1961 CONGRESSIONAL .RECORD- SENATE 11337 Fein, Louis I. Gott, Michael J. Lumpkin, Aubrey L. · Modzelewski, Edward Charles J. Mears, Jr. Russell R. Sherzer Gamble, Ross M. Townsend, Donald B. Friedman, Arthur D. R ." Donald 0. Meece James P. Smyth Abernathy, Thomas R. Jellison, Harold M., Bradley, Thomas E. Thompson, Joseph H. Ralph Nelms Leo J. Still Comer, Andrew G. Jr. Bancroft, Richard A. Disher, William H. · Merton J. Oss Thomas M. Truax Shore, Bruce J. McKay, Conrad L. Cooper, Francis W. Cummings, John :M. Willie G: Roberson Jaris L. Wagor Gartrell, Craig B. Henderson, Walter J. Vitali, Henry R. Sallade, Paul H. · William P. Schlotz- Donald H. Wa-hlstrom Perry, Victor A. O'Rourke, James K. Dunn, John H. Austin, John H. hauer Tucker, Leland W. Boles, Robert D. Wright, Dennis W. Scyphers, Ruel T. The following named (Naval Reserve Of­ Illg, Harvey G. Riseley, James P., Jr. Morrow, Thomas E. Carroll, Charles W. ficers' Training Corps) for permanent ap­ DeLaine, Louis, Jr. Whitmer, James A. Shaffer, John C. MacDonald, Glenn A. pointment to the grade of second lieutenant Wiita, John W. Hawkins, David H. Dawson, Forest G. Smith, Buck D. in the Marine Corps, subject to the qualifi­ Perry, Aydlette H., Jr. Fenenga, Gerit L. Mills, Lewis L. Gaffney, Joseph I. cation therefor as provided by law: Gerichten, Williams. Robbins, Morris G. Beno, Joseph P. Lubin, Irwin JohnM.Rose Brownell, Richard L. Como, Joseph A. Munter, Weldon R. Shimanoff, MorrisS. Phillips, Bernard P. Charon, Larry P. Newbill, Merrill S. Axton, Robert H. The following named (Naval Academy Badamo, Frank J. McCann, Henry J. Clark, Merideth M. Keyes, Gerald W. graduate) for permanent appointment to Ballek, Fred J. Coughlin, Richard L. Blair, Anthony L. Stewart, James H. the grade of second lieutenant in the Marine Cheatham, Willard E. Vanek, Kenneth D. Muth, Harold F. Rush, Wesley M. Corps, subject to the qualification therefor DeLong, George J. Cable, Wiley R. as provided by law: The following-named officers of the Marine Booth, Charles L. Gillen, John P. Fred J. Palumbo McCormick, James G. Baldwin, William T. Corps for temporary appointment to the O'Rourke, William T., Sutter, Ruaolf s. grade of first lieutenant, subject to qualifi­ The following-named officer of the Marine Jr. Rasdal, Robert W. cation therefor as provided by law: Corps for temporary appointment to the Connor, Briah K. grad_e of captain, subject to qualification Cull, Albert L. Robinson, James C. therefor as provided by la·w. Thornbury, Billy -D. Willis, Lawrence J. Farrington, Daniel 0. W. Harris, James B_. Tilly, Robert C. Leiker, Robert. Frank Cruz, Jr. Frank H. Taylor (naval enlisted scientific Madera, Leroy A. Battistone, Carl L. The following named for permanent ap­ Robertson, Duncan J. Young, Earnest G. educational program) to be a permanent pointment to the grade of second lieutenant ensign in the restricted line of the Navy for Florence, John W. Ashby, William C., Jr. for limited duty in the Marine Corps, sub­ Ostlund, Donald P. Lenihan, John D. the performance of aeronautical engineer­ Keller, Albert W. Luckett, Jackson R. ject to the qualification therefor as provided ing duty (aerology) in lieu of ensign in the King, Charles A., Jr. Andrews, Clifton B. by law: line of the Navy as previously nominated Skagerberg, Alan E. Dawson, Carl F. William F. Ayer John H. Havel and confirmed. · Schlarp, Jack E. Rexroad, Donald N. Armin Barton George F. Hoffman Roque, llow M. Barker, Warren H. Frank D. Brady Donald W. Johnston Graney, Thomas E. Dowd, John A. James H. Briggs Thomas J. Kennedy CONFIRMATIONS Woodring, Willard J., Gubany, Michael W. Charles S. Cahaskie George Kiraly, Jr. Executive nominations confirmed by Jr. Joy, Lester H. James J. Connell William P. Lakin the Senate June 26, 1961: Butler, Larry R. owens, Hosea Peter L. Deprecker Robert E. Lippman Pullar, WalterS., Jr. Hite, Harry W. James T. East James W. Livezey WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION DeLong, Clyde S., Jr. Downs, Roy James D. Eckert Frank Mann Dr. H. van Zile Hyde, of Maryland, to be Willcox, Clair E. Guodale, Richard W. John J. Fallon, Jr. William 0. McClellan, the representative of the United States of Kramer, Milton c. Fojtlin, Louis JamesP. Griffin Jr. America on the Executive Board of the World George, Gus J. Huizenga, Elmer F. John J. Guenther Kenneth A. McVay Health Organization. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Russian Deportation of Lithuanians rule of the Soviets. If any proof is ·Poll of Residents of the Seventh District needed of the ruthlessness and the evils of Indiana EXTENSION OF REMARKS of communism, this act of barbarism is here for all the world to see. OF We live in an age of the cold war-an EXTENSION OF REMARKS HON. CHARLES A. BUCKLEY age wherein we must be constantly on the OF OF NEW YORK alert at a time when the forces of free­ HON. WILLIAM G. BRAY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dom are sorely tried throughout the world. We are the leaders of the free OF INDIANA Monday, June 26, 1961 world. All mankind looks to us for lead­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. BUCKLEY. Mr. Speaker, on Feb­ ership. We must provide it. We cannot Monday, June 26, 1961 ruary 16 last, I rose on the floor of this weaken in our determination to carry House to pay tribute to the brave people the day for the forces of democracy. To Mr. BRAY. Mr. Speaker, within the of Lithuania and the Lithuanian nation. do so would be fatal for all of us know next 10 days many Seventh District resi­ Lithuania is today enslaved. It is that communism is committed to world­ dents will receive in the mail a question­ awaiting the time when itself and its wide domination. Therefore, let us re­ naire asking their views on problems of people will be free to control their own member these tragic days in the month of current interest. I am again asking my destinies. June in the history of the Lithuanian constituents for their opinions on these The present condition of the Lithu­ people. Let this be a reminder to all of matters, as I have · found such surveys anian nation is a reminder to all of us us that we must be ever on the alert and very helpful in the past. that better than half of the peoples of eternally vigilant to defend our own It seems likely that the Congress will this world now live under intolerable precious freedoms and to carry our mes­ continue in session until Labor Day, and conditions. Their basic God-given rights sage throughout the world so that even­ in these next several weeks many impor­ to a free existence are denied to them. tually all nations will have the right to tant matters will be the subject of legis­ No more striking example of this enslave­ determine their own futures in their own lative decisions. The questions I have ment of millions of peoples exist than way. proposed deal with such hotspots as what has only recently been written into I salute the brave people of Lithuania Cuba, Berlin, and Communist China. the pages of history-the days of June 15 and I remind them that although the The poll also seeks to determine attitudes and 16 in the years 1940 and 1941 when June days of the 15th and 16th in 1940 on aid to education, foreign aid, and over 60,000 free Lithuanians were force­ and 1941 were indeed black days in the medical care. No set of questions can be ably deported to slave labor camps and history of their nation the example and complete but I believe the range of the untold miseries in the vast stretches of reminder of these days is a continued in­ ones that follow is certainly broad. I · the Siberian subcontinent. This depor­ spiration to all men who truly desire to will place the results of this poll in the tation took place under the orders and be free. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. 11338 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE June 26 Do you favor- are concerned about other ~ericans Senator CAPEHART. What has your Govern­ l. In our relations with Cuba: (a) Agree­ held_prisoner in Cupa, I ask Una.mmous ment, th~ American Government, ·done to ing to the tractor-prisoner exchange'! (b) Mr. assist you in this matter? Econ9mlc embargo on all goods? (c) Send­ consent, President, that a transcrip­ Mrs. GmsoN. They cabled Berne, Switzer­ ing troops to displace Castro and the Com­ tion of the intei:view may be printed in land, and Berne eabl~d the Swiss- ~bassy munists? the RECORD. • in Havana, and after S or 4 weeks I received 2. Continuing U.S. opposition to admission There being no objection, the tran­ the information that he was well 8 or 4 of Red China to the United Nations? script of the interview was ordered to weeks ago-. · 3. Foreign aid being: (a) Continued at be printed in the RECORD, as follows: Senator CAPEHART. And as far as you know present levels? (b) Cut sharply? (c) Ex­ that is all they have accomplished or made panded? (d) Ended? GUEST INTERVIEW WITH WIFE OF AMERICAN any effort to accomplish? 4. Stronger laws to protect domestic in­ PRISONER IN CUBA Mrs. GmsoN. That seems to be all they dustries from competition of products im­ Announcer. From the Nation's Capital and have done. ported from countries with cheap labor a public service Senator HoMER E. CAPEHART Senator CAPEHART. Well, · at this point I standards? reports to the people of Indi.ana. Today Sen­ want to say that this is a .
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