FEBRUARY 2007 VOLUME 43, ISSUE 2 Nor’wester MODELING THE PRECEPTS OF PATROLLING - WHAT DOES IT MEAN? BARB DIXON, DIVISION DIRECTOR [email protected] (208) 347-3143 The Pacific Northwest has been blessed with a good start to the sea- son. Areas are up and running with adequate snow in most. It may not be the incredible snowfall that we would prefer but we have had seasons that were far worse. Programs are up and running smoothly. Candidate classes have or will be winding down and we will be testing and then welcoming a whole Division Director Election Info 3 new group of patrollers to our ranks. As experienced patrollers, it is our duty to make the transition from can- Convention Info 7 didate to patroller a welcoming, learn- ing and seamless experience. It is every patroller’s responsibility to Ski Flight 9 model the precepts of patrolling. It is also our responsibility to be a re- source for new patrollers. If you haven’t taken the time lately, or you Region Reports 10-12 just need to be refreshed, take the time to review the Policies and Proce- dures, look through the catalog, prac- add enrichment to your patrolling ca- I attended the National Board tice going on line to check out what is reer and you will become a valuable Meeting. I represented you as the Di- available and review the manuals that resource to the new patrollers as well vision Director of PNWD but I also be- you use for your instructorship. If you as your comrades who may have gan my term as a National Board are not an instructor, pick a discipline been patrolling for years. Member beginning with an orientation and find out more about it. Under- Above all, let’s remember from with the two other new Board mem- stand the qualifications for specific Policies & Procedures: “Members bers. The entire board worked hard disciplines, research senior require- will display a positive attitude, good at the orientation to begin the process August 10-12, 2007 ments, look into available awards and judgment, respect for the law, diplo- of moving forward with good commu- Register EARLY for their qualifications or requirements, macy, honesty, integrity, and courtesy nication, long & short range goals, 2007 Convention volunteer to be a patrol officer, set when dealing with fellow members, program assessment and financial in Portland. goals for yourself as a Region or Divi- candidates, ski area employees, pub- stability. The entire Board is commit- sion officer or advisor. If you take the lic land administrators, members of ted to making this a strong organiza- time to do any or all of this you will other organizations and the public.” tion that is responsive to its members Continued on page 2 2 Nor’wester NEW BOOK FOR MTR & OEC / SUNSCREEN UPDATE MODELING PRECEPTS OF PATROLLING (CONT. FROM FRONT PAGE) FRANK ROSSI, MTR ADVISOR as well as to its industry partners. but each Region has dealt with that [email protected], (425) 271-8114 You may say “show us the results”. and a written guideline for the Divi- We hope to do that with communica- sion is in the works. Hopefully that Hypothermia Frostbite and Other Cold Injuries: prevention, survival, res- tion which will require listening as will be a goal that will be completed cue, and treatment, 2nd Ed. Gordon Giesbrecht and James Wilkerson. Nov well as information dissemination. at the August meeting. 2006. ISBN 0898868920. The Board worked each day from Eric Geisler has been successful The compact yet comprehensive guide to recognizing, preventing, and early morning to the dinner hour. The with the Women’s Toboggan clinics treating hypothermia and other cold injuries—now updated with the latest re- three standing committees; planning, this year. Last year we planned three search. governance and finance had very full with no attendees. This year all three This compact, comprehensive book covers the causes and effects of hypoth- agendas. I have been assigned to were successful with 15 attending the ermia and other cold injuries, and tells how to prevent, recognize, and treat the finance committee. We have final clinic. We have huge hopes that them. The new second edition includes expanded coverage of how the body three board members: myself, Mark next year will be even better and we loses heat and the latest rewarming techniques such as thermal wraps. Reese, Bela Musits-chair, two DD’s, will stop teasing Eric about getting in There are four new chapters on cold water drowning and covering additional Jim Fillmore from Intermountain and touch with his feminine side. cold injuries from Raynaud’s phenomenon to cold-induced asthma. Other Bob Short from Northern. We re- Please read all of the other new chapters present strategies for cold weather survival, plus safe practices viewed expenses, financial & revenue advisor’s reports for more information for working on ice and ice water escape and rescue techniques. This book trends in an effort to begin the pro- and if you have any questions they covers topics not in the OEC manual: Trench Foot, Raynaud’s phenomenon, cess of developing the budget for ap- will be happy to brag about their pro- Chilblains, Pernio, Cold panniculitis in children, Cold-induced urticaria, and proval in June. grams. Cold-induced asthma. NOTE: Trench foot was the long term injury sustained The meeting was attended by And finally, if you have made it this by a woman lost for four days on Snoqualmie Pass in November 2006. It will DD’s, local patrollers and members far you may or may not be happy to take 3 to 4 months for her feet to return to normal. A more serious case of of the P.C. Committee. Opinions and know that this is my final report to you trench foot can be a life time debilitating injury. comments were welcomed and en- as your Division Director. I have been couraged from the floor. The interac- very blessed to have the opportunity Sunscreens tion of Board, DD’s and members to meet, ski and plan with you as the I know of two patrollers who have had skin lesions removed repeatedly, present was very positive and encour- PNWD Director. Your Division staff is and a patroller who died from skin cancer. We need to get serious about sun- aging. The DD’s also met and and has been an amazing group of screens and its use. UVA is believe to cause the damage leading to skin can- worked on issues that have been as- volunteers. They take their job so se- cer. UVB turns us red and burns. There are only four ingredients that ad- signed to them. The new nominating riously and ask for so little in return. I equately protect against UVA rays –- Mexoryl SX or XL, Avobenzone (Parsol committee was established with the know I have disappointed and frus- 1789), Zinc Oxide, and Titanium Dioxide. Mexoryl is the best, and was ap- exception of member at large who is trated some of you (I don’t profess to proved by the US FDA in July 2006. You should start finding it this Spring. appointed by the committee. Please be perfect) but even you have been a Mexoryl SX (water soluble) and Mexoryl XL (oil soluble) were developed by make sure to go to the web site and source of growth and learning for me L’Oreal. It is found in products of L’Oreal’s subsidiary companies – Ombrelle, read the minutes in entirety. If you as well as the Division as a whole Anthelios by LaRoche-Posay, BioTherm, and Capital Soleil by Vichy Laborato- have a specific question just give me and I thank each of you. There are ries. I have been purchasing Ombrelle sunscreens for over ten years from a call. too many of you to thank personally in Canada. It containing Mexoryl SX, Avobenzone (Parsol 1789), and Titanium Di- this report (actually about 2500) but oxide—SPF 15, 30, 45, and 60. Ombrelle is less expensive that the other men- OEC you all know who you are and you all tioned brands. SPF rating only relates to UVB protection; there is no measure In December I attended the OEC know what you did to make the past of UVA protection. The amount applied to establish a SPF rating is about twice meeting for Division Supervisors. four years a truly fun and wonderful what most of us apply. Since we ski at altitude, we need higher SPF ratings They had a very full agenda with experience. (more UV rays). We need to apply it 30-minutes before going outside, and re- some procedure proposals, plans for We have made some innovative apply. If you sweat a lot, reapply more frequently. the next edition of OEC, relationships changes in programs, saved money, with cooperating organizations, con- enlarged programs, developed new For photo info, see pg. 3 tinuing education and the general programs, exchanged ideas, reached business of keeping a program like out to new partnerships (FIPS) and OEC fresh and viable. Plans for the strengthen old partnerships (PNSAA). next edition of OEC are complicated I am positive that this momentum will and will depend a lot on finances and continue with a new Director and his/ good corporate planning. At the time her staff. of this meeting they were going to the Thank you so much! board with presentations and since then there are plans for a survey of needs from the instructors and OEC The Nor’wester is a quarterly participants. I am continually in awe publication of the Pacific of the work these supervisors do un- Northwest Division, National Ski beknown to the rest of us Patrol, a non-profit educational organization.
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