Tamil Nadu Government Gazette

Tamil Nadu Government Gazette

© [Regd. No. TN/CCN/467/2012-14. GOVERNMENT OF TAMIL NADU [R. Dis. No. 197/2009. 2012 [Price: Rs. 19.20 Paise. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 18] CHENNAI, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 2012 Chithirai 27, Thiruvalluvar Aandu–2043 Part VI—Section 4 Advertisements by private individuals and private institutions CONTENTS PRIVATE ADVERTISEMENTS Pages Change of Names .. 1043-1090 Notice .. 1041 NOTICE NO LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY IS ACCEPTED FOR THE PUBLICATION OF ADVERTISEMENTS REGARDING CHANGE OF NAME IN THE TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. PERSONS NOTIFYING THE CHANGES WILL REMAIN SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LEGAL CONSEQUENCES AND ALSO FOR ANY OTHER MISREPRESENTATION, ETC. (By Order) Director of Stationery and Printing. CHANGE OF NAMES 15171. My son, Y. Sivashankar, born on 26th March 2005 15174. I, K. Abirami, wife of Thiru V.M.N. Mohanraja, born (native district: Tiruppur), residing at No. 32-A, Anuppar on 10th March 1980 (native district: Erode), residing at Palayam Pudur, Velampalayam, Tiruppur-641 652, shall No. 1/471-D, Johnjothi Nagar 5th Street, Kullegoundan henceforth be known as Y. SHIVASHANKAR. Pudur, Andipalayam Post, Tiruppur-641 687, shall henceforth D. YUVVRAJ. be known as S.M. ABIRAMI. Tiruppur, 30th April 2012. (Father.) K. ABIRAMI. Tiruppur, 30th April 2012. 15172. I, Christy, K., wife of Thiru R. Kalithasan, born on 20th April 1970 (native district: Tiruchirappalli), residing at 15175. My daughter, Thabha Sam, daughter of Thiru Old No. 14/6-3, New No. 110/14-6, Nataraja Nagar, Musiri Y. Dasthageer, born on 22nd July 2010 (native district: Post and Taluk, Tiruchirappalli-621 211, shall henceforth be Tiruvallur), residing at No. 76/1, Kattabomman Street, known as KALEESWARI. Tiruvallur-602 001, shall henceforth be known K. CHRISTY. as D. THABASAM BEGUM. Tiruchirappalli, 30th April 2012. A. FAZILATH BEGAM. Tiruvallur, 30th April 2012. (Mother.) 15173. I, K. Saravanan, son of Thiru S. Kandasamy, born on 10th January 1964 (native district: Virudhunagar), 15176. I, P. Santosh, wife of Thiru J. Pukhraj Ranka, born residing at Old No. 16, New No. 18, Sankarapuram on 10th September 1960 (native district: Jodhpur-Rajasthan), 3rd Street, Choolaimedu, Chennai-600 094, shall henceforth residing at No. 1, A.V.K. Complex, 2nd Floor, 5th Lane, be known as SK. SARAVANAKUMARAN. Singarathottam, Old Washermenpet, Chennai-600 021, K. SARAVANAN. shall henceforth be known as P SANTOSH RANKA. Chennai, 30th April 2012. P. SANTOSH. Chennai, 30th April 2012. D.T.P.—VI-4 (18)—1 [ 1043 ] 1044 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [Part VI—Sec.4 15177. I, R. Kalavathy, wife of Thiru G.M. Kumaar, born on 15186. I, A. Ravibharath, son of Thiru P. Annamalai, born 6th April 1976 (native district: Tiruvallur), residing at Old on 15th May 1981 (native district: Krishnagiri), residing at No. 27, New No. 25, Vettrivel Street, Kamaraj Nagar, Redhills, Old No. 2/220, New No. 2/213, Thimmapuram, Thimmapuram Chennai-600 052, shall henceforth be known as KALAAVATY. Post, Krishnagiri-635 112, shall henceforth be known R. KALAVATHY. as A.E. RAVIBHARATHI. Chennai, 30th April 2012. A. RAVIBHARATH. Thimmapuram, 30th April 2012. 15178. I, Moomeenal, wife of Thiru Hussain Othuman, born on 20th August 1970 (native district: Tirunelveli), residing at 15187. My daughter, V. Kamalareatcha, born on Old No. 15, New No. 197, Periya Kothba, Pallivasal South 6th November 2009 (native district: Tirunelveli), residing at East Street, Melapalayam, Tirunelveli-627 005, shall No. 22/1, NGO. B. Colony, Perumalpuram Post, Tirunelveli- henceforth be known as MOOMINAL BEEVI. 627 007, shall henceforth be known as V. RAKSHA. MOOMEENAL. K. VENKATESH. Tirunelveli, 30th April 2012. Tirunelveli, 30th April 2012. (Father.) 15179. I, S. Jagadeswari, wife of Thiru B. Shivaji Rao, 15188. My daughter, Malu Kutty, P., daughter of Thiru Purushothaman, born on 12th December 1994 (native district: born on 1st May 1967 (native district: Chennai), residing at Tiruchirappalli), residing at Old No. 3-22, New No. 3-14, Old No. 12, New No. 27A, Guruvappan Street, Malappilan Vilai, Thaiyalumoodu, Kaliyakkavilai Post, Kottur, Chennai-600 085, shall henceforth be known Kanyakumari-629 153, shall henceforth be known as S. JAGADESHWARI BAI. as SANGEETHA, P. S. ªüèbvõK. AJITHA, S. Chennai, 30th April 2012. Thaiyalumoodu, 30th April 2012. (Mother.) 15180. I, Jeyanthy, wife of Thiru J. Chella Durai, 15189. I, K. Fathima Barvin, wife of Thiru M. Masuttuali, born on 7th June 1970 (native district: Kanyakumari), born on 28th May 1985 (native district: Tirunelveli), residing residing at Old No. 6/29, New No. 6/387, Anjukottu Vilai, at No. 19/32E, Peratchi Amman Koil Street, New Colony, Kanyakumari-629 702, shall henceforth be known Vannarpettai, Tirunelveli-627 003, shall henceforth be known as C. MARIYAJEYANTHI AKILA. as S. FAATHIMA BURVIN. ªüò‰F. K. FATHIMA BARVIN. Kanyakumari, 30th April 2012. Tirunelveli, 30th April 2012. 15181. I, Charles Praveen, son of Thiru Ignatius Sagayaraj 15190. I, A.K.D. Arjun, son of Thiru A.K. Thinakar, born Vijayan, born on 11th May 1985 (native district: Chennai), on 14th September 1993 (native district: Madurai), residing residing at Old No. 12, New No. 42/7, Captain Krishnan at Old No. 55D, New No. 70, Old East Madurai Station Street, Kodungaiyur, Chennai-600 118, shall henceforth be Road, Madurai-625 009, shall henceforth be known known as CHARLES AROKIARAJ, I. as T. ARJUN. CHARLES PRAVEEN. A.K.D. ARJUN. Chennai, 30th April 2012. Madurai, 30th April 2012. 15182. My son, M. Manikandan, son of Thiru T. Manohar, 15191. My son, J. Aashik Mohamad Ghouse, born on born on 3rd April 1997 (native district: Chennai), residing at 6th May 1994 (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 33/9, C.I.T. Nagar, 2nd Main Road, T. Nagar, Chennai- No. 27/6, K.P. Street, 20, Ellis Nagar Extension Road, 600 035, shall henceforth be known as U.M. HARIHARAN. Madurai-625 010, shall henceforth be known as S.J. ASHIQ. M. UMAMAHESWARI. S. HASAN BAANU. Chennai, 30th April 2012. (Mother.) Madurai, 30th April 2012. (Mother.) 15183. I, G. Vishnuprasanth, son of Thiru K. Gunasekaran, 15192. I, N.V. Gopal, son of Thiru Narasappa, born on born on 28th May 1993 (native district: Coimbatore), 6th July 1976 (native district: Krishnagiri), residing at residing at No. V-190, Appanaickenpatti, Maruthi Housing, No. 427-A, Bangala Street, Uddana Apally Village and Post, Sulur Taluk, Coimbatore-641 402, shall henceforth be known Hosur Taluk, Krishnagiri-635 119, shall henceforth be known as G. PRASANTH. as N. VENUGOPAL. G. VISHNU PRASANTH. N.V. GOPAL. Sulur, 30th April 2012. Housr, 30th April 2012. 15193. My son, V. Javahar, born on 14th December 2004 15184. I, S. Thilaga, wife of Thiru C. Suresh Kumar, born (native district: Erode), residing at Old No. 65, New No. 74, on 16th February 1970 (native district: Madurai), residing at Mugamathiyar Street, B.P. Agaraharam, Erode-638 005, shall No. 58/2, 295, Muniyandi Kovil Street, Solai Alagu Puram, Madurai- henceforth be known as V. JAIVISAL. 625 011, shall henceforth be known as S. THILAGAVATHI. N. VIVEKANANDAN. S. Fôè£. Erode, 30th April 2012. (Father.) Madurai, 30th April 2012. 15194. I, S. Muthuselvi, wife of Thiru P. Kannan, born on 15185. I, S. Soundarrajan, son of Thiru S. Srinivasan, 7th December 1982 (native district: Namakkal), residing at born on 4th December 1970 (native district: Coimbatore), No. 95-B, Avvai Nagar, Kaliyanoor Post, Pallipalayam, residing at Old No. 4-263, New No. 4-368-1, Barathi Nagar, Namakkal-638 008, shall henceforth be known Veerapandi, Tiruppur-641 605, shall henceforth be known as K.S. MUTHUSELVI. as S. SOUNDARARAJ. S. MUTHUSELVI. S. SOUNDARRAJAN. Pallipalayam, 30th April 2012. Tiruppur, 30th April 2012. May 9, 2012] TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1045 15195. My daughter, G. Snehaa, born on 29th June 2002 15204. I, R. Saraswathi, wife of Thiru P.C. Shanmugam, (native district: Vellore), residing at No. 88-C, Ponnai Kuttu born on 2nd August 1966 (native district: Coimbatore), Road, M.B.T. Road, Thiruvalam, Vellore-632 515, shall residing at No. 7/53, Neruveethi, Sirumugai Village, henceforth be known as VA. NIVETHITA SHRI. Mettupalayam, Coimbatore District, shall henceforth be T.V.P. VASSANTH RAJ. known as SAVITHRI. Thiruvalam, 30th April 2012. (Father.) R. êóvõF. 15196. I, G.R. Kothandam, son of Thiru Ranganathan, born Mettupalayam, 30th April 2012. on 2nd December 1954 (native district: Tirunelveli), residing 15205. I, Lavaniya, daughter of Thiru Tejpal S. Rathod, at Old No. 7-93-A, New No. 7/92-A, Pillayar Kovil Street, born on 9th September 1990 (native district: Kancheepuram), Timmarajapuram, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli-627 353, shall residing at Old No. 163, New No. 165, Pattu Puchi Lane henceforth be known as G.R. KOTHANDA RAMAN. No. 3, Coimbatore-641 001, shall henceforth be known G.R. «è£î‡ì‹. as ANKITA T. RATHOD. Tirunelveli, 30th April 2012. LAVANIYA. 15197. I, K. Mohamed Basheer, son of Thiru M. Kodhuvoo Coimbatore, 30th April 2012. Mydeen, born on 31st January 1992 (native district: Tirunelveli), residing at No. 118-5, Abathpallivasal Street, 15206. I, P. Pandiarajan, son of Thiru N. Pandian, born on Tenkasi, Tirunelveli-627 811, shall henceforth be known 7th November 1992 (native district: Sivagangai), residing at as K. MOHAMED RASUL. No. 776, Kilamadam, Athikaram Post, Tiruppathur, K. MOHAMED BASHEER. Sivagangai-630 207, shall henceforth be known Tenkasi, 30th April 2012. as P. PANDIARAJ. P. PANDIARAJAN. 15198. I, G. Vinoth, son of Thiru M. Gurulingasamy, born on 12th September 1979 (native district: Krishnagiri), Kilamadam, 30th April 2012. residing at No. 61-E-11, Anna Nagar, Behind Police Quarters, 15207. My daughter, K. Manesa, born on 21st November 1997 Hosur, Krishnagiri-635 109, shall henceforth be known (native district: Karur), residing at Old No. 26, New as M.G. VINAY. No. 26/31, Pattavan Kovil Street, Periyakulathupalayam, Vengamedu, G. VINOTH. Karur-639 006, shall henceforth be known as K MANESHA.

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