7388 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 156, Pt. 5 May 5, 2010 than five percent of the Colombian National dition will continue to turn out our Nation’s fu- the United States’ longstanding ties with Thai- Police force but has been responsible for the ture leaders for generations to come. land and our strong wish for a peaceful, seizures of 66 percent of the cocaine, 90 per- f democratic resolution to the country’s ongoing cent of the heroin, 86 percent of the cocaine political problems. precursor chemicals and 63 percent of the IN RECOGNITION OF PETE drug labs by the entire police force. MCCLOSKEY In an important development on Monday, The war on drugs in the United States is in- Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva announced extricably linked to the war on drugs in Colom- HON. JACKIE SPEIER that he plans to hold new elections on Novem- bia. It is no secret that it is mostly American OF CALIFORNIA ber 14, 2010, based on a plan which calls on dollars that buy Colombian-grown drugs. As a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES all parties to join together in upholding the Member of the U.S. Congress, I want to thank Wednesday, May 5, 2010 monarchy, on the government to carry out Gen. Patin˜o, his officers and the good people economic and political reforms, and on the na- Ms. SPEIER. Madam Speaker, I rise to of Colombia for their tremendous dedication to tion to create an independent committee to in- honor Pete McCloskey, a distinguished and fighting the drug cartels and working with the vestigate casualties resulting from the clash of charismatic former member of this house for people of the United States. After observing April 10, 2010. the distinguished leadership of Gen. Patin˜o 16 years, and a true American maverick who and his officers, I am more confident than ever has been guided by a shining moral compass Fortunately, the response from most quar- that this is a war we can win together. throughout his life. Former Congressman ters to the Prime Minister’s suggestions has f McCloskey pursues the truth no matter where been positive. The plan and the elections offer it leads him. a process that I believe can serve as the basis ORANGE GROVE ELEMENTARY In his over eight decades, Pete has accom- for an amicable end to the dispute. The reso- SCHOOL CELEBRATES 50 YEARS plished more than will fit on this page. In one lution I am offering today is meant to encour- OF SERVING CHILDREN IN SEMI- of his most recent endeavors, he ran against age that process, to demonstrate America’s NOLE, FLORIDA a fellow Republican, Richard Pombo, in the primary election—at age 78. While most mem- commitment to Thailand and its people and to HON. C.W. BILL YOUNG bers of his age group are retired, McCloskey convey our sincere hope that Thailand returns to democracy, stability and the rule of law. OF FLORIDA continues to practice as a trial lawyer, works IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on his farm raising citrus and olive trees and Thailand is one of United States’ closest creates mischief with his group, ‘‘Revolt of the Wednesday, May 5, 2010 friends and most dependable allies. Ours is a Elders.’’ He was a war hero in Korea and re- partnership steeped in history. Indeed, the first Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Madam Speaker, ceived a Navy Cross, a Silver Star and two treaty we concluded with an Asian nation was Orange Grove Elementary School, in Semi- Purple Heart for his service to this country. with Thailand in 1833, with the signing of the nole, Florida, which I have the privilege to rep- In Congress he served the people of the resent, tomorrow will celebrate 50 years of San Francisco Peninsula and Silicon Valley Treaty of Amity and Commerce between Siam serving Pinellas County students. from 1967–1983. He was vehemently opposed and the United States. In 1954, we forged a The school opened in 1960 in nearby Ma- to the Vietnam War and ran for President military alliance, and in 2003 the United States deira Beach where classes were held until the against Richard Nixon in 1972. The following designated Thailand a major non-NATO ally. school building was erected at its present site year, he was the first member of Congress to Thailand contributed troops and support for in 1961. That six-room school house ex- ask for President Nixon’s impeachment. Mr. U.S. military operations in Korea, Vietnam, the panded to 12 rooms 10 years later and be- McCloskey is a principal at Cotchett, Pitre and Persian Gulf, Afghanistan and Iraq. came one of Pinellas County’s first air condi- McCarthy and has an extensive civil rights and Thailand is also a major trading partner of tioned schools. environmental record. He received his B.A. The school was named Orange Grove be- from Stanford University and his J.D. from the United States, a regional leader, a force cause at the time, Seminole was surrounded Stanford Law School. for stability in Southeast Asia and a country by orange groves. Although the groves are Pete’s environmental activism was ignited with which we share common values and in- gone now, the staff motto remains, ‘‘Orange when Cuyahoga River in Ohio caught fire terests. We have always appreciated Thai- Grove Elementary—Where We Have the Pick twice in 1969. Together with Gaylord Nelson, land’s many international contributions, and of the Crop!’’ he co-chaired the first Earth Day in 1970. we respect and admire its unique culture. From the school’s first principal, Margaret Three years later he coauthored the Endan- Of course, only the Thai people can chart Abbott, to its current principal, Nanette gered Species Act. their way toward settlement of the conflict. As Grasso, Orange Grove has remained a stu- Madam Speaker, Pete McCloskey fights for a close friend of Thailand, however, the United dent-focused school whose mission statement justice with the same passion today as he did is ‘‘to establish a safe learning environment forty years ago. He is a personal hero of mine States should, I believe, offer its support and which supports a love of learning, respect, re- and an icon to all of us who thirst for coura- demonstrate its concern. This resolution does sponsibility, honesty and motivation in our stu- geous leaders in our country. It is fitting that just that, encouraging all sides to address the dents, so that we can reach their personal and the Peninsula Coalition is presenting him with country’s political problems peacefully and academic potential.’’ its Lifetime Achievement award on May 6 in democratically, based on the national rec- In this day and age when the focus of a Burlingame. onciliation plan offered by the Prime Minister. school goes well beyond academics, Orange f I might add that I introduced this resolution Grove Elementary also stands as a model for encouraging students to develop early habits INTRODUCTION OF RESOLUTION on ‘‘Chattra Mongkhon.’’ It is on this day that for a healthy lifestyle. EXPRESSING THE SENSE OF THE the country commemorates the ascension to Madam Speaker, in recognition of this mile- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the throne of His Majesty, King Bhumibol stone 50th anniversary celebration, I took the THAT THE SITUATION IN THAI- Adulyadej. It is a day when all Thai people liberty of having a flag flown over the Capitol LAND BE SOLVED PEACEFULLY pay their respects to His Majesty and wish him today for presentation to Ms. Grasso, the stu- AND THROUGH DEMOCRATIC a long, healthy and happy life. I can think of dents, the teachers and the staff at Orange MEANS no better way for this body to honor His Maj- Grove Elementary in honor of the school’s en- esty and the people of Thailand than to voice during commitment to providing the best pos- HON. ENI F.H. FALEOMAVAEGA support for peaceful reconciliation on this im- sible education for its students and the most OF AMERICAN SAMOA portant day. I urge all my colleagues to join nurturing environment for learning. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES me in supporting this resolution and moving it For half a century, Orange Grove has turned out generation after generation of our Wednesday, May 5, 2010 toward speedy adoption. community’s, our state’s, and our Nation’s Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Madam Speaker, I leaders and I know that its proud and rich tra- rise today to introduce a resolution recognizing VerDate Mar 15 2010 13:56 Jun 05, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR10\E05MY0.000 E05MY0 pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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