ISSN 0262-2211 SCO 08738 CLACKMANNANSHIRE FIELD STUDIES SOCIETY INDEX TO NEWSLETTERS NUMBERS 59 – 73, VOLUMES 26 – 35 October 1997 – April 2007 Including Subject and Author Index, Winter lectures, Summer outings and Publications listings The previous Indices published: 1-26 (1970-81); 27 – 38 (1981 – 87); 39 – 48 (1987 – 92); 49 – 58 (1992 – 97) Includes programmes and reports on Forth Naturalist and Historian’s annual symposia ‘Man and the Landscape’, and some meetings of the Airthrey Gardens Group - both of the University of Stirling "Perpetual Servant" collar 27 / II 27 25th Man & the Landscape Jubilee Symposium 28 / II 14 A review of the Society 1970 - 99 28 / II 9 Abbey Craig 26 / II 5 Abercorn church 29 / II 12 Abercromby family, Tullibody 27 / I 13 Aberdeen 26 / I 23 Adair Family 34 / II 14 Adam, William 26 / I 31 adder 26 / II 23 Africa 28 / I 19 AGM 97/8 27 / I 6 Agricultural Museum, Scottish 29 / II 8 Aidan 26 / I 26 Alexander Bruce 27 / II 27 All our Yesterdays - Lesley Monk - geology of 28 / II 6 Scotland Allan Water 35 / II 21 Allan, David 27 / II 24 Alloa 31 / I 11 Alloa to Cambus 27 / I 12 Alloa Tower 29 / II 10 Alloa West development 1825 – 1899 29 / I 12 Alpine flora 29 / II 15 Alpine flowers 29 / II 16 Alva 29 / I 15 Alva 29 / II 19 Alva Estate 27 / II 27 Alva House 27 / II 27, 28 Andersonian University (Strathclyde) 26 / II 7 Andes 26 / II 13 Anechal, Thane of Dunning 34 / II 19 Angus, Earls of 31 / I 15 Another Landmark to Disappear - the demolition 28 / II 22 of the Tullis Tannery - Grade 'B' listed building in Tullibody Antarctica 28/II 6 antiques 26 / II 9 Antonine Wall 26 / II 10, 11, 20 Antonine Wall 29 / II 6 Antonine Wall 33 / II 8 Aonath Eagach 29 / II 15 Arbuthnott 26 / I 23 Archaeology 28/II 14 Archaeology 29 / II 21 Archaeology 30 / I 18 Archibald, John & Robert 31 / I 12 Archibald, William 31 / I 12 Argaty 28/II 15 Argaty 35 / I 24 Argyll, Dukes of 28/II 8 Argyll’s Lodging 28 / II 16 Arndean 31 / I 19 Arniston House 31 / I 20 Arrochar Alps 29 / II 15 Arts & Crafts 26 / I 30 astronomy 28/II 7 Atheling, Edgar 26 / I 27 Atholl, Earl of 28/II 8 Auchen Baird Dovecot (incorrect as 27 / II 25 "Aucinaird") Auchenlaich 28/II 15 Augustinian 26 / I 29 Aurora Borealis 29 / II 12 Axien, Hilde (letter from Hamburg) 33 / I 24 Bachop, Tobias 26 / II 23 badger 26 / II 22 Baile nan Trodach 26 / I 15 Bailey's pottery 26 / II 9 Balcaskie House 27 / I 11 Bald, Alexander 28/II 12 Bald, John 26 / I 38 Balfour, Lady Margaret 34 / II 19 Baliol, Guy de 35 / I 17 Ballachulish 28/II 8 ballad 26 / II 4 Ballangeich, Gudeman of 35 / I 35 balloon flight 31 / II 11 Baltic 26 / II 31 Bannockburn 28/II 6 Bannockburn 30 / I 19 Barbush Quarry, Dunblane 29 / I 17 Barbush Quarry, Dunblane 29 / II 21 Bardon Mill 35 / I 20 barn owl 26 / II 22 Barra Head 29 / II 12 Bathgate 26 / II 7 beaver 28/II 9 Bede's world 30 / II 12 Bede's world 30 / II 12 Ben Lawers 29 / II 15 Ben Loyal 29 / II 15 Ben Nevis 29 / II 15 Ben Nevis 29 / II 18 Bernard, Thomas Clerk of Kennetpans 29 / I 14 Bio DiversityAction Plan - wildlife corridors 30 / II 2 Bio DiversityAction Plan - wildlife corridors 30 / II 2 biodiversity 29 / I 7 Biodiversity - management in the Forth Valley 29 / II 5 Birds - Steve Sankey 28 / II 19 Birkhill fireclay mine 26 / II 11 Birleigh Castle 35 / I 28 Birnie 31 / II 10 Black Devon 29 / I 12 Black Douglas 26 / I 17 Black Grange 26 / II 28 Black Watch Museum 31 / I 20 Blackfriars, 600 yr. old mysery 30 / II 16 Blackfriars, 600 yr. old mysery 30 / II 16 Blackness Castle 29 / II 12 Blair Family 34 / II 14 Blairhall Farm 29 / II 8 Blind Harry 26 / II 5 Blow, Detmar 26 / I 30 body snatcher 26 / II 18 Bolbec, Walter de 35 / I 17 Boll Mill 28 / I 17 Bonawe 28/II 8 Bo'ness 26 / II 11 Bonkill 34 / II 18 Bonnar, Thomas 31 / I 17 Bonnybridge 28 / II 15 Book reviews 28 / I 24 - 27 Book Reviews 30 / I 9 Book reviews: Ardoch 2000, Loch Lomond and 28 / II 30 the Trossachs, Listen to the Hills, Shale Veins, Red Sky at night, Clackmannanshire swalks, cycle routes(Harvey map), Nigel Tranter biography Botanic Garden Glasgow 28/II 9 Bothwell 26 / I 18 Bowden Kirk 33 / I 13 Bowhouse 29 / I 12 BP 26 / II 20 Braehead 28/II 14 Braes of Doune 28/II 15 Branklyn Gardens 34 / II 21 Bransbutt stone 26 / I 25 Breadalbane 28/II 8 Breadalbane, fifth Earl of 28/II 8 Brechin 26 / I 23 Brechin 26 / I 29 Brechin 31 / II 10 Brechin (Cathedral) 26 / I 25 Brewing Archive, Scottish 29 / I 17 Bridge Mill, Devonside 31 / I 12 Bridgeness 26 / II 11 Brochs 28/II 15 Bronze age 26 / II 8 Bronze Age 28/II 15 Bronze age 31 / II 3 Brookfield Mills 29 / II 20 Bruce family (de Brus) 31 / I 18 Bruce, Alexander 27 / II 27 Bruce, King Robert the 29 / II 15 Bruce, Lady Catherine 26 / I 13 Bruce, Robert 31 / I 18 Bruce, Robert 31 / II 14 Bruce, Robert the 32 / I 14 Bruce, Robert the 34 / II 17, 22 Bruce, Sir George of Culross 27 / II 27 Bruce, Tyndall 33 / II 11 Bruce's tomb 27 / I 15 Buchlyvie 28 / II 15 Bullers of Buchan 26 / I 23 Burghs (Mediaeval) 26 / II 32 Burke & Hare 26 / II 18 Burn's Trail 26 / II 24 Burns, Robert 28/II 11 Bute 34 / II 18 Bute, Marquess of 33 / II 11 buttercup 26 / II 23 butterflies 28 / II 19 Butterflies, atlas of Britain & Ireland 30 / I 5 butterfly house 26 / I 30 Bywell 35 / I 17 Cadell, William 28/II 11 Cairngorms 29 / II 15 Caledonian Canal 26 / II 25 Caledonian Forest 31 / I 15 California 28/II 9 Callander 28/II 15 Cambell Clan 28/II 8 cambrian 26 / I 9 Cambus 27 / I 12 Cambus 28/II 7 Cambus 29 / I 12 Camelon 34 / II 17 Campsies 26 / II 13 Canal, Forth & Clyde 29 / II 6 canals 26 / II 10 canals 26 / II 18 Canals (lowland Scotland) 35 / II 16 Candleriggs brewery 29 / I 13 Canmore, Malcolm 26 / I 25 Canmore, Malcolm 26 / II 6 cannel coal 26 / II 7 cannel coal 29 / I 17 Canterbury 26 / I 26 Cape of Good Hope 28 / I 20 Cape Verde Islands 28 / I 20 Carberry 26 / I 18 carboniferous 26 / I 9 Carnegie, Andrew 26 / II 6 Carnegie, Sir Andrew 32 / I 13 Carrawburgh 35 / I 15 Carriden 26 / II 12 Carrie Johnstone, Miss of Alva 27 / II 28 Carrifran Wildwood Project 28/II 14 Carron Ironworks 28/II 11 Carron Reservoir 34 / II 17 Carronade 28/II 11 Carrongrange House 28/II 11 cars 26 / II 16 Carsebridge craws 26 / I 38 Cashel Farm forest 27 / II 21 Cassilis family 34 / II 12 Castle Campbell 31 / I 20 Castle Mills, Old & new 31 / I 12 Castlecary, Cumbernauld 31 / I 15 Castlerankine 28 / II 17 Cathcart family 31 / I 9 Cathedral (13th C) 31 / II 10 Cathedral of the Isles 29 / I 11 Cauldron Linn 26 / II 13 Celtic monks 26 / I 26 cementstone 26 / II 13 cenozoic 26 / I 9 Chadwick, Jordan 31 / I 13 Chalmers, George 26 / II 6 Chambered Tombs 28/II 15 Channelkirk 33 / I 12 Chapelfield 28/II 14 Chapelhill 33 / I 16 Chapelhill 33 / II 22 charcoal 28/II 8 Charles I 31 / I 9 Charlestown 28/II 10 Charlestown and the story of lime - Roz Artiz- 28 / II 10 Young - the use of lime Charrington United Breweries 29 / I 13 Chartist Circular 31 / I 14 Cherrybank Gardens 34 / II 20 Chesters 35 / I 15 China 28/II 9 chloroform 26 / II 7 Christiani Neilson 26 / II 30 Christie Brother’s 28 / I 17 Civic Trust National Aware for Alloa Tower 27 / II 3 Clackmannan 26 / I 10 Clackmannan 30 / I 9 Clackmannan Society 31 / I 4 Clackmannan syncline 26 / II 13 Clackmannan Tower 30 / II 8 Clackmannan Tower 30 / II 8 Clackmannan Tower 31 / I 6 Clackmannan Tower 31 / I 18 Clackmannan, Burgh of 29 / II 14 Claremont 26 / II 9 Clatteringshaws Loch 34 / II 10 Claverhouse 34 / II 18 Clerk, Sir. Alexander 26 / II 6 Climate change 31 / II 8 Clock Mill 31 / I 12 Clocks (Clackmannanshire) 29 / II 17 Clyde visit 33 / I 15 coal 26 / II 12 Codd bottle 26 / II 9 Coldoch 28/II 15 Collessie Church 33 / I 21 Colman, Bishop 26 / I 26 Colville's Nursery, Mars Hill 27 / II 2 common butterfly moth 26 / II 22 Conic Hill 31 / I 20 Conoboy, Andrew - a testtimonial 28/II 2 Conon River 26 / II 25 conservation in Clackmannanshire 31 / II 7 Cooperage, Craigward 29 / I 14 Co-operative Society, Tillicoulry 31 / I 14 Coppicing 27 / II 17 Corbridge 35 / I 16 Cowden Castle 31 / I 19 Cowie 28/II 14 Craigfoot Mil 28 / I 17 Craigfoot Mill 31 / I 12 Craigleith, falcons 27 / II 27 Craigrie 29 / I 12 Craigward 29 / I 12 Crane, Elizabeth 27 / I 11 Crane, Elizabeth obit. 33 / I 10 Crane, Walter 26 / I 30 Creetown gem museum 34 / II 14 cretaceous 26 / I 9 Crichton Castle 26 / I 16 Crichton, William 26 / I 17 crinoid 26 / II 13 Croatia 35 / II 18 Cromarty 26 / II 25 Cromarty 28/II 7 Cromer 26 / I 31 Cromwell 33 / II 7 Cruden Bay 26 / I 23 Culdees 26 / I 25 Culross 26 / II 14 Culross Abbey 28/II 13 Customs house 26 / II 28 Cycle network 26 / II 15 Cyrillic alphabet 27 / II 29 Daisy 29 / II 16 Dalkeith 33 / I 22 Darnaway Castle 32 / I 14 David Allan 27 / II 24 David Douglas - plant collector 27 / II 13 David Douglas Memorial 31 / I 20 David Douglas: Botanical Explorer - AK Smith, 28 / II 8 Callander - Douglas a forest enthusiast David I 26 / II 6 David I 31 / II 10 David II, King 31 / I 18 Dawson, James 31 / I 13 de Annand, Henri 31 / I 6 de Bernham, Bishop David of St.
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