The weather Qoudy and not so cool tonight, with chance of showers by morning. Low In Inside today lower 60s. Tuesday cloudy wlUi chance of showers. Highs In 80s. National Area news ...14-16 Fam ily................9 weather, forecast map on Page 17 Oasslfled . 16-18 MACC news........i ..............19 MCC calendar... 8 5e«f Abby........19 ObltuarleslIlO E<1“0'-1»1 .............6 Sporta............11-11 Intrufler killed at White House WASHINGTON (U PI) - A cab refers to them, attempt to scale the driver climbed a fence at the White A police investigator said fence at least once a week. House Sunday night and was shot to Plummer, who was not married, had Secret Service spokesman Jack death by a police guard as he ran shown his family "no signs of Warner said the intruder approached toward the executive mansion with a animosity against the President.” Executive Protective Service officer steel pipe in his hand. Sgt. Robert Sharkey of the D.C. Pvt. C harles A. G arland, who President and Mrs. Ford were in police gave this account of the in­ repeatedly ordered him to halt. the family quarters of the White cident: I understand he had the pipe over House at the time and were informed “At 9:34 p.m. Chester M. Plummer his head as he advanced toward the of the incident shortly after it oc­ Jr ., black male, 30, no fixed address, curred. officer. The officer was between the 2 climbed over north fence of the man and the White House,” Warner ‘V, The intruder, identifed as Chester said. White House, entered the grounds Plummer Jr ., 30, was shot shortly with a pipe in his hand. He was He said Garland fired one shot, hit­ after 9:30 p.m., EDT. He died in ordered to stop ... He refused to do ting him in the chest. emergency surgery at George so. When the police officer attempted EPS guards saw Plummer earlier Washington University Hospital an to stop him, he attempted to assault in the evening on the sidewalk in •’/ - hour and a half later at 11:05. the police officer and the officer front of the White House, but a Secret Officials said the man climbed fired one shot, which took effect.” White House p ard s shot dead a man who climbed over the fence carrying a three to four Service spokesman said he "did not over the spiked six-foot-high iron He said Garland, 25, had been a make any overt attempt at that foot steel pipe late Sunday. Police study the scene of the shooting (left). UPI photo fence at the northeast corner of the member of the ETO since January, tim e” to enter the grounds. White House grounds on Penn­ and now is on administrative leave Cushman He returned later and scaled the sylvania Avenue and moved some 60 pending investigation. black wrought iron fence. feet toward the residence, carrying a Plummer was identified at the Avondale The pipe was examined for steel pipe three or four feet long. hospital by his father, Chester Fighting continues in Bierut explosives but, Warner said, "I un­ / It was the first time an intruder Plummer. 'The intruder’s last-known - Loomis derstand it was just a plain pipe.” BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI) - Heavy Kholy told reporters Sunday night members of the Saudi Arabian and had been shot, although sources said address was 5031 H St. S.E ., but Warner, asked if there was any in­ fighting raged across Beirut today that "parties bent on sabotaging the Sudanese force were killed and two “jumpers,” as the Secret Service police described him as a drifter. dication of motive, replied “none.” but the head of the Arab League restoration of security” were respon­ others wounded. There was no money in his wallet. Swanson peacekeeping force vowed his men sible for the attack on a contingent of “Our party did not s i p the truce lool). would set up a disengagement line peacekeeping troops who tried to apeem ent and we had orders to pre­ — West despite the new violence and an at­ take up positions in the no-man’s land vent the Arab Leape troops from Ferguson, Irish seek Hashim post tack on his troops Sunday. between eastern Christian and IcKee and coming in,”'the militia commander As shooting erupted in hotspots western Moslem Beirut. said. By GREG PEARSON East Hartford has ten votes and Manchester and one from East Hart­ around the capital, the U.S. Embassy He did not mention the "parties” The ultrarightist Chamoun is the Herald Reporter • Manchester nine at the convention - Bryan ford have filled the two 3rd District registered more Am ericans and by name but it was an obvious only m ajor leader in the war who still where the new representative to the Two members of the Manchester posts on the State Central Com­ other foreign nationals for a U.S. reference to Interior Minister refuses to s i p the cease-fire and State Central Committee will be - Rachel Republican Town Committee, Vivian mittee. Navy evacuation Tuesday. Embassy Camille Chamoun, whose "T igers” Kholy said he would m eet with him selected. Ferguson and Wallace Irish Jr., are Mrs. Ferguson is a present officials said they had received militia claimed responsibility for the today to try to win him over. ' 5 ^ . Ferguson, in announcing ker seeking the State Central Com­ member of the town Board of Direc­ Palestinian assurances of security mortar and machine gun attack on But he also said this “will not stop decision to run for the post, said she id. due to m ittee’s 3rd District seat that is now tors. She said, if elected to the State for the operation. the Arab troops. us from our purpose or our timetable has the backing of James Mirabile, obile will held by Elinor Hashim. Central Committee, she will continue Arab League envoy Hassan Sabry Rightist radio reported two in completing our work (to set up the Republican town chairman of East Ms. Hashim is moving from to serve on the board. She is the wife disengagement line).” Hartford, and Charles Stebbins, the Manchester to Glastonbury, which is of Republican Town Chairman Meanwhile, heavy fighting flared other State Central Committee not located in the 3rd District. Since Thomas F. Ferguson. She is also a Victim of tent fire dies overnight and this morning in down­ member from the 3rd District, who is' she will no longer live in the district, past president of the Manchester Robert Hanson, 5, one of three town Beirut and in the suburbs. also from East Hartford. since July 10. Fire Marshal Harry she cannot represent it on the State Republican Women’s Qub. , children who were severely burned in Where the Palestinian camp of Tal- Mrs. Ferguson said, "In order to oks Jordan said the tent had been water­ Central Committee. Irish, who could not be reached for a tent fire in East Lyme early Sunday Zaatar has been under siege for more get elected, you have to have the proofed Saturday by what proved to The 3rd District includes part of comment today, is a member of the morning, died early this morning at than a month. backing of this group.” lam: 100 be a highly flammable substance and Manchester and E ast Hartford. Manchester Volunteer Fire Depart­ Yale-New Haven Hospital. A U.S. Embassy spokesman said Traditionally, one person from es it is believed the tent was ignited by- ment and UNICO. He was chairmdn Hospital officials said Gustav Han­ registration had been reopened for a social an electrical malfunction. Witnesses of the Bicentennial Parade Com­ son, S, and Nicole Hanson, 2, are in Tuesday’s sea evacuation and that “a said the tent burned in a m atter of mittee. critical condition at the hospital. few more Americans had registered Cheers greet couple 1, his life minutes. The fire was described as 'The 3rd District representative to They are the,children of Mr. and but that our total fipre is still MADRID, Spain (UPI) - being, "alm ost an explosion.” family stayed. the State Central Committee will be Mrs. Robert Hanson of East Hart­ around 435.” Thousands cheered King Juan Carlos p riv a te Unidentified persons fired shots in selected at a convention that will be ford. The parents and Hanson’s Jordan said although there is He urged all those who have not and Queen Sophia today as they left the air at one rally, but no one was called later this summer by State brother Steven and Gina Hanson, 7, nothing suspicious about the cause of siped up to “do so now because this by car to tour Pontevedra, one of the :: the un­ reported injured. Chairman Frederick Beibel. years all escaped injury. the fire, it is being investigated by will be the last such organized four provinces of the poor and nage to The Hansons had been camping at the state fire , marshal’s office evacuation of foreigners from politically restive region of Galicia in the Ponderosa Camping Grounds because of its severity. Beirut.” northwest Spain. nder the The royal couple Stopped repeated­ ly to shake hands with the crowd in South Windsor youth milt our Viking arm works not seismometer Santiago de Compostela, scene of 00 clashes Sunday between police and dies in one-car crash L PASADENA, Calif. (UPI) - rhatsits Engineers believe a broken wire handful of soil for an instrument hundreds of demonstrators. Viking I’s crucial soil sampling arm 'atch: a caused the problem. designed to look for organic The 38-year-old king was in the Jeffrey Carpenter, 16, of 26 Sun- has been repaired to start the long- South Windsor, wasn’t injured, police The Instrument was designed to molecules.
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