- 92 Ii I4} FBIWASH 120*HUI/131369 92xJ£WI./. I A 7-:YI§7" I Z I? I % _[ ""A_...AI I 92 y &#39;72:.< Aiiijiv. 1 C;I._ AAA L. K , % 5-1::A? LL I 4 I TAMPA ALL I;TF33;iI,"53&#39;C¢III,2*1"I.;I1TI£D ~ ;1:~Ir- ~1 -A * 5 X2.01 Pm URGENTJWC LE3 3, V ;.;;;l¢-:igf__pgQ_ a T§l@. Rnnzi _._... TO cs2-111181!DIRECTORwe 00-49155!5/ ANDI1T~SSG-**~*Y~-T4 .VI:L"|LJ um M 92S--: . } .<;qm_I_AmPA00-IsosiP M 0 V! I I D;,,,y$z1¢»#r:A&#39;A~/1/0»/w=~3E~ _ om NOVEMBER THIRTEENINSTANT, CONFIDENTIALSOURCE, ADVISEDhi I ITHAT KNOWN GROUPYOUTHNEW As A STUDENTFOR AMERICA,PROTES &#39;11? I I GROUP AT ROLLINSCOLLEGE, WINTERPARK, FLA. HELD MEETINGAT 5 ROLLINS ON NOVEMBERTWELVE LAST REGARDING RALLIES AT CAPE ~ KENNEDYI ON NOVEMBER THIRTEEN AND FOURTEEN SIXTY NINE. MEETINGBY LED0NE[::::::::::::]:AROLLINS COLLEGE STUDENT 1 [;;;;;;;]TOLDASSEMBLY PLANS THATFOR CALLED TORALLY HELDBE AT KELLY PARK, MERRITT ISLAND, FLA. FROM TWOPM TO SIX PN I J NOVEMBERINSTANT. THIRTEEN DEMONSTRATORS AREENDING RALLY CV5 ! AT KELLYWILL PARK PROCEEDTNRER IN PRIVATE[;;;;;;;;] CARS. - /92 ~ HAS GIVEN INSTRUCTIONSNOT TOBRING ANYDRUGS AVOID TO ARREST.H |:|REPoRIEnLY STATEDTHATPLANS CALLED FOR THOSEATTENDING b6 W L V 1» KELLY RALLYPARKsmzun T0 NIGHTnu: THE IN PARK.|:| I ALLEGEDLYTHAT THOSE NOTSTATED TO some KELLYPARK RALLY SHOULDMEET AT srummr CENTE1sT_R10i.bIN§£?30iéEGE;! EIEAI Am/7 ?/ _,f _ I wovzmsznFOURTEEN I90_?0BjIAII~a NEXT TRA_NISPOT§TATI0N_;%10/ , 1.» -0 0 Na PAGE TWO TP 100-I503 E IKENNEDY PORTCANAVERAL, FORRALLY AT U.S.AFTER RALLY NAVAL POLARISAT SUBMARINE CANAVERALFLA.PORT STATION GROUP PLANS TJNEEIPRESIDENT AT NIXON cAR§KENNEDY. CV5 [:::&:::]TOLDGROUP HE HAD T0 BEEN cssCHANNEL IN SIX ORLANDOTNNEEIING PRIORSPEAK NENsNENT0 TO VIETNAM ABOUT A MORATORIUMACTIVITIES. [;;;::::]RELATEDTHATAT WHILE TV A STATION,wAErER§RqNN1IE,TNETIDNALLY RADIOTELEVISION AND KNOWN DDNNENTATDETIEEDNEHIM BYTELEPHONE TO APPROXIMATELY FOR U FORTYFIVE MINUTES AND THATCRONKITE REPORTEDLYTOLD ; THAT CBS NOULD HAVE THIRTY SIX HOURS OF COVERAGE ON VIETNAMMORATORIUM WITH"OPEN MIKE TO GIVE DEMONSTRATORS Q a, _;, ¢-E__,:L_wE DA DHANQETO BENEAED, CRONKITENOTED, ACCORDINGT0[:::::::] 106 THAT SENATOREDMUND MUSKIENOULD BEIN ORLANDO,FLA. NOVEMBER b7C THIRTEEN INSTANT FOR DEMOCRATIC FUNDRAISING DINNER. ACCORDINGCRONKITE TO[::::::::] THATSUGGESTED [:::::::] ATTEMPTTO MUSKIE T0 COME TO CAPE KENNEDYTO _ 92 SPEAK AT KELLY PARK RALLY TO BE HELD NOVEMBERTHIRTEEN M INSTANT.CRONKITE ALLEGEDLYTOLD[::::::]THAT WOULD CBS > 92 RENT HELICOPTER TO TAKE MUSKIE TO AND FROM SITE OF RALLY . AT KELLY PARK. 92_., _ _ _ __,___ ,___ A_,__ _ J1 1 3 §PAGE THREE I TP 100-1505 ------ Acc0RDINss0uRcE T0 [::::::]sIAIEDTHATNusNIE IF Is UNAVAILABLETODAY&#39;S&#39;ACTIVITIES FOR KELLYPARK THE MAIN AT QEAKERTHE AT KELLYPARK w0uLDRALLY0NE[::::::::::::}:1¬3i BE REPORTEDLYFDRNER A NoCARTHY FORPRESIDENT ORGANIZER, FROMwAsRINeI0N,g;N;. THE [:::::::]TOPIC AREA. BENILL be "NAsA - No NAPALN." b7C ON NOVEMBERTWELVELT LAST, BREVARD COUNTYREPDRIEDJ so F NR6IS AFFILIATED CV5 NIIR YOUTH FOR NEN ANERIcA AND SELFSTYLED LEADER OF CENTRAL FLORIDAVIETNAM MORATORIUNC0NiYII_&#39;[TEE,<_IN INTERVIEW !APPEARNIIR MIAMI HERALDCAPE KENNEDY REPoRIERsERDN INDICATEDATE0LLwINe HE EXPECTS THE STUDENTSSTETSON T0 SCHOOLS: UNIVERSITY, R0LLINs COLLEGE, uNIvERsIIY OF SOUTHELA., FLORIDA SOUTHERN,uNIvERsIIY OF IANPA AND FLORIDA PRESBYTERIAN, ExAcI NUMBEROF DEMONSTRATORS N0I SPECIFIEDBY[::::::::::] sEcREI sERvIcE TRAVELING PARTY, 0sI, PATRICK AFB, NI, IIIusvILLE, BREVARD c0uNIY so, sEcREI sERvIcE, JACKSONVILLE, NI, 0RLAND0, NIs0, oRLAND0, AND USA, IANPA ADvIsED N0vEmEER THIRTEEN INsIANI. | Y ~. 92 ~ . 0 ,_ ~ a .. , Q PAGE FOUR TP 100-1503 ADMINISTRATIVE: RE TAMPA TELETYPE DATED NOVEMBERTWELVE LAST° CNS SOURCE IS 10F STUDENTAFFAIRS, ROLLINS, COLLEGE,WINTER PARK,FLA. PROTECTBY REQUEST. END. BRB 92/ FBI WASH 00* 60- MR.SULLIVAN . os/17/no . 11:45 FAX 202 220 . 1665 &#39;PEPPER HAMILTON h @003HQ qk l92.0P.t.r--» Hamilton Square 600 Fourteenth Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20005-2004 202.220.1200 Fax 202.220.1665 August 2, 2000 VIA FACSIMILE: 202-324-3525 |:| Unit Chief @+1,t7;r ~l&#39;%,,ztz> /V was FPIMSU Federal Bureau of Investigation 935 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, D.C. 20535-0001 Re: Discovery Chanel Understanding Series Dear Mr. Tomb: I represent th92e% Comp_ap<C&#39;WC! §onkite-W_ardin matters of rights clearances and other legal matters rélating lo Eeiftelevision progrgrélproduction activities CWC is the production company of long-time associates Walte Q ronlgte and CWC has produced a series of programs for the Discovery Chanels Understanding series. The topics _are treated in an educational, documentary-style manner and have included such subjects as Understanding Pyramids, Understanding Weather, etc. One of the shows currently in production is "Understanding Murder. The producer of Understanding Murder is seeking a contact person at the Federal Bureau of Investigation who could: ! provide information on high-prole murder investigations by the FBI; and ! supply images of perpetrators and crimes. With respect to the latter, the goal would be to obtain clearance orn the FBI to use the images and, because of the production standards of CWC and concern for audience sensibilities, the aim would be to secure images that are not too graphic for television. Of course, the credits would acknowledge the , assistance and courtesy of the FBI.. I would be verygrateful if any assistance your ofce can provide. ---_ Sincerely ,, yours, §§7:f!-/&#39;i1,,1-/0;~}&#39;*»é{;/Ma/pp/./it Q R | @|N AL Q! ta; t./_ Gar-y gqqrgan 8OH H QQ 1Ql-1]llii l¬lpl$i_§,K92I$:nnsylvaniaWashington, D.C. Detroit, Midrigan NW YOIR, NW Ylk 7i"15"&#39;8h- P¢""$Y1"="i= Wilmington. Delaware Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Berwyn, Pennsylvania Cherry Hill, New Jerscy w92wl.pcppzr|aw.com to I g v P u b I i c i t yl Internet Media b6 T0 b7C From: Subject: CLOSEOUT OF ASSIGNMENT Pepper HamiltonLLP/ GaryRinkerman [Di 1559 File #: 80-HQ-1 077659 Date: 1 1/1/00 By letter dated 8/2/00, captionedcompany requestedFBI assistancewith a TV documentary Understandingre Murders.A call was maderequesting a more detailed letter;no secondletter was submitted. A call this date wasmade and Ms. KarenHayes ofCronkite-Ward Companyin Washington, DC, saysthe program wasproduced WithoutFBI participation. i No further action byOPCA is required atthis time. This projectcan beclosed. M 3/ *%~/fr~x@a@57"&#39; L/we v MAYornbmi remsumou_3332 NO. 92o » 5010-104 -4 / . _,_, . ,~"" 0;; rg. r~REG-&#39;N?!<27 * , ¢. M A, emomndum " xv; UNITED STATES 92/ERNMENT l,~ - Mr. W. » R. A==°=-D"--- Dep ADAdm. _. l Mr. J. A. Dep. ADlnv. _. TO : Mr. W. R. Wannall Asst. Dir.: &#39;WannallAd 20 FROM: DATE: mm.A Mintz Camp. Sysf.Z Ext. Affairs__ Files 8. Cam. _ sumsoT= "ROYJ.G. neegarf/V E.FRANKHOUSER -_ Mr r - § I 4&7 -IMr. Gen. lnv.__i Helgesonldcnt. lnspe tic EXTREMIST MATTER KLAN > lnfell l Boynton Luborhfbryi E Plan. 8.Evul. _ Deegan Spec. lnv.A Maurice Training ____ " »92 Legal Coun.__._ R Purpose of this memorandum is to advise that Telephone Rm._ § captioned individual, active in extremist matters in Durector Sec&#39;y._.. Reading, Pennsylvania, was the subject of a UPI news release 7/28/75 which set forth subject, during discussions of his extremist activities on CBS news 7/28/75, stated he had been a "Federal Agent all along," and to point out "Federal Agent" referred to by subject apparently relates to his former capacity as an informant for the CV5 Tobacco and Firearms BATF!. Bureau of Alcohol, { W i A UPI pres} release 7/28/75 at yew York sets forth subject appearedon»&#39;q§§,news. Cr Walteigg9I1l<ite" Z/-23115.. with and was interviewed y CBS correspondent Fred Graham. Subject is described as a former Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan and leader of the American Nazi Party and according to the UPI release, Graham stated court records contain sworn testimony by Federal agents that subject carried out under cover missions "including one approved by the National Security Council." 92 Subject, in discussing his extremist activities on GBS, stated 0/s he hadbeen "federal a Agentall along." &#39; éL_§ 3 Subject, whitedQ¥g,R§byears 77- L/@1¢_Q@92ofageresides in Reading, Pennsylvania. He is currently an Administrative Inde subject of the Philadelphia Office as a result of his 3 association with the white hate United Klans of America in a Q} leadership capacity and his continued association with other white hate groups and extremist organizatiQQS. He has been 2 N38interviewed.by &#39;2. Agentsof the Philadelphia i?TT%3@§§§§%§T: . developmentimes, is &#39;otaninformant an informants norby has the FBI.he ever @125 e RIGu%§H §all . Ea UQ1 _ &#39;3&#39;e 1 ._, . ._ Q Z . 97I$3* &#39;V£$; &#39;é*262$ATEs%£i.HiNmsv ?$*3%@L.$ .1&#39; » j H, /J 7, F &#39;-Yv - _ 5%» . , .- ,, an &#39; &#39; 92 V, . A _, I92- 3 ._292.92 J- Memorandu to Mr. W. R. Wannall Re: Roy E. Frankhouser 97-4262 " ; Information in the UPI release relating to sworn 92 testimony in court records by Federal Agents apparently stems from recent closed pre-trial hearings held in Philadelphia in connection with subject&#39;s arrestby BATFin 1 February, 1974, when he was charged with receiving, concealing and disposing of explosives. Philadelphia airtel 7/15/75 advised 1 that testimony taken during those hearings had inadvertently 5 been filed by the court recorder without their being impounded and as a result a reporter of "The Philadelphia Inquirer" gained * access to the testimony. An article subsequently appeared in CV5 "The Philadelphia Inquirer" 7/13/75 concerning the closed hearings and included excerpts of testimony by a BATF Agent who stated.subject was operated as a BATF informant during 1972 and 1973.
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