-' ^^ Й5Йе(1 by the Ukrainian Wational Association Inc.. a fraternal non-profit association| Шrainian WeeI:I V Vol. LV No.33 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 16, 1987 25 cents U.S. vows to press humanitarian issues At the Demjanjuk trial as Vienna review conference recesses Prosecution challenges forensic expert; VIENNA —The 35-State Conference When the talks reconvene in Sep­ three new ID cards provided hy USSR on Security and Cooperation in tember, work on drafting a conc­ Special to Svoboda and The Weekly into evidence on Tuesday, August 1і, luding document is expected to pick up Europe, which is reviewing compliance on the premise that the prosecution now that all the major proposals are on with the I975 Helsinki Accords, reces­ JERUSALEM - The prosecution would test the competence of the de­ the table, said 0rest Deychakiwsky, a sed for seven weeks on July 31 with the spent the entire week, August 10-13, fense's documents expert. Presiding staffer of the U.S. Commission on U.S. delegation stressing that it will not attempting to discredit the findings and Judge JOov Levin stated that the prose­ Security and Cooperation in Europe agree to any concluding document that expertise of the John Demjanjuk de­ cution could use the three ID cards only and a member of the American de­ does not reflect Western concerns about fense's forensic expert, Edna Robertson in this "limited context." humanitarian issues. legation to the Vienna talks. of Panama City, F1a. The defense's objections that the At the final plenary session of this According to wire service reports, Meanwhile, U.S. industrialist Ar- witness had never before seen these round of the talks, U.S. Ambassador Western delegates said they are mand Hammer once again came three cards and, therefore, could not be Warren Zimmermann called for ''a not entirely happy with the work of the through for 1sraeli authorities when he expected to provide an on-the-spot significant improvement in compliance conference to date and want an im­ was able, through his close contacts analysis, as well as the fact that the with Helsinki and Madrid (follow-up provement in the Soviet Union's with the USSR, to obtain three iden­ defense had not received copies of the conference) commitments, particularly human-rights record before going tification cards similar to the one new evidence did not persuade the in the human dmension." home, the Associated Press reported. purportedly issued to Mr. Demjanjuk at court. "The true test of glasnost, as far as the "We will certainly, I hope, be in a the Trawniki training camp for guards. Ms. Robertson stated, "This puts me Vienna meeting is concerned,'' Mr. position by the late fall to know where The Trawniki card is a key piece of in an awkward position. My credibility Zimmermann noted, "is whether the we stand, what the trade-offs are," U.S. evidence in the prosecution's case, wil be diminished not only in this court, Soviet Union can continue and in­ Ambassador Warren Zimmermann although it does not p1ace the defendant but worldwide, I pray this court does crease the positive trends we have said, 'if we don4 think we have enough, at the Treblinka death camp where a not impose this discrediting task on observed, and give them institutional we will go on." brutal guard nicknamed '4van the me." Judge Levin overruled her ob­ stability." Ihe United States introduced a Terrible" operated the engines that jections, saying, "You cannot refuse to During this round of the meeting proposal on July 29 demanding the discharged poisonous fumes into the look at these documents. A refusal to which began on May 5, the 35 de­ Kremlin end "phony restrictions" on gas chamber. Mr. Demjanjuk is accused even glance at a document is unac­ legations continued to define and emigration from Soviet-bloc countries, of being "Ivan." ceptable to us." debate proposals covering issues such as such as alleged access to state secrets. The defense has argued that the card 1t should be recalled, however, that in as security, economic cooperation, The proposal — backed by Canada, is a forgery and that it is the only card of a similar situation, when the defense human rights and further follow-up West Germany, Italy, the Netherlands this type ever seen. had wanted to question a prosecution meetings. (Continued on page 14) The three new ID cards were entered (Continued on page 16) The apparitions at Hrushiv: a miracle in western Ukraine? by Andrew Sorokowski on May 13 (the anniversary of the apparition at belief would affect a student's university career.) Fatima) a local television broadcast. A'private But curiously enough, the correspondent also states "Every day a mass of people comes here to source relates that during the television broadcast that he has met "many young people who believe in Hrushiv by foot, by private and company car, by the image of the Virgin appeared and was seen on the 'miracle of Hrushiv.' " bus and by train. And not only from nearby screens throughout the region. Further accounts and 1n fact, miracles are nothing new in this village. districts, but from neighboring regions, too. They com.mentary are to be found in recent issues of the The Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Ukraine walk and they ride, so that they may personally see underground publication. Chronicle of the Cath­ (No. 21) cites a brief history of the chapel by the the face of the Virgin Mary."' olic Church in Ukraine. The news has travelled by (Continued on page 10) "Every day, cars and motorcycles with license­ word of mouth as far as Moscow and even Central Asia. 1 M. llnytskyand A. Lysyuk,"Pogovorim o'chude'-- plates not only from our region, but from several chto stoit za sobytiyami v se1e Grushev Drogobychskogo neighboring ones, move in the direction of It seems that on Sunday, April 26 — the first raiona" (Let's Talk about the 'Miracle' - What Lies Hrushiv. The rumor about the 'miracle' has Sunday after Easter — 11-year-old Marina Kizyn Behind the Events in the Village of Hrushkiv in the reached the more distant villages and towns. A few saw a vision of the Virgin Mary on the belfry of the Drohobych District"), Lvovskaya Pravda (Lviv, Ukrai­ days ago a group of students arrived here all the abandoned chapel behind her family house on the nian SSR), May 15, 1987. 1ncluded in the Chronicle of way from Dnipropetrovske. outskirts of the village of Hrushiv. She called her the Catholic Church in Ukraine. "Every day a stream of people — old men and mother, who summoned the neighbors. Others saw - S. Kurpil, "llyuziya zoru, abo 'Hrushivske Chudo'" women, boys and girls, young parents with their the apparition, which lasted several days before ('*An Optical Illusion, or The Miracle of Hrushiv' "), children or without them - flows into the Kizyns' growing dim. At times it appeared to be on the Leninska Mo1od (Lviv), May 19, 1987, p. 4. Included in the Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Ukraine. yard, which is on an elevation about a hundred window of the belfry, at times on the dome or balcony. Since then, thousands of people have ^ M. Marynyak, "Komy vyhidne hryshivske*chudo7" meters from the chapel. It is from here, and only ("For Whom is the Hrushiv 'Miracle' Convenient?"), come to this western Ukrainian village near the from here, if one is to believe the rumors, that one Vi1na Ukraine (Lviv), May 13, I987; K. Petrenkp, can see in silhouette the bust of the 1mmaculate town of Drohobych, and many claim to have seen "Sumnivni syluety" ("Dubious Silhouettes"), Sotsialis- Virgin Mary."2 it. tychny Shlyakh, May 14, I987. Both are reproduced in Such reports are hardly common in the Soviet The Chronicle claims that 80,000 people gather the Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Ukraine. See also press. But these descriptions are taken from two of daily in Hrushiv. Some stay the night, for mu- K. Petrenko, "Sumnivni syluety" ("Dubious Silhouet­ at least eight articles that appeared in May in sterious illuminations have been reported as well. tes"), Radianske Slovo (Drohobych, Lviv region, district and regional newspapers in western The press reports do not conceal the fact that Ukrainian SSR), May 6, 1987; idem. "Khto stvoryv chudo"("Who Created the Miracle"), Radianske Slovo, Ukraine.^ There were also radio commentaries and there are many young people among the pilgrims. May 9, I987; idem, "Shcho zh ty vymolyuyesh, cholovi- But S. Kurpil, the reporter for the youth newspa­ chc?" ("What arc You Praying for, Man?"), Radianske Andre\V Sorokow\ski is the Ukrainian researcher per Leninska Mo1od, stresses that they have come SI0VO, May 15, 1987; A. Romanivand K. Petriv,"Otaka at Keston College in England. His position is merely out of curiosity. He interviewed a group of 'Sviata' ta'Bozha'.."("So that's how'Holy'and*Godly'it funded hу the Ukrainian Studies Fund of Harvard students irom a Lviv art school, another trom a 1S..."), Radianske Slovo (date not given); all quoted in"U University. A shorter version of the article above veterinary institute. They aI1 assure him that they Hrushevi poyavylas Bozha Maty" ("The Mother of God appears in Keston News Service (No. 280, July 23, do not believe in miracles. (One can easily imagine, has Appeared in Hrushiv"), Pairiayarkhat (New York), I9S7). of course, how a public declaration of religious No. 7-8 (199-200), July-August 1987, pp. 5-8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 16, 1987 No. 33 A GLIMPSE OF SOVIET REALITY Crimean Tatar protesters face charges of disturbing the peace Byelorussian school law seen NEW YORK - Twenty members of Tatars to conduct their meetings.
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