The Journal of Marine Research is an online peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research on a broad array of topics in physical, biological, and chemical oceanography. In publication since 1937, it is one of the oldest journals in American marine science and occupies a unique niche within the ocean sciences, with a rich tradition and distinguished history as part of the Sears Foundation for Marine Research at Yale University. Past and current issues are available at journalofmarineresearch.org. Yale University provides access to these materials for educational and research purposes only. Copyright or other proprietary rights to content contained in this document may be held by individuals or entities other than, or in addition to, Yale University. You are solely responsible for determining the ownership of the copyright, and for obtaining permission for your intended use. Yale University makes no warranty that your distribution, reproduction, or other use of these materials will not infringe the rights of third parties. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. Journal of Marine Research, Sears Foundation for Marine Research, Yale University PO Box 208118, New Haven, CT 06520-8118 USA (203) 432-3154 fax (203) 432-5872 [email protected] www.journalofmarineresearch.org Low-frequency temperature fluctuations between Ocean Station Echo and Bermuda 1 1 by W. Sturges and Alan Summy , 2 ABSTRACT Hydrographic data at Ocean Station Echo (35N, 48W) form an almost continuous 6-year series ending in 1973. The temperature fluctuations at periods longer than about 8 months appear to be largely from the first vertical mode, and at periods of about 7 to 4 months from the second._These fluctuations are found to be coherent with those seen in the Panulirus data, at Bermuda, if the travel time for group velocity is included. The first mode fluctuations are coherent in a number of frequency bands with periods between 5½ and 18 months; from the phase information, wave lengths from ~600 km to 1800 km are computed. Thus, an empirical dispersion curve is found, and from this the group velocity can be determined as a function of frequency. The computed group velocities are consistent with the induced delay times that give highest coherencies. The second mode fluctuations are coherent at nearly the same ·observed periods. A mean shear in the westward velocity component, however, is evident in large-scale mean hydrographic data, and this shear (~ 2 cm/ sec between 400 m and 1200 m) suggests that the observed periods are substantially shorter than the original, unshifted periods, by a. p- proximately a factor of 2. 1. Introduction By using a "gappy" spectral method, Thompson (1971) found that at "site D" the velocity fluctuations just north of the Gulf Stream had power increasing strongly toward low frequencies; at a depth of 500 m, the spectrum is nearly flat at periods approaching a year, yet between periods of a few months and a few days the power decreases with frequency as ~f-s. Wunsch (1972) found, in the Panulirus data near Bermuda, that the baroclinic signal-in dynamic height-has a similar concentra- tion of energy at low frequencies. He showed that the temperature spectra have decreasing energy levels beginning at about 3 months, with energy decreasing as ~f-a, down to periods of about 1 month. In a recent paper, Frankignoul (1981) re-examined the Panulirus data on the basis of a 24-year record. He shows (e.g., his Figs. 4, 5) that the temperature spectra at various depths are similar in many 1. Department of Oceanography, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, 32306, U.S.A. 2. Present address: U.S. Coast Guard Oceanographic Unit, Bldg. 159-E, Navy Yard Annex, Wash- ington, D.C., 20593, U.S.A. 727 728 Journal of Marine Research [40, Supplement 40° ow s E.c ho + 0 27-31May 1980 7o•w 60° 50° Figure 1. Position of Ocean Station Echo, relative to Bermuda and the Gulf Stream. Location of the Gulf Stream is from satellite data in May 1980. From Gulf Stream Summary, May 1980. ways, but that the relative concentrations of energy at various frequencies change with depth. Another data base for studying low-frequency fluctuations is the set of hydro- graphic stations made by the U.S. Coast Guard at various ocean weather stations. The data used in this paper are from Station "Echo"; data were taken near 35N, 48W (see Fig. 1). The Coast Guard took oceanographic casts there starting in January 1963; this program was discontinued in June of 1973. During the interven- ing period over 2000 stations were taken. Station keeping for these vessels entailed steaming within a 10-mile square while collecting meteorological and oceanographic data. Occasionally the ships were diverted for search and rescue operations. A summary of the methods used is given by Longacre (1977), who also shows the salinity data, which we have chosen not to use, in favor of temperature. Stations taken from ~October 1966 to the termination of Ocean Station Echo in 1973 form the best series. The Corner Rise Seamounts extend from OWS Echo in a northwesterly direction, toward the United States. The bottom rises steeply to the north and to the northwest of the central Echo position; the depth is ~4200 m. South of a line drawn between Echo and Bermuda are depths greater than 5000 m. On the largest scales the sea floor has a rising slope to the northwest of approximately 2.5 m per kilometer. 2. Data Figure 2 is taken from Longacre (1 977) and shows the basic data. The hydro- graphic casts were often taken daily (!), but instrument problems, severe weather, search and rescue missions, and the fact that not all vessel assignments overlapped caused numerous gaps. To overcome this problem, to suppress high-frequency noise, 1982] Sturges & Summy: Temperature fiuctuations, Echo-Bermuda 729 0 1000 _1- ----- _ 4 .0 -- --- ----- ---- - 2000 St P "'°y JAN WU NAY JUL !£1" NOY J MAY JUL !El" NOV J N MAIi WAT JUL SEI' NOV 1966 1967 1968 1969 2,.0 1000 ,4.0 \_, --- --- - - 2000 ~I , I I I r I , I, I, I, I I I, I I I I I, I, I, J4N IU,R 1'.AT JVL SEP NOY ,1~ WAft MAY JUL SE, NOY JAH MU MAY JUL SEP lilOV JAN MAR WAT 1970 1971 1972 1973 Figure 2. Monthly average isotherm depths at Ocean Station Echo; after Longacre (1977). and to reduce the amount of data processing, a low-pass Gaussian filter having a standard deviation of thirty days was applied to the data. The original data were subsamp1ed at intervals of 365.25/12 days,= "monthly." This filter method causes some problems between periods of 2 to about 4 months, owing to the "holes" in the data. We have merely chosen not to deal with fluctua- tions having periods shorter than 4 months. It is possible to interpolate across the gaps to improve the frequency response between 2 and 4 months, of course (see e.g., Frankignoul, 1981), but the higher frequencies were not our primary interest. 730 Journal 0/ Marine Research [40, Supplement Table 1. Mean, standard deviation, and standard error of the mean, for temperatures at Ocean Weather Station Echo (36N, 48W) January 1967 through December 1972. One standard de- viation of the data is shown. Standard error of the mean is based on the number of inde- pendent observations as determined by the autocorrelation function at each depth. Standard Mean Standard error of Zero crossing of Depth temperature deviation mean autocorrelation . M ·c ·c ·c Months 300 16.55 .62 .23 10.0 400 15.61 .86 .29 8.3 500 14.16 1.00 .33 8.2 600 12.39 1.11 .37 8.1 800 8.65 .92 .31 8.4 1000 6.26 .48 .09 3.0 1200 5.10 .28 .05 2.8 1400 4.49 .18 .04 4.0 3. Results Fi~re 2 shows peak-to-peak low-frequency fluctuations of ~4 °C in the main therm6cline. Table I shows a few basic properties of the data. The standard devia- tion is; as large as 1 °C. Such large temperature fluctuations are well known; see for example McCartney et al. (1978). Figure A-1, in the Appendix, shows the auto- correlatio.n function at 4 depths. The autocorrelation function (computed from· the low-passed data) goes to zero at approximately 3 months for the 1200 m tempera- tures, giving approximately 26 independent observations in the ~6-year data set. There .is a substantial negative lobe after 3 months-see Figure A-I -suggesting that this is only approximate. The first zero crossing is not a very elegant parameter, but is adequate for the present purpose. At '300 m, however, the autocorrelation function falls to zero only after 10 months, giving proportionately fewer independent observations. It is remarkable that, after 6 years of data, only at the deepest 3 levels does the standard error of the mean begin to approach the accuracy of routine thermometric work! This large standard error, of course, results from the large-and real-fluctuations, and not from observational errors. a. Spectra. Figures 3 and 4 show the spectra for two depths. The best data start in October, 1966; because we have used a low-pass filter, the data set begins here .in January 1967. Spectra are also shown for temperature fluctuations at Bermuda, for comparison.
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