![Can We Hold Teen-Agers? G I Rl Sco T I April Troop Trave](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
G i rl Sco t April u I 1960 Can we hold Planning teen-agers? troop trave. or spr•1 g fun raising ORDER- PRODUCTS FROM ·ouR TWO MODERN PLANTS CHECK THESE SELLING ADVANTAGES FOR YOUR TROO P WHEN YOU SEL L ® Girl Scout Salted Nut Prod ucts • Quanft D scovn·s • Free Sh pp ng Charges on 20 Coses or more • Guaranteed Sole ~PEANUT CORPORATION OF AMERICA ~ On MIIRU, IIWrl • 11. Off, ally llllhorlzed by Nel one He S.A. MAIL THIS HANDY ORDER B A K for Speedy Delivery from our Pletnts in Des Moines, Iowa and Indianapolis, Ind iana Ir------------------------------------------- Packed 12 tins to the case ---------------- I Sug. Selling Price 60c per tin MAll TO:® PEANUT CORPORATION OF lMEIICA MotaH : PER CASE $4.50 PROFIT 22 Y2 c PER TIN No. of Cens Dept. 35, Box 1536, Des r-a 1-- Pocked 12 tins to the case SHIP TO: NAM. .._ __ _ Sug. Selling Price SOc per tin (pl;--u-se_p_lln-r):--- PROFIT 19c PER TIN No. of ClttS ADDRESS __ Pocked 12 tins to the case CITY __________ STATE. Sug. Selling Price SOc per tin PER CASE $3.60 PROFIT 20c PE R TIN No. of Cases COUNCIL OR TROOP NO ._ ___ Poe ked 12 tins to the case NO. OF GIRLS THAT WILL SEll: _____ Sug. Selling Price 40c per tin PER CASE $2.6S PROFIT 18c PE R TIN N~ of Casu ARRM BY: DATE __ Each pock canto ins 1 tin • West of Denver add 10c per cetse Mixed Nuts and 1 tin Vir· • State your order by number of cases wanted of ginio Peonuts-6 pks. to cs. each item. Number of tins per case is indicated PER CASE $4.20 Sug. Selling Price $1 per Pak with each item. Combinotion orders in full cases • will be accepted. PROFIT JOe PE R PAK llo. of 'tun • Shipments are prepaid on orders totaling 20 cases OLD FASHIONED Pocked 12 tins to the cose or more. Don't over order. ~ou con always reorder. Sug. Selling Price SOc per tin Reorders for prepaid must be 20 cases or more. PROFIT 20c PER TIN • If you wont more information before ordering ----------------------------------------PER CASE $3.60 la vaolable 1;11 April 3 Oth, No of Cuu mark x here- 0.---------------- Call to Convention Girl Scout 1f 'ou .trt' .1 re~t,tcu.><l adult nh:mi:cr of the Girl . cout move­ ment, \OU .ul.' cordialh im·itt·d lo ntt~ud the tlw n·-ttl th coll­ Leader n•ntiou of tho Cirf S('C.mt ~a­ tiona! Cotmcil. which will he held in St. Lonis, :\lissouri. '\o­ Aprill960, Yol. 37, 1\o. 4 vember 14-I:;, IH60, The thou5ands ol pt'()plc whu come to thts con\'ention ''ill ill­ Cor~tents elude offici . .! dt lt·~.ttes Girl 3 Call to Convention Seoul adults from all o\'<:r t}IC Utoitcd St.lt~·s \\hO .1ttend .1:-. 4 Speak Your ~lind visihlrs. rcprcsctol.ttin·s of mem­ 4 S; mbol of ~lt:mbcrsbip, Cecile B. \Vcrtltcim ber countries of the \\"odd As­ 5 Scouting and tlw Adok•sccnt, Oswald Bell soctatioH ol Girl C:nidt•s .md Cirl Scout~. Senior rcpre~ent.1th cs 7 Who's ~fissin~ tht• Boat?, Carol II. '\'eiss and gue.. ts from otht r org.miL<l­ 9 Two-\\',1~· Commmtic.ttion. ]rtliet R. Bru-Hcl hon~. H )OU h,.,·e nttcuded Girl 10 '\..ttnrc .tt Dav Cnmp. Jla·t tali :\/orris Bicmiller Scout n.ttiounl com<.11liou~ in th~ 12 Le .. clc,.,· Conference. Al1 K cbs p.:t:.t \OI: nlread) !..no\\ ho\\ re­ 13 Look Wide-Think Deep Jlary E. n ·elclt warding and thrillin~ au e:o.­ perience it is- to be part of such 1._ Tro •p on Tour, Star Powcr5 a la~e and d) uamic group. 16 Se.. vice to CP's. Judy L11.\ki~ .md Beth Le Fe.:re The ~.1tional Council will 17 Work of Running \\".ller, Carleen Jl.llutcllins make m,m\ clt•c:isiOn\ that" ill af. feet tltt' fntuw p.tttt•m of Girl 18 ~ew Look in Lih1 an Ser\'ices, Eleanor F. Street Scouting in the Unitt'd Stales. 19 Waterfront S,tft•ty A"' adult who is .tcti\l· in the 20 Bullt'tin Board Ci~l sl'f) It mn\t>ll1t'llt will h.t\'C 'l·l Success Storit·s mudt to g.lin from hearing the discussions th.tt will prececlt' the 26 Author1 -\uthor! voting, tmm ' i'itiu~ the exhibit:., 'li Just What Yon W.mtecl and fmm tho m.1uy infornul op­ 29 Folk Arts o£ tht \Vorld, Easter Egg Decorations portnnitws to comp.tre experi­ 30 Report on Girl Sc:uut Books, Films, and Records ences, pl.ms. .md ideas with others. 30 Fun with 1\,1turc The 1960 ~ational Conncil Credits for drawings and photographs on page 29 meding will mark the offici,tl be· ginning of our "biri:hd;.'ly ye.Lrs" Esther R. Bien, Publisher cdehr.ttion, for whic·h our theme \'irltinb Greene. Editor will be -uonor tl1e Pa:.t-!::ierve Alire \\'lntc, Associate Editor the Future.- The meeting will :\lary R. Irons. Associate Editor lend dramatic emphasiS t"'o this Till1e W. Green, Mana~ing Editor theme, as thou,:mds of mer1 and Phil Hummcrstone, Art Editor women join together 111 p.1~i11!! L. R. Barnhart, Adccrtislng Manager trilmtt> to a distin~UJshed p.t\t .md in st"cking out the most el­ Editorial Board tective w,1ys to M'n·c our Amer­ Clwirman: :'llargar~t d<• \\'.. tf~lt, Program Departmrnt ican 'outi1 in the fnturc. This Dcpurlmeur rt")•rc.•rfiiOIII t'J: n~rf'uiC<' E. "'""· Julld R. B~>d, Cath.uine C. lldltoy, Loul<e Kj~ll<trom, Gertrud" Simp~on, Anit:t Waltets. Irene Anthony convention IJr(•mi~e' to hL one ot thf' mo~t in,piring t1Htt "e han· Published by tlw Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. c\'er hclcl-.111d 1t's onlv se,·en !-irs. (.lunlt-s 0. Culm~r. Prc•i<lhlt Doroth\• C. Strnttnn, :\ ulootwl Erecutire Director months .tw.l\'. So dou't dehn! )irs. Daughn 11 . \lnc'\col, Cloalrman, Program Co111mitte11 St.ut mnkmi plans rit;ht 110\\ tn !-ln. Ricb ..rtl rlaut, Cl•aorman, .\laga.:ine Cammotte11 met't \\ ith u~ i11 St. T.oub tl.i:o. '\;uvcmbcr. GIRL SCOUT l.L \DFII, published monthly from October to ju.ne by Girl Scouts of the l.i.S.A .• 1130 Third AH>ouc:o. Xew York 22, X.Y. Cop)·right. 1960, iC> by Cltl President Scouts of lhc l/.S.A. lle-l'nlered as second-clru;s matter, ].1nunry 11, 1950 at tho Post Offlcl' ol Nc·" York. N.Y .. IInder the act of :\lnreh 3. 1879. Subscrlpti~n ~~~· 4 . (lL e., .c __ 111.50 a yf'ar in the l/nlted Stall'S and Cnnndn, $2.50 elsewhere. Vol. 37, No.4, April 1900• .\PRIL 1960 3 Speak your mind Better than geography Symbol of membership S.tddle Brook, '\ew Jer~ey I would like to t' \prt·s~ 1ny gratitude to the '\lational Or~aniz.tlion, .1s both parent ami Girl Scout leader, for providing the wonder­ ful opporlunitit·s 1ffonkd hy the Roundup. A s the spotlight of publicity is trained on Girl Scouts of the Ha~ing had an t'\ln'llll'ly small part in pre­ p.tring Ill) dan.~hll'r for tht• event, I realize 'C.S.A. tlmi.ng the comin~ Birthday Years. three and a half million tn•mendous IIIHkrtaking it was. If what a of us-O"irls antl adnlts-will walk IJroudh' in its bedm \\ e shall all the girls derii·Nl tlw pll'asnn• and edu­ ~ J cation from it thnt l\ ancv did. its value is want the workl to J..no\\ that \\'C helong to thb mo\ ement, "hich in<"stimable • \\'e are hoth looking forward to future for half a ccntm~ has gro\\ n and flourhhed until it is known in all Roumh1ps. :\ancy hnpt•s to f.!o next time as parts of the c.:onntry. an a~sbtant leader am! slw is hoping that our mnndl will act as hostess to sonw of the Ho'' can W<' show that "e bcloug-ho'' identif: o rseh es '' ith foreign girls nP\t tilllt', .so that slw may the mo,·emcnt and share in its pre~tigC'? hrim~ onP home ''ith her. l"or my part. I am lookin_g fon\,trd to the Roundup some nine The ans" er is simple: B) '' earing the uniform on ppropriate vears lwnn.'. when Ill\ 'oungcst child wil1 occasions. h:H"e rml'hnl Senior ScOut age. I w.mt to go~ too. In troop meetings. the uuiform stimulates lo\ aln dewlops pride in appearance. Ceremonies are more meanin_ \\hen the :\ancy, :\frs. :\nwak's d,IUghtl'T, writes: troop is in uniform; intertroop acti\•itic:. take on "I lt•amt·d things that Wt' Wl'rt' never tau!:!;ht phcrc. There is more fun in bclonging-m re _, m couting. iu any gt·o!:!;r.tphy hook. .. :\ot only did we leam ahout other t"<luntrit s, but we got a Tl1e uniform creates a bond among all Gi S ts the newest chann: to ~· l' our o" n couutrv throu~h the Bro\\'nie on up. Tt represents their uni~ ~t • d purpose. eyes of forc·i~nns. It\ a ~oocf way to ~ee it, 1 thou(!h not .1t .111 what I had t'\peded.
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