Subject : Performance of domestic airlines for the year 2015. Traffic data submitted by various domestic airlines has been analysed for the month of September 2015. Following are the salient features: Passenger Growth Passengers carried by domestic airlines during Jan-Sep 2015 were 590.21 lakhs as against 491.44 lakhs during the corresponding period of previous year thereby registering a growth of 20.10% (Ref Table 1) . 700.00 Growth: YoY = + 20.10 % 590.21 MoM = + 14.56 % 600.00 491.44 500.00 400.00 2014 300.00 2015 200.00 Pax Carried(in Lakhs) Pax 100.00 58.19 66.66 0.00 YoY MoM Passenger Load Factor The passenger load factors of various scheduled domestic airlines in Sep 2015 are as follows (Ref Table 2): #REF! Aug-15 100.0 93.0 92.1 83.7 80.8 79.8 79.4 79.3 79.0 78.9 78.7 77.9 77.3 77.1 76.9 76.8 75.6 74.9 80.0 73.2 72.1 67.7 62.9 62.4 60.0 40.0 Pax Load Factor (%) Factor Load Pax 20.0 0.0 Air India Jet JetLite Spicejet Go Air IndiGo Air Costa Air Asia Vistara Air Trujet Airways Pegasus 1 The passenger load factor in the month of September 2015 has shown declining trend compared to previous month primarily due to the end of tourist season. Cancellations The overall cancellation rate of scheduled domestic airlines for the month of September 2015 has been 0.6%.Airline-wise details of cancellations are as follows: Air Pegasus 20.50 Trujet 3.95 Air India (Dom) 2.09 Air Costa 1.53 JetLite 0.58 Air Asia 0.29 Jet Airways 0.28 Spicejet 0.09 Go Air 0.05 IndiGo 0.01 Vistara 0.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 Cancellation Rate (%) Various reasons of cancellations are indicated below: Technical 18.0% Conse/Misc 37.5% Operational 30.2% Commercial 3.7% Weather 10.7% 2 Passenger Complaints during the month During September 2015, a total of 710 passenger related complaints had been received by the scheduled domestic airlines. The number of complaints per 10,000 passengers carried for the month of September 2015 has been 1.1. The airline-wise details are as follows: Air Pegasus 2.1 Air India (Dom) 1.8 Jet Airways + JetLite 1.4 Spicejet 1.2 Trujet 1.1 Go Air 0.9 Air Asia 0.9 Air Costa 0.8 IndiGo 0.6 Vistara 0.1 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 No. of Complaints/10,000 Pax Various reasons of passenger complaints are indicated below: Others Fare Catering 6.5% 1.8% 0.6% Refund 8.0% Staff Behaviour 11.4% Disability 0.1% Flight Problem 24.2% Customer Service 25.1% Baggage 22.3% 3 The reason for complaint as percentage compared to the previous month is as follows: 30.0 27.5 26.4 26.3 25.1 24.2 25.0 24.2 22.3 22.1 20.3 20.0 15.0 11.4 11.3 11.2 10.0 8.0 7.9 7.5 6.5 6.5 6.0 5.0 1.8 1.2 0.9 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 Fare Refund Flight Baggage Customer Disability Staff Catering Others Problem Service Behaviour Jul-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 Airline-wise status of redressal of complaints is given at Table – 4. Compliance of Route Dispersal Guidelines During the month of Sep 2015, all the scheduled domestic airlines complied with the mandatory capacity deployment requirements contained in the Route Dispersal Guidelines. Airline-wise details are given in the following Table: ASKM Deployment (%) of Category I Airline Cat III Cat IIA Cat II Air India + Alliance Air 99.1 1.70 20.4 Jet Airways + JetLite 69.0 1.03 11.7 Spicejet 102.0 1.41 30.2 Go Air 157.8 1.33 61.8 IndiGo 124.1 1.40 23.1 Vistara 53.8 1.59 13.9 Air Asia 385.6 8.13 42.8 Minimum Capacity Requirement in accordance with RDG (As % of Capacity Deployed in Category I) • Category II - 10% • Category IIA - 1% • Category III - 50% 4 On-Time Performance (Scheduled Domestic Airlines) On-Time Performance (OTP) of scheduled domestic airlines has been computed for four metro airports viz. Bangalore, Delhi, Hyderabad and Mumbai. Airline-wise OTP at four metro airports for the month of September 2015is as follows: OTP at Four Metro Airports Vistara 94.2 IndiGo 91.2 Air Costa* 90.4 Jet Airways+JetLite 87.9 Air Asia* 87.4 Spicejet 85.1 Go Air* 83.9 Air India (Dom) 82.4 Air Pegasus* 66.9 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 OTP (%) *Note - Operations of Go Air only at BOM, BLR, DEL; Operations of Air Costa only at HYD, BLR; Operations of Air Asia only at DEL & BLR; Operations of Air Pegasus only at BLR. Airport-wise On-Time Performance of scheduled domestic airlines complying with Route Dispersal Guidelines is as follows: Air India (Domestic) DEL 89.6 HYD 85.9 BLR 80.5 BOM 71.7 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 OTP (%) 5 Jet Airways + JetLite HYD 91.6 BLR 90.4 DEL 89.9 BOM 84.6 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 OTP (%) Spicejet DEL 91.0 BOM 85.2 HYD 81.1 BLR 80.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 OTP (%) 6 Go Air HYD DEL 91.6 BLR 87.0 BOM 75.7 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 OTP (%) IndiGo DEL 96.8 BLR 93.9 HYD 93.5 BOM 81.5 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 OTP (%) 7 Vistara DEL 98.4 HYD 98.2 BOM 90.7 BLR 73.3 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 OTP (%) Reasons for delay have been analysed, which are presented below. It has been found that majority of delays have been attributed to ‘Reactionary’. Airport 4% Wx 2% ATC 10% Misc 0% Pax 3% Reactionary 64% Ramp 2% Tech 7% Ops 8% 8 On-Time Performance (Foreign Airlines) There are more than 70 foreign carriers operating to/from India. At the time of compilation of this report, OTP data of 40 carriers was received. The overall On-Time Performance (OTP) of these 40 carriers for the month of Sep 2015 has been 83.9% in departures and 81.9% in arrivals. Departure Late 8.4% On Time 83.9% Very Late 3.4% Excessive 4.3% Arrival Late 9.9% On Time 81.9% Very Late 4.2% Excessive 4.0% 9 Compliance of CAR Section 3, Series M, Part IV In accordance with the Civil Aviation Requirement Section 3, Series M, Part IV, airline are required to submit data on number of cases of denied boarding, cancellations and delays along with the status on a monthly basis. Airline Denied Boarding Cancellations Delays Beyond 2 Hrs No. Status of No. Status of No. Status of ofPax Facilities & ofPax Facilities & ofPax Facilities Affected Compensation Affected Compensation Affected • Refund • Refunds • Rebooked on • Rescheduling • Refreshments other flights • Hotel • Refunds where • Hotel accommoda- 19755 pax desired Air India 79 accommoda- 1929 tion • Rescheduling tion • Compensation • Compensation of • Compensation of Rs. 12.55 Rs. 38.05 lakhs of Rs. lakhs 7.13 lakhs • Refund • Refunds • Rebooked on • Rescheduling other flights Jet • Hotel • Refreshments • Hotel Airways 1129 accommoda- 1542 • Refunds where 382 accommoda- and tion pax desired tion JetLite • Compensation • Rescheduling • Compensation of Rs. 2.85 of Rs. 21.34 lakhs lakhs • Refreshments • Refreshments • • 415 Rescheduling 1825 Transfer to other Spicejet Nil Nil • Compensation airlines of Rs. 0.16 • Compensation of lakhs Rs. 1.89 lakhs • All pax given refreshments 70 • Refreshments 1156 Go Air Nil Nil • Refunds where • Rescheduling pax desired • Rescheduling 3992 IndiGo Nil Nil Nil Nil • Refreshments • Refreshments • Refreshments • Rescheduling 610 592 • Rescheduling Air Costa Nil Nil • Compensation • Compensation of of Rs. 21.37 Rs. 2.98 lakhs lakhs • Refund • Refund • Refreshments • Compensation • Compensation 856 Air Asia 2 151 • Compensation of of Rs. 0.1 of Rs. 0.12 Rs. 2.24 lakhs lakhs lakhs • Refreshments Vistara Nil Nil Nil Nil 108 • Rescheduling Air 485 864 • Refreshments Nil Nil • Rescheduling Pegasus • Rescheduling Trujet Nil Nil 48 Nil 22 • Refreshments 10 SUMMARY Denied Boarding Cancellations Delays No. of Pax Facilities & No. of Pax Facilities & No. of Pax Facilities Affected Compensation Affected Compensation Affected Rs. 45.91 Rs. 37.05 lakhs Rs. 14.56 lakhs lakhs towards 463 4837 compensation 30712 compensation compensation and facilities and facilities 11 Table 1 TOTAL DOMESTIC PASSENGERS CARRIED BY SCHEDULED DOMESTIC AIRLINES (YEAR 2015) Percentage Share Air India Private Total Month & Year Private (Domestic) Carriers Domestic Air India Carriers Jan 11.65 50.80 62.45 81.3 18.7 Feb 10.68 49.48 60.16 82.2 17.8 Mar 10.60 52.25 62.85 83.1 16.9 Ist Quarter 32.93 152.53 185.46 82.2 17.8 Apr 10.65 54.94 65.59 83.8 16.2 May 11.28 59.99 71.27 84.2 15.8 Jun 10.09 55.92 66.01 84.7 15.3 IInd Quarter 32.02 170.85 202.87 84.2 15.8 Jul 10.94 56.68 67.62 83.8 16.2 Aug 11.25 56.35 67.60 83.4 16.6 Sep 10.59 56.07 66.66 84.1 15.9 IIIrd Quarter 32.78 169.10 201.88 83.8 16.2 Oct Nov Dec IVth Quarter Total 97.73 492.48 590.21 83.4 16.6 Percentage Share Air India Private Total Data of 2014 Private (Domestic) Carriers Domestic Air India Carriers Ist Qtr 30.62 123.19 153.81 80.1 19.9 II nd Qtr 31.51 138.79 170.30 81.5 18.5 III rd Qtr 28.30 139.02 167.32 83.1 16.9 IV th Qtr Total 90.43 401.01 491.44 81.6 18.4 Growth (%) = +8.07 +22.81 +20.10 Table 2 MONTH-WISE SEAT FACTOR OF SCHEDULED OPERATORS IN 2015 (PASSENGER LOAD FACTOR IN PERCENTAGE) Month Air India Jet Jet Lite Spice Go Air IndiGo Air Air Asia Vistara Air Trujet (Dom) Airways Jet Costa Pegasus Jan 82.4 87.0 87.4 80.0 79.2 85.2 76.5 76.3 45.4 -- -- Feb 83.3 89.5 89.7 85.6 85.9 88.0 77.9 77.9 58.6 -- -- Mar 73.9 86.6 87.8 83.4 80.0 77.0 69.2 71.7 53.6 -- -- Apr 78.5 82.0 81.9 88.7 85.5 85.7 76.9 74.4 67.3 -- -- May 80.4 81.1 79.4 93.1 89.4 91.9 81.2 81.4 71.1 78.0 -- Jun 73.5 77.7 78.1 93.2 83.6 86.6 79.2 84.0 59.3 73.1 -- Jul 77.8 81.0 80.1 93.4 81.2 78.4 81.7 80.2 60.3 71.5 -- Aug 79.3 80.8 78.7 92.1 75.6 76.8 77.3 72.1 62.9 77.1 83.7 Sep 76.9 77.9 74.9 93.0 79.8 79.4 78.9 67.7 62.4 73.2 79.0 Oct Nov Dec 13 Table 3 MARKET SHARE OF SCHEDULES DOMESTIC AIRLINES (YEAR 2015) Passengers Carried (in Lakhs) Market Share (%) Month Private Air Carriers Air & Year Jet Jet Spice Go Air Air Air Trujet Total Air Jet Jet Spice Go Air Air Air Trujet
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