BULLETIN OF THE PUGET SOUND MYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY 2161 East Hamlin, Seattle, Wa. 98112 October 1980 Number 165 ,..._,.,,.,. 1 1 1a mum 1 rr uu s'11 Bl!IO'! m DIRECTIONS ON WHERE TO BRING THE'MUSHROOMS should immediately call Winston {phone 481-8459) or Presi­ YOU PICKED FOR THE SHOW Winston Hufford dent Carl Hermanson {phone 723-5127). The custom·has been that we had food available for our hard-working members. Remember that we hold the Show in a different place this year! The food was brought in by the members as they came to see When you return to town on Friday, October 3, 1980 head for the Show, the Seattle Center GATE NO. 2 located at Second Avenue North and Thomas Street. {These are both One-Way streets / WELCOME TO ALL OF OUR NEW MEMBERS WHO JOIN Second Avenue North is southbound only, and Thomas Street OUR SOCIETY DURING THIS YEAR'S EXHIBIT is eastbound only. Please keep this in mind!) We want to extend a Hearty Welcome to all of you who be- GATE NO. 2 is a locked, drive-in gate, On Friday there will came PSMS members during the Annual Exhibit, We hope be a uniformed guard there to let you drive in and deliver the many of you become �ctive in all the activities of our Society mushrooms. Immediately after you enter the gate, you will As a beginning, we hope you will make yourselves known at �e eit�r�mElla Ca�elo��o � ll�th= e�re�f�ra�m�5��� m�t� o-�-� th� e�N�o�v�e�m�b�e�r�m�e�mw� b�e�rs� h�ip�me�e�tiwn�g�.=Y�� ou�wu i� ll�reucao�g� n�iz.e���e��� � lO pm to rece ave the muslirooms- you have collected. Please, "old "- members be.cause- many of the;; wear red name tags. make it before 10:00 pm, since the guard goes home at 10 pm, Or better yet, be sure you participate on one of our remain­ ing fall field trips. The locations are listed elsewhere in this LAST CALL FOR HELP ON THE SHOW Winston Hufford bulletin. Hopefully, everyone has signed up to help on at least one Please realize it usually comes down to this: You will gener­ committee, But if you have not done so, it is not too late. ally get as much out of an organization as you put into it, You can do it at the September 29th Membership Meeting or Many of our members are very knowledgable about mushrooms by calling the chairman of a committee, or even Winston. and where to find them. They will gladly answer any and all NOTE: To gain free admission to the Annual Exhibit, every of your questions. Remember, you wi 11 learn more from people member has to show his/her blue 1980 membership card, than from books. However, the "old" members can't do it . No exceptions! alone, you will have to take the iniative. 1980 ANNUAL EXHIBIT COMMITTEES Winston Hufford OUR LATEST SOCIETY MEMBERS ARE General Chairman Conner & Betty Grey; Andrew Beasley; Molly P'hillips, and ARTS & CRAFTS Florence Mais 878 - 2708 Sue Shields. Bernice Velatequi BOOK SALES Kathy Ringo 784 - 9630 HOW TO MAKE A SPORE PRINT Ed Cantelon Michael Westby SPORE PRINTS, appropriately that is what we call this publi­ COMMERCIAL cation, The origin of this term is a picture, delineated in de­ CONSTRUCTION Rick White 641 - 9193 posited spores, showing the pattern of the underside of the FREEZE DRY Dr. Patricia Winter 486 - 4264 mushroom and the color of the spores. Individual spores are GREENERY Paul Rule l-794 - 8987 too smal I ta be seen by the unaided eye. But since many thou­ HOSTESS Laurel Hufford 481 - 8459 p IDEt-.ITIF'.ICAIIQN (bgrle& 'l.9.l:a- .-363 54{,5 sands of s ores are deposited in th _tint, their color ca. _n_b�-­e quite color Is cbl'lstont rn1eacl1 LABELING , Helena Kirkwood 784 - 1095 easilidetermined, 'fife spore species and this fact is a definite identification feature. The MEMBERSHIP Grace Jones 772 - 5024 MUSHROOM COLLECTION Russ Kurtz 784 - 3382 better mushroom guides all state the spare color for each mush­ MUSHROOM RECEIVING Ed & Ella Cantelon 242 - 6115 room, along with other pertinent information. The recognized PHOTO & SLIDE SHOW Joy & Roger Spurr 723 - 2759 spore colors range from white {which is the most common) to POSTER PLACEMENT Claude Dilly 782 - 8511 shades of cream, yellow-ochre, salmon pink, rusty brown, PRESERVATION Jennie Schmitt l-876 - 3177 snuff brown (no red tint), purple-brown, and block. Lilac, • Ethel Bennett 784 - 6236 bI ue, and green do occur, but are rare It does take some PUBLICITY Stan March 885 - 0375 experience to correctly evaluate the colors, and make the Dennis Krabbenhoft 839 - 2454 best use of them, Often mushrooms that look very much alike SECURITY Earl Harrison 932 - 1612 can be readily separated because of their very different spore SORTING BOXES Jim Bennett 784 - 6236 colors. TRAY ARRANGEMENT Margaret Dilly 782 - 851 l To make a spore print you remove the stem from the cap and place the cap, gills down, on a piece of pure white paper. URGENT S .O ,S. Pure white paper is recommended, because some specimens If someone volunteers to chair a committee to arrange for food produce a slightly off-white deposit, and this would not be (snacks and beverages) we will be able to have some this year apparent on a colored background. Cover the cap with a bowl or a sheet of plastic to keep stray air currents from mo- {in spite what we had been told by the Seattle Center before) Therefore, anyone willing to chair the Hospitality Committee --- continued on page 4 --- C9Ment1>eislt_ip �leeting Monday, September 29, 1980, 8:00 pm in the McCurdy Room P. of the Museum of History and Industry. S. <M. Program: Final Preparation for the 17th Annual Exhibit which follows the next Saturday and Sunday. George Rafanelli will tell us the places and proper way to collect specimens for the . s. Show. Don't miss this! CSpore If time permits, we will see a NAMA slide-tape on timely mushroom genus. Pririts NOTE: That this meeting on September 29th has to be held so that final preparations for is published monthly except July and August by the the Annual Exhibit can be made. PUGET SOUND MYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY There is !:!£membership meeting in October! % The Museum of History and Industry, 2161 E. Hamlin, Seattle, Wa,, 98112. Mail all articles, art or photos to Hildegard Hendrickson, 2559 NE 96th, Seattle, 98115. BOARD NEWS H R H --eFF-ICER5-Earl-++ennansorr,-President, 1982 (1) --The Septem er oar ews WI e presenteCf"in- the next -is- Rick White, Vice-President, 1981 (1) sue since the Board meeting had not been held at press time. Earl Harrison, Treasurer, 1982 (2) Margaret Holzbauer, Secretary, 1981 (1} MYCOLOGY SPOKEN HERE Dick Si ege!. TRUSTEES - Term expires March 1981 dichotomous ( dT �t o mus) Margaret Dilly (1); Grace Jones (1); Dennis Krabbenhoft (1); Tom McKnight (1); Agnes Greek: dicha = in two parts, temno = to cut Sieger (1). Term expires March 1982 Dichot��..?..��-.£orking occurs in som e mushroom gills,· As th e Margo Harrison (2); Rudy Karz mar (1); . gill is followed from the stipe outward it forks becoming LomNee March (2); Stan March (l); Don . two gills, The two gills can fork again, becoming four gills, Schultz (1). Jennie Schmitt (imm. past pres.) and so on, Som etimes the term bifurcate is applied to gills ALTERNATES: John Kunz; Del Miller; Agnes Suit. tha t divide only once, arid furcate to gills tha t branch SCIENTIFIC ADVISER Dr. Daniel E. Stuntz ---- irregularly, A dichotomous key gives a series of two choices and can. Calendar sim plify the identification of a mushroom because it requires Sept. 27 & 28 Fieldtrip to the Silver Springs Forest Camp only one decision at a time, For example: la, Ca p orange and green,,,,. L.octorius icdel iosus Sept. 29 Monday, Membership Meeting, 8:00 pm 1 b, Ca p orange or green , , • , , , , , • , , , , , , , , , , , , , 2 Sept. 30 Tuesday, Fall Class, 7:00 pm 2a, Cap with white seal es , , , Amani ta muscaria 2b. Cap sm ooth, , , ••, , , , , , , , Cl itocybe odora Oct. 4 & 5 The 17th Annual Exhibit The key should be read carefully; "orange and green " is Oct, 7 Tuesday, Third Meeting, Fall Class, 7:00 pm quite different from "orange or green", Always read both _ -- - --- =­ - _ ______:__= - choices, A mushroom-wl.th )'SU�Is�c�-EH_��se- o-J;-11 &l2-Flelatr1p o Oakp- aten ,...- than it fits 2b, However, a mushroom shouldn't be forc ed to Oct, 14 Tuesday, Fourth Meeting, Fall Class, 7:00 pm fit a key. Orange mushrooms with red sc ales just can't be identified usin3 this key, Read a complete description of the Cct. 18 & 19 Fieldtrip to fgrt WeFde11Pa1k State -fll.t-//Kl?/t mushroom before making a final identification, tJBn11'1 • c;..(/?.-, £1t.- Q t!/fpV}'f-t -C,UJ'-1 In this Oct. 19 Sunday only, f'ieldtrip fo Hamlin Park demonstration key, an Amanita verna would be identified as Clitocybe odora but a full description would correct the Oct. 20 Monday, Board Meeting error, Som e mista kes carry the death penalty; Oct. 21 Tuesday, Fifth Meeting, Fall Class, 7:00 pm MORE ON TRUFFLES Oct. 24 Deadline for Spore Print material. Send arti­ cles, art work, photos, etc. to the Editor, The New York Times reports that what may look like truffles 2559 NE 96th, Seattle, Wa., 98115 garnishing those high-priced culinary tours de force in hotels and restaurants are not necessarily the real thing.
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