THE AIR FORCES ESCAPE & EVASION SOCIETY wf NTER 2oo3 -04 communications 'Volume 17, No. 4 WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS 76307-2501 Dec. 4,2003 t6tRtAtNNhtN-NNt<t<^.tN^'NFtF'HNHR'^tNHNh,\ttrytryAilv^JtryF)NFi,F,,ttat\il\'A/,F.a ltHFr^ru\JHtN The French qnd us qre mostly alike By CHARLES WORTH WARI) AUTOS: Get real! Not even the asking if France wants us to return Retired Editor French claim to build great cars. Lady Liberty, I fo'und most of the Times-Record News American cars are betfer. But then French felt she is not like Wichita X'alls, Tex. thete'sJapan... an engagement ring. She is more like a Oct. 19,2003 CELL PHONES: Way too many, wedding I went to France in August Bad to manners in both countries. ends, on find out about the country's feelings SMOKING: France wins, or Besides, toward America. perhhps, Ioses. version of the statue on the Seine. I wanted to see i[ in light of the F,O..pD: Surely the French nrle. Hate us? No. France admires rift between our countries, we need Or do they? Chinese cooked up t'many things about America. The to give back the Statue of Liberty, cuisine centuries ago. French fries? country, perhaps, even loves us, but which the French gave us in honor We must give it to the French, but it it doesn't like the way we act -- and of America's fight for freedom. was America's McDonald's that they are not alone in thinking the What I found in France was awful spread fries'fame. Iraqi war is an unjust war. weather. I left Texas thinking I'd CITIES: Paris is the world's Moreover, France takes itself escape the heat, but Paris' finest urban scape. All others are seriously. It considers itself one of temperature reached an all-time Oshkosh. the few nations sfrong and MANNERS: They're not too influential enough to call our hand on good in any metropolis, but since 9- occasionally. 11, visitors claim the Big Apple is America and France lead the global warming, aided by America. kinder. But you ignore the fact that world in liberty, freedom, fraternity So why are the French so the French president kissed our First and all that. We're more alike than impertinent? all the pride? 'Why Lady's hand recently, dissimilar. Let's compare a few affibutes: FINE CHINA: The French do And during the 2003 summer of well, yet England claims this crown. swelter, \rye were too similar. ATTITUDE: I doubt that Silver goes to Italy. Crystal? That Lef's cool it. Let's forgive Americans are more arrogant than goes to France. France's refusal to let us fly over the French, but we may be a close LANGUAGE: The French led their counffy second. when we bombed for a long time, but now English Libya. France, on the other han4 ART: I pretty much have to rules. should forget our bungling foreign give it to the Fiench. In the end, America and France affairs on this Iraqi thing. FASHION: If it still exists. New are alike. They are both outstan- September brings the end of and Paris spar for honors, but ]9rk ding in many areas. The French are summer, and thoughts of home are Milan rules this realm. The hard to love, as we are at times. coming more often. noncolor black, is still the most en The French are like familv. I begin to feel it may be time to vogue on both sides of the Atlantic. There's much to admire, but as in stop sweating and jump the pond but sfrolling down the Champs lan-y. the U.S., there's much to lament. soon to an America blessed with air are shod in red shoes. After exhaustive questioning, conditioning aplenty! & r<-srstx^rr-r-r^rrrrxsrr<srrnnn_tn_r_r_^l^,tststststsl,xrmlr' A New Yesr's message to AFEES from Yvonne Daley-Brusselmons "l have one wish and oine promise to make for 2004: I. I wishfor you to join us in Philadelphia for the 04 reunion; 2. And I promise that we in the planning committee will continue to work hard to make the 2004 gathering another great AFEES Reunion!" And a Merry Christmas and aHappy New Year to All!" ---Yvonne Page2 U.S. AIR FORCES ESCAPE & EVASION SOCIETY COMMUNICATIONS Volume 17 -- Number 4 Dec. 4,2003 HHdH N HNNN H dN P N NHN N N NN- N N -H N N C}IAIRMAN: -- - - rRalph K. Patton, Apt. #1205,8100 Connecticut Ave., Chevy Chase, MD 2Gl5; Phone: 30l-65i14478; FAX: 30l-69479 PRESIDENT: POWs can get 'rRichard M. Smith, 76543 Begonia Lane, Palm Desert, CN 92211 (Winter) ?-6Q -3 45 -2282; Fax : 760-3 4 5 -9908 more benefits VICE PRESIDENT & PX MANAGER: frThomas H. Brown Jr., lO4l-ake Fairfield Drive, Greenville, SC 2!)61t1506 from the VA Phone: B6+2448420; <tbrown [email protected]> TREASURER: The Veterans Administration *Francene wants former prisoners Weyland, I I 17 W. NE Shore Drive, McHenry, IL 60050; of war who are Phone 815-385-4378 not receiving disability MEMBERSHIP & CORRESPONDING SECRETARY: compensation, health care and other *Clayton benefits C. David, 19 Oak Ridge Pond, Hannibal, MO 634O1-6539; to contact the department. Phone: 573-221-Wl The agency said recently that an RECORDING SECRETARY: estimated 11,000 former POWs are lr(*Warren not getting E. Loring, PO Box 284, Monument Bcach, MA 02553; benefits to which they Ph.508-759-3t46 are entitled. Included OTHER DIRECTORS: in the benefits they can **Herbert now obtain are free dental Brill, 4800 Corttand Drive, Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Phone: 949-760-9217 treatments if their captivrty lasted **Yvonne more flran 90 days. Daley, 1962 Brae-Moor Drive, -Dunedin, FL 3469g-3250: (Ed. note: See what could happen Phone: 727 -734-9573 <gadaboutl [email protected]> ; if AFEES members should be rrrPail E. Kenney, Apt. B, lo4l North Jamestown Road, classified as ex-prisoners? It's up to Decatur, OA 30033-3639; phone: 4O+929-88m Congress.) ***Francis J. l:shinsky,8015 Gatehouse Wcxrds, pO Box 125, Cornwall, pA I 70 I 6-0 I 25; Phone: 7 11 -228-U92 : <l ranklash @earrhl i nk. ne F tJohn C. Rucigay, 14 Ashley Drive, Ballston [_ake, Ny 12019; Time to pay Phone: 518-877-8131 PER}VTANENT REPRESENTATIVE IN FRANCE: annual Leslie A.G. Atkinson, 22 bis rue des pleus, dues 77300 FOI.]NTAINBLEAU, FRANCE To U.S. members & friend Telephone: (01 l-33-l) 60 72 5766 members: LEGALCOUNSEL: If you are not a Life Member of R.E.T. Smith Esq., PO Box 38, Wahpeton, ND 58074;ph.: iOt_642_2666 AFEES, please send dues at once COMMUNICATIONS EDITOR: to Clayton David, 19 Oak Ridge larry Grauerholz, Po Box 2501, wichita Falls, TX 76307-250t:gq-692-6700 Pond, *Class Hannibal, MO 63401-6539 of 2006 **Class 2104 *,r.{rclass 2005 of of unless your membership card has a AFEES COIIIIIII'NICATIONS IS THE OFFICIAI ,JOURNAI OF THE AIR date later than 1/1/2004. FORCES ESCAPE & EVASION SOEIETY. AF'EES rS A rAX-EXEMPT Send in $20 annual dues or $100 VETERA}IS ORGAT{rzATroN IJNDER rRS CODE 501 (c)(19). IT r{AS FOT'NDED IN 1964 A}ID IS CHARTERED IN THE STATE OF GEORGIA. for a Life membership. THE SOCIETY'S PURPOSE IS TO ENCOT]RAGE MEMBERS HELPED BY THE AFEES does not send out REsrsrAlrcE oRGANrzATroNsi oR PArRrorrc NATroNAr,s ro coNTrNuE EXISTING duns! Please use the form on Page FRIENDSHIPS OR RENEW RELATIONSHIPS WITH THOSE WHO HELPED THEI,I DURING THEIR ESCAPE OR EVASION. 31 for dues, or address and phone ELIGIBILITY REQUIRES TITAT ONE UUST TIAVE BEEN A U,S. AIRMANI # changes. HE MusE HAVE BEEN FoRcED DovrN BEHTND Er.rEMy LTr[Es AND AvorDED CAPTMTY, Ifyou have questions, phone oR ESCAPED FROM CApTrvITy To RETTTRN TO AILTED Clayton CoNTROL. & Scotty xt 573-221-0441, or <da v i tlerfe(ilpacketx. net> IN ADDITION TO REGULAR MEMBERSHIP, CEHER CATEGORIES OF Even a parking meter must be MEITIBERSHIP ARE HELPER IIIEMBERS, A}TD FRIEND MEMBERS. fed from time to time! MNTER 2OO3-04 Page 3 Prince is presented copy of 'stones' By CLAYTON DAVID After I presented the book to Col. Rik J. F. Bergman, aide-de- Hannibal. Mo. H.R.H. Prince Bernhard, fhe Prince camp to Her Majesty the The "The Queen. cooperation between autographed a copy for me. It was a We all learned how rnuch the group Escape" of Holland and wonderful experience for all. Prince loves flying when he related AFEES that brought about the Letti Vrij, Scotty David and some of his experiences and English translation and American Lynn David were in the circle with revealed that he has logged about publication of Stepping Stones to J. A. Broekhuysen, private secretary 12,000 hours as a pilot, Freedom, gained another intei- to H.R,H. Prince Berrhard. and Lt. national twist on Nov. 19. 2003. Through contacts with His Royal Highness Prince Bernhard of Holland, Albert Postma and Fred Boogarl made the Prince aware of this unique situation and the Prince expressed a desire to have a copy of the book. The process to rnake this happen in a proper and diplomatic manner required considerable planning and effort from both sides of the Atlantic. Albert Posbna asked Scotty (David) and me if we could corne to Holland and make the presentation. Possible dates were suggested in Holland. Not willing to make the tip alone, we asked our son Lynn to be involved.
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