if-.- iv p caifto Jays ,,„ . CRANFORD. N. J.. THURSDAY, APRIL 4. 1929 "No- 8- WoodsidfAve. Owners J WEKK ~ contxawtaans oonttMw General Fries Here Nut Monday night a meeting comt in fur Us* support at th» Will be held in .the Township Cranfoid Ban' Camp aod.tollow Friday,SahmiayNights Want Street Next Thursday Night Rooms to pish lor the artoual Presents Two Plays ina l» O» coodilioo to date: "Clean Op wVek." The dste set Amount. Mtessary $JJ»J» Request Townahip Committee tor this anL al. I eobdll . J^and ending Large Audience Thoroughly eh to Extend Streel Thiroaga It is"Tfipea~th*t- Splendid Performance A* Ma ^ Monday Nigh* I on "the-37th. Apprecia to Winan« STreet. Con- vice "if the. United States • thens win be a large attendance Mired, PlayJ»>._':§fcreanv' * Work of Cleaning at the meeting as plans will be by Member.. tractsAwarded. —™ 3APE COD Will Be -GiSe»T; of- Men's Town and Eliminate discussed and Uie method of pro- Balance to be raised ~ —— and the Cast of 75 Hn» ICOTC Club "ST Annual Dinner cedure explained. Cranford has * °*T many . vacant lots and these OnTuesday, April 2nd. Uie Cranford • (hi* 'year i- — llJM-Tf Been Drilled to Perfection Property owuers of Woodslde avenue TO«jj|day Night. should be cleaned up. Rubbish Dramatic Club presented two -one-act ThU amount Is not large tor MUUoned the Townslxip Committee a> plsy. widely different in type. The cranford andthe camp is strictly Uie mettuig Tueidmy night u> extend collects over the winter and a N«er did enUiuslum run « inaugura- concerted effort, under a well de-' first, play, Olorta Mundt, by Patricia a local affair providing outdoor Hat street so that when Wlnan. avj- i Wont was received from Washington Brown, though pessimistic and cynical recreation txcluslvely lor the than 11 is Uua «*k om Uie advent oi lue "l» opened to Meeker avenue it will "FOOT fined pom' and an organized -IHue U» PrtBW.- which opens «>- not u« Isolaied. The petitioner, stated .,,, .| ,,,,,1 last year s this week that MaJ. Oeneral Amos A. movement wuT eliminate all of was nevertheless very Interesting and boys and girls of Cranford and for the use of which no charge in HoosewH School aud Uiat the' proposed improvement would [.p-gratifying to those Fries, chief of Uie Chemical Warfare this and at the same time reduce appealed wholly to the intellect. The Division of - Uie United States Army, author chose an Insane asylum, as her U made to those who take ad- *ain on Saturday night open up valuable property and Uiat U^e the n're haurd. do to the meet- ^TSlihas worked w, hard ind«d work should 1» done when other almi- ""* " will would make his only public appearance ing; join the Clean ftp'.Cam- symbol for We and Virginia Blake, a vantage Of IL ,' ' • - r- . this year at Cranford a. speaker at new nurse, as the personification ol an land hav. perfected themselv- for Uicij l»r work in the »«otlon U done. This ,„.. - event. paign;, join hands with the p»ru. Btnoars.1 last ntgbt lndtoat»d Uie annual dinner of Uie Men's Club Township officials, employees, .dealist.. who. becoming disillusioned, was referred to tile Engineer and Road mitiing will, be of Trinity Parish. Oeneral Fries Is a tbat u» prasentauoo wlU nmt..»ll ex- Kiuinis and re- civic bodies and Boy Scouts .in had to decide the question whether,to speaker of International note and has face lift as It Is or to take the only. notations and wui be one of the bast Building Inspector Moore reported I* -v organization helplng'~tn. this excellent work. Cranford Scoots Score . i.towii 1.McMAli( been greatly hi demand at dinners, Much has been accomplished in way out. Mrs. Famsworth. played by SSr lt«» in town i«w and 'J. alteraUon pemilta Issued ivitcsi. Citizens patriotic meetings, before business and > and it Is • years past and more can be ac- Viola Morrison, represented Society bf any organuaUiKi. ouutde Uie; past rciiort munth; value staUid «t atVml professional brganlsaUooa for the "past with its charm and grace but utter fu- Cimnford Dramatic Club. .;. gh-tir.de tivwn rooms" Nvith complished -this year than ever Htgk OB SfiQ 7711 • • • « • ' several years. Owing to Illness result- before. :'. tility. Mis. Dunn, played by Dorothy Chairman amiu» ik,. ;in interest in ing- from Hard campeJgnink^n. the member « Beveir now permit, wore Issued on Messerve, portrayed Business," withs.ajl recomniendaUon «f We- BulUiing,ln-. Phon« Philippine stands after UJe—Spanish Its force and clarity yet without a soul. Troop 80 Win» Firtt Honors has been sptfcad War," he has been ordered to take a apsctor. - ' Mr. Lloyd, acted by Samuel Morrison, Conuact lor'"llogw. Service Ootineo- complete rest for the balance of Uie represented Uie Arts wtth all their cul- arid Take* Place HeU by (hat itreaL.r«uits have year. ' All speaking' dates have been Uons was awarded lo John T. Lowery ture, pretension and bombast Miss Only ~ One Other Troop i» , functioned efflcienUy »«4Thoa» in ...,H mi Hanilarv Sowpra In Horning mi that niany «re menaces cancelled and the only exception made New Athletic Club Jebb. a seasoned nurse, played by Council Th« Yeor. ^tt to irranio ana Wh.te;a.^r- abolished as a result: as hi favor of Cranford Men's Club. Kathcrtni Robinson, represented Duty Uielr bids at the last meeting, tliey u«- ,.ir, l.,t*. ilirty alleys and When Uie World War broke out, the Formed Here ind Robert Cartwell, played by Sam te^JTSaS-£T« ol rubbish have been United States had no-chemical war- obtainable at UM box uffloe and uig Um lowest bidders. Pritchctt, an Idealist whOM bitter year. t>,,nf«^ J ,uU scintfd agai: landscape fare division-ana it fell tu bis lot, tor t ; it a -unimnd for Bniilneer Coiliu. rcporUd plan* of experiencpe e had hardened Hunntm:r T•""•h ^- - >- • •« SO, head*! I •iiady~f6rUie,i«Wftn newer from Jams. • men™-" manifnited ycai organize it. In months, rather than whTwanU to « U» show ».«» years, he had his department on an Prorrnrient- Citizens to • Spon- play was a difficult one for amateurs A- Cattanat: to Uie river aucl Uiat right, of |,nd.te.»i>rir,gitl»_pl«'nne but the acUng.of the cs»t was quite ,. »n av*rag»-»f•:?•?. iUU»ough Uw conual uo lecured where not now ' >hr jub ,w thorough. tn« efficiency basis not excelled by any ibr Teams in AiFtlnes"of b»H-« that» m«njr a» If" country In Uie world. His accomplish- profeaBoinu.'v—Weird, llghtmr eHecto U?7 points In inspection. .This •Btftl* r poTlins al»o~made-report ,..| nut l»i- a Wt «f rubbish t jTwIi STwOUiii UBOI-th. Uut ment was recognized by all Of the Sport. • heightened the feeling of suspense and #very..ceut in ta» troop and the ofH with* rei«rd to the it. H. uhdirgrade j jnywhere after. o ZiU, wui obUin Uieir UcktM «Io" countries In Europe and he has been horror. Mrs. Low is to be congratulat- fcrs a» w»U to w«arM»H|r«sU>!-« »«k work now. under way. Ln thing* "ff, Cummissione: rfnfl to UM •ciiool' guert of practically every nation that ed upon the direction of a play which ed red star on tlw ri(kt hnut ppotk.l CltUeiis of U»e Oranford Terraoe sec IORTH hwrt out »' letter 'to all Civl e Oenenl inlanat throughout CrmB What promises to be a red-letter waas ddistinguished by its studious care hih i laJby ««MIU all ovovu Uon coinplalhed that Mlch«l Kr «o spot-in. Iho-uislorj'of Cranford.athicXM «hiclrl IJl^lhs tw • n-«-^-^»»«—w^ —* — lord In Uw evtnt is a source ot lire* was engaged in the World War—He fofdeialffdilLL' _.,,,„„ of keeps his g»rtwe wagons on hU uiok place last Thursday eveninK with ThTwtnrM •«•••'•• mark .anuwi*Lffl» has been decorated and feted by no- Th» rrtm«n Coooanut. an absurdity rtion. • Latwt rtporU i* that Ui •»••vnsZS: ** hUity and honored by various gu the lorniation-nt-H-nen JtlilcUe oluh in one act, b y Ian Hay ^UMU VW Uwrvancc'.if Clcan-Up Wce out urkej ments for what he had done. ,whic» h will fcend~»- ou' 'earn'«»"s" imn all contrast, offering a hilarious vehicle md their scoutm««»«r *'• sticking out aTuw newtjof the. tto e to awuw i«t»."-#- ~""v.ri— Erne » fixed event in the com While engaged in the organization branches of sport. The Initial step will for some of the Club's most talented i-> far that the st'arii will b» plaiol. [)„, jj (im«mlnal*1 and that was made that a bad condition If Cranford. Many un and management of this important der be formation of a baseball team which comedians and comedy 1* always hard visible;' They arrentHled to 1—1 v«: district can be deprttdtd upso to on Oranford T«rr.ce who" U.e |pl»crt have been cleared,.of partment of the government he has rtli-be entered in the Elizabeth League to plar. Alston Rodger*, as Jack Pln- proud iitdwd ov»r their aecomplhh its part t&amliuw audttnea. had mi* made r«- sland Ducks mi«l'Juiw«rau,.flrl Jungeruu., rtree eqndltionsjPJWconditions ^ ^.^ ^ ^^^ otters The meeting on Thursday was for cber of Scotland Yard had another op- .Lent. They were H» subj«* of »n. A\uttor a* the diw. by this effort, which «n»W«»i -^^ wbUe a staunch advocate of peace, tlie purpose ot nrnaiiirjUlon and elec- portunity to show a finished technique.
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