E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 110 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 154 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2008 No. 144 House of Representatives The House met at 11 a.m. and was stillness and peace or imagine ever- nication from the Clerk of the House of called to order by the Speaker pro tem- lasting and unconditional love. So, Representatives: pore (Mrs. TAUSCHER). Lord, have mercy on us, pardon us, and SEPTEMBER 10, 2008. f uphold us now and forever. Amen. Hon. NANCY PELOSI, f Speaker, The Capitol, U.S. House of Representa- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO tives, Washington, DC. TEMPORE THE JOURNAL DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: Pursuant to the The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The permission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II fore the House the following commu- Chair has examined the Journal of the of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- nication from the Speaker: last day’s proceedings and announces tives, I have the honor to transmit a sealed WASHINGTON, DC, to the House her approval thereof. envelope received from the White House on September 11, 2008. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- September 10, 2008, at 8:23 p.m. and said to I hereby appoint the Honorable ELLEN O. nal stands approved. contain a message from the President where- TAUSCHER to act as Speaker pro tempore on Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. by he transmits the proposed Agreement for this day. Madam Speaker, pursuant to clause 1, Cooperation Between the Government of the NANCY PELOSI, rule I, I demand a vote on agreeing to United States of America and the Govern- Speaker of the House of Representatives. the Speaker’s approval of the Journal. ment of India Concerning Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy. f The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question is on the Speaker’s approval With best wishes, I am, PRAYER of the Journal. Sincerely, The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. The question was taken; and the LORRAINE C. MILLER, Coughlin, offered the following prayer: Speaker pro tempore announced that Clerk of the House. On this, the seventh anniversary of the ayes appeared to have it. the historic tragedy inflicted on this Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. f Nation known as 9/11, we, Your people, Madam Speaker, I object to the vote on turn to You, the Lord of consolation, the ground that a quorum is not PROPOSED AGREEMENT FOR CO- healing, and redemption. We remember present and make the point of order OPERATION BETWEEN THE GOV- both innocent citizens and heroic first that a quorum is not present. ERNMENT OF THE UNITED responders. We continue to mourn The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- STATES OF AMERICA AND THE their loss, and pray Your peace descend ant to clause 8, rule XX, further pro- GOVERNMENT OF INDIA CON- upon their families and their col- ceedings on this question will be post- CERNING PEACEFUL USES OF leagues. poned. NUCLEAR ENERGY—MESSAGE It is said that day changed the world. The point of no quorum is considered FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE Lord, help us to embrace the reality of withdrawn. UNITED STATES (H. DOC. NO. 110– what has changed. Our perception of f 146) ourselves as a Nation? Our relationship PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE to other Nations around the world? The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Confusion or clarity in our under- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the fore the House the following message standing of human nature? Have any of gentleman from Texas (Mr. POE) come from the President of the United forward and lead the House in the our notions of violence changed? States; which was read and, together It seems, Lord, the urgent question Pledge of Allegiance. with the accompanying papers, without Mr. POE led the Pledge of Allegiance of our time is whether we can make objection, referred to the Committee as follows: change our friend and not our enemy. on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be When and however You will, al- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the printed: United States of America, and to the Repub- mighty God, help us to change what lic for which it stands, one nation under God, To the Congress of the United States: needs to be changed, and humbly admit indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. I am pleased to transmit to the Con- what we cannot change. Cast Your f light upon us so we may look deep gress, pursuant to section 123 of the down within and see what we are un- COMMUNICATION FROM THE Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended willing to change. CLERK OF THE HOUSE (42 U.S.C. 2153) (AEA), the text of a pro- Because our world is spinning so fast, The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- posed Agreement for Cooperation Be- we still cannot grasp Your dynamic fore the House the following commu- tween the Government of the United b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H8021 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Sep 12, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11SE7.000 H11SEPT1 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with HOUSE H8022 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 11, 2008 States of America and the Government periods of 10 years each unless either to move forward on the U.S.-India Civil of India Concerning Peaceful Uses of party gives notice to terminate it 6 Nuclear Cooperation Initiative, which Nuclear Energy. I am also pleased to months before the end of a period. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan transmit my written determination Moreover, either party has the right to Singh and I announced on July 18, 2005, concerning the Agreement, including terminate the Agreement prior to its and reaffirmed on March 2, 2006. Civil my approval of the Agreement and my expiration on 1 year’s written notice to nuclear cooperation between the authorization to execute the Agree- the other party. A party seeking early United States and India pursuant to ment, and an unclassified Nuclear Pro- termination of the Agreement has the the Agreement will offer major stra- liferation Assessment Statement right immediately to cease cooperation tegic and economic benefits to both (NPAS) concerning the Agreement. (In under the Agreement, prior to termi- countries, including enhanced energy accordance with section 123 of the nation, if it determines that a mutu- security, an ability to rely more exten- AEA, as amended by title XII of the ally acceptable resolution of out- sively on an environmentally friendly Foreign Affairs Reform and Restruc- standing issues cannot be achieved energy source, greater economic oppor- turing Act of 1998 (Public Law 105–277), through consultations. In any case the tunities, and more robust nonprolifera- a classified annex to the NPAS, pre- Agreement, as noted, is a framework or tion efforts. pared by the Secretary of State in con- enabling agreement that does not com- The Agreement will reinforce the sultation with the Director of National pel any specific nuclear cooperative ac- growing bilateral relationship between Intelligence, summarizing relevant tivity. In the event of termination of two vibrant democracies. The United classified information, will be sub- the Agreement, key nonproliferation States is committed to a strategic mitted to the Congress separately.) conditions and controls would continue partnership with India, the Agreement The joint memorandum submitted to with respect to material and equip- promises to be a major milestone in me by the Secretary of State and the ment subject to the Agreement. achieving and sustaining that goal. Secretary of Energy and a letter from An extensive discussion of India’s In reviewing the proposed Agreement the Chairman of the Nuclear Regu- civil nuclear program, military nuclear I have considered the views and rec- latory Commission stating the views of program, and nuclear nonproliferation ommendations of interested agencies. I the Commission are also enclosed. policies and practices is provided in the have determined that its performance The proposed Agreement has been ne- Nuclear Proliferation Assessment will promote, and will not constitute gotiated in accordance with the AEA Statement (NPAS) and in a classified an unreasonable risk to, the common and other applicable law. In my judg- annex to the NPAS submitted to the defense and security. Accordingly, I ment, it meets all applicable statutory Congress separately. have approved it and I urge that the requirements except for section 123 a. The AEA establishes the require- Congress also approve it this year. (2) of the AEA, from which I have ex- ments for agreements for nuclear co- GEORGE W. BUSH. empted it as described below. operation, some of which apply only to THE WHITE HOUSE, September 10, 2008. The proposed Agreement provides a non-nuclear-weapon states (see AEA, f comprehensive framework for U.S. section 123 a.). The AEA incorporates ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER peaceful nuclear cooperation with the definition of ‘‘nuclear-weapon PRO TEMPORE India. It permits the transfer of infor- state’’ from the Treaty on the Non- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The mation, non-nuclear material, nuclear Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Chair will entertain up to 10 requests material, equipment (including reac- (NPT), which defines it to mean a state for 1-minute speeches on each side of tors) and components for nuclear re- that has manufactured and exploded a the aisle.
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