THE AMICA News Bulletin of the AUTOMATIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENT COLLECTORS' ASSOCIATION VOLUME 14 I-1AY 1977 NUl-mER 4 '. PReSIDENT .. NO. CAL.IfORNIA Bob Rosencrans . c~,;;' HQW8rdKoff 36 Hampden Rd. ¥1i.:.. ~tllJ;:Pttii. McCoy Upper Qarby; PA 1'9082 Sitc . .... 'Tre . VICE PRESiDeNT l'Il1Pdt_r: &t Rid\lilrd Drewniak . 191 fffapen Bllld. AMICA MEMBERSHIP RATES: . ~mh.ut, NY 14226 Contimdng,Members: SIS Dues SE-Q8ETARV' New Members, add $S processing fee Isa(:\Qi.•.Kon f~ 2141\Oeodara Dr. .. Lapsed Members, add $3 processing LOlAltos"CA94022 . '.. TEXAS BULLetlH PI'85,:. Tony Palmer Tom8.ckett \(~fret.; .Jamel Gllinn 6817 CHffbrook Dallas; TX75240 THE AMICANEWS IULlETIN MEMB·ER$H1P$ECRETAflY .' . MJO~T'.-{~':·; y., .. (Newmembersbips and ~ Pr'e$~INlilto" ~opei'man meiling.problel'T\l) . Vice Pres.: Jim Prendergast Anita Nickels JoJ:lnson $ac./Treas.: Jim & Sue Worgull Publish~d by the Automatic M\;I,sleal Instrument . Collectors' P. O. Box 666 Reporter: Molly Yeckley AssociatiOn, a non·ptOfit'club del(Qte~ to' the restoration ,di$tribU~ Gr-and)unc tion, CO 81501 tion and enjoyment of musicaLfnsttuments using. pe'rfqraUldpaper PHH.ADELPHIA AREA music rolls. - TREASUREA Pres: Donald Wood' Oontr.ill1.ttIOJ1ll: All subjects of interest to r~ader.$ of the bulletin Jack & Mary Riffle Vice PTes.: Lari-y Oor1'l811 are encouraged and invited by the publisher. All arti9t!tHn~t;be 5050 Eastside Catjjel1a Rd. Sec.: Barbara Macamiey received by the toth of the prllcedlngmonth. Every eflit~t·l(Iirl.pe Ukiah, CA 95482 Treas.:Doria Berry made to publish all articles of general interest to AMfCA h1ittilQers Reporter: Diek MerrIll at the earliest possible time and at the discretion of the- publisher; . so~~ga~~~nE:~~:TIVE~ .. · SOWNY fSo.Ol:ttllriO;~·~~).; AI)VEA·TI$rN·~·.. ckRi ~i:·:.p~,~~·.~ h.I~~.·~antl·.,~?~ Line ad fate:Bq PItT word, $l,20tmnimum.. ·S,Oef.:t)tT;~··~t"'l'!'Ql:i~1'l':49 '. .. .. ... ..::.•..l:t.·.·". P8g9 f8te:$f2.SQ~rquarter'~Of.-m¢i'iPleil1ereof. V',-co"n!-it"": Sec.:.~tDreWfliak· '. Ad COpywiHbetvpe~et (atadditlonat cost) only if requested, ;JlmW8i"'lwt i ':"':' t-r~::T!1im·Zorn. ~~ ~rl 'c. '., " y.,;, ~t*::Jtm;,ar Each photograph or!l~i,tpne,$5.00 . .< .... .' ..•. ,.. ' :;T'on1,tta/"t:'f<··:~~t ih~tisover$ized ori.m(f~~fz~IIv'irt7bfj c'::' '> ..; Camera:relMjly . t;Opy New;Jer ,: Dafi'Sf;hs~ • Changed to Ctyrr,et size:\itwoui eim.. ....< ..' ." ...'.... Camereiready 'Copy.:.must reach the publisher byttlelOtfi"~H COMMltT-ees the preCeedil'lg month. .'. -, ' Tficnnical Cash must aceompilnyorder. Typesetting or S:ize alter~tion Mell.uchetti charges win.be billed sepbr8t'&t¥. P.IIlkechecks payable to 3449 ~t.lri(liaAVa. AMICA- INTERNATlO~t;;... .. Santa Crare, CA 95051 .I~ '. NEW JERSey witiapPe8rOrt.th.f~JtPllges'. Pres.: Peter W" Brown .i All ads of the BULLETIN, at the. Vice Pr~s.:F·ranei$ J..'Mavet' discretion of the .-publisher. '. .' Honorary Manibers Alf. E. WeroHn sec.• Jeffrey Morttan' .' ". Treas;: Glenn "VV;' Gi'abinsky Publication' of, business. advertising in no way impliesAMICA's .2230 Oakdale Rd. Be.ttY:~chet endorsement of any commercial operation. However, AMICA re·' Hillsborough, ,CA.9401 0 Reporter: serves the (ight to refuse. any ad·thlft is not in keeping with AMICA's 'ti general standards or if oornplain.ts a-rereceived indicating that said h business does not serve the. bMt 'll)terl/sts of the members of ' AMICA, according to itsgoals&.nd by-laWs. AMIC~ AMICA.ITE·MS AMlcA TECHNICALITIES BOOKS: Volume I Stationery, $3.20 (letter s.itll·), $'1.15 char.Qlls,'i!1~;.c>: (1969·1971), $5.50 postpaid; Volume rt (1912· (note site).' including mailing FOR .. SALE 1~74), $7;60 postpaid; or order both sets,for quality stationery· with' ometeA¥ICAbi>r.iE:i't;;' BouNDt~':'l969, bGn~aim' m~tcflil'1jJ' AMICA BULLETINS, $l2.50 postpaid. Reprints of interesting technic Each packet 2:5 letters and " $9; 1971, $15; 1972, $15; 19-73i ..$l5; 1974' calities' articles which have appeared in the envillopes. Serid$rders tof,\obertl,.lfmon. 4660 .unbound sets, $15; 1974 bOl,/nd·sets, $18; Green Tree Orijte, $parnefl!.o, :CAg-~3. AM1e-A Bulletin, arranged and itl.oe?<.ed into ~_~.<,_ •• _ ,# _ . c_·. • 1975 bQund. $18; 1976 bound, $18, PRICES awropda~cattgoflesj spiral bound 10 lie flat.. INCL'l.JOE POSTAGE AND HA~otING:Spiral. SimdO~lto~dj(c)ff.214lDeoderll Dound to lie Jlat.Str\d,tQ-·Marv Lilien. 4260 t.#i~~~~.~tTM Driire,l;,~s'Alt<>s,CA 94022.' Olympiad Drive, los. Angeles, cA 90043. RO,L,1,LEADERS: DUO-ART, Authentic:f'or AMlCA:SterHIfOSilver Plm, $4.25. inclUding order sheet" seethe April, 1973 Bulletlfl. -Nick ma i1 ing charges. lepld pin or tie tack' WitJ1. Jafflttt, ,36~2 - 21 stStreet, San Francisco, CA AMICA design. Order fromA~~rt.!-emori;· !Ml14. 4560 Green Tree Orive, $acram~htO~-CA~s482J., Jnfernafional JlJ!tJf8Jl BULLETIN SCHEDULE The following motions were passed: ADVERTISORS TAKE NOTE: There will be no July issue The amount of $250.00 was allocated for the purchase of THE AMICA. Production will resume in August. of 35 wood and plastic frames for Honorary Certificates. Also, because of the Convention in the first week A regular, lifetime membership is to be offered to of September, it is highly likely the October issue the approximately fifteen Charter Members present at will be delayed about one week. the first meeting of AMICA in August, 1963. The .... Northern California Chapter will handle the action • AMICA International will reinstate the Roll Auction BOARD MEET! NG under the direct supervision of the President of FEBRUARY 19~ 1977 - DALLAS~ TEXAS AMICA, International. The President is empowered to spend up to $300.00 for the auction. The Board Meeting was called to order by President Bob Rosencrans at 1:30 p.m. Plans are to be instituted to set up a permanent home and Museum for AMICA, International in the Bay Area. In attendance were; Dick Barnes, Carole and Tom These plans are to be presented to the Membership at Beckett, Steve Chapman, Bill Eicher, Anita and Steve the Annual Membership Meeting in September, 1977. Johnson, Isadora and Howie Koff, Frank Loob, Becky A committee is to be set up to develop these plans and Wade Newton and Bob Rosencrans. and will have the power to accept donations. The Northern California Chapter, working through the Represented by proxy were: Larry Cornell, Rick AMICA Foundation, will perform this assignment. Drewniak, Dave Gaudieri, Toni Hart, Mary and Jack Riffle, Dick Rigg, Betty Schacher and Jim Weisenborne. Any Chapter interested in undertaking a local project may apply to the International Board for financial The minutes from the Joplin Meeting and the Mail assistance. Board Meeting of November, 1976 were approved. To approve Flora Mora as an Honorary Member. ~ The Treasurer's Report was approved pending correction II' of receipt and disbursement entries for the Movie Frank Loob is to be given up to $100.00 for editing catagory. and preparation of tapes made by Charles Cooper at the 1970 San Francisco Convention. The finished The Membership report was given. As of January 1977, tapes will be heard at the 1977 Convention. AMICA has 960 members. At the discretion of the President, any item can be The publisher's Report was given. Advertising re­ tabled until it can be presented for discussion at ceipts for 1976 were $2,665.29. The average cost a live Board Meeting. per issue is $984.59 and the average number of pages pe r Bu11e tin is 31.6. The Publisher is allocated $200.00 additional per issue of the Bulletin ($2,000 per year for 10 issues) The Convention Report was given, Plans are firming to cover increased postal, envelope and paper costs. up for the entire schedule of the Convention and registration appl ications will be sent out to the Approximately $75.00 is allocated to bind 100 copies membership shortly. of Technicalities I. The Audio-Visual Committee is to be given up to $300.00 to film "From Carillon to Ampichron" when it is pre­ sented at the Convention in September, so that the COVER STORY, This month's cover was created film will be available to members. from a Stieff piano advertisement from the November, 1927 House & Five thousand brochures will be printed (publicity Garden magazine. Contributed by folders for interested potential members) in duo-tone, James Guinn. folded, at a cost of approximately $250.00 INTERNATIONAL AMICA 80 $500.00 seed money is to be sent to Sally Lawrence AMICA FORUM 87 for the Convention. INSTRUMENTS 88 ROLLS & MUSIC 90 The Board Meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 97 PHILADELPHIA 97 We want to take this opportunity to thank the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 98 Becketts for their very warm welcome, marvelous hos­ TECHNICALITIES 101 pitality and great food. Isadora Koff, Secretary - 80 - - 81 - ,t.. Jnfernafional JlcJ&Jf8Jl .~ with your selection for this office right away. For FINANCIAL STATEMENT your general nominating information, I suggest your OF review your Bylaws, Section 4, for more details. AMICA INTERNATIONAL January 1, 1976 through December 31, 1976 Although I remain a volunteer for this post (if so nominated), I will be most happy to explain the Checkbook balance 1-1-76 $7,389.45 particulars of this job (via telephone) to any mem­ ber who is truly interested in placing his name for CASH RECE IPTS: consideration. No real experience is necessary - a fair amount of time and enthusiasism ~. TB Membership Dues $15,793.00 BULLETIN (sample) 8.68 Bound BULLETINS 394.00 TECHN ICALI TIES 608.50 FIRST MAJOR DONATION KICKS OFF Leaders 13.40 AMICA MUSEUM Pins 50.00 Stationary 29.47 BY HOWIE KOFF Advertising 2,631.48 Other Income 891.65 At the February Board Meeting in Dallas.
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