University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Tucumcari News, 1905-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-27-1917 Tucumcari News Times, 09-27-1917 The ucT umcari Print. Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/tucumcari_news Recommended Citation The ucT umcari Print. Co.. "Tucumcari News Times, 09-27-1917." (1917). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/tucumcari_news/95 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Tucumcari News, 1905-1919 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. & w n Largest Circulation of Any rtisors Know Whoro to Paper in Quay County Tlews 9 he Their Ads tfueumeari "lace ft 9 u ft AND TUCUMCARI TIMES ftftv VOL. XVI TUCUMCARI, QUAY COUNTV, NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1917 NO. I to neutral countries from which they JOE YEAGER BUY THE OPERA might find their way to thu central na- T COURT JUS. Z, POTTER DIES tions. If Argentina an HOUSE AT TUCUMCARI, N. M. 36 MORE BOYS WILL NEWS REVIEW OF takes active Joe Yenger, part In thu war, she can muster an thu manager of the Rex purchused army of ll)8,(XX) men nnd has u navy Theater, the Opera House CONVENE IN TUCUM- ILL- ut Tucumcuri Voor-hee- s that Includes many powerful und mod- SUDDENLY AFTER this week. Mr. LEAVE QUAY COUNTY THE PAST WEEK ern vessels. and Mr. Yeagcr have entered into Sweden thu poor goat Is still In partnership in the conduct of the busi- distress over the trouble Into which CARI NEXT MONDAY NESS OF FEW ness nnd the former will be in full HOURS charge NEXT TUESDAY NIGHT Field Marshal Halg Opens New Germnn duplicity has dragged her, und nt Tucumcarl. Tho house will Is demanding explanations from Berlin open up for business this week. Offensive in Belgium and sending evasive notes to Washing- Mr. Yenger has demonstrated his as- District court convenes next Mon- Jumes Zndock nbility to mnnngc show houses suc- East of Ypres. ton and Buenos Aires, Her tenders Potter, died Wednes- List of men ordered to report to not be day in Tucumcnri. There nre nn ly day evening nbout cessfully by the manner in which he sert that she shall forced Into seven o'clock, uftcr Quay county bonrd for Military duty the war on either side. Meanwhile large number of divorce suits an Illness of only a hns conducted the Rex Theater in this few hours dura- nnd for transportation to the mobili- Is pleading food- pending but otherwise thu docket has tion. city, und the people of Tucumcnri she with America for Some thought the cause of death are zation camp at Camp Funston, MAY CUT OFF BASES stuffs to keep from suffering the peo- fewer cases than usual, was ptomaine to he congratulated in having acquired Knnsns poisoning while others at once. The time thoy must report ple who are likely to lie thu Innocent A number of road petitions will be think it was from u general his services in the enpacity in which 1 nervous is o'clock p. m., October 2, 1917: victims of thu stupidity of thu ofllclats. presented to the commissioners for break-dow- n together with nn nttnek he will be ussociutcd. Raton Reporter. 23 Oliver German Start Another Lot of Peace Situation In Russia. their approval, the most popular pur-ha- of stomnch trouble, from which he had Mr. Yeagcr arrived as announced Newtm Flint. Ru-la- 97 Rumor Kereniky Proclaim! n Premier- Kerensky week being the mnin road south'to the suffered u long time. nnd opened Snturdny night to u large Donato Floros. started the ICO Republic But Must Curb Ex- off with a stirring proclamation declar- Cap Rock. This now route runs near- Mr. Potter was n young man nnd audience. He says he expects to put Clarence Kraus. on first-clas- s 40 Robert treme Radicals Labor Troubles ing Russia to he a republic. Me then, ly due south from Tucumcnri until would hnvc been twenty-si- x years old nothing but pictures und Veitch Jnck. 87 In the United States. with four of his colleagues, undertook nbout one mile north of Quay, then next Mondny. He has been employed expects to cater to the best people William Clayton. to conduct the government until thu n road will run west to Quay connect- ut'the Elk Drug Store as pharmacist of Tucumcuri. He has no use for the 84 Robert W. McClusky. IK! ing with the mnin traveled Rnglnnd "Diamond-Dick- " nnd "Nick 34 Joseph Edgar Fcnn. BY EDWARD W. PICKARD. first congress incuts on September and had n large circle of friends. He Carter" will stufl, nnd while will consider- 41 Howard Muryon Following tilt; uhuiiI devastating n to frame n constitution nnd name n road. This make it possible for attended thu dunce nt the Elks Club it cost Bullnrd. the county to on able moru to buy the best 54 James Henry fire, n great lit tack on German uuw ministry. Next he sent n scath- centralize its money Tuesdny night nnd did not return to he thinks Bnnnon. de- could bo con- mid-nigh- tho citizenship 170 Arthur Clnude In liy t ho ing telegram to thu Baltic fleet one road which easily his room until ufter t. He of Tucumcuri, like that Cnmp. positions HcIkIuiii was begun 197 HrltlHli morning, manding that the men cease their nected with the Taylor conyon road took suddenly ill shortly nfter going of Raton, will nppreciute his efforts Joy Frank Bell. forces curly Thursday 202 Thi! thu and restore order, and thu fol- after passing the Mesn Rodondn. A to bed nnd remained in n semi-conscio- to secure something thnt will build up Steven Elmer Bullington. offensive, fiercest of recent 210 months, n U'lili ciist of lowing day hu undertook thu reorgani- large number of fnrmcrs live out in condition most nil morning. His the morals of tt community. Euch Edward Duke Fisher. iiiilirnccil front 211 ypri'i. Tin' first day's fighting, which zation of the army, beginning by sup- that part of the county nnd will no friends together with the nttending night with these excellent pictures he Floyd Franklin Cnrtcr. two-re- 221 will lie known ns the tint tic of Mciiln pressing tlie activities of thu doubt welcome through their physicians did ull they could to restore will give u comedy which will John Hniler. 22C roml, resulted In big gains for Field committees among the sol- fertile country. Road Commissioner him back to life but their efforts were make you forget the serious side of Paul Murez. 229 Reginald Marshal II ii I it's troops, especially In diers; he also ordered tho nrrest of Brown thinks this road is the best in vl'.,, as death etime to his relief as life for a few minutes at least. Spe- Montgomery. 245 the. Important Hector lictwcen thu General Kaleillues,.hetmiin of the Cos- possible to mnkc south as the, mater- stated above. cial music will also be secured as Mr. Aurel H. Bragg. govern- 249 Guy Ypros-Rouler- s railway anil Ilollehoke, sacks, whose loyalty to the ials along the route arc more suitable His father lives in Piggott, Ark., Yenger believes there is as much real Pence. Thu Germans resisted desperately mill ment was doubtful. At tills point for the construction of a permanent and he was notified nt once. Word enjoyment in good music as in good 2G1 Henry Nnthnn Hendricks. thu British were compete:! to nilvaticc Kerensky ran against two snags. Thu roadbed. It also misses thu hills south was received to have the remains sent pictures. If you have not visited the 205 Joseph M. Jordon. gained of coun- 270 ovur ground covered with water-llllc- d radicals control the of town. home for burial. Funeral services will opera house under the new manage- Tohs. B. Anderson. cil de- 279 Roy nhell holes, harhed-wlr- e entanglements of soldiers and workmen and This laying out of permanent roads be conducted nt the Klks Club Rooms ment do it now, take in onu of the Chapman. ruling and fallen trees and In thu facn of a manded that the power of the is a great problem nnd the sooner it and the remains will be sent to Pig- entertainments and if you arc not a 281 Emory Esmon Wilkerson. murderous machine-gn- fire from the republic should hu assumed at once is solved the better for the country. gott, leaving here nt 2:40 Friday morn booster for the show, you're not like 28C Ramon Lujnn. many small concrete redoubts that by the council, acting in conjunction ing. other folks. 290 Robert Sidney Becvers. with the council of peasants. The 29G have, to a considerable extent, replaced "THE HIRTH OF A NATION" The many friends here extend sym- In the meantime the opera house will Wnltcr Vernon Schneider council, who the German front line trenches. Hut leaders of thu former pathy to tho relatives home for this be equipped with n new concrete fire- 310 Jnsper Leonard Johns. have It government, It would be rather interesting to nt the British henvy artillery had dona linked with thu untimely n proof booth, $800 lntest model screen, 319 Thomas Jefferson Ayers. know whnt those, who yesterday ( demise of capable young at once resigned. The Maximalists In so 334 Snrgcnt Its work well, and the ToiuiiiIch pushed arduously mnn like Mr.
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