Friday, September 23, 1983 - Bryant College's Student Newspaper - Volume SO, Number 8 Small Business Development Center benefits business,students,faculty By Robin DeMattia mem ber of the Strategic E onomic OJ T"~ Archway Stqff Development Commission which will report Can you imagine pending four years it findings on October 15th of this yea r. Say I studying at Bryant. arguing over grades with Fogarty.'" hope to make a real impact on thc leachers, walking through tbe balls with other economy of Rhode Island." st udents. graduating and then coming back to. The SBDC runs 0.0 a fifty-fifty matching ot work at Bryant as a member of the funds between Bryant CoUege and the Smal. administration? Well that's exactly what Ray Busine Administration. There is no harge Fogarty did. fo r the counseling provided by the SBOC.! Fogarty i a 1979 graduate of Bryant with a Since July of this year the Ce nter ha . helped major in Accounting. He was hired in July of more than 150 small businesses. Not only are 1979 as the Assistant to tb Controller of there over eighty consultants willing to help Bryant College. For the past four years he has businesses but Bryant has an active staff of dealt wi th linancial reports. analyses. and faculty aJ o. Mr. RichaTd on, Ms. Rile ,and transactions pertaimng to the financia~ 'Ms, Notorantonio are just a few of the Bryarll operations of the coUege. But on June I, 1983. faculty that have lent their services to the Ray was appoiDled PJogram Coordinator for Center. the Small Busines Development Center Having the SBDC at Bryant benefits the (SBDC). which oeened this summer . tudents, also. Student internships and Together with Douglas Joplin. Director of placement are expected to increase within thel the Center. Fogarty coordinated tile activities next few years. The Center will be mutually of the nation' fir t SBDC located in a private beneficial to st udents and businesses. Having . College. Rhode Island is the23rd state to have faculty members interacting in the business such a center. Along with the Bryant College community will kee p them abreast of fresh office there are three satellite offices - one in ideas and new techniq ues which they can Ray Fogarty is the program coordinator of the SBDC. P ro v iden~e Center. on in South Providence. report back to students. and one at the Un iversity of Rhode Island. It The SSDC runs oil grant-year basis whi b i Fogarty's responsibility to over ee the began in November, 1982. Reaction has bec"! fu ncti ns of the three satellites. upportive within the fi rst year and Fogarty Fogarty says that he is familiar it h the expects Bryant to ontinue being a leader in I SID business problems in Rhode Island. He is a the business community. Welc m to th e new ARCHWAY Stu nt enter rise to be handled by 8rycol where inSIde you'll find some new and exciting addition to A commitlee ha been formed to review the Lafond. Vice-President (or tudenl Affai THE ARCHWAY as well as your -nterpreneurship Agen proposal. This Ro emary D·Arcy. A sislant Director of , proposal would place a ll student businesses Financial Aid. first brought the proposal to old f vorites. We've update de Oill under one strUCt ure and membership would Brycol's attenti n in December, 1982. Brycol look, and a re set to bring you the be ma ndatory for any student who ishes to has agreed to adminis ter the program and is news in this fo rmat, every week. conduct his 0 n busines.s, such as ign waiting for the go head from the committee painting or haircutting, on campus. ap.poi nted to review the program. The "'The' Agency propos;!coincides with the committee members arc tanely ozikow ki. goal- of the institution. entrepreneurship. n Bob Maxcy, Ro emary D'Ar y, Chantee OPINION: Both agencies and says D·Arcy. Also, more j obs would be Lewis. Alton Mott.and Leslie Lafond available. students would have tITe chance to The Agency i modeled aftcr similar Bryant College Se urity is write proposals for establishing their own structures at Princeton U. and Harvard U. discussed as th Bryant us ine s and it would give a student with a Consultants from tbese schools were called in community views its opinions. 2. new idea the structure and the capital to get to assist D'Arcy in drtafting the propo al. started .The agency would al provide Brycol was asked to administer the program PEOPLE: st ud ent busi nesses with a cou nting, because the organization has the existing Some of the most mar eting. and management a si tance .Any structure to accomodate the agency. Greg interesting people on campus student wishing to start his own busines Hawes. President of Brycol says,"T he live right in your own dorm. 3. would sign a contract wi th the Director of proposal is beneficial to Brycol and th hool Student Employme nt. The tudent would becau$e it pu all the products and se rvices UPFRONT: A 10 k at the paid a salary plus incentive commissions. under one structure and it would provide This proposal would bring all student more jobs where students can apply the events ha pening in the businesses....under an umbrella thaI would knowledge they gel in school." Bryant area. 8. give more ins.titutional support," say le lie SPORTS: Extensive coverage of sports events a Bryant opens its fall season. 6. Many exciting courses on TAP TAP, The Alternative Program at Bryant film as well as developing a good eye for HEALTH: A major concern College, mithfield . RI wiU once again be photogTaphy. Other courses of special interest of man y blood doners, AIDS is offering course ' for the Fall seme ler. The are: Massage, Auto Mechanics and Auto djscussed by Noreen Matti . 9. non-credit courses, sponsored by the Office of Electronics, Caljgraphy, Mixology . Student Activitie and the Student Senate, are Communicating Effectively. and Being UPBEAT: A collection of de. igned to provide enjoyment as well as Asserllve and Managing Stress. opportunitie for self-developmenl. Forfurther information. pleasecall (401) 23 I­ record reviews, chart actions Registration for the courses will be at the Box 1200, extension 328. and other subjects. 3. Offi e in the college's Rotunda beginning Monda '. September 19 and will continue to Friday. September 30. cxcluding S turdays and Sundays. Classes begin the week of LA Times Crossword. 8. October 3. In ;he area of Physical fitness, several Meet the Prez aerobiCS classes are offered. Among these aTC Art Buchwald. 2. Aerobic Dance. Co-Ed Calisthenics, Jan Dancercise, Dance Exercise. and Lunchtime Tuesday, O ctober 4 Wasserman. 2. Aerobic ·Up beats. In addtion are: Weight 2:30 to 3:30pm Training for Women, Racquetball, and Classical Ballet. in the Rotunda DATABASE. 4. Astrology will again be offered a a special interest course. C. P. R. is being offered to ARA News. 11. teach the administration of cardio pulmona ry resuscitation in emergency situations. Photography will focus on the processing of I 2 • FRIDAY, EPTEMBER 23, 1 83 · THE AR HWA Y Security issues raise need for committee To the Bryant Community During the cour e of the 1982-83 academic year. an in ~a!> in g number of sub tantivc Free enterprise stifled or learning promoted? issues concerning campub ecurity and their relation hip a nd obligations to the tudents have come to the attention of m)' offi ce nd The entrepreneurship Agency Proposal is order to start a business you need money. The the Quality ot Student Lift: mmiltee. quite a proposition upon close examination. Agency would provide for the initial investment, Although th ommiltee wa abfe t d''- cu Whatever happened to free enterprise, one of as long as it was a good one. Second, the some of the e issue a they dIrectly related to the foundations of capitaUsm, upon which the Commi tt duti , it w g nera ll be lieved entrepreneur would be able to use the college that these is!.ues were not receiving the direct entire western world was built? Why does the name when ordering inventory or in dealing allention they de er ed. This it uation 'Was school seek to regulate and control every with people outside the Bryant community. due 10 large part to the act that they were the student venture? Third, but certainly not last, the Agency would t 'pe of i sues Which, du to thei r nature. The reason is quite simple. The school wants to provide Marketing, Accounting, Word tended t involve the overlapping jurisdlction be able to help everyone wanting to start a of a numb r 01 C Ite er commiltee ' and Processing. and other sources that would constituencies. business. The school also wants to insure that "increase the professional quality of any service It is my eell ng that many of these is ues once a business is started, it will not evaporate or product sold. arose from the lack 01 cl ar understanding upon ~raduation of the manager. The school "Whatever happened to free enterprise?" con eming campu ecurity's relation hip also wants to know what is going on. perhaps a more pertinent question is, "What and obllgati n to the students and, convers Iy, of the tudents' relationshIp and The Agency would deal with a number of kind of a program can we set up to educate obliga lions to curit)' .
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