•!..- ACCOMPLISHED SWIMMERS THE HANNA^rf* #*'• HERALD AND EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS" 4 Authorized a* Second CUM Mall by th* Pott Offle* Department, Ottawa And far tha Payment al Pottage In Caah VOLUME 51 — No. 49 T THE HANNA HERALP and EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS — THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1963 Subscription $3.00 Par Yeor-—7c F»r Copy Fluoridation Only Issue •**» m Linda Whyte and Garth Hanlon have been selected recipients of the Danny Smith Memorial Trophy by the Hanna Seals Swimming Club. The trophy is awarded annually to the swim­ mers who are judged the most popular, hardest working and In Civic Vote October 16 improved members of the club. Mrs. Ralph Shacker on behalf of the Smith family who now reside in Calgary made the joint presentation to Linda ani Garth. COMMITTEE OF THIRTY-FOUR HARVEST SKYLINE CANADIAN LEGION WILL AGAIN WOMEN TO TAKE ACTION IN CAMPAIGNING FOR POSITIVE VOTE SPONSOR ESSAY CONTEST WITH Two-Thirds Majority Required If rr Water Treatment To Be Initiated THEME OF' REMEMBRANCE DAY Here; House to House Calls Students In Town and District With no election for councillors or school board members i Schools Invited to Enter; Legion on October 16, the plebiscite on fluoridation of Hanna's water President Asks Teacher Co-operation supply thus becomes the major issue on that date. Realising the need for on informed public on the issue, the fluoridation "Remembrance Day and What It Means to Me", will be committee headed by Dr. Agnes O'Neil is putting the finishina the subject of an essay contest for students in the local junior touches to a planned program whereby each householder will and senior high schools. The competition is sponsored by the be contacted and given information concerning fluoridation. Hanna Branch Canadian Legion in connection with the annual Meeting on Monday of this week the committee of nine members Has Hanna's water not enough Remembrance Day observances. fluoride in it to help teeth to re­ Bob Bellis, spokesman for thc? augmented by another twenty-five ladies, laid plans whereby written sist decay? Legion states the purpose of the AWARD WINNER No. competition is to create a conti and verbal information will be supplied each householder, and Could we, just with fluoridation nual remembrance and to instill of our water supply, cut down on in the minds of not only the chil­ questions on fluoridation will also Typical of the harvest season is this row of elevators at areas the' Delia district will see much of its grain stored an dren of veterans, but in the minds be most welcome. In addition to the new dental decay occurring the informative side of the cam­ every year in Hanna? Delia, where following a near "bumper" year, storage farms until deliver/ via rail to terminal points increases. of all children regardless of race space is rapidly reaching full capacity. Like most other or creed, the full meaning of No­ paign those contacted •will be ur­ - Yes. vember 11 Remembrance Day. ged to make every effort to get By how much? Many excellent essays have been out and vote on October 16. A car By 60 per cent for the rest of U written in the past by school chil­ pool committee has 'been organi­ their lives in all children born dren, written with deep insight zed and arrangements for baby and using the water from time of SCOUTS APPLE and feeling and it is the intention sitting are also included, so there fluoridation on and to a lesser de­ DAY OCT. 26 of the Legion to continue to pro­ will be every opportunity for ad­ gree in older children and only October Arrival mote this kind of understanding ults to cast their ballot on this slightly in those who are now ad­ Hanna Scouts and Cubs re­ •••• - * of the sacrifice millions of Cana­ issue. Commencing October 7 and ults. sumed activities this fall on a dians made for their country. continuing until October 15, the Is fluoride sufficient to make busy note. First project con­ The contest this year will be fluoridation committee members teeth resistant to decay found na­ fronting the boys as they re­ judged at three separate levels — will be calling on all homes in turally in water used by some turned to "duty" was the de­ Branch, District and Provincial. Hanna. They request that they be livery of the new telephone Sees Harvest End communities in Alberta? Winning essays of the Hanna given a courteous reception and books. The directories have a sensible hearing as they present Yes, in 47 different communi­ been delivered from door to Branch will be forwarded to the ties. District Commander for participa­ their "case" in favor of the water door and by the end of this WHEAT YIELD FOUR TIMES tion in the contest at the district treatment program. A wealth of Can the adding of fluoride in week every telephone subscri­ "200" Dance Club level. information has been compiled correct amount to the water be ber in Hanna will have recei­ Jack Smith, president of the Le- and this will be made readily av­ done safely? ved the new issue. The latter Opens Season gion, asks the co-operation of the ailable by each canvasser. Anyone Yes. "There are no engineering part of this month sees the an­ THAT OF 190; IMMEDIATE 21 years of age may vote tn the reasons wHy any community nual apple drive under way. The popular "330 Dance Club""" teachers in all schools in this aru;i will resume its activities with a » and hopes the essays themselves plebescite and there are no pro­ should deny itself the benefit of With the assent ef the Town perty requirements. fluoridation" states Gordon M. Council, Scout and Cub Apple masquerade dance in the Memo­ will reveal an intuitive grasp on rial Hall on October 29. Member­ DELIVERY NOT TO BE EXPECTED the true meaning of Rememb­ Commenting on the progress of Fair, Professor of Public Health Day has been set for Satur­ Engineering, Harvard University. ! day, October 26 at which time ship in the club is obtainable from Huge Reserves Of Grain Rest rance. the campaign, Dr. O'Neil stated any Kinsmen, and tickets are now Marjorie Jean Hanlon (hat by October 15 the vast mapor- What will it cost? apples will be sold on the streets and orders will be de­ on sale. The dance October 29th In Bins On Farms; Five Percent First Frost At of Hanna was recently declared ity of householders in town should Ten cents per person per year. ; winner of a Dominion-wide award have an adequate insight into flu­ livered to householders. The will feature costume prizes and Of Harvest Remains To Be Done Acadia Valley for the best piece nf handiwork in oridation and what it means to Is this measure considered a j annual meeting of the Scout Hallowe'en motifs. The dance or­ a competition sponsored by the good thing by our own doctors and j and Cub Association is plann­ chestra will be announced at a la­ ACADIA VALLEY, Oct. 1 —The this community. In recent weeks ter date. According to local elevator men and farmers, harvesting first frost of the fall season oc Junior Auxiliary of the Dorcas Dr. O'Neil has been approached dentist? ' ed for November, the date to in the Hanna area is all but completed as the month af Oct­ curred in this district on Friday Society, Toronto. A member of the by interested persons with various Yes. Every doctor and dentist be set when the October 'rush' ober arrives. But for a week's delay due to heavy rains in the night, September 27, with tempe- local "J. A." Marjorie who is the questions. Here are some which in Hanna is supporting it. is over! The loon can dive under water middle of September all harvest would have been finished, and raturefe dropping to 28 above, but daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Han­ have been advanced and to which Have they had experience with probably farther than any other in many cases a large number of farmers had their yields safe­ daytime readings in the eighties lon received her award at ceremo­ the following replies have been it in other places? bird. Dives of 50 feet have been ly in the bin before the downpours. continuing. nies in Stettler on Sept. 28. given: Yes, Brantford, Ontario has ar­ observed. — fr -f ,, tificially fluoridated its water for Hanna Hockeyists Favored with extremely unsea­ 18 years. Brantford's experience, sonable hat nevertheless hot, dry along with that in the U.S.A. has At Moose Jaw weather tor the past two weeks, been trouble free and so success­ BOARD OF TRADE DELEGATION harvesting crews were able to put ful in reducing dental decay, that Products of local hockey ranks, in long hours and grain came off m Huge Potatoes Toronto with a population of 1,- Bobby Taylor and Stan Faupel,. in good condition with lav moist-, 600,000 has begun fluoridation this are this week attending the fail ATTENDS INNISFAIL MEETING • ure content, well able to stand a year and New York City has de­ training camp of the Moose Jaw forecast long period of storage. cided to fluoridate. Canucks. Both boys were stand­ A brisk business in the construc­ Could one drink too much of outs in local midget and juvenile RE. JET BASE LOCATION tion of new granaries is reported, the recommended fluoridated wa­ ranks, and their talents will be and in addition to this farmers Come Rolling In ter and thus get a harmful am­ scouted thoroughly by tbe Can­ Central Alberta Chambers Of have resurrected old granaries and ount of fluoride? ucks management They left last made use of every possible means Sunday, and in strenuous daily Commerce Arranges Discussion On for farm storage, as there is little No, it.is physically impossible workouts are in company with a to drink enough water for this.
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