ARCHIVES WilVBKITY^/ 1M 7/ , cJke Okaw U{yiLversitij BULLETIN Volume VI FEBRUARY, 1937 Number 4 Inauguration of ROBERT PRENTISS DANIEL as THE FIFTH PRESIDENT of SHAW UNIVERSITY Held in The Raleigh Memorial Auditorium Raleigh, North Carolina November 20, 1936 Entered as second-class matter January 25, 1932, at the post office at Raleigh, North Carolina, under the Act of August 2h, 1912. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill http://archive.org/details/shawuniversitybuOOshaw FOREWORD npHE Inaugural Committee is gratified in the support of the alumni and friends of Shaw University upon the occasion of the celebration of the Seventy-first Anniversary of the Founding of the Institution and the Inauguration of the Fifth President. The Committee wishes to express its appreciation to the Shaw Bulletin Committee for the privilege of using the February issue of the Shaw Bulletin as an Inaugural number. J. Francis Price, Chairman Walker H. Quarles, Jr., Secretary Mrs. Martha J. Brown Miss Beulaii Jones Rev. 0. S. Bullock Dr. Max King Miss Mary Burwell Dr. L. E. McCauley W. R. Collins H. Cardrew Perrin Mrs. Julia B. Delaney C. C. Spaulding Charles R. Eason Rev. W. C. Somerville Harry Gil-Smythe Dean Melvin H. Watson Miss Lenora T. Jackson Dean Mary Link Turner Glenwood E. Jones J. W. Yeargin ROBERT PRENTISS DANIEL, A.B., A.M., Ph.D. Dr. Robert P. Daniel Is Installed As President In Impressive Ceremonies A sound program, including a Greetings were extended on behalf course of study which must be func- of the colleges of the Board of Edu- tional to the demands of a dynamic cation of the Northern Baptist Con- society and which will lead to a bet- vention by Dr. William J. Clark, pres- ter understanding of "some of the ident of Virginia Union University; major problems of life such as the on behalf of the Baptist Associations preservation of health, economic sta- of North Carolina by the Reverend bility, race adjustments, community J. T. Hairston, president of the North service, social welfare, civic improve- Carolina State Baptist Convention; ments, sane sex life, moral character on behalf of the State Department of and Christian idealism" was pledged Education by Dr. N. C. Newbold, di- for Shaw University by Dr. Robert P. rector, Division of Negro Education, Daniel on the occasion of his inaugu- and on behalf of the institutions of ration as president of Shaw, which higher learning by Dr. James E. took place in the Raleigh Memorial Shepard, president of North Carolina Auditorium at 10:30 a.m., Friday, College for Negroes. November 20, before an audience of By special designation of Governor approximately 1,500 persons. J. C. B. Ehringhaus, Dr. Clyde A. The inauguration ceremonies were Erwin, State Superintendent of Pub- preceded by memorial services on the lic Instruction, extended the official Shaw campus at the grave of Dr. greeting of the State of North Caro- Henry Martin Tupper, the founder of lina. the school, and followed by an alumni Members of the Virginia Union luncheon at which it was announced class of 1924, classmates of Dr. Dan- that since August alumni, Baptist or- iel, sent the youthful educator a lov- ganizations and friends of Shaw have ing cup which, along with the folio contributed to the Raleigh school ap- of greetings and congratulatory mes- proximately three thousand dollars, sages from institutions not represent- of which the sum of five hundred ed at the exercises, was presented by dollars was collected at the luncheon. J. Francis Price, registrar of Shaw The inauguration exercises, attend- University. ed by seven college presidents and In his inaugural address Dr. Daniel other representatives from about praised the work of Shaw Univer- thirty institutions of higher learning, sity's founder and the three other included the induction ceremonies, presidents who have succeeded him, with Dr. G. O. Bullock, vice chairman calling Henry Martin Tupper the of the Shaw Trustee Board, present- great architect of Shaw University, ing the new president with the char- Charles Francis Meserve and Joseph ter. Dr. John P. Turner, secretary of L. Peacock the builders, and William the Board, presented him with the Stuart Nelson the rehabilitator. seal of the University, and Miss Mary "The next step," he declared, A. Burwell gave Dr. Daniel a gold "calls for a program of coordination medallion as symbol of authority. and preservation." C. C. Spaulding introduced the new The services were opened with Shaw head. prayer by Dean John L. Tilley of the Tributes were paid to President School of Religion at Shaw. The Daniel by Dr. John W. Barco, vice closing prayer was offered by Dr. G. president of Virginia Union Univer- O. Bullock, who presided. sity; Dr. John M. Gandy, president of Music for the occasion was fur- Virginia State College, and by the nished by the Shaw University Choral Reverend William T. Johnson, pastor Society, assisted by Mrs. Louise Per- of the First African Baptist Church, rin, under direction of Professor Richmond. Harry Gil-Smythe. 6 The Shaw University Bulletin PROGRAM I. ACADEMIC PROCESSION The audience is asked to rise and remain standing until the Aca- demic Procession is seated. II. OPENING PRAYER John L. Tilley, A.M., Dean, School of Religion, Shaw University III. UNIVERSITY CHOIR: "Temples Eternal" . F. Melius Christiansen IV. INTRODUCTION OF THE PRESIDENT WITH PRESENTATION OF SYMBOL OF AUTHORITY The Reverend George O. Bullock, D.D., Vice-Chairman, Board of Trustees, Presiding Presentation of President by C. C. Spaulding, A.M., LL.D., Treas- urer, Board of Trustees John P. Turner, M.D., LL.D., Induction Marshall, Secretary, Board of Trustees Miss Mary A. Burwell, Induction Aide, Member, Board of Trustees The audience is asked to refrain from applause until the conclusion of the Induction Ceremony. V. CHOIR: "Walk Together, Children" ... J. Rosamond Johnson VI. TRIBUTE TO PRESIDENT DANIEL: 1. As a Professor at Virginia Union University—John W. Barco, D.D., Vice President, Virginia Union University 2. As an Educator in Virginia—John M. Gandy, A.M., Ped.D., Pres- ident, Virginia State College 3. As a Church and Civic Worker—The Reverend Wm. T. Johnson, B.D., D.D., Pastor, First African Baptist Church, Richmond. VII. SOLO: "Song of the Soul" Carl Briel Mrs. Louise Perrin, Coloratura Soprano VIII. GREETINGS: 1. On Behalf of the Colleges of the Board of Education of the Northern Baptist Convention—William J. Clark, B.D., D.D., President, Virginia Union University 2. On Behalf of the Baptist Associations of North Carolina—The Reverend J. T. Hairston, D.D., President, State Baptist Con- vention 3. On Behalf of the Alumni of the University—The Reverend Wen- dell C. Somerville, A.B., B.D., President, General Alumni Association 4. On Behalf of the State Department of Education—N. C. New- bold, A.M., LL.D., Director, Division of Negro Education 5. On behalf of the Institutions of Higher Learning—James E. Shepard, A.M., Litt.D., President, North Carolina College for Negroes 6. On Behalf of the Teachers of North Carolina—Charlotte Haw- kins Brown, LL.D., President, North Carolina State Teachers Association IX. OFFICIAL GREETING OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA BY SPECIAL DESIGNATION OF HIS EXCELLENCY, GOVERNOR J. C. B. EHRINGHAUS Clyde A. Erwin, LL.D., State Superintendent of Public Instruction X. PRESENTATION OF DELEGATES AND FOLIO OF CONGRATULA- TORY MESSAGES J. Francis Price, A.M., Registrar, Shaw University XL CHOIR: "Praise Ye the Lord" A. Randegger The Shaw University Bulletin PROGRAM—Continued XII. INAUGURAL ADDRESS Robert Prentiss Daniel, Ph.D. XIII. CHOIR: "Great and Marvelous" A. R. Gaul XIV. CLOSING PRAYER The Reverend George O. Bullock, D.D. XV. RECESSIONAL The audience will please be seated after the prayer and remain seated until the Academic Procession has marched out. Presentation of President to friends throughout the country, as well as his co-workers, are confident Chairman of Board that he will add achievement and By Dr. C. C. Spaulding prestige to the cause of education as President of Shaw University. Mr. Chairman, I have the honor to I, therefore, request, on behalf of present to you ROBERT PRENTISS the Trustees, that you signify Dr. who has been duly chosen DANIEL, Daniel's assumption of the authority by the Trustees of this Institution to and dignity which appertain to the its fifth president. We deem him be presidential office, by appropriate successor to the noble men a worthy ceremonies of induction and inves- who have builded themselves into titure. the structure that is Shaw Universi- ty and who have fostered here the ideal of religious education in the Presentation of Medal belief that through such training the By Miss Mary A. Burwell, Member, fullness of living is achieved. Board of Trustees Dr. Daniel was born on the campus Mr. President: of Virginia State College, of teach- On behalf ing parents, educated there and at of the Trustees, I present Virginia Union University and Col- to you this medal, an official attesta- tion umbia University, receiving the de- of your inauguration as the fifth president gree of doctor of philosophy in edu- of Shaw University. We cation from Columbia University. trust that you will cherish it as a sacred possession. We believe that He has served as professor of edu- you will wear it with the dignity and cation and head of the Department distinction of your high office. of Education at Virginia Union Uni- versity for twelve years and was of invaluable assistance to President Clark. He established a record as Presentation of Seal an educational specialist that is rec- By Dr. John P.
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