Change Background colours in the layout tab in the panel above^ Dual Pairing Vector Space Shiwei Zhang School of Computer Science and Software Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences University of Wollongong, Australia Student Number: 3792444 Email: [email protected] October 3, 2014 VISIONARY / PASSIONATE / DYNAMIC CONNECT: UOW Literature [1] Okamoto, T.: Dual pairing vector spaces and their applications to functional encryption (July 2014), lecture in University of Wollongong [2] Okamoto, T., Takashima, K.: Homomorphic encryption and signatures from vector decomposition. In: Galbraith, S., Paterson, K. (eds.) Pairing-Based Cryptography { Pairing 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5209, pp. 57{74. Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2008) [3] Okamoto, T., Takashima, K.: Some key techniques on pairing vector spaces. In: Nitaj, A., Pointcheval, D. (eds.) Progress in Cryptology { AFRICACRYPT 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 6737, pp. 380{382. Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2011) VISIONARY / PASSIONATE / DYNAMIC CONNECT: UOW 1 Outline 1 Preliminaries 2 Dual Pairing Vector Space 3 Intractable Problems Vector Decomposition Problem Decisional Subspace Problem Hierarchical Trapdoors 4 Conclusion VISIONARY / PASSIONATE / DYNAMIC CONNECT: UOW Outline 1 Preliminaries 2 Dual Pairing Vector Space 3 Intractable Problems Vector Decomposition Problem Decisional Subspace Problem Hierarchical Trapdoors 4 Conclusion VISIONARY / PASSIONATE / DYNAMIC CONNECT: UOW Pairing Groups Let G1 and G2 be additive groups of prime order q with generator P and Q respectively, and G3 be multiplicative group of the same prime order q. jG1j = jG2j = jGT j = q P 2 G1;Q 2 G2 (P; Q =6 1) Scalar multiplication is defined for G1 and G2 as follows: 8 2 Z ··· a q; aP = |P + P + P +{z + P + P} a The conventional notation ga, where g is a generator, is not used for more nature DPVS representation. VISIONARY / PASSIONATE / DYNAMIC CONNECT: UOW 2 Bilinear Pairing The e: G1 × G2 ! GT is a bilinear pairing which has following properties: Bilinearity: xy 8P 2 G1;Q 2 G2; x; y 2 Zq; e(xP; yQ) = e(P; Q) Non-degeneracy: 9P 2 G1;Q 2 G2 : e(P; Q) =6 1 Computability: 8P 2 G1;Q 2 G2; 9A which is an efficient algorithm to compute e(P; Q) VISIONARY / PASSIONATE / DYNAMIC CONNECT: UOW 3 Outline 1 Preliminaries 2 Dual Pairing Vector Space 3 Intractable Problems Vector Decomposition Problem Decisional Subspace Problem Hierarchical Trapdoors 4 Conclusion VISIONARY / PASSIONATE / DYNAMIC CONNECT: UOW Objective Mathematically rich structures should be useful in implementing various cryptographic primitives and protocols [2]. F∗ Traditional cryptography (genus 0). e.g. finite field ( p) Pairing-based cryptography (genus 1). e.g. elliptic curve groups (E=Fp) New property: Bilinearity A nature way to construct a richer structure from pairing groups is Direct Product of Pairing Groups −! Dual Pairing Vector Space VISIONARY / PASSIONATE / DYNAMIC CONNECT: UOW 4 Definition Vectors x 2 V and y 2 V∗ are defined as following: 2 GN V x := (P1;:::;PN ) 1 = 2 GN V∗ y := (Q1;:::;QN ) 2 = Vector Addition 8 2 GN V z := (R1;:::;RN ) 1 = x + z := (P1 + R1;:::;PN + RN ) Scalar multiplication 8a 2 Fq; ax := (aP1; : : : ; aPN ) VISIONARY / PASSIONATE / DYNAMIC CONNECT: UOW 5 Canonical Basis I The canonical bases are defined as following: A := (a1; : : : ; aN ) a1 := (P; 0;:::; 0); a2 := (0; P; 0;:::; 0); aN := (0;:::; 0;P ) A∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ := (a1; : : : ; aN ) a1 := (Q; 0;:::; 0); a2 := (0; Q; 0;:::; 0); aN := (0;:::; 0;Q) Visually, they can be represented as following: 0 1 0 1 P 0 ··· 0 Q 0 ··· 0 B ··· C B ··· C B 0 P 0 C ∗ B 0 Q 0 C A := B . C A := B . C @ . .. A @ . .. A 0 0 ··· P 0 0 ··· Q VISIONARY / PASSIONATE / DYNAMIC CONNECT: UOW 6 Canonical Basis II Elements x 2 V, y 2 V∗ can be expressed on canonical basis: x := (x1P; : : : ; xN P ) y := (y1Q; : : : ; yN Q) ··· ∗ ··· ∗ = x1a1 + + xN aN = y1a1 + + yN aN = (x1; : : : ; xN )A = (y1; : : : ; yN )A∗ = (~x)A = (~y)A∗ 2 FN Note that ~x;~y q . VISIONARY / PASSIONATE / DYNAMIC CONNECT: UOW 7 Canonical Basis III As ~x is a N-dimensional vector and A is a N × N matrix and by observing the definition of the calculation of x, it can also be computed naturally using matrix. 2 3 a1;1 a1;2 ··· a1;N 6 7 [ ] 6 a2;1 a2;2 ··· a2;N 7 ··· x = ~xA = x1 x2 xN 6 . 7 4 . .. 5 a a ··· a " N;1 N;2 # N;N XN XN XN = xiai;1 xiai;2 ··· xiai;N = (~x)A i=1 i=1 i=1 Similarly, y = ~yA∗. VISIONARY / PASSIONATE / DYNAMIC CONNECT: UOW 8 Duality Inner-Products between V and V∗ are defined as following: ∗ 8x := (~x)A 2 V; y := (~y)A∗ 2 V ; XN x · y := xiyi = ~x · ~y 2 Fq i=1 ∗ ∗ Since 8y 2 V , there is a linear map y : V ! Fq (i.e. y : x 7! x · y), V is the dual space of V. Hence, bilinear pairing between V and V∗ is defined as YN P N ~x;~y x·y i=1 xiyi 2 G e(x; y) := e(xiP; yiQ) = e(P; Q) = gT = gT T i=1 VISIONARY / PASSIONATE / DYNAMIC CONNECT: UOW 9 Orthonormality Since V is finite-dimensional (i.e. N-dimensional), V∗ has the same dimension as V and ( ∗ 1 if i = j ∗ δi;j ai · a = δi;j := =) e(ai; a ) = g j 0 if i =6 j j T (A; A∗) are dual orthonormal bases of V and V∗. VISIONARY / PASSIONATE / DYNAMIC CONNECT: UOW 10 Base Change I To change the base (A; A∗) to a new base (B; B∗), a N × N invertible matrix X is uniformly chosen from the general linear group of degree N over Fq. U T −1 X := (χi;j ) − GL(N; Fq)(θi;j) := (X ) VISIONARY / PASSIONATE / DYNAMIC CONNECT: UOW 11 Base Change II The base change operation is processed as following using linear transformation: T −1 A −!X B A∗ −−−−−!(X ) B∗ B B∗ ∗ ∗ := (b1; : : : ; bN ) := (b1; : : : ; bN ) XN XN ∗ ∗ bi = χi;jaj for i = 1;:::;N bi = θi;jaj for i = 1;:::;N j=1 j=1 := (χi;1P; : : : ; χi;N P ) := (θi;1Q; : : : ; θi;N Q) A ~ = ( ~χi) = (θi)A∗ VISIONARY / PASSIONATE / DYNAMIC CONNECT: UOW 12 Base Change III As an extension of x = ~xA, the previous base change can be simplified. 2 3 XN XN XN 6 χ a χ a ··· χ a 7 6 1;i i;1 1;i i;2 1;i i;N 7 2 3 2 3 6 i=1 i=1 i=1 7 ··· ··· 6 7 χ1;1 χ1;2 χ1;N a1;1 a1;2 a1;N 6 XN XN XN 7 6 ··· 7 6 ··· 7 6 ··· 7 6 χ2;1 χ2;2 χ2;N 7 6 a2;1 a2;2 a2;N 7 6 χ2;iai;1 χ2;iai;2 χ2;iai;N 7 B = XA = 6 . 7 6 . 7 = 6 7 4 . .. 5 4 . .. 5 6 i=1 i=1 i=1 7 . 6 . 7 ··· ··· 6 . .. 7 χN;1 χN;2 χN;N aN;1 aN;2 aN;N 6 7 4XN XN XN 5 χN;iai;1 χN;iai;2 ··· χN;iai;N i=1 i=1 i=1 Similarly, B∗ = (XT )−1A∗. VISIONARY / PASSIONATE / DYNAMIC CONNECT: UOW 13 Base Change IV Note that B is a basis of V and B∗ is a basis of V∗. Since ∗ ∗ δi;j · · ~ ∗ · ~ ) bi bj = ( ~χi)A (θj)A = ~χi θj = δi;j = e(bi; bj ) = gT (B; B∗) are dual orthonormal bases of V and V∗. The pairing operation of vectors of the changed base by X is shown below: x := x1b1 + ··· + xN bN = (x1; ··· ; xN )B = (~x)B 2 V ∗ ∗ ∗ ··· ··· ∗ ∗ 2 V y := y1b1 + + yN bN = (y1; ; yN )B = (~y)B YN P ∗ N ∗ i=1 xiyi e(x; y) = e(xibi; yibi ) = e(P; Q) (since e(bi; bi ) = gT ) i=1 ~x·~y = gT VISIONARY / PASSIONATE / DYNAMIC CONNECT: UOW 14 Trapdoor It is hard to compute B∗ from (B; A; A∗) but is easy with X. −−−−−−!hard6 B A A∗ B∗ ( ; ; ) −−−−−−!easy X VISIONARY / PASSIONATE / DYNAMIC CONNECT: UOW 15 Special Case: Self-Duality With symmetric pairing group (G1 = G2) = G, the bilinear pairing and the vector space ∗ N become e: G × G ! GT and V = V := G . Other properties are changed as following: Base change U X −GL(N;F ) A −−−−−−−−−−!q (B; B∗) Note that (A; B; B∗) are (self-dual) orthonormal bases of V. Trapdoor 6−−−−−! ∗ (B; A) −−−−−! B X VISIONARY / PASSIONATE / DYNAMIC CONNECT: UOW 16 Outline 1 Preliminaries 2 Dual Pairing Vector Space 3 Intractable Problems Vector Decomposition Problem Decisional Subspace Problem Hierarchical Trapdoors 4 Conclusion VISIONARY / PASSIONATE / DYNAMIC CONNECT: UOW Intractable Problems There are two intractable problems in DPVS suitable for cryptographic applications: Vector Decomposition Problem (VDP) Decisional Subspace Problem (DSP) VISIONARY / PASSIONATE / DYNAMIC CONNECT: UOW 17 Vector Decomposition Problem I VDP definition is originally named as Computational Vector Decomposition Problem [2]. Definition (VDP(N1;N2): (N1;N2)-Vector Decomposition Problem) Let G be an N1-dimensional Fq-vector space generator, taking a security parameter k, and N1 > N2. Let A be a probabilistic polynomial-time machine. The advantage of A is defined as following: 2 3 R k U N1 VDP u = (v1; : : : ; vN ; 0;:::; 0)B j V −G(1 ); B − V ; (N1;N2) 4 2 5 AdvA (k) = P r U − FN1 A k V B ~v = (v1; : : : ; vN1 ) q ; v = (~v)B; u (1 ; ; ; v) The VDP(N1;N2) assumption is satisfied if there is no probabilistic polynomial-time VDP(N1;N2) adversary A has non-negligible advantage AdvA (k). VISIONARY / PASSIONATE / DYNAMIC CONNECT: UOW 18 Vector Decomposition Problem II ! v = v1; v2; : : : ; vN2−1; vN2 ; vN2+1; : : : ; vN1−1; vN1 ? B ? ? 6y Hard ! u = v1; v2; : : : ; vN2−1; vN2 ; 0;:::; 0 B Remark that there is a special case of VDP.
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