National Park Service White Sands Department of the Interior White Sands National Monument Ten Common Birds of White Sands © FRY here are over 220 recorded species of birds within White Sands National TMonument. High temperatures during the day, especially throughout the summer months, make it unlikely that you will come across these creatures in the heart of the dunefield. However, many of these species are commonly seen in the desert scrub vegetation around the visitor center and entrance station. The largest wren species in the United its nests in cacti, which provides States, the cactus wren is a year-round protection from predators. The cactus resident of both the dunefield and desert wren is likely to be spotted hopping scrub. It has a long white “eyebrows,” a under shrubs, hunting insects, but it cluster of black spots on its breast, and has even been seen picking insects off makes a somewhat ratchety call. The the radiator grills of parked cars! intelligent bird is known for building Cactus Wren Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus Noted for its ability to imitate the songs of fruits, and other plants. This bird other birds, this highly territorial year- also likes to prey on ants, beetles, round resident may be heard before it is and grasshoppers. The northern seen. The mockingbird is 10 inches long mockingbird is important to many and has gray coloration with conspicuous ecosystems as a seed disperser. The white wing patches. The mockingbird’s bird also controls insect populations diet consists of prickly pear cactus, by feeding on them. © Noll Northern Mockingbird Mimus polyglottos The loggerhead shrike is distinguished bird.” At White Sands, the bird may by a black mask around the eyes, and leave lizards and insects harpooned a short powerful bill. Although small on the sharp leaves of the yucca. The in size, the loggerhead shrike feeds on solitary shrike is a fierce predator and insects, rodents, lizards, and other small is the only songbird that commonly birds. This bird often impales its prey on hunts other vertebrate animals! This sharp thorns or barbed wire for a future species is in decline due to pesticides © Noll meal, giving it the nickname “butcher and loss of habitat. Loggerhead Shrike Lanius ludovicianus The western kingbird is a member of the be found in pairs. In some instances flycatcher family. It has a pale grey breast several of these birds may be spotted and head, yellow belly, and a black tail fending off larger birds of prey from with narrow, white sides. The western their nests. This bird is referred to as kingbird mainly feeds on flying insects “king” because of its defensive attacks but can also feed on seeds and small fruit. towards much larger birds of prey, The bird is usually solitary but may also such as hawks , crows, and ravens. © Noll Western Kingbird Tyrannus verticalis To learn more about White Sands, visit http://www.nps.gov/whsa Characterized by the small, black tufts young. Their nests tend to lay within on its head, the horned lark is a year- depressions at ground level and are round resident of the dunefield and made of grasses and other plants. The dune margins, where you are likely to horned lark is one of the most resilient see its delicate tracks. Horned larks birds of North America, inhabiting are ground foragers, primarily eating and flourishing in arid, alpine, and seeds and feeding small insects to their Arctic regions. © Noll Horned Lark Eremophila alpestris New Mexico’s state bird, the You may see this solitary bird darting roadrunner, is a member of the cuckoo across a desert road, reaching speeds of family and a year-round resident of the about 15 mph! Despite the roadrunner’s vegetated parts in the monument. It is incredible ability to run, the roadrunner a large, long-tailed bird with a shaggy, can fly to and from elevated perches, streaked appearance, and a short, ragged which help the roadrunner spot its prey crest, which is often raised. Its preferred from up high. © Noll prey include lizards, snakes, and rodents. Greater Roadrunner Geococcyx californianus This large, black bird with a long, back of the neck when ruffled. Their stout bill is a common sight in desert diet includes road kill, rodents, young settings, including the White Sands area. birds, lizards, insects, seeds, and fruits. Chihuahuan ravens are often seen in Although smaller than the common pairs or small groups soaring, playing raven, the Chihuahuan raven is still an in the wind, or perched on bushes and impressive sight, with a wingspan of up utility poles. The Chihuahuan raven can to three and a half feet! be identified by white feathers on the © Noll Chihuahuan Raven Corvus cryptoleucus This versatile hawk can hunt from a reaching their destination in South perch, while soaring, or while America. Similar to the red-tailed hawk, walking on the ground. Its diet consists it occurs in a range of color morphs. In of rodents, snakes, grasshoppers, and its light morph it has a dark bib ring that other insects. Usually solitary, like other stands out against its pale underside. hawks, it joins large flocks while Their wingspan averages about four and migrating. During migration, Swaison’s a half feet! hawks fly about 125 miles per day until © Noll Swainson’s Hawk Buteo swainsoni Red-tail hawks are the most numerous is often used in movies. It is a rasping, and commonly seen hawks of North whistled “cheeeeeew” that gradually America. Look for them perched on falls in pitch and intensity. The red- utility poles or soaring in circles high tailed hawk is found in a wide range of above. The red-tailed hawk is found in habitats. They feed on small mammals many color variations, but most show and reptiles. Like Swaison’s hawk, the the rust-colored tail feathers for which red-tailed hawk’s wingspan can be over it is named. The red-tailed hawk’s voice four and a half feet! Red-Tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis This slender, long-winged, long-tailed One of the other distinctive hawk is often identified by its distinctive characteristics that the bird has is its white rump patch. Since the northern owl-like face. The feathers around its harrier hunts by sound as well as sight, head allow sounds to be focused and it is likely to be seen flying low over the channeled directly into its ears. The dunefield margins and visitor center, northern harrier preys on small rodents, hunting small birds and mammals. It lizards, and birds. Occasionally, it will nests and often perches on the ground. eat larger prey such as rabbits. © Noll Northern Harrier Circus cyaneus Revised 06/26/2015.
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