cosmology). Such important baggage in physics finding good questions. Placentarium 11 suggests, then, that what we see ali around us has What is it that pushes a system to become more not always existed, and that something had to complex? What is the "motor" of co mplexity? The Placentarium happen between the first particles and Quixote: already old natural selection in perhaps, despite its matter has been progressively becoming more tautological component, the only criterion that complex. How did such a thing happen? sheds a certain light in this sense. But far most Let us insist. Physics has managed to find out thinkers on complexity there must be something PIERO MANZONI enough of the how in the world of the very small more. Ca n one explain complexity as an appro­ and of the how in the world of the very large. And priate combination of the laws we already know? that has allowed it to discover, as well, that it Or rather: Wouldn't there be complexity's own knows little or nothing of how things occur in the laws to be discovered, that is, laws that rule far invisible world of the very complex. This is the both a language andan ecosystem. In a few words, third front that has just been inaugurated in is there really a theory of complexity? Let us say Del libro de Germano Celant, Piero Manzoni (Milano, physics and that, in ali likelihood, will define the Prearo Editore, 1989, 2' Edición), pp. 61 y 78. Este that there are indications sufficient far that to be proyecto y el manuscrito de este texto, inéditos desde su trends of the next century. Befare the half-hopeful, so, so that the process continues, so that we risk realización en 1%1, fueron recuperados por Germano Celan! en 1975 para la primera edición del libro citado y half-suspicious gaze of other scientific disciplines lime and effort in the search far such a theory. hoy forman parte del Archivo Celant, Génova. la obra (s uch as chemistry, biology, psychology, economics, The truth is that the endeavor is very ambitious, so de Piero Manzoni (Soncino 1933, Milán 1%3) ha sido recientemente recuperada en una exposición antológica or politics), physicists and mathematicians sharpen much so that we are perhaps in one of those organizada por el Musée d'Art Moderne de la Vi lle de Paris actualmente expuesta en la Fundación "la Caixa" their wits and prepare to attack complexity. moments in which the scientist must rid his mind de Madrid y próximamente en el Castelo de Rivoli de Theories that attempt to define magnitudes that of more prejudices than appeared at first. Turín. Traducido por Javier Revillo. take complexity into account, and that wish to l have the impression that it is not enough to prove From Germano Celant's Piero Manzoni (Milán, Prearo explain how to make a system acquire and new scientific ideas; the endeavor will undoubtedly Editare, 1989, Znd Edition), pp. 67 and 78. This project and the manuscript of this text, unpublished since they maintain a certain degree of complexity, are effect the scientific method itself, or, at least, the were created in 1961, were recoverd by Germano Celant beginning to appear in the scientific community. method that has brought physicists so many in 7975 for the first edition o/ the book mentioned above and today make up a part of the Celant Archive This is the case of sorne attempts (not always successes up to now. The Scientific Method is to in Genova. The work of Piero Manzoni (b. Sancino 1933, d. Milan 1953) has been recovered recently in an disjoint between themselves): the chaotic dynamic, scientific theories what the Constitution is to anthological exhibition organized by the Musée d 'Art evanescent structures, the theory of catastrophes, ordinary laws. Although much more slowly, it also Moderne de la Vil/e de París, currently exhibited in the "La Caixa" Fondation in Madrid, and appearing shorthly autopoiesis, the theory of fractals, synergy, infor­ changes. The physicist has based his success and in the Castelo de Rivoli in Turin. Translated by Diana mation theory, etc. What is the current state of his prestige on a type of scientific intelligibility: that Saez. these efforts? There are sorne common features, of the model (the formula , the law in form of a such as: ali these theories (so rne of which have mathematical equation). The method has borne inundated the scientific publications market) are its greatest fruits with simple objects. I think that extraordinarily elegant and aesthelically specta­ to conquer complexity we cannot renounce an cular; ali of them offer sorne complicating mecha­ other type of intelligibility less used in physics, but nism; ali of them have achieved sorne small local not far that reason less scientific. I am referring to success suc h as suggesting the description of sorne the intelligibility that emerges from mere classifica­ concrete example (curiously, many examples are tion, from causality, and above ali, of the intelligi­ common to various theories); ali of them give the bility that arises in seeking coherences between a impression of a great future potential; all of them Whole and its Parts (a nalysis and synthesis), need from the great and new ally of complexity an something only possible since there has been a La esfera tiene 18 m. de diámetro, blanca en el instrument capable of processing a great quantity new way of approximating reality that is neither interior, plateada en el exterior: el alvéolo aísla of information and of doing it at great speed; the theory nor experience, but rather, simulation . To visualmente al espectador del resto del público computer; and ali have falled, f or now, in the task understand the relationship between the Wholes y de todo lo que es espectáculo en el teatro. of doing something that is truly worth the trouble. and their Parts (where the Wholes are, in tum, Un compresor mantiene de maneraa autó no­ It stands to reason; the complex ca n be anything Parts of other Wholes ... ) will permit us to build a ma en el interior una presión sufi ciente capaz except that it cannot stop being so. Ali of the preliminary architecture that also does not exist de sostener la envoltura: las puercas de entrada theories have failed in reality at the moment of for now, that of a theory of hierarc hies. l think están aisladas (dos en serie) y son giratorias. leading us to the great questions on the subject. lt that a good theory of hierarchies will be the El Placentarium es una sala de proyección so happens, as always when a great paradigm is announcement that a good theory of complexity is neumática. introduced, that the first exercise consists in near. De fo rma esférica (en el proyecto piloto 18 m. 12 de diámetro) la totalidad de la envoltura del teatro está hecha en material plástico y está sostenida, no por estructuras, sino por la presión atmosférica interior, siempre ligera­ mente superior a la del exterior: para ello un compresor mantendrá constante la presión interior de forma automática: la entrada puede hacerse a través de una puerta giratoria o a través de dos puertas, colocadas una detrás de Otra. En el proyecto, la entrada, la base, la maquina­ ria están enterradas, de manera que desde el exterior el teatro se presenta como una esfera. Evidentemente se pueden realizar muchas otras formas y muchas otras aplicaciones ( enormes pabellones, cubiertos por cúpulas hemisféricas, etc.) según las necesidades y las posibilidades. La esfera es plateada en el l exterior (para proteger de los rayos solares), G en el interior es blanca, los asientos están dispuestos y realizados de manera que el espectador no pueda ver a los otros especta· dores, sino solamente la inmensa pantalla. El espectador está rodeado por la pantalla desde / el interior de la esfera. I El Placentarium ha sido proyectado especial­ mente para la proyección de los "ballets de luz" de Otto Pienne: se trata de proyecciones de luz y de movimientos de puntos luminosos que se producen a través de aparatos especia­ les. Se pueden acumular también sensaciones ,, acústicas y táctiles además de las visuales. Por lo que respecta a la directa participación del individuo-espectador en el espectáculo, tengo e~--· ·- también otro proyecto que intenta llevar a un auténtico papel de protagonista a quien habi­ - -H tualmente es públic~. En un viaje que recientemente he realizado a París, he conocido al pintor R. Rummey. Él también estaba trabajando en un proyecto Proyecto A: Project A: muy semejante al mío: es más, incluso idéntico a) Envoltura (sostenida por presión neumática). a) Enclosure maintained by pneumatic pressure. en lo sustancial, de manera que juntos prepa­ b) Aire (comprimido) o gases (coloreados o luminosos). b) Compressed air or gasses (colored or lighted). raremos su puesta en práctica. c) Proyectores luminosos, difusores sonoros, ventiladores e) Light projectors, sound d!lfusers.fans that more the gasses. El espectador entrará en una especie de para movimiento del gas. d) Scats. laberinto, formado por numerosas celdas más d) Asientos. e) Revolving platform. o menos grandes ( cerca de unas sesenta) e) Plataforma giratoria. e 1) Protective transparent dome. e 1) Cúpula transparente de protección. f) Elevator. controladas por un cerebro electrónico. 1) Ascensor. g) Compressor, mechanical in struments. El "sujeto" es el propio espectador (su estruc­ g) Compresor, maquinarias. h) Entran ce. tura psíquica), según sus reacciones será h) Entrada. encaminado de manera autónoma hacia un t 14 this system -large pavilions, hemispheric domes, etc. The sphere is sí/ver on the exterior to protect it from solar rays, and white on the interior.
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