QueenslandQueensland Government Government Gazette Gazette PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 345] Friday 10 August 2007 You can advertise in the Gazette! ADVERTISING RATE FOR A QUARTER PAGE $500+gst (casual) Contact your nearest representative to fi nd out more about the placement of your advertisement in the weekly Queensland Government Gazette Qld : Liz McKenzie - mobile: 0408 014 591 - email: [email protected] NSW : Jonathon Tremain - phone: 02 9499 4599 - email: [email protected] [1791] Queensland Government Gazette Extraordinary PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 345] Friday 3 August 2007 [No. 92 Queensland NOTIFICATION OF SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION Statutory Instruments Act 1992 Notice is given of the making of the subordinate legislation mentioned in Table 1 TABLE 1 SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION BY NUMBER No. Subordinate Legislation Empowering Act 190 Plant Protection (Approved Sugarcane Varieties) Amendment Declaration (No. 2) 2007 Plant Protection Act 1989 1792 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 92 [3 August 2007 TABLE 2 SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION BY EMPOWERING ACT This table shows affected subordinate legislation Empowering Act Subordinate Legislation No. Plant Protection Act 1989 Plant Protection (Approved Sugarcane Varieties) Declaration 2003 • amd by Plant Protection (Approved Sugarcane Varieties) Amendment Declaration (No. 2) 2007. 190 Copies of the subordinate legislation can be obtained at— SDS Express—Mineral House , 41 George Street, Brisbane Qld 4000 <www. publications.qld.gov.au> A mail service is available from— SDS Publications. .Telephone: (07) 3118 6900 Locked Bag 500 Coorparoo DC, Qld 4151. Facsimile: (07) 3118 6930 <www. publications.qld.gov.au> © The State of Queensland (SDS Publications) 2007 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without the prior written permission of SDS Publications. Inquiries should be addressed to SDS Publications, Locked Bag 500, Coorparoo, DC, Q, 4151. _____________________________ BRISBANE Printed by Government Printer, Vulture Street, Woolloongabba 3 August 2007 [1793] Queensland Government Gazette Extraordinary PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 345] Thursday 9 August 2007 [No. 93 NOTICE Premier’s Office Brisbane, 2 August 2007 Her Excellency the Governor directs it to be notified that, acting under the provisions of the Constitution of Queensland 2001, she has appointed the Honourable Rodney Jon Welford MP, Minister for Education and Training Minister for the Arts to act as, and to perform all of the functions and exercise all of the powers of, Minister for Health from 9 August 2007 until the Honourable Stephen Robertson MP returns to Queensland. PETER BEATTIE MP PREMIER AND MINISTER FOR TRADE © The State of Queensland (SDS Publications) 2007 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without the prior written permission of SDS Publications. Inquiries should be addressed to SDS Publications, Locked Bag 500, Coorparoo, DC, Q, 4151. _____________________________ BRISBANE Printed by Government Printer, Vulture Street, Woolloongabba 9 August 2007 [1795] QueenslandQueensland Government Government Gazette Gazette Natural Resources and Water PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 345] Friday 10 August 2007 [No. 94 Land Act 1994 Acquisition of Land Act 1967 TAKING OF LAND ORDER (No 01) 2007 TAKING OF LAND NOTICE (No 30) 2007 Short title Short title 1. This order in council may be cited as the Taking of Land 1. This notice may be cited as the Taking of Land Notice (No 30) Order (No 01) 2007. 2007. Resumption of Reservation [s.229 of the Act] Land taken [ss.9(7) and 9(8) of the Act] 2. Possession of the land described in the Schedule is hereby 2. The land described in the Schedule is taken by the Council resumed by the State for road purposes on and from 10 August of the City of Gold Coast for road purposes and vest in the Council 2007. of the City of Gold Coast for an estate in fee simple on and from SCHEDULE 10 August 2007. 6RXWK(DVW5HJLRQ,SVZLFK2I¿FH SCHEDULE Reservation Taken 6RXWK(DVW5HJLRQ*ROG&RDVW2I¿FH Lot 101 on SP171787 (to be registered in the Land Registry), Land Taken area of 2841 m2, being part of the area reserved for road purposes Lot 1 on SP198149 (to be registered in the Land Registry), in Lot 100 on W311574, Title Reference 10877025, parish of area 368 m2, part of the land in Title Reference 50367418, parish Alford. of Gilston. ENDNOTES L.A.B. 11363 1. Made by the Governor in Council on 9 August 2007. Lot 4 on SP198144 (to be registered in the Land Registry), 2. Published in the Gazette on 10 August 2007. area 49 m2, part of the land in Title Reference 16136019, parish 3. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. of Gilston. 4. The administering agency is the Department of Natural L.A.B. 11364 Resources and Water. Lot 5 on SP198147 (to be registered in the Land Registry), 5. File Reference – L.A.B. 10406 area 24 m2, part of the land in Title Reference 15738049, parish of Gilston. Acquisition of Land Act 1967 L.A.B. 11365 TAKING OF LAND NOTICE (No 29) 2007 Lot 3 on SP198146 (to be registered in the Land Registry), Short title area 43 m2, part of the land in Title Reference 15687055, parish 1. This notice may be cited as the Taking of Land Notice (No 29) of Gilston. 2007. L.A.B. 11366 Land taken [ss.9(7) and 9(8) of the Act] Lot 2 on SP198145 (to be registered in the Land Registry), 2. The land described in the Schedule is taken by the Council area 80 m2, part of the land in Title Reference 15110113, parish of the Shire of Burnett for road purposes and vests in the Council of Gilston. of the Shire of Burnett for an estate in fee simple on and from 10 L.A.B. 11367 August 2007. ENDNOTES SCHEDULE 1. Made by the Governor in Council on 9 August 2007. 6RXWK(DVW5HJLRQ%XQGDEHUJ2I¿FH 2. Published in the Gazette on 10 August 2007. Land Taken 3. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. Lot 6 on SP205435 (to be registered in the Land Registry), 4. The administering agency is the Department of Natural area 550 m2, part of the land in Title Reference 30503013, parish Resources and Water. of Littabella. Acquisition of Land Act 1967 ENDNOTES TAKING OF EASEMENT NOTICE (No 43) 2007 1. Made by the Governor in Council on 9 August 2007. Short title 2. Published in the Gazette on 10 August 2007. 1. This notice may be cited as the Taking of Easement Notice 3. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. (No 43) 2007. 4. The administering agency is the Department of Natural Easement taken [ss.6, 9(7) and 9(8) of the Act] Resources and Water. 2. The Easements described in Schedule 2 are taken by the 5. File Reference – L.A.B. 11371 Council of the City of Gold Coast for sewerage purposes and vest 1796 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 94 [10 August 2007 in the Council of the City of Gold Coast on and from 10 August the quality of the materials and workmanship of 2007. which except with the Owner’s consent, shall Rights and obligations be not less than the quality of the materials and 3. That the rights and obligations conferred and imposed by each workmanship in the existing fence. A gate so Easement include the matters set out in Schedule 1. installed becomes the property of the Owner In this gazette resumption notice: of the fence in which the gate is installed and “Council” means Council of the City of Gold Coast; and thereafter shall be maintained by the Owner. “Owner” means the registered proprietor of the land referred No Structures etc on Easement to in Schedule 2. 6. The Owner shall not at any time, without the express SCHEDULE 1 written permission of the Council: Rights and Obligations 6.1 erect any buildings or structures (other than Rights of Council fences) upon the Easement or any part thereof 1. The Council shall have the full and free right and liberty or otherwise permit the Easement or any part at all times hereafter to enter upon the Easement for the thereof to be used in such a way as to obstruct purposes of constructing and thereafter forever using or interfere with the relevant works and/or and maintaining such relevant works as it shall from the proper and effective use thereof by the WLPHWRWLPHWKLQN¿WDQGLQVRGRLQJWKH&RXQFLOE\LWV Council; employees, agents and other persons authorised by the 6.2 install concrete or other pavement or driveways Council shall have the right to: on the Easement or gardens or landscaping 1.1 construct, install, extend, deepen, widen, involving concrete, brick or other permanent cleanse, add to, remove, inspect, maintain and materials; repair the relevant works with new relevant 6.3 remove or stockpile or permit the removal works (whether of a similar nature to those or stockpiling of any soil, sand, gravel or replaced or not); other substance or material on the Easement 1.2 dig into, sink shafts in, and erect scaffolding or construct any roads, dam walls or other upon the Easement and to open and break up earthworks on the Easement which would in the soil of the Easement or any part thereof any way obstruct or interfere with the relevant including the sub-surface thereof; works and/or the proper and effective use 1.3 remove and dispose of soil created as a thereof by the Council. consequence of the Council exercising its rights Damage to Structures etc hereunder; 7.
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