Deacon Golfers College Students Eyeing National Give Secret To NCAA Tournament itlb nub fSlark Foreign Study Page Seven -- . Page Three ''··~··,*· * VOL'UME XLIX Wake Forest CoD~. Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Monday, March 16, 1964 * NUMBER 21 packard To Suryey Elections ConiiDittee Okays .Modern Life In U.S. I '· V:mce Packa·rd, -social critiC: Plan For Closed PriiDaries .and writer ori life in 'modern I America, will lecture at 7:30 p. m. Friday .in Wait Chapel. New Scheme In the College Union-SJ;ionsor­ ed lecture, Packard is expected. Council Considers to discuss such topics ·as "per­ To Be Used suasion ~ depth" advertising, class society in Amenica, and · "planned obsolence and its com­ Trustee P,.oposal This Spring mercial high priests." ADRIAN KING By SJta,te will be able to ·take ad­ By ALBERT HUNT . These topics were discussed in ASSOCIATE EDITOR vantage of its provisions for STAFF WRITER Packard's four books, "The out-ol-state and non-Baptist Status· Seekers," "The IDdden Decisiions. concerning the Col­ The student government elec­ lege's Trustee Proposal and trustees. Persuaders," "The Waste Mak­ Concerning federal aid to edu­ tions committee established a ers," and "The J;'yramid Climb- federal aid to edu~ation were system of dosed primaries for ers.'' , -cation, the Coun-cil considered spring elections last MQnday. reached by'the Council of Chris­ whether or not Baptists should Packard is the only author in tian Higher Education of the On Jan. 13, the committee en­ accept money from the Higher dorsed the system in principle, recent years to have three books Baptist State Convention last Education Facilities Act passed climb . to the top of the best­ week. but did not work out the details. seller J¥;ts. two months ago by Congress. Last week they set up the dates, The Counc.U met on the cam­ All of the Baptist colleges have He fortifies the authenticity of pus for two days, Monday and: deadlines and rules governing W.S works with extensive re­ received aid in the form of stu­ the upcoming elections. Tuesday. dent or housing loans from the search,' and! collected enough This will be the fir<.t · time a Not Public Federal Government. The Facil­ VANCE PACKARD materiai for "The Pyramid primary has b€en used in Wake Climbers" to fill 167 notebooks. ities Act will provide wants and Forest student elections. · • • • social critic . .• • loans to assist in construction of He gathered material for seven Its decisions will not be made The system originally was pro­ I years for hls 1957 "Hidden Per­ public until July, according to specific types of academic facil­ posed last January by Ron En­ suaders," whieh has been tran­ the Rev. Ben Fisher, executive ities needed for expanding en­ ders, senior of Winston-Salem, slated into rune languages, with secretary of the Council. He said rollments. in an attempt to eliminate back­ Sigma Chi's the Council will make its recom­ nearly a milliOn. COpies now ill VERNOR PHOTO Prooosal ·Defeated room c·aucasing. Bill Constangy, print. THE CONFEDERACY rose again on caDil1HlS after · presea1tin~ . the invitations. Pictured mendations then to the Execu­ student body president, com­ last Thursday as members of Kappa Alpha above is Chuck Lee, junior of Winston-Salem tive Committee of the Conven­ The Trustee Proposal, which plained last spring about the QP Average Attacks Evils tion's General Board. order invited coeds to their Old South Ball and son of Wake Forest Law School :Pro-. wowd remove re~ential and party caucases which he claims Fisher would not say, but Packard attacks w:hat he con­ whic.h was held Saturday in Asheville. The fessor .Robert E. Lee, -with Carol Lockyer, denominational requirements for were manipulated and controlled Leads Frats· there was every indication th€1 a certain I1Uillber of trustees, by a few people :in the party. siders the "weaknesses and sub­ ball is held every four years. The KA's junior of 'Silver Spring, Md. Council voted to recommend the Sigma Chi fraternity finished tlycamoflaged evils i.n our socj.al was defeated at the Baptist State marched their girls under crossed swords College's Trustee Proposal, in a Convention last fall by the fail­ Deadline at the top of the fraternity scho- and eCIOilomic underground." form . ":sati:Sfactory to every­ lanship · sta:odings for the fall A product of Columbia Uni­ ure to obtain two-thirds vote. An The deadline foi- registration body/' to the General Board. amended version la·cked 194 semester with a 1.3731 overall versitY's Graduate S~ool of Blackall Interprets Novels of political parties will. be mid­ aver-age. The all-men's average Journalism, Packard began his Speculation has it that the votes for the two-thirds majori­ night Thursday. The application was 1.1690.' career as a newspaperman in Wake Forest proposal, in some ty, must bear the name of the party Boston and New York aoo later form, will probably be expand­ At that time, the College indi­ and 75 sign~atures endorsing the The figures were "ompiled ::switched .to wtiti!Dg books. and ed with a proviso so that the cated the proposal would be pre­ from the total hours and total formation of the party. 'Goethe Links Man, Reality' other Slix Baptist colleges .in the sented: again, The committee set March :rl quality points for the semester magazines. as the last filing date for all and. were released March· 2 by moreHis plansstudies for of the 'American future include socie- By JIM LEWIS oovels of German writer Wolf- BJ.a.ckall. There, too, ne failed to U!llaffiliated or party-supported ·the Registrar's Office. · STAFP' WRITER gang von· <rl>ethe indicate man's find the ultimate reality. In an candidates desiring to run for Kappa Sigma, with 1.3014 and ty which will be intended to •relatirulship to reality, rather act of will the hero committed -~"""'Pa Alpha, with 1.1923 finish- brdng to public attention the Dr. Eric A. Blaclroll, Cornell than society. suicide, which, ironically, was CU Amendments OJ('d. office this spring. -~ most recent developments in the University professor of Humani- The following regulations for :.ed second and thiTd respectively American scene. ties, said last Thursday that the Blackall, the second speakei' to him an act of bravery. petitions were established by the allld also bettered the all-men's • in this year's Wake Forest In- "Wilhelm Meister's Appren.- elections committee: . aVen!ge~ : · · · · stitute of Literature, s:aro "art ti-ceship" provided another con- In Student Body Vote -Anyone seeking · a student 'rn·· fourth pliiee was Lambda T 't p D . t rt d can only be termed an. expres- cept of reality- The hero, deter- body office must present a pe­ : Chi AlPha, whose 1.1226 average ._a.. ·. e_.· : ape_ rs _IS o.. ·. e Sion i>f reality in the world of mined to educate the world by The College Union will add dent, and secreif;ary, tition bearing 24 signatures en­ 'fell~just below .the all-fraternity . · · · • acting in. the theatre, concluded three Class representatives to A conStitutional clause re- dorsing that person for office. caverage, : .1.1358. ·other overall · evecy~,ay spirits." · ·, -- ·· · 'his career· by :findin.g that ·the its executive committee. The. strictmg such nominees to those ·averoges were: Sigma Phi Epsi-' a·em.ark' .-s 'o· n· N' e. gr... "oes . Blackall. ,began by citiilg world edu,cated him. Although change was. authorized by a students who have already J?etitions ·Jon, 1.0986; Pi Kappa Alpha, · . · . ..· . .. .-. · ' . · . Goethe's versatility, noting·:that actirig affords the ilulividual an chapel vote of the student body served one semester on a com- -Students seeking class. of- 1.0819; Theta Chi, 1.0457;· 'Delta in addi.tion to being a novelist, . opportunity to portary others, last Tuesday, with 1113 in favor mittee made the change desir- fices, legislature seats eyr a po- Sigma Phil, 0.9211; Alpha Sigma Wake F\orest'.s head football subsequent Deacon Club a:nd Goethe was a dramatist and poet the discovery of self is an in- of the .new positions and 87 op- able. sitioo on the honor council mus~ Phi, 0;8417.. coach Bill . Tate last ' Friday other such meetings. \ of distinguished merit. At no eventable realization, Blackall posed. David Forsythe, president of acquire a position with ten Signia· Chi also finished first criticized the nature and amount As a result; many of the state's timfelitdid ~ a~alido~ othtoer forms asserted. As a result of the vote, one the College Union, said those names endonsing them. in :the metnber's average, with newspapers have picked up the o era e In or er pursue "Order," according to Black- representative from each of students interested in serving as -A person may sign a petition .1.51119. In second place was ·of publicity his remarks· con- stories, giving the recruiting work 00 novels, Blackall said. all," is a constant theme in the rising sophomore, junior, and class representatives had until for ooly ooe candidate for each ~appa Sigma, 1.4357; Theta Chi cerning recruiting Negro ath- angle lead play, Blackall, who first attracted Goethe's novels." Civilization is senior classes will be elected in midnight today to get their ap- office, but he may sign fur every W\as third with 1.3280. letes .. has received. , Fr~day, Tate said, "We are international attention with the order and sociability, a requisite the College Union spring elec-· plication florms in. The applica- office. Other members averages were He contends much of the pub- following standards and philo.so- publication of his book, "The for civilization, detnands order.
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