Musgrave Block Special, Df

Musgrave Block Special, Df

EROMANGA Cz Cz Cenozoic and Quaternary surficial deposits - sand, silt, clay, gravel, loose rock; deposited in colluvial, eluvial, alluvial GEOLOGICAL SYMBOLS U-Pb zircon geochronology sample locations AMADEUS BASIN BASIN and aeolian environments Ref No Sample No Lat Long MUSGRAVE BLOCK Geological boundary Mz Mz Mesozoic Eromanga Basin - friable white kaolinitic quartz sandstone; minor quartz conglomerate and very fine siltstone 1 BR98DFC550 24°57' 129°04' TO Fault; mapped, approximate 2 PR96IRS623 25°07' 129°04' ALICE SPRINGS OROGENY 400 - 300 Ma 3 PR96IRS549 25°37' 129°20' CENOZOIC 4 BR98DFC491 24°50' 129°21' MESOZOIC ? Fault; concealed, inferred Finke Group Df Df Finke Group - fine to medium quartz sandstone; minor siltstone and shale; pebble and boulder conglomerate 5 BR97CJE153 24°38' 129°24' MUSGRAVE BLOCK DEVONIAN TOPOGRAPHICAL SYMBOLS Thrust (WT - Woodroffe Thrust) 6 PR95IRS420 25°57' 129°25' 7 BR97CJE73 24°42' 129°27' Larapinta Group Ol Ol Larapinta Group - white sandstone, locally bioturbated; minor siltstone and conglomeratic sandstone Syncline 8 BR98DFC429 24°46' 129°31' Sand ridges 9 P89/433 25°15' 129°39' ORDOVICIAN Mafic dyke 10 PR96IRS526 25°36' 129°50' Sealed road 11 P88/34 25°08' 129°52' Mount Currie Cmc Mount Currie Conglomerate - conglomerate containing clasts of sandstone, quartzite, felsic and mafic volcanics, granite, q Quartz vein Conglomerate Cmc AUSTRALIA 1:500 000 GEOLOGICAL SPECIAL NORTHERN TERRITORY 12 PR95DFC439 25°56' 129°54' gneiss, mafic intrusives Unsealed road AMADEUS BASIN 13 PR96IRS529 25°43' 129°57' Fault; concealed, thrust (interpreted from PALAEOZOIC Vehicle track magnetic, gravity and geological data) 14 PR95IRS396 25°59' 130°02' PETERMANN OROGENY 570 - 530 Ma 15 PR95IRS361 25°59' 130°11' CAMBRIAN Railway Fault; concealed, showing relative displacement 16 PR96DFC535 25°58' 130°11' 130°30' PLwi Winnall beds - brown to pale quartz sandstone, often micaceous, dominantly tabular but massive in upper part; 130°00' (interpreted from magnetic data) 17 PR96IRS592 25°59' 130°16' Winnall beds PLwi 129°30' Building 18 PR96IRS747 25°44' 130°20' minor red-purple fine sandstone to siltstone 129°00' Pin 45 Strike and dip of strata 19 PR96IRS741 25°45' 130°21' 24°30' PLwi Landing ground 20 A94/1402 25°44' 130°34' PLin Inindia Beds - quartz sandstone, medium to coarse, may be massive or well bedded, often ferruginised, Hull MT COWLE 60 Strike and dip of Petermann Orogeny foliation 21 O94/57F 25°14' 130°35' sometimes quartzitic; siltstone, red, yellow or pale, often strongly ferruginised; chert and jasper PLwi River, creek 22 A94/1378 25°45' 130°36' Inindia beds PL in layers, often structureless, sometimes breccias; conglomerate PLwi ZONE Strike and dip of foliation, plunge of mineral River Lake 75 23 A93/63 25°52' 130°47' PLd Amata Dykes - dolerite dykes elongation and plunge of intersection lineation PLd Amata PL d dolerite PLd Amadeus 24 A92/10A 25°51' 130°53' PLpi Pinyinna beds - grey quartz-muscovite phyllite, crystalline dolostone, fine grained sandstone, red, green and 25 BJ96/277A 25°39' 131°22' BLOODS 65 Strike and dip of strata parallel to foliation pale grey fissile siltstone, dolomitic siltstone BACKTHRUST 26 BJ96/280 25°41' 131°24' 55 PLde Dean Quartzite - crystalline quartz sandstone, rare vein quartz pebble conglomerate, quartz-kyanite-muscovite layers, 27 BJ75 25°56' 131°25' 50 45 BLOODS 75 Strike and dip of inverted strata red/purple crystalline quartz sandstone, feldspathic sandstone 65 28 BJ96/220 25°50' 131°26' Pinyinna beds PLpi 15 65 85 60 30 5 50 PINYINNA PLku Kulail Sandstone - red/purple crystalline quartz sandstone, abundant trough cross-beds, local heavy mineral layers of 35 65 R 45 70 Strike and dip of gneissic foliation Musgravian Event 29 MP94/503 25°52' 131°38' 30 40 OWLEY ANGE 70 RANGE 70 70 R NEOPROTEROZOIC 20 65 10 70 30 MP-98 25°57' 131°38' hematite and magnetite 80 40 20 25 30 MT PLvp ? 20 80 20 5 25 35 30 PLvh 60 ? DATA SOURCE 70 Strike and dip of second gneissic foliation Musgravian Event 31 MP-1 26°00' 131°44' Giles Event 1080 - 1040 Ma PLde 45 RANGE 50 HARRIS MOUNT ? 20 45 Granite 30 60 CARRUTHERS 32 MP-21 26°00' 131°45' Dean Quartzite PLde PLgb 40 20 PL vp 30 RANGE PLku 15 ? 45 Mineral occurrence 33 MP-5 25°57' 131°47' PL gb Angatja Suite - porphyritic orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene granite, charnockite, and hornblende-biotite granite, BLOODS85 35 Bloods Range 35 PLvh 50 Ol 1 3030 35 20 (Puntitjata) 35 45 PLde 10 NTGS 34 MP-43 25°59' 131°49' variably mylonitised and recrystallised to garnet-clinopyroxene-biotite-bearing assemblages 85 85 55 45 q 70 50 30 35 PLvh 7 45 Cu Prospect 35 S-12 25°54' 133°09' PLgb Hull Suite - biotite-muscovite granite, weakly foliated; coarsely porphyritic biotite-muscovite-epidote-garnet granite 25 Ag,Cu,Pb,Au McNICHOLS 40 55 FREGON DOMAIN MULGA PARK DOMAIN 2 40 25 PLbl 5 36 S-5 25°56' 133°14' PLgb Michell Nob Granite - coarse, porphyritic biotite-hornblende granite, variably mylonitised. Locally garnet-bearing 30 40 RANGE 3 ? 65 q PLbl Geochronology sample location and reference number 4555 PLgb2 NTGS-GA NGMA 29 37 S-556 25°50' 133°18' PL gb4 Nulchara Charnockite - coarse, porphyritic charnockite with clinopyroxene-orthopyroxene-hornblende-biotite 25 55 D 25 20 38 FI00CJE44 25°54' 133°50' GILES EVENT GILES EVENT and common rapakivi texture 20 Walu o 25 PLku 50 PL 50 c vp PLd Alcurra Dykes -amphibolite and dolerite dykes, sills and plugs; minor gabbro k 45 PL vp 1080 - 1040 Ma granite 1080 - 1040 Ma granite e 8 r 45 TJAUWATA GROUP PLug Giles Complex - pyroxenite and norite 50 55 PLgb R 60 PLtjb METAMORPHIC FACIES DIAGRAM PLgb i PLtj 40 55 Tjauwata Group v 50 c e 45 PLtj 45 55 r ? a 60 PLvw Wankari Volcanics - porphyritic rhyolite with rare epidotised and amygdeloidal mafic volcanics 50 Cu 40 129°00' 130°00' 130°30' Bloods Range Formation PLbl 50 PLtjb 24°30' PETERMANN OROGENY MUSGRAVE OROGENY 60 60 PLtja Ol 24°30' MT COWLE 1 243 Bloods Range Formation - red shales, polymictic conglomerate, volcaniclastics, tuffaceous horizons MOUNT40 35 65 Cu PLbl 35 SKENE 60 45 35 50 65 Cu Greenschist facies (UG = upper greenschist) Upper amphibolite facies ? 50 Cu 30 60 BLOODS and local lensoidal quartz sandstone beds 30 50 4 RANGE Wankari 50 70 35 Ag,Cu,Ni,Zn 25 Lower-mid amphibolite facies (E = epidote amphibolite) Granulite facies PL vw Puntitjata Rhyolite ~ 1075 Ma PLvp 50 50 40 Docker River Volcanics PLvp Puntitjata Rhyolite - porphyritic rhyolite 20 (Kaltukatjara) 25 ? 70 Medium-pressure upper amphibolite facies 40 15 70 MT 35 UG PL vh Mount Harris Basalt - variably silicified and epidotised, amygdaloidal basalt ILYARALONA60 45 PLde UG 6 - Pressure estimate in kbar Docker River Tjuninanta 35 70 PETERMANN E 131°00' HASTIE 30 25°00' High-pressure garnet amphibolite facies (Petermann Orogeny only) PLd PLd 25 (Kaltukatjara) 50 25 E Alcurra dolerite Mount Harris Basalt PLvh PLtj(a-c) Tjuninanta Formation 35 40 25 E 20 25 RANGE 30 Garnet granulite facies PLug 30 35 55 35 30 25 30 5-6 PLtj Interlensed, silicified, epidotised amygdaloidal basalt 65 40 40 q 55 ? >4 a PLtja PLga1 m Yulara 40 igm RANGES 40 35 30 ? at PLtj b Quartzite, quartz-muscovite schist and dark grey phyllitic schist 45 55 55 35 PLgb ite MT OLGA 0 50 100 km Giles W.A. Karukaki PIULTARANA 30 5 N.T. iso 20 40 35 gr KATAMALA PLtj c Volcaniclastics Livingstone 45 q T ad 35 HRUS CONE Complex 20 PETERMANN PLtjb FE T Pass MANNANANA 35 OF 132°00' 133°00' 134°00' Tjuninanta Formation PLka Karukali Quartzite - white crystalline quartz sandstone; rounded quartz pebble conglomerate beds; local heavy mineral layers of 40 35 25 DR 6-7 25°30' 40 OO Amputjutu 25 PETERMANN ABORIGINAL LAND TRUST W hematite and magnetite RANGE 10 6 PLtja Hull PLga 9 10 BUTLER STU RANGE 40 1 MT JENKINS H 20 60 20 PLpi DOME WY ART PLtjc MUSGRAVE BLOCK PLga Pitjantjatjara Supersuite 1190 - 1120 Ma 85 40 Umbeara 1 PLga 9 T 1a US PROTEROZOIC ga 131°00' THR Kulgera PLtjb PL 1 Pottoyu Suite - coarsely porphyritic foliated biotite granite, typically with rapakivi texture, locally migmatitic with 20 PLwa E PLde 30 45 MT ROBERT WOODROF F DEAN RGE Chirnside 25°00' Mount coarse hornblende; less abundant equigranular leucogranite 40 20 Mulga Park Victory Cavenagh PITJANTJATJARA SUPERSUITE PITJANTJATJARA SUPERSUITE RANGES PLpi MT SAMUEL MT FRASER Downs River 55 45 12 13 N.T. 26°00' PLga Amputjuta Dacite - finely porphyritic hypabyssal dacite 85 12 13 1a 30 Creek 30 132°00' 134°00' -- 26°00' 131°00' S.A. 1190 - 1120 Ma granite 1190 - 1120 Ma granite PLga 65 50 PLga 129°00' 130°00' PLga Mantarrur Suite - dominantly porphyritic granite, with biotite-rich matrix, varies from megacrystic to fine- or meduim-grained, 1a 30 1 Cmc 2 25°00' 45 PILTARDI mostly foliated; minor leucogranite; minor muscovite-bearing granite 60 60 20 Tjunti 60 50 PLga PLga 50 Lasseters Cave PLga3 Umutju Suite - foliated to undeformed clinopyroxene- and/or hornblende-bearing porphyritic granite with rounded blue-grey 20 Ck 45 Karukali Quartzite PLka 15 65 45 25 INDEX TO ADJOINING MAPS MAP LOCALITY phenocrysts of K-feldspar. Less commonly equigranular and medium-grained. Localised biotite-hornblende-garnet migmatite MOUNT Shaw CURDIE 50 127°30' 135°00' PLd 40 50 PLga4 Walal Granite - porphyritic hornblende-biotite granite and granodiorite, with less abundant equigranular leucogranite; 40 PLpi 30 45 24°00' 24°00' 35 PLga1 20 PLwi variably deformed and recrystallised to garnet-bearing assemblages 25 35 NT 60 KATITI ABORIGINAL LAND WA DARWIN 3 4 768 125 9 Creek SG 52-11 SG 52-16 SG 53-13 SG 53-14 PLga5 Kulpitjata Suite - variably deformed porphyritic biotite granite,

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