Popular Treasure Chest Qtrt- cially Opened Last Monday; List jot Entrant* for > $3^00 Prizes OPM --m §^^^S^^^0^$00^&^^&^&tk^MMA mmmm W dqtomctit facing .">• I MANY LIVES DEPEND table. • ,• •; .-;::/.:.r-'<:--ft.<-f 1 SUDBURY PLANS TO PIRACY IN PACIFIC TAKE "How do yon *now,^ 1>* asked aa ' UPON OLD RECLUSE CURBED BY MEXICO they came out oo M*) street, "that I rFEATHERHEAD wont be right oar tMt car with your r FROM 'l-'tonX Jil.-_JM ba** to trust H. Guard. Ow Bv Bridge Gulf of Californi. FoUt Ar« .A .•.:..... r. Xi^B^.. -sTrBarvJaLl' ' ' '• j^^.eaate.^"***!*'*"*'-'*""^ Part^/«rtb«Arfla>auatlorin dinner and_for being a gentleman so. fa r." Kbe looked sansrely «p.. Uto •' Ancestral Home. IU Del nio, Texaa.—Far from diUIxa- Mexico CUTsr-Plract and other con- la»«0k b ndon.—fail i .traband ifrtlvltles In- M«lcin Pacllle />] , r r _ tfvilllaS 'waters, fflnclpally in the cilf If taU iti*. corner Dot Ibnjry, inlTolkv .s^dTW.sall lforola, /re decreaslng.;/due to meas- to be nulled. dow»,,nls baUa_bla hand. America. In 1039 one. of hla descend- urea wken' by the government, ac- .'&::/? in the solitude <rf»xgorge which' T »0<l But when she «ot oflr-(at h/r own anta, Gen. Charle* Cafes pawevleft cording to Jose, Lorento Sepulved*. dl- 1 rival* the Grand canyon in size and. hi* home In Ajberfca and i* jnt beabtf»Jj n :.'•»•*;**•- -i-tt-Vi-i-'—tl hla borne In America and set sail for. -fect6r, of ftaherfe*; V' : I tf England sa American aibai™#r.% jJF$fajk Wi ,t,Se •• ,*ord I-i water, L m. 1 MMJjlbiinniJt.stiaimk .-..-'... .,.,-•"- •• have long been engaged In such *c»' pi gb eat bridg * In the worioV •be balky ea.tl.fje. sbe tried to hurry •*• "* * turned. IM Hnuge in'ID* WOrloV ,. ' '^\ ' ,^odbnr y, desire„.s to„ recogniz.jcognlie officialofficial - tivttfee as smuggling and pilfering and faster . < . ' -•:• . ^oo nromisea.— .Flinging Its arm* of st**l acros* tbe ly thee fact that thtbe-'Oawee Daweai family^-linvfamlrj e been a source of worry to ao» d| >r< m Peco* river, about four mile* from It* prospered In A merles, and that the «-.'-«. oTra the car. It wou'ldl !?i tdo^*r«l proui' '»l « thorltles, whom they liave In many be lea aaiaofea before.Miera wa* an- Ur inolhcr—- junction with the KM Grande, tbe most notable member-of the faintly ... openly defied.' Their act* hare "otbei .Bad-she, was nungry. 8h« bad "I told yoo your mother would be I'ecos blgb bridge dally carrle* th« has come back to England aa official at times resulted'in violence.; Xhejr beea sanpotng Bad gotog barjf to that (lad to aee mej weight of a doien • Southern Pacllle representative, of- the United Stales were organized to combat aft opiKisl- ._'a»a>y»rt—•*• —after—Unsfcj plp*rl —Th»-fnn»» door tralns_w1th thelrijMd* iof-BUndred* government- So Budbory Is-to ghe tlon-^o'their-operntlonar-T^"""^ Lj— s sinre «oe VHork. Tbea euddenly all fell on bla neck. of-human being*, ':.'« -'";: —- S party for^ General Diwei. — One piracy ring was known to h»va> 'ia>. eiona tad OOSMI and she bad "On. John. I cot roar telegram . To "Old Bob** Hutchlna I* entrust- The ceremony 1* scheduled for early. its head In Uis Angeles, accordlitg to on* rax iakea aod fwir cent* In ber about four o'clock and I knew that ed the talk of seeing that this* lofty In October. The freedom of the bo^ "Excelsior,? leaders of the ring lent, pane. • ',:'-' .- Lorln hud "ihnlled ih<> letter to 700. highway o." steel remains In perfect ough wilt he bestowed upon the Amer- large .gfoup* of men to the border Shr rtittra ibe hoi at last. One Whateveatever ahall we dodo? "I ain't Ira- condition and that neither the ravage* ican ambassador. There will be a waters In quest of loot They, carried rye x ita of. *wr bands went on- ailtie—l.orlnlll , didid Joamall tha let-of time nor tii*-vicissitudes of climate public Inncheon. followed hy |. «. 'fishing nets, lea* for the purpose of ward.'-. Tbere «** dill inree people ter? 1 thoujat-ir" . detract front the rigidity of the struc- clal meeting ..-of'.'the cbuncll.^Tlie catching flih than a* bllDds. "- to erf eat Tbr flange of tbe null- ... v tore..hiM . ' ~' '• - .Joh.n n pulled tonntonnthroughthroug h the charming little toun will dofuH Jus- Aft*alr< came to a head recently, *u* riiwrin II Ml abut. Nnw— doorway. Tben he flshed the letter Uutchln*' house Is tncked away tjee .to the occanlonJ The achieve, arpong thi. rocks on the. side of the however, when President Emlllo najbe she mid r»lcli Ibal ckrf~~ out off hhil s pocket, ran hla finger un- id f th tnents of the Pawes family will be nt I'ortes Gil ordered Senor Sepulveda to A yoaaa aaaa fared ber, bat la der tlie (lap. canyon. Below him Is the Pcroa, l[S0 Optff honored. ; -. feet wide. Impetuous to: It* rushing "clean up*-the. California gulf. Aa, a he said, "we mailed It." ' . To. America In 163S. rninlt or the activities of the direc- '^•!^i'^'.e««-V«wa? flight'toward the Itlo Grande! above arM by tke'Ratloul OMarapal* lial ibal la aa alraull box," be Wllllahi Dawos was a boy'nf (V.'.cen tor of llsherles,' piracy In the Hexlcaa French n » . him stretches his "prt,^,22LXeetJ6nf aocutr. wubiaaioa. a a> *Tench opcrrttin u ln aaw ajalie reaa»nably. wltbla email •• '- Is now-noUceably-decllnlbg;- •"**•* irani la Wa nadanlably pleas- LJchtenttein One oT_ .. __.. _ __ •»d-82I-fee^borettte TTOTnea7~_ rHEN-olUlonr ot-Ametlcan*' w ei Tbe-orldgevoM of tlfe'greateit en-" April -«, lOB-nnd -stnrted~We«t to thorevocatlon-of-alleged dls- ave tor-tbree day*; three Europe's Toy Kingdom! round: Uie American- hrilhcb- of. the. crlnijniifnry tariff regulajtioo*Lgovern- » J * Ac«mlcot*ra kinidom; wK»>Vkr>6M spoctedi dally. "With - an "eaf trained »tv(if>KL Wa>. be-did »« look like— ilrla drive anowx jteeae throucb wind. Pawes, »r., had gone out to America icsiil enterprises are springing up In or oourar, atw aboald ba 'to catch the sllthlest variation' In tlie! farm or In. the mountains, they Ing lanea, andlurreied raailei top sound that come* a* a train rumble* In 1028 with Governor Wlnthrop, plnce of flsheries which heretofore are UttJng an ageold tralL • " r. mljp abc baitat Hoe. And ba inaulre Mlla, hna broken Into print over the structure and "Sn ere that can fonnder of DoHton n'nd Salem, but re- have operated without license. Laps, of Lapland, and the BakhtlarL «ort of Italy; kcd alraj II* alood aqitaraty .turned. tliexfollowing yenr. "lie nnd m: let imt ataJnaJ . through the announcementannounce n. 101 discern the slightest deflection of the of West Persia, take the vacation trail ». * • the EngagementVogmtVf f ItIta rulerl . I' huge tower*, Ilutctilni guards "this ex- hla.wlfe returned on. (he Ambrose and -lm ibm- aajUiinc ab«rt ro»." aha. v. « . «"•"'*"" •"• -THIW. i-nncI'rlncae ""«« lowers, uutchlni'gui Shar k and Sunfi«h Fight to a cool summer climate, aad It la ,trans,toK a VViennese woman,' Engage* 1 pensive piece of property' a son• was bnfn^'on the vnjngfs. The v 7 maBdrdI la abe*r pniilrtDrot|l , "to Indl- r-.—- •'•—•'£" •<•"». i J called a migration because they have merit annoBocementa are not amu/i 'Old Dob".has bwnat Ma post'for .boy wn* chruUened -Ambrose)-;-.. • ' * Otf Jersey Ends in Net to go. Tbe AthcnUn gentleman went rate il>ai I nalda'i mall an air of laUrnsUooal Interest, but l.lchten- / ^^Generai. jJnwes would like.to know Irtirr?- ' :.-..- flva.yenrs. He hns wntched,the I'ecoa Beacnch HHavena , N. J.-A 200-pound toVOlympU and caUed his recreation «teln~la famous a* one-,of Europe'* more about the Jrst William pawes, lBtu :r¥ u Uie P 01 rise until It lapped at the very door- 1 nunllHh nnd n siarh t nve Umea IbralMV • " ' "» "'7"Pie t«nie*. In China 0 Tbrt >by dMat y.«r Ola tone four toy Independent states; San Ma- for there Is no-truce of him' In the a shark.live UmeaYteW M<«7^1 fadII °T It "H? vfi, "?' *»« mly IdrrrKtrxl Inquiry aa ahe step of his humble dwelling. He has u..i.™buttled. ,to ai urn<lrndraw .thretbrnei milem»»s . of-•»'••f th-e •»* 5><u»> nonnlapopolaxthoughtaatlsfler U«...»hf ...i.a-* .Kth-e wSST^i- ** rino, Andorra and Monaco, l.lchten- pulled elephantine lOO-jwund catfish family history except for the record coast here recently, before the Strug- """oil impulse bjr rellgtou* pilgrim- irtra l«>4aamaKt Ma. , stein Is next to the largest with Its of his round trip to the New worlds 0 chief town of I.ai4a I-*M1 down.- Tbe. >lr letter from the water and caught alligator Blc«t»led when both> flopped Into a fffit:!. ™.'*"&*• »°«. »«•«'«!/ caviled a^as too overwhelming areajnl QA square.nine«j. gax5sh_jveJgilngjt>ver.-2pO- pounds; A^ great ileul niorejs known iibnut^ net. spread by. the.crew-of-a w'a*In brr Ha»4:~ ..•'"."'••• ;;'" V. "A vlslf |o Licbtvnateln In Its Jew. "young"WiiliarnT foumler of the Ameri- sakeiase,, gco ,tto healtnealth springs, "bads."bads," oorr |-t0 be.'t1>e capital of I*." All i-» aaaaraace went out el-Ilka setting In Ilie eastern alps be- : can family, "lie settleil llrs.t.ln Ilrnln- ta aalUon or h*r la a bmg cup. 'I've nailed tween Austria end Swlliorliind. l» Uko Cutern It Dried Up tree, Alass.," Oenernl Dnwes said1* In The.fishermen were out after .their «»»• ••»'" • » - »«ertheless.
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