Members officiallv informed of June Convention J Chief executive officers of all Commission ~ originally was an- question regarding the qualified issues portunity for the leadership of higher the critical rules that apply to these NCAA member institutions have been nounced in December by Commission of integrity and economics,” Davis’ educatron to establish fundamental programs,” as well as the Commis- informed officially of the special Chair John W. Ryan, president of memorandum states. policies affecting the conduct of inter- sion’s belief that this effort “can help NCAA Convention scheduled Thurs- Indiana Universtty, Bloomington, as The memorandum makes special collegtate athletics and to make a to restore the credibility of intercol- day and Friday, June 20-21, at the reported in the December 12, 1984, notice of the fact that the Presidents’ commitment to those policies.” legiate athletics as a valuable part of Hyatt Regency Hotel in New Orleans. issue of The NCAA News. Commission is urging all chtef execu- Noting that the Commission’s legis- higher education.” NCAA President John R. Davis, Davis’ notification to the CEOs The memorandum also sets forth acting on behalf of the NCAA Presii emphasizes that the agenda for the The issuesto be considered“ will offer a unique the following chronology of key dates dents’ Commission, sent the official special Convention is limited to “legis- in the special Convention procedure: notilication in a memorandum to the lative proposals directly dealing with opportunity for the leadership of higher l April 3-4: The Presidents’ Corn- chief executives dated February 28. issues of integrity in the operation of mission will meet in Chicago to review Copies of the memorandum also were intercollegiate athletics at member education to establishfundamental policies the results of the survey of CEOs and sent to the faculty athletics represen- institutions of the Association, or to determine the proposals the Com- tative, director of athletics and prim- legislative offerings directly related to affecting the conduct of intercollegiateathletics. ‘. mission will sponsor at the special ary woman athletics administrator at economic issues of substance affecting Convention. Survey results and the each active member institution, as intercollegiate athletics and the rem tive officers, and especially those in lative proposals for consideration at Commission’s conclusions will be re- well as to the officers of all conference spective programs of the members. Division I, to attend the spectal Con the Convention will be based on the ported to the mcmbcrship promptly and affiliated NCAA members and to “Any legislative proposal not so vention and to appoint themselves as results of a current survey of campus alter that meeting. all corresponding members. qualified will be ruled out of order their institutions’ voting delegates. heads at all NCAA members, Davis’ The special Convention the fifth unless it can be shown that such a Davis says the Commission believes memorandum cites the Commission’s l April 15-17: During its regular in the Association’s history and the proposal is necessary to enable the the issues to be considered at the June “concerted effort to enhance the in- spring meeting, the NCAA Council first to be called by the Presidents’ membership to consider a specific Convention “will offer a unique op- tegrity of intercollegiate athletics and .yKK IbfKmhKlS. pCIgK 8 I ne NCAA News - .~~- March 6.1985, Volume 22 Number 10 Official Publication of tional Collegiate Athletic Association Membership gets enrollment forms for catastrophic injury insurance Enrollment forms for the NCAA’s said the NCAA would monitor thr Committee and selectrd members of lifetime catastrophic injury insurance development of a proposed rehabili- the competitive sateguards committee program havr been mailed to athletics tation foundation and review the in- met in joint sessron to discuss the directors at member institutions, treat- surance alternattve to deal with catas- insurance approach and the founda- ing an opportunity that never has trophic injuries. tion approach. existed in the college commumty. February 1982 ~ The Insurance October I9822 The Council dim Thts step IS the latest in a project Committee agreed that the Associa- rected the Insurance Committee to that began four years ago when the tion should study the insurance ap- investigate possihle catastrophic in- ~‘omrnlttee on Comprtitlve Safr- proach in depth. jury insurance programs. The Council guards and Medical Aspects of Sports September 19X2 ~l‘he Insurance See Mrmhershi[>. puge 16 recommended that the NC‘AA lind ways to offset expenses incurred by Davis assigned new position; studcnttathletes who suffer catastro- phtc injuries. Through the ettorts of the NCAA duties with NCAA emphasized Insurance Committee, a plan was NCAA President John R Davis of his duties as director of the Oregon approved late last year that will pro- has been assigned new duties in agrii Agrtcultural Experiment Station and vide disability benefits and lifetime culture ar Oregon State linivrrsiry would return to the department ot medical and rehabilitatron benetits to and will scrvc as dirrclor of spcclal agricultural engineering as a prolrssor. any male or female student-athlete programs in agriculture, John Byrne, Byrne, who has been president of representing a participating institu president of the university. announced Oregon State University only since tion. lursday (March 5) in a letter to be November and who will he inaugu- Following is the step-by-step pro- distributed to all personnel in the rated formally March IO, stated in his cess that led to the development of the institution’s collcgc of agricultural letter to the agriculture staff members: NCAA’s lifetime catastrophic injury sciences “The management style I hope to insurance program. What had appeared to be an ad- employ at OSIJ is to vest responsibility August I98 I -The NCAA Execu- mmtstrative controversy in that college and authority in the appropriate ad- tive Committee heard a report from was settled quietly by Byrne’s an- ministrative heads, such as academic the competitive safeguards committee. nouncement. deans, and to hold those heads ac- January 1982 After hearing a Late last month, when both Byrne Softball IPreview countable for their actions. Adminis- report from the NCAA executive and Davis were away from the campus trative officers will be evaluated by Trucy Compton, lefi, and Debby Doom. two of the toppttchers in director on efforts by equipment on instituttonal busmess trips, Ludwtg me on a regular basis. They will women> sofiball, are hack again thiy yeur to help UCLA seek manufacturers to create an interest in Eisgruher, the acting dean of the conttnue tn thetr positions as long as I another NCAA Division I Women > Softball Championship. For estahlishing a catastrophic athletics college of agricultural sciences, an- a preview of the season. see pqes 6-7. injury foundation, the NCAA Council nounccd that Davis had been relieved NCAA tournament: a Floratio Alger story in U.S. sports by James M. Van Valkenburg ball to the National Invitation Tour- watched Indiana defeat Kansas tn the IO Contcrcncc at 6.5.4 and the Atlan- one champion ~ UTEP, then known NCAA Director of Statistics nament, which had started a year car title game. The tournament made a tic Coast Contercnce at 65.3. Nrxt is as Texas Wcstcrn, in 1966. The That delightful March madness licr in New York. The cntuc 1939 profit of ~~ get this -%9,523. In 1943, the Big East Conference, 61.7 per- coach was Don Haskms, a pupil of known as NCAA tournament time is tourney drew only IS.025 spectators the NCAA finals started a six-year cent over its fiveyear history. Fifth the lcgcndary Henry Iba of Oklahoma upon us, and it IS ttme for a fond look for five games, topped by 5,500 for run in New York’s old Madison place is a surprise ~ the Missouri State (more than 700 career victo- at the historical record. the championship game on the North- Square Ciarden. The western finals Valley Conference, at 56.9 percent rtcs). Haskms hlmsclf is now well The men’s National Collegiate western campus, where Oregon’s had a long run in Kansas City. wtth four championships, all by above 400 victor&. His tram won Division I Basketball Championship “Tall Firs,” coached by Howard Envugh glory for all teams now members of other confer- the champtonshtp game over Ksn- now has a month-long hold on the From the beginning, the NCAA cnccs tucky, coached by Adolph Rupp, the nation’s sports fans, climaxed by the Basketball notes has had a balanced national look. It The truth is, howcvcr, that cvcry allltime leader with 875 coaching Final Four, which has become one of started with one team from each 01 repton of the country has won at lcast victories. The Southwest has had 14 the great annual national events in Hobson, defcatcd Ohio State, eight geographical districts (as one NCAA championship and can teams tn the Final Four. sports, sold out a year in advance. coached by Harold Olsen. opposed to the NIT, which always look back on many moments of The Rockies area has had six teams The tournament produces many mil- That ftrst tournament had a net loss had strong representation from the glory. The Southwest region has only NCAA tournament, page 4 lions of dollars in revenues from tele- of $2,531 after expenses. The East). Thcrc is a ncvcr-ending argu vision and ticket sales. National Association of Basketball ment about which region or confcr- In the News It is an amazing success story from Coaches, which had started the tour- ence plays the best basketball. humble, red-ink beginnings. The namcnt (sparked in part by a lcttcr The all-time chart (page 4). which Victor A. Bubas, chair of the Division I Men’s Basketball Committee, first NCAA tournament in lY39 was from Olsen to NABC president uses the actual lmeups competing for answers questions about the men’s basketball championship .
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