Wedn~sday, . ~a~ .20;' .1987 -- ~art. .11 - - , Environmental" '.. : '. ,. = '. ~r()t~c.ti.~'n "Agency Interagency' Testing' Committee; ReceJpt '. of Report a"d"ReqJ;iest -for'Comments Regarding Prior,lly LI$t:of : ~hemICals; Notice 40 CF.RParts 712 ~nd 716. ',', Preliminary Assess nt Informa~lon' and Healthand Safety Data Reporting; : . Addltlo~' of .Ch~~.i~ls; '~I~al R~I~ . Heinonline-- 52 Fed, Rea. 19019 1987 19020 Federal Register I Vol. 52, No. 97 I Wednesday, May 20, 1987 I Notices ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Submissions should bear the IL Written and Oral Comments and AGENCY document control number (0PTS-41027). Public Meetings [OPTs-41027: FRL, 3203-9) The public record supporting this EPA invites interested persons to action. including comments, is available submit detailed comments on the lTC's Twentieth Report of the Interagency for public inspection in Rm; G-004 at the. new recommendations. The Agency is Testing Committee to the address noted above from 8 a.m. to 4 interested in receiving inCormation Administrator; Receipt of Report and p.m. Monday through Friday, except concerning additional or ongoing health Request for Comments Regarding legal holidays. The Focus Meeting will and safety studies on the subject Priority Ust of Chemicals be held at EPA Headquarters, R,m.103 chemicals as well as infonnation AGENCY:Environmental PrDtection NE Mall, 401 M St., SW., Washington. relating to the human and environmental Agency (EPA). DC. Persons planning to attend the exposure to these chemicals. A notice is ACTION:Notice. Focus Meeting and/or seeking to be published elsewhere in today's Federal infonned of subsequent public meetings Register adding the substances SUMMARY:The Interagency Testing on these chemicals. should notify the recommended in the lTC's Twentieth Committee (ITC), established under TSCA Assistance Office at the address Report to the TSCA section 8(d) Health section 4(e) of the Toxic Substances listed below. To ensure seating and Safety Data Reporting Rule (40 CFR Control Act (TSCA), transmitted its' accommodations at the Focus Meeting, Part 716).The section 8(d) rule requires Twentieth Report to the Administrator persons interested in attending are the reporting of unpublished health and ofEPA on May 1, 1987. This report. asked to notify EPA at least one week safety studies on the listed chemicals. which revises and updates the ahead of the scheduled date. These chemicals will also be added to the TSCA section 8(a) Preliminary Committee's priority list of chemicals, FOR FURTHERINFORMATIONCONTACT: adds four chemicals to tbe list for Assessment Information Rule {40CFR Edward A. Klein,Director,TSCA priority consideration by EPA in the Part 712) published elsewhere in this promulgation of test rules under section Assistance Office (TS-799). Office of issue. The section 8(a) rule requires the 4(a) of the Act. The new chemicals are Toxic Substances, Environmental reporting of production volume, use, ethylbenzene: acetamide. N-(5-(bis(2- Protection Agency, 401 M Street, SW., exposure, and release infonnation on Washington. DC. 20460 (202-554-1404). the listed chemicals. (acetyloxy)ethyl)amino]-2-[2-brom0-4,6- dinitro-phenyl)azo]-4-methoxy phenyl]-: SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: EPA has. A Focus Meeting will be held to acetamide, N-(S.(2-(acetyl-oxy received the report of the TSCA discuss relevant issues pertaining to ethyl)amino-Z-(('2-chtor0-4, 6- lnteragency Testing Committee to the ethylbenzene and to narrow the range of dinitrophenyl)azo]-4-methoxy phenyl]-: Administrator. issues/efrects which will be the Cocusof acetamide, N-(5-bis(2- the Agency's subsequent activities 'in (acetyloxy)ethylJamino ).Z~[(Z-chlor0-4, I. Background responding to the ITC recommendations. 6-dinitrophenyl)azo ]-4-e,thoxy phenyl J-. TSCA (Pub.L 94-469,90 Stat. 2003et The Focus Meeting will be held on June These chemicals are not designated for seq; 15U.S.C.2601et seq.) authorizes 25. 1987 at 1 p.m. at EPA Headquarters. response within 12 months. am. 100.HE Mall. 401.M St, SW., the Administrator of EPA to promulgate Two substances previously regulations under section 4(a) requiring Washington. DC. This meeting is recommended with intent to designate, testing of chemical substances and intended to supplement and expand isopropanoL and methyl t,eft buty. ether upon written comments submitted in mixtures in order to develop data (51FR 41417). are nowdesignatedfop response to this'notice. This notice response within 12 months. The relevant to determining the risks that such chemical substances and mixtures serves to invite persons interested in Twentieth Report is included in this participating in or monitoring . notice. The Agency invites interested may present to health and the negotiations for the development of a environment. persons to submit written comments. on consent agreement to notify EPA at the the Report. and to attend a Focus , Section 49(e}ofTSCAestablished an address no later than June 19. 1987. The Meeting to help narrow and focus the Interagency Testing Committee to make procedures for these negotiations are issues raised by the lTC's recommendations to the Administrator described in 40CFR 790.22. recommendations. Members of the of EPA on chemical substances and Persons wishing to attend this meeting public are also invited to inConn EPA if mixtures to be given priority or subsequent meetings on these they wish to be notified of subsequent consideration in proposing test rules chemicals should call the TSCA public meetings on these chemicals. under section 4(a). Section 4(e) directs Assistance Office at the toll free number Additionally. EPA is soliciting interest in the Committee to revise its list of listed above at least one week in public participation in the consent recommendations at least every 6 advance. agreement process for ethylbenzene. months 8S necessary. The ITC may All written submissions should bear DATES:Written comments should be "designate" up to 50 substances and the identifying docket number (OPTS- submitted by June 19.1987. mixtures at anyone time for priority 41027). A Focus Meeting on ethylbenzene will consideration by the Agency. For such W. Status of Ust be held on June 25. 1987. Submit written designations, the Agency must within 12 notice of interest in being designated an months either initiate rulemaking or In addition to adding the four "interested party" in triplicate by June issue in the Federal Register its reasons recommendations to the priority list. the 19.1987. for not doing so. The ITC's Twentieth ITC's Twentieth Report notes that ADDRESSES:Send written submissions Report was received by the isopropanol and methyl teft butyl ether. to: TSCA Public Infonnation Office (TS- Administrator on May I, 1987, and which were originally recommended 793), Office of Pesticides and Toxic , follows tbis Notice. The Report adds with intent to designate (51 FR 41417, Substances. Environmental Protection four substances to the TSCAsection 4(e) November 14. 1986). have now been Agency,RoomNE G-004,401M Street. priority list. designated for response within 12 SW., Washington.DC20460. months by the ITC. HeinOnline-- 52 Fed, Req. 19020 1987 - --. ---_.- - .-- . --- . Federal Register I Vol. 52. No. 97 r Wednesday. May 20, 1967 I Notices 19021 The current list contains five Section 4[e)(1)[AlofTSCA directs the. designated for priority considerati.on designated substances. one chemical Committee to recommend to the EPA and response by the EPA Administrator recommended with intent-Io-designafe. Administrator chemicals to which the within 12 months. Part B contains and seven recommended substances. Administrator should give priority chemicals and groups of chemicals Authority:15U.S.c.2603. consideration for the promulgation of recommended with intent-to-deaignate. Dated:May 12.1987. testing rules pursuant to section 4{a). This category was established by the Frank D.Kover. The Committee is required to designate Committee in its seventeenth report (50 Acting Director.ExistingChl1micol those chemicals. from among its FR 47603; November 19, 1985).to take Assessment Divi$ion. recommendations. to which the advantage 'of rules promulgating Twentieth Report of the TSCA Administrator ~hou1'drespond within 1% automatic reporting requirements for months by either initiating a rulemaking Interagency Testing. Committee to th, non-designated ITC recommendations Administrators, Environmental .proceeding undersection4{a) or under the section 8[a) Preliminary Protection Agency publishing the Administrator's i'eason Assessment rule and the TSCA section fOrnot initia tins such a proceeding. At B(d) Health and Safety Data Reporting S'!mmary' . least every 6 months. the Committee' makes those revisions in the TSCA. rule. Information received following Section 4 of the Toxic Substances recommendation with intent-to- . section 4(e} Priority List.diat n. Control Act of 1976 rrsCA. Pub.'1.. 94- designate may influence the Committee 469) provides for the lesting or determines to be necessary and . transmits. them to the EPA to either designate or ~ot designate the chemicals in commerce that may present Administrator. chemicals or groups of chemicals' in a an unreasonable ri1lkof injury to' health subsequent report to the Administrator. or the environment. It also provfdes for As a result of its deliberations, the. Committee is revising the TSCA section Part C contains chemicals and gro~ps of the establishment of a Committee (ITCT~ chemicals that have been recommended composed of representaU\'esfrom eight 4[e) Priority List by the addition offoul'" designated Federal agencies. to chemicals. The CoinmiUi!e also is for priority consideration by EPA recommended chemical substances and designating two chemicals that had been without Qeing designated for resp.onse' mixtures (chemicals) to which the recommended with intent-to-designate within 12 montfJs. The changes to the Administrator of the U.S.F..nvironmental in the nineteenth report. Proirity List are .presented.. together with Protection Agency (EPA}should give The Priority List Is divided into three the types of testing recommended.
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