• — *1 , ■ t'^'i'-iyiyi-f''-.';' - . • • ‘ --"^ PAGE SIXTEEN TUESDAY, JULY M, 198?: ilanrltp^pr Sirrnittg ISeralb / !r ATeiRsre Dally Net Press Run For the Week Ended and services to be purchased. How­ Emergency Doctors July 27, 1967 About Tow n ever. it' had been common practice Town Post Office rv y IX THE siTx: Th« Weather DistrictVotes since 1952, under a motion adopt­ Protect %'oiir Skin With FaveeMrt » f D. i t Weatber BrnreM Physicians of the Manchester ed by the Uireclors, for the Di­ BELA-RO-PEOL The mid-week eenMce of the Has Jobs Open An ounce of prevention Medical Assn, who will respond rectors to make small purchases 12,002 Warm, humid, enatiered thna- Covenant - Congregational Chkgoh To Liberalize . Is worth ik.pound o f cure.. Member of the Audit to emergency calls tomorrow derahowers tonight. Low 65-76. ' will be held tomorrow night at afternoon Snd evening are Dr. At Vour Local Pnig Store Bureau of GIreuUtlon T:30 with the pastor In charge. Howard Lock ward ladults iMtes «n v rtmihi .o '* il*J i announced that there are J. w ; H A u ; c o R P . Tliaraday fair, warm, leoa humid. only)', Tel. M I S-3243, apd Dr. Buying Rules Irf thu ^(iedufe six ooenlnesopenings svallsbi.available for the no-po­ ARTHl'R DRUG'TO. Manche$l6r-—A City of Village Charm High In nttd 80ik Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Holmes and sition of sub-carrier in ' the M an-: Joseph Barry, Tel. MI 9-1178, Grew from Arrewt daughters. Pamela and Siisan, 40 Chester Postal'Department. Appli- Eighth School and Utiittles The need for the action grew ~ r VOL. LXXVI, NO. 256 Russell St., have returned from a District voters last night adopted i cations may be secured at the (TWENTY-TOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1957 month's vacation spent at Cape unanimously a by-law air.endment out pf the June 10 arrest of E r-i po*t Office anv day and must be itMidard (Claaatfled AdrarUOag an F a g a 'iS ) Cod and Coventry tjike. Hng Larsen, a Director and hard-1 retimled on or before Aug. 6. PRICE FIVE CENTS Wet Road Blamed enabling the Board of Directors to HOLLYWOOD purchase Iteirw costing $100 or 1?i* "1^* o charged . Mnriarty said that starting sal- ^ th se ling $365 worth of ^pplles, ar>- for the position ivill be $1.82 Miss Emily M. Kissmsmh. 237 leas without competitive bidding. Worms ifor Birds Spnice St., a member o f Zion For Slight Mishap A t a special meeting held at the ^ per hour, 40-60 hours per week. In Evangelical Laitheran Church, has without bids. These supplies w e re ; announcing the openings, Moriarty Ike AgainstAdding Hollister Street School. 23 eligible. WHIU CHAIR been chosen a delegate to the Tn- purchased by the District over an ,aid that the Poet Office offers —Let’s Get Steak Bald tires and wet pavement District voters, eight more than 11-month period hnd the largest, many advantages not found elae- tematlonal I.utheran Women's the quorum, voiced their approval Missionary League biennial con­ were given by a Winsted man as purchase was reportedly a $35! where. Eaiilr coo'i Louisville, KjS^JuIy 31 fdi of the amendment to Article .3 of lawnmower. He lists among the advantages. veretd from vention to be held In' Minneapolis. reasons his car oolltded with an­ the District's by-laws. Jury Trial Clause --W orm s a iH ix ^ th birds. Minn., tomorrow and Thuradaj*. in the subsequent clearing o f ; four weeks vacation with pav for rear-wheel to And as far 'aa/Sugar, a p ef other auto that had stopped for Presented by lieon A. Thorp. Mrs. Freda Ahiberg of Hartford, Larsen o f any criminal act. Judge | the veteran who has served three front-wheel robin, is concerned, they are the triW ic light at Center and W. District president. \he new amend­ W alter Downes of Glastonbury, { years in the armed services. Oth- propelling or also s delegate, will accompany ment reads: for "other Wrds," Center Sts. yesterday noon. who heard the case on July 12, ad- ; era receives 108 hours vacation for A to ell 5-incb Since Sugar moved In with Miss Kissmann. A fter the conven­ .Vmendnicnt tion they will take In places o f In­ Winifred E. COlboura 22. was vised the District to "b rin g Its : the Oral .vear of emplo.vment with rtsttrt. To Civil Rights Bill Mrs, M arjary G. Mitchell two "The President, n.embera of the practic^ into conformity with its. the department, " weeks ago, he has’ shown a terest at Duluth, Minn., and other arrested and charged with fol­ Board of Directors or other officers ^ $72.00 northern parts of the^etate. lowing too closely after his car by-laiys or its b.v-laws In con- i , Employes enjo.v uniform allowr distinct dislike for worms. of the District, m.sy do 'business’ had failed to stop in time to avoid formity with its practices." • ' ances. longevity fncreases in pay, | Washington, July 31 (A*)— ^growing out of voting righu vioia- H e’d rather sink his bill into with the District and receive com- hitting the rear of a State High­ The amendment adopted' last; P«id sick leave, overtime and com- a steak — or maybe soma pen.sation for services rendered or President Eisenhower said to- “ °"*- way Department car. The State night did Just that. I pen.setorj' time, life insurance, and chicken. nr.ateiial.s. goods or merchandise N«llyw«W 0y*f T»tl*l Cemwi day he is opposed to adding -• ®^*nhower agld he doe*.not be- Public Records vehicle, driven by Jay K.. Dough­ liberal retirement pensions. Mori- lleve any 'amendment should be Sugar fell from his neat two sold to :he Dlstriet without com­ arty said. Fit!i over i\eraj|e toilet * jury trial amendment to the Talk at Vital Point erty. 23. of Byram. suffered a made to Section 4 of the bill. That weeks ago. But his "down­ petitive bidding, provided such bow!. Sturdily coo- Trade Hame Oertiricate large gash in the right rear fender. Hofiiemaki'rs Plan "nie' civil sei-vice employment i administration’s Civil Rights is the section containing the- vot- fall" became a ' ‘'windfsll" I pa -ment for services, materials, itfuc^H. Faiilv Donald E, Wilson, doing btisines-s! The investigating officer. Patrol- 3 register for the post office posi- I . Bill now before the Senate. ing rights enforcement previsions. when he was adopted by Mm. goods or merchandise shall not i tions Will not be established again as Don's Amoco Seiwice. 859 Main j man John Hughes, estimated the Exhibit for Fair $51.00 Eisenhower told, hla new* con­ Elsenhowei said he had been Mitchell. He now has a home exceed One Hundred Dollans. Bt. t I damage at $180. j until Dec. 1 . according to Moriar- ference the power of federal wa.rtTBd=then he changed the and all the "people food” he (31001 for any onip purcha.se ly. and he urged any Interested • To flir a <-a Co’^oure said that he tried to P*' I- A special meetln'g of the 4-H Judgea to enforce court order* word to told — that In 36 lawa can eat. British, French Call any one .service l‘erdered. men to apply soon for the svall- WELDON DRUG CO. ihual be auatained. He added that there la no provision for jury ".Vothing herein shall ho con­ Homemakers Club of Manchester able positions. rage at 2wfw. Mlddie'Tpke.. 1 hi*-ouMn^'aron^ was held last week at the home of .Authnrlred Dealer w a« hi* laat word on the aubject. tris'l* in clvU contempt cases. He TO Custom Bunt Garages Inc. 1 f ' ’.T strued so as- to prevent, pa.vment Mrs. William Keish of ,307 Gard­ 901 .MAIN .ST— M I S-5S-21 Elsenhower waa aaked If he had said he wanta to apply the same | ]V ^ v a r for Arthur Watson, for additions; * j of salaries to duly eleeftd and ap^ ner St. any general comment on the prog- i^thods to the Civil RlghU Bill. | i T 0 W V - J in S t ia il to a home at 29 Crestwood Dr.. ^ i pointed officers and to the dircc- Cahiiiets in Session | ]5Q He was released without bond The meeting was held to discuss reas of the Civil-Right* Bill, which RGld he U for the measure n ! — — : tors, if the voters of the District r It *tan<la, adding that waa hi* To Jarvis Manor Tnc.: ,o r re -1 ‘ o Tow " what and how to exhihil at the the Senate ha* reduced to . right- I „ vole to pay salaries to eithci o f­ county fair which will be. held > STATIONERY \ to-vote meaaiire. S last wdrd. | Ul l l l V X T r O W lllf f , location o f a dwelling on Hoffman 1 Monday. ficers or directors or both." ^ AIR.MAH. — .NOTES ^ ^ndon, July 81 U.S. Seeretary o f State John Foster Rd., $1,800. I, ------- -------- Aug. 23 to 2,5. Elaenhower said h* stands by In advance of the news con­ Dulles met for the first time with Russian delegate Vaferian ^ LE.ADIXG BR.AXUS ^ hla July 16 statement in which he ference, Sen. Knowland of Call TO Francis Hale, for an addi- ‘■r There w m , hex.nothc- special Zorin today amid indications that the long search for a dis­ mini ■' meeting on Aug, 2<l to check the listed four main objectives he said fornia, the' Republican' leader, had1 jSurvey Shows tion to a home at 57 Essex St.
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