South Dakota State University Open PRAIRIE: Open Public Research Access Institutional Repository and Information Exchange Hilton M. Briggs Library Faculty Publications Hilton M. Briggs Library 6-1-1987 South Dakota Periodicals Index: 1982-1986 Clark N. Hallman South Dakota State University Mary E. Caspers South Dakota State University, [email protected] Lisa F. Lister South Dakota State University Deb Gilchrist South Dakota State University Follow this and additional works at: http://openprairie.sdstate.edu/library_pubs Recommended Citation Hallman, Clark N.; Caspers, Mary E.; Lister, Lisa F.; and Gilchrist, Deb, "South Dakota Periodicals Index: 1982-1986" (1987). Hilton M. Briggs Library Faculty Publications. Paper 5. http://openprairie.sdstate.edu/library_pubs/5 This Index is brought to you for free and open access by the Hilton M. Briggs Library at Open PRAIRIE: Open Public Research Access Institutional Repository and Information Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Hilton M. Briggs Library Faculty Publications by an authorized administrator of Open PRAIRIE: Open Public Research Access Institutional Repository and Information Exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. South Dakota Periodicals Index 1982-1986 Hilton M. Briggs Library South Dakota State University Brookings, South Dakota 1987 SOUTH DAKOTA PERIODICALS INDEX 1982-1986 Compiled By- Clark N. Hallman Mary E. Caspars Lisa F. Lister Deb Gilchrist Reference Department Hiltoni M. Briggs Library South Dakota State University Brookings, SD 57007-1098 1987 Publication of this indexwas funded in part by a grant from the South DakotaCommittee on the Humanities, ^ an affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. LB 056 Introduction The South Dakota Periodicals Index is a subject and author index to selected periodicals and annuals published in South Dakota. Its purpose is to facilitate the location ofinformation about thepeople, places, events, and issues that make South Dakota a special place. As reference librarians at South Dakota State University we are aware of the difficulty of finding specific information about South Dakota. National periodical indexes provide very limited coverage of South Dakota, andit is not unusual to search through many different indexes without finding a single reference to the state. In 1984 we completed A5%ri;ey ofSouth Dakota Periodicals (Bethesda, MD: ERIC Document Reproduction Sendee, ED 245 710), and we realized that much valuable information about the state is available in these publications. However, we also realized that access tothatinformation islimited. Most ofthese fine publica- tions are not indexed in the national indexes. This is especially true for publications that are intended for those outside thescholarly community. Because ofthesmall circulation and limited promotional budgets of many of these publications, most people are not aware of their existence or of their usefulness. Therefore important information pertaining to local and state topics may be found only by those individuals who regularly read these publications. Others are left with serendipitous discovery methods. This index was conceived asthebestway to facilitiate use oftheinformation inSouth Dakota publications. We believe the creation of an index covering several of these publications brings together a substantial source of useful information about South Dakota. The index should provide access to these publications even though usersmay not have priorknowledge ofthem. By using thisindex, people across thestate, and elsewhere, can identify useful information even though the publications may not be owned by libraries in their area. Regular interlibrary loan procedures through local libraries may be used to obtain copies of rele vant articles. TheSouthDakotaPeriodicalsIndexis not intendedto bea comprehensive source ofallarticlesaboutSouth Dakota inperiodicals or annual publications. It does not index publications which are published outside the state. It also does not index all publications which are published in the state. Staffing and budgetary realities necessitated that we included only a selected list of South Dakota publications which we believed would provide the most useful information to the greatest number of people. ifUthough scholarly articles are included, we view the target audience of the index to consist mainly of citizens ofSouth Dakota and other persons interested in the state. Topics covered by the index are highly eclectic because ofthediversity ofthepublications indexed. Basically, we have tried toinclude publications which illumina.te the rich history, culture, and artistryofthe state along with its social, economic, and en vironmental diversity. Some short fiction, poetry, and photographic essays also are indexed. All types of South Dakotans are represented by the listed articles, including: farmers, politicians, city folks. Native Americans, ethnic minorities, teachers, fishermen, and manyothers. This retrospective index covers material published from 1982 through 1986. We arecommitted to continu ing the index with regular supplements in the future. Tentatively we plan to issue annual supplements with multi-year cumulations. Production aiid publication ofthis index would not have been possible without the help and support ofmany people. We must acknowledge at least a few of these individuals: Todd Erickson—Student Programmer. Todd did an excellent job of translating our many demands into computer language and forcing the computer to deliver an acceptable product. Elizabeth Tucker—Student Assistant. Liz typed virtually every word inthis index with remarkable accuracy andspeed at a computer terminal in the library. Leon Raney—Dean of Libraries, SDSU. Dr. Raney's continuing encouragement and support made this project possible. Again, we have tried to produce an index which will make it easier to locate information about South Dakota. We also wanted to highlight some ofthe fine publications andauthors in South Dakota. We believe this index takes a step toward those goals. Clark N. Hallman, Project Director, South Dakota Periodicals Index, H.M. Briggs Library, South Dakota State University June 1987 Abbreviations V = volume number JAN = January NO = issue number FEE = February P = Pages MAR = March SPR = Spring APR = April FAL = Fall JUN = June WIN = Winter JUL = July SUM = Summer AUG = August + = continued on later pages SEP = September of the same issue OCT = October NOV = November DEC = December Periodical Abbreviations For more information consult the list of Periodicals Indexed BUSREV South Dakota Business Review CENSUSDATA SDSU Census Data Center Newsletter. CONSDIG South Dakota Conservation Digest DAKHIST Dakota History Conference Papers DAKWEST Dakota West HISTNOTES South Dakota State Historical Society History Notes INDIAN Institute of Indian Studies Newsletter LABOR South Dakota Labor Bulletin LAW South Dakota Law Review PRAIRIE Prairie People SDHIST South Dakota History SDMAG South Dakota Magazine Periodicals Indexed Dakota History Conference Papers South Dakota Conservation Digest Dakota State College South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks Madison, SD 57042 445 East Capitol Annual, 13th-17th Conferences, 1981-85 Pierre, SD 57501 Bimonthly, v.49-53, 1982-86 Dakota West South Dakota History South Dakota Hall of Fame South Dakota State Historical Society P.O. Box 568 800 Governors Drive Fort Pierre, SD 57532 Pierre, SD 57501-2294 Quarterly, v.8-12, 1982-86 Quarterly, v.12-16, 1982-86 Institute ofIndian Studies Newsletter South Dakota Labor Bulletin University of South Dakota Labor Market Information Center 414 E. Clark Street P.O. Box 4730 Vermillion, SD 57069r2390 Aberdeen, SD 57402-4730 Quarterly no.90-109, 1982-86 Monthly, 1982-86 Prairie People South Dakota Law Review Siouxland Heritage Museums School of Law 200 West Sixth Street University of South Dakota Sioux Falls, SD 57102 Vermillion, SD 57069 Quarterly, v.4, no.l-v.5, no.l, 1985-86 Quarterly, v.27, no.2-v.31, no.3, 1982-86 SDSU Census Data Center Newsletter South Dakota Magazine Agricultural Experiment Station Prairie Publishing Company South Dakota State University 214 W. 3rd Brookings, SD 57007 Yankton, SD 57078 Monthly, v.l, no.1-5, 1986 Bimonthly, v.l, no.l-v.2, no.4 South Dakota Business Review South Dakota State Historical Society History Notes Business Research Bureau 800 Governors Drive School of Business Pierre, SD 57501-2294 University of South Dakota 5 issues per year, v.l, no.l-v.2, no.3, 1985-86 Vermillion, SD 57069 Quarterly, v.40, no. 3-V.45 no.2, 1982-86 Indexing Policies All publications are fully indexed, i.e., all substantive articles are indexed; except for South DakotaLaw Review which was selectively indexed. Selective indexing of the South Dakota Law Review excludes material which deals with global legal issues, i.e., that which is not specifically related to South Dakota. Substantive articles do not include brief announcements of events or other articles of only a few sentences. Generally, substantivearticles also donot include organization/membership news,letters to the editor, etc. A few articles are indexed although they do not pertain to South Dakota because they appear in publications which we index fully and they are substantive. Generally, each indexed article is listed under as many as five subject headings and under as many as five author's names. In all cases, an attempt is made to adequately describe the contents of each article, and more subject headings are assigned
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