Entared At$ the Porrt-Officc, Boston.l Massf., am SSecand-Class 'M utter. Philip 'r- M 4. S GOAK G<DVE A GA.R1REtA''M.E.uY IRE tr- DAIRY ILLlUNCH ROOMs '71~~~~~~~~~~~ W here can be had sandwiches of all kind, S3oups, Tea, Coffee, and regular Daiiy Lunch, 5 Pure Fresh-churned Butter, in Quarter-pound Prints, Five and Ten Pound BoxesE Pure, Fresh Milk And Cream, delivered-in Glass jars.. Fresh-laid Eggs. - Pure, Full Cream Cheese, Ainerican (plain), Sage,- -0M Neufohatel and Edam. EMIR" GENAA1. ANL A&GE U Kul-K nur U U e VOLT SAE AND HOUNTINGTON AECAMER Offers large and 220 COLUMBUS AYENUE, i !-pleasant ::. Woutsid e ul.D- TuhT0B1"TATI-. I ~~rooins, from $7.00 per week upwa rd.i11Fe and enPu !~i'-f~:(??,"'.;<~'.- :,re . _.-u, FrsFull :-, Mik : .andCrom- .Dining. o.eN am1 roaoms..etlivberec$ heseH' . , Imported. GassJr.To -andI (pan,Sae.,..: rsdad.DoAericns. aeste- ' Eg. - C _.W..gars IV, -oxcoli.-- .__ conducted on Euro- and:Tolbacco, pean plan. }E?:' : .'~< ~;~ iAn elegant Gen- POOL TABLE IN THE REAR. tlernen's Ga has G. W. -CLARKE, Tobacconist. ::<' ~'-~ .~-~' ' .~t~~ '~~'recently '--" been added ,'- '-;'~:~ ~~~~~~ecn...ly be aed D.B. FISH, formerly of The Thorndike, La Pompa- i dour and all -styles of Hair Cutting a specialty. Puo.ME. flr. dROk L7ND 'i ~?.-b.,.---49Ws~~~o f~E ;..Our Calf Balmorals and Bluchers at $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 are stylish and _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r i-'"'- -OUR MEN'S DEPARTMENT~' THAN EVER BEFORE.4' '~ ~ Berc. A large assortment of all styles for YOUNG ,MEN. Russet Storm Bluchers at reasonable prices. Our Cal Bamoas a.ndBluchers,-,?' atr D,$400( $4.5 andrr.$5.00e/Z ar stls n .- . l e. ;,¥..... _ HAVIN'G MADE E-XTENSIVE I ALTERATIONS,.HON WEI.HAVE BETTER FACILITIES IN .~,"--.'Y4_ -. ,¥. A. U. GT 8O.AT.f HAVING;x Sh44 MAW = F I ne. EC I Russet SoBr LSTONucesYEE a rsonialet pric Goeds. BOSTONw /70]'Z..VTO¥o~fioi~,ePtd//c,T~t?~;S} ardn, ] 0S~zI ' A/URO ,AN -F'LA -I., - .7 ,. - '. T-HE, TECHI- . I a - I-- ----- Y -- *aF C I A PRACTICAL COLLINS & FAIRBANKS Celebrated Hats, Hand or Power Planer r X0 3Iackibltoshies, Uimbrellas, Canes-Styles Correct, Quality UnTtequlaled. Sole Agelnts for Ilelrry Hleath's anld WVhiite's Lonxdoln Ilats. 381 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. VOICE TRAINING, READING, RECITATION, ORATORY. SPECIAL TERlMS TO M. I. T. STrUDENTS A. J. WILKINSON & C $I.00 PER LESSON. Stammering and other defects of speech treated. &I'FOBES'HANDBOOKS, "DECLA-MATIONS" Parts I. and II., " RECITATIONS " and " READINGS " are 50 cts. each. REFERENCeS: Moses Merrill H-Iead Master Boston Public Latin School; Frank Vogel, Assist. Professor Modern Languages, M. I. T. 184 and 188 Washington Street, WALTER K. FOBES, BOSTON, MASS. IsL a la,---- I-· -· · 111 Room ,7, Pierce Building, Copley Sq., Boston. IN EVERY STYLE. ALEX. MOORE, 3 School Street, BOSTON. WALTER C. BROOKS & CO., - TO- M. I. T. CO=OPERATIVE SOCIEITY. 15 MILK STREET, BOSTO1N, MASS. BIRTIIPLACE (OF FRANKL.IN. 11.ii THE T ECH. IaE FRANK A. HOWES, MR. E.WOODWORTH MASTERS, I HAIR DRESSINC PARLOR SCHOOL FOR DANCING. E HOTEL OXFORD, HUNTINGTON AVENUE, Entrance, 7 Park Sq. (Formerly of Copley Square Hotel.) Class or Private Lessons. ARlCADlE HALL to let for select Open Evenings till S. Saturday lEvenings till 10. parties. All rates mnloderate. X :0 if L Mu ~ x 1W 41CBew 4 Drawing Boards, Papers, WALKER'S PRIVATE ACADEMY inks, Pens, Instruments, and Fountain Pens At Di.oo ntciL Elat N. No. 24 DWIGHT STREET, Evening Classes from Oct. 1st to May 1st. A. D. M!ACLACHLAN, Private Lessons daily from 10 to 6, Tech. Co-operative Store, R Please call or write. 214 Clarendon St., - - Boston, Mass. Blank Books, Note Books, Drawing Papers, Pens, Inks of all kinds, STUDENTS' + Fountain Pens. PERI:EODICAL AND 1MA GAZINES. Writing Paper and Envelopes with TECH Monogram and Imprint SUPPLIES.* Paper by the Pound, at S~-.. "iWOb J l % C ~X eW,]:_99, Cor. Dartmouth Street and Columbus Avenue. Jo =a:"3Lo ]i30.%Nl". G entlemrrxen's E'~urxishinx Goods, i 141 DAIIETMOT1WT ST., between Huntington and Columbus Avenues. DARTMOUTH LAUNDRY. BEST LAUNDRY WORK. CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED. STANDARD CLOTHING CO., MANUFACTURING RETAILERS OF HIGH GRADE CLOTHING I From both Foreign and Domestic Fabrics. ALSO ADVANCE STYLES IN TROUSERS, SUITS, p OVERCOATS. Full Evening Dress Suits Constantly on Hand. 395 WASHINGTON ST., BOSTON~e. MASlBS. _ri_-lI -r7cIri 111 _ _li__ THE UNION GYMNASIUM, ST, BOTOLPH HALL. 48 BOYLSTON ST., BOSTON. NEW TECH. DORMITORY. Favorably situated at the corner of Sto RBotollh and Harcourt Streets, near all the Departments of the Massachusetts Institute of SEASON 1893-94. Technology. To Iet, including Spacious, Centrally Located, Well Lighted and Ventilated. FFurnished urnished Suites heat and baths. Large Dressing Rooms, with over 1,200 Lookers. New and Novel Exercising Apparatus. Restaurant in Building. Elegant New Marble and Concrete Bath Rooms with Mode] --- -~r_A~-=~I-- Bathing Appliances. New Dressing Rooms, Supplied For terms apply on the premises, with Extra Large Lockers. Competent Instruct- 1W[. DW)VYIERt, GODFREY MI[ORSE, ors in Attendance DAY AND EVENING. ilanager. Proprietor NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR INSTRUCTION. (Send for Circulars.) Banjo, Mandolin and Guitar. JAMES W. MONTGOMERY, Superintendent. GERMAN F. HOFFMAN, Ass't Superintendent. EDWARD O. OTIS, M.D. (Harv.), Medical Director. TIHE LANSINGBANJO. UNION GYMNASIUM. TE|y~ INCLUDING THE UNION MEMBERSHIP (ONE 0. L. LANSING, TERMS,V DOLLAR), and Entitling to all Privileges:- For one year, use of Gymnasium after 7 P. M. and on holi- Teacher, and Director days for such time as it may be open $5. 00.o of Clubs, For one year, use of Gymnasium at all times when open . 8.oo Keys (to be Xefunded on return of same) . 50 58 AWINTER STREET, BOSTON, BOSTON YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN UNION. BEST INSTRUMENTS CONSTANTLY IN WILLIAM H. BALDWIN, GEORGE PEIRCE, President. Secretary. STOCK. MUSIC, STRINGS, ETC. LEVENGSTON'S *· 1894 IMODEL. CUSTOM CLOTHING HOUSE. NEW e·MAIL At 267 Washington Street, opp. Water Street, HANDSOMEST AND FINEST HIGH-GRADE MADE! one flight up, is the great establishment of J. LEVENGSTON, who commenced business there 12 years ago as a dealer in Custom-made Mer- chant. Tailor's Clothing-that is, in Suits, Fall and Winter Overcoats, Pantsand Full Dress Suits &c., &c., and left on hand of fashionable tailors, owing to peculiar whims or other reasons of cus- tomers for whom they were made. It was his first and most rigid rule to represent each article exactly as it was, and by persistent following up $115.00 and $125.00 this rule has built up a large and prosperous trade. TWELVE YEARS' REPUTATION - GENTS' zig LADIES' PATTERNS ALSO As he buys his goods from ONLY FIRST-CLASS NEW MAIL, Boys' Size- Highest Grade Boys' Wheel TAILORS of most every city in the Union, he is Made - $50.00. Other Makes Youths' enabled to select the most choice goods obtain- Wheels, $25.00, $35.00, etc. able, and does sell the same at about HALF of Now in Stock, some Shopworn and Second-Hand New the original price made for. Mails, and other High Grades Give him a call, convince yourself, and you can make no mistake. BARGAINS AT $50.00, $60.00, ETC. MANUFACTURERS W-WILLIAM READ & SONS.. FULL DRESS SUITS TO LET. 107 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON iv -ri-F",Ircll ivT E E H I J. c.LITTLEFIELD, We allow more iln trade for your old whveel than anly dealer in Boston. Agents for Tailor an Olutlfitter, Rambler, Union, 21, 23 BEACON ST., BOSTON. Puritan, Relay, Lovell, Etc. a Exclusive Styles for Young Men DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY. Repairing at Eowvest Prices. ID T5 C OC -CTTIN mcpc> TT )D ~JrN~ m R AZO X & H A N DY, 444 Tremont St, EFROST &SADAMS - Irlp crt~ r8 Cf DRAWING INSTRUMENT S Supplies for Students, Architects, and Engineers. }3M1s D E' GXE:1 TIUT-II L No. 37 Cornhill, Boston. -LIBERI AL 3DISCOXJNT TO M. XI. T. S 3TUDENTS. U M ESSENGER ( &J 0 NES. HIXGH-C.LASS T AIL OI.1AS No. 388 Washington. Street, Boston. A L- The Tech. VOL. XIII. BOSTON, MARCH 8,8,1894. NO. 21. 6HEF 6FM3H. sufficient and uninterrupted time at his dis- Published every Thursday, during the college year, by students of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. posal. When a lecture occurs in the midst ANDREW DANIEL FULLER, '95, Editor in Chief. of a long experiment, which is thus spoiled, CHARLES GILMAN HYDE, '96, Assistant Editor in Chief. FRAYMOND BEACH PRICE, '94. the student often loses interest in his work FREDERIC WAIT LORD, '94. COLBERT ANDERSON MAcCLURE, '94. W'ILLIAMl IIERBERT KING, '94. on account of this interruption. HERBERT EDMUND HEWITT, '94. JOHN HOWLAND GARDINER, '95 These difficulties could be partially over- BENJAMIN HURD, JR., '96. come by having one portion of the week EDWARD ART-IUR BALDWIN, '96, Secretary. devoted to thesis, the rest to regular studies. ROBERT DOUGLAS FLOOD, '96, Business Manager. But this would be hardly as satisfactory as the HARRIE P. CODDINGTON,'p5, Ass't Business Mf£anager. method adopted at some few colleges, of de- Subscription, $2.50 per year, in advance. Single copies, io cts. each. voting during the Senior year one whole term For the benefit of stcdents THE TE CGI will be pleased to answer all questions and obtain all possible information pertaining to any out of the three constituting the college year department of the Collegoe. Contributtionsare requested from all undergraduates,alumni, and to thesis work. In our case a part of the officers oJ instruction. fNo anonymous manuscribpt can be accepted.
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