{ REGD. GOA - 5 , Panaji, 12th October, 1992 (Asvina 20, 1914 SERIES II No. 28 OFFICIAL----------------------------- GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA EXTftf\ 0 ~D I NI\ ftT GOVERNMENT OF. GOA Category Clause Name of the members Educa'tion Department (v) Six Headmasters of Secendary scheols Goa Board of Secondary and Higher: Secondary frem six designated areas:- Education (1) Bardez: Shri Lambert Themas Car­ dezO', Notification St. Xavier's High School, No. GBSHSE/Brd-Ele/92-96/3327 Moira. In exercise of the pewers conferred by sub-section (2) ef (2) Pel'nem-Satari-Bicholim: section 12 of the Goa, Daman and Diu Secondary and Higher Shr.i Venkatesh Nilkant Secondary EducatiO'n Beard Act, 1975 (Act NO'. 13 of 1975), Natekar, read with Rule 29 of the Goa, Daman and Diu SecO'Didary and Higher Secendary Education BO'ard Members Election Proce­ Shri Sateri .English High dure Rules, 1979, the Goa, Daman and Diu BO'ard! of SecO'ndary Scheel, Ibrampur, Pernem. and Higher Secondary EducatiO'n hereby publishes the names ef persons, net being ex-officiO' membeTs, whO' have been (3) Ponda-8anguem: elected as members O'f the Board fO'r the term 1992-96. Shri Vasudeo Ramchandra Dhavalikar, Oa.tegO'ry Clause Name O'f the members Swastik Vidyalaya, PriO'l, Mardel. Class B: (ii) Four members to' represent the elected University O'f Goa:- (4) Quel!em-Canacona: Members Shri Sakharam Shivaram , (1) Sllri G. G. Bakhale, VeIguenker, St. Xavier's College, Mapusa. (2) Dr. K. P. Kamat, S. E. S. High Scheol, Cur­ Dean, Goa Dental CO'llege, chorem. BamboUm. (5) S~lcete: (3) Shri Eo A. Gomes, Principal, Government Col­ Shri Caetano A. Lelis lege O'f Arts & Science, D'Costa, Sankhali-Goa. St. AnthO'ny's High SchO'ol, (4) Shri V. N. Kamat Dalal, MajO'r!ia. PrO'fessor, Goa University, Bambolim-Goa. (6) Tiswadi-Mormugao: Shri Oscait' Marie de Sao (iii) One headmaster O'f 31 Higheit' Secon- dary School:- Roque Gedinho Gonsalves, Shri JO'aquim HO'nO'ratO' St. Andrew's Institute, Velho, VascO'. St. Alex Higher SecO'ndary School, CUl1torifil.. (Vi) Six teachers O'f Secondary Sc:hools from six designated ait'eas: (iv) One teacher ef a Higher Secendary (1) Bardez: ScOOe1:- Shri Vishwanath Krishnaji Shri PadrnaDJalth Ramnath Garge, Lotlikar, R. M. Salgaocait' Higher St. Michael's Convent High Secondary Sc:heO'I, Margao. School, Anjuna-Bardez. 598 OFFICIAL GAZETTE- GOVT. OF GOA SERIES II No. 28 (EXTRAORDINARY) 12TH OCTOBER) 1992 -------------------------------- ---_._...• -_ .. _-. COMUNIDADE OF PRIOL Category . Clause Name of the members President effective:- Vaman KeIekar. President substitute:- Ranganata ZoivontaSinai Priolcar. (2) Per.nem-Satari-Bicholim: Treasurer effective:- Shamsundar Vinaeca Dessai. Shri· Prashant Govind Treasurer substitute:- Naresh Vlinaec.a Dessai. Chanekar, Vijayanand High School, R. P. Pal, Col1.ector & D. C. A. of North Goa. Mayem. Panaji, i2th October, 1992. (3) Ponda-Sanguem: Shri M. K. Shaikh, ••• Prag~ti Vidyalaya, Borim. law (Establishment) Deparfment (4) Quepem-Canacona: Office of· the Chief Electoral Officer Shri Narayan V. Mierker, Damodar English High School, Gudi-Paroda. Notific·ation No. 2-5-87/ELEC (5) Salcete: Shri Subash Lotlikar, The following Notifications No. 434/GOA/92 (1) , 434/GOA/ /92(2), 434/GOA/LA/92(1) and 434/GOA/LA/92(2) all da~ed St. Mary's High School, 25th August, 1992 notifying the appointment of Ret?rnmg Varca, Salcete. Officers and Asstt. Returning Officers for both Parhamen­ tary and Assembly Constituencies in the State of Goa issued (6) Tiswadi-Mormugao: by the Election Commission of India, New Delhi are hereby Shri Vijaykumar K. published for general information. Rajgolkar, B. S. Subbanna, Law Secretary/Add!. Chief Electoral Kasturba Matoshri High Officer. School, Panaji. Panaji, 9th October, 1992 .. (vii) Two representatives ·of the management of Secondary schools: Election Commission of India (1) Shri Subrai N. Prabhu Dessai, Nirvacoon Sudan, Ashok .Road, Infant Jesus High School, Cuncolim. New Delhi - 110001. 25th· August, 1992 (2:) Shri Prakash Datta Pr;;tbhu, Dated Vivekanand Vidyalaya, Shir­ 3 Rhadra, .1914 (Saloa) shire, Borim. Notification Dr. J. M. Surlaoar, Chairman for and on behalf of the Goa No. 434/GOA/92 (1). - In· pursuance of the provisions of section 21 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education. (43 of 1951), and in supersession of its Notification No. 434/Goa/89 (1) dated 20th October; 1989, the Election Com­ Alto-Betim, 30th September, 1992. mission hereby designates, in consultation with the Govern­ ment of Goa, the Officer of Government specified in column 2 of the Table belOW as the Returning OffiCer of the FarHa­ mentaryConstituency in. the State of Goa specified in •••• column 1 of the said .Table against such Officer: . TABLE Rev~nue Dep{lrtment S. No. and-Name,of the Returning Officer Parliamentary ConstitUency Office of the Collector, North Goa District (2) Civil Administration Branch 1. Panaji Collector, North Goa District, Panaji. 2. _Mormugao - Collector, South Goa District, Oreer Margao . No. 6/2/81-CAB(APP-MC)PF/Vol.V /814 By Order! Read:- Govt. letter No.. 20/1/89-RD(Part-V} dated 7-10-J.992. A. K. SRIVASTAVA Secretary to the Election Commission· of India. The following petsons'are appointed as members of the Managing Coriunittee for the triennium 1992-94 of the Co­ munidades under the jurisdiction of the Administration of Comunidades of Tiswadi.'" Nir'Vachan Sadan, Ashok Road, New Delhi - 110001. COMUNIDADE OF BANDORA 25th August, 1992 President effective:- Vil~ayakSadananda Naique Gaunecar. Dated * B~.a.dra, 1"91.4 (Sak,a) President substitute:- Loximona Ananta Naik Counto. Notification Treasurer effective:-' SiuitOSh Namshiker. No.·434/GOA/92(2}. -:- In exercise of the powers conferred Treasurer substitute:- Arvmda Visvonata Naik. by sub-sectiori-.(l).. of,, section 22 of the Representation of the OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA 599 SERIES II No. 28 ( EXTRAORDINARY) 12TH OCTOBER, 1992 PeOple Act, 1951 (43 of 1951. and in supersession of its Sr. No. and Name of the Notification No. 434/GOA/89 (2) dated 20th October, 1989, Returning Officer the Election Commission hereby appoints each of the Officer Assembly Constituency of the Government as specified in column 2 of the Table below as Assistant Returning Officer to assist the Returning 12. Santa Cruz Sub-Divisional Officer, Officer of the Parliamentary Constituency, in the State of Panaji Sub-Division. Goa, as specified in column 1 of the said Table against· such 13. Santa Andre Sub-Divisional Officer, Constituency in the performance of the functions of such Panaji Sub-Division. Returning Officer: 14. Cumbarjua Sub-DiviSional Officer, Panaji Sub-Division. TABLE 15. Bicholim Sub-Divisional Officer, Mapusa Sub-Division. Name of Parliamentary Assistant Returning Officer 16. Maem Sub-Divisional Officer, Constituency Mapusa Sub-Division. 17. Pale Sub-Divisional Officer, Mapusa Sub-Division. 1-Panaji Parliamentary 1. Sub-Divisional'Officer, 18, Poriem Sub-Divisional Officer Constituency Panaji Sub-Division. MapusaSub-Divisio~. 2. Sub-Divisional Officer, 19. Valpoi Sub-Divisional Officer, Mapusa Sub-Division. Mapusa Sub-Division. 3. Mamlatdar in CoJlectorate 20 .. Ponda Sub-Divisional Officer, North Goa District, Panaji. Ponda Sub-Division. 21. Priol Sub-DiViSional 'Officer, 2 - Mormugao Parliamen-· 1. Sub-Divisional Officer, Ponda Sub-Division. tary Constituency Margao Sub-Division. 22. Marcaim Sub-DiviSional Officer 2. Sub-Divisional Officer, Ponda Sub-Division." Ponda Sub-Division. 23. Shiroda ". Sub-Divisional Officer, 3. Sub-Divisional Officer, Ponda Sub-Division. Quepem Sub-Division. 24. Mormugao Sub-Divisional Officer, 4. Sub-Divisional Officer, Mormugao .Sub-Division. Mormugao Sub-Division. 25. Vasco-da-Gama Sub-Divisional Officer, 5. Mamlatdar in Collectorate .Mormugao Sub-Division. 26. South. Goa District, Margao Cortalim Sub-Divisional Officer, Goa. Mormugao Sub-Division. 2.7. Loutolim Sub-Divisional' Officer, . Margao Sub-Division. By Order, 28. Benaulim Sub-Divisional Officer, A. K. SRIVASTAvA Margao Sub-Division. Secretary to the Election Commission of India. 29. Fatorda Sub-Divisional Officer, Margao Sul}-Division. 30. Margao Sub-DiviSional Officer, Margao Sub-Division. Nirvachan Sadan, 31. Curtorim Sub-Divisional Officer, Ashok RaaJd, Margao Sub-DiviSion. New DellW.,..1.10001. 32. Naveiim Sub-DiviSional Officer, Margao Sub-Division. 25th August, 1992 33. Velim Sub-Divisional Officer, Dated 3 Bhadra, 1914 (Salea) Margao Sub-Division. 34. Cuncolim Sub-Divisional Officer, Notification Margao Sub-Division. 35. Sanvordem Sub-Divisional Officer, No. 434/GOA-LA/92 (1) . - In pursuance of the provIsIOns Quepem Sub-Division. of section 21 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 36. Sanguem Sub-DiVisional Officer, (43 of 1951), and in supersession of the Commission's Notifi­ Quepem Sub-Division. cation No. 434/GOA/89 (3) , dated 20th October, 1989, the 37. 'Curchorem Sub-Divisional Officer, Election Commission hereby designates, in consultation with Quepem Sub-Division. the Government of Goa, the Officers of the Government as 38. Quepem Sub-Divisional Officer, specified in column 2 of the Table below, as the Returning Quepem Sub-Division. Officer of the Assembly Constituency in the State of Goa, 39. Canacona Sub-Divisional Officer, as specified in column 1 of the said Table against such ~uepem Sub-Division. Officer of Government: . 40. Poinguinim Sub-Divisional Officer, Quepem Sub-Division. TABLE By order, --------------------------------------------Sr. No. and Name of the A. K. SRIVASTAVA Returning Officer Assembly Constituency Secretary to the Election Commission of India. 1. Mandrem Sub-Divisional Officer, Mapusa Sub-Division. 2. Pernen'! Sub-Divisional Officer, Ni"l'vachan Sadan, Mapusa Sub-Division. .A&hok Road, 3. Dargalim (SC) Sub-Divisional Officer, New Delhi 110001 Mapusa Sub-Division. 25th August, 1992 4. Tivim Sub-Divisional Officer, Dated Mapusa Sub-Division. 3 Bhadra, 1911t (Saka) 5. Mapusa Sub-Divisional Officer, Mapusa Sub-Division. Notification 6. Siolim Sub-Divisional Officer, Mapusa Sub-Division. No. 434/GOA-LA/92(2). In exercise of the powers con­ 7.
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