- TKZ CAS0t!l9X ?ttM!l* P m t 4 * -S A T „ APHU. 15, IM l "T N i TRUTH UNWllftmD^ Ti, V?P « B A T A < ^ * Toilnrt Wa : ' . Sh^lo T: J I I t o A T 7 M BvwtiMc 8:30 Route 66 COE& Nftt'l Director 0-jiO Way Out 10:00 Twilight Zone LEGAL Reports Woohvorth Ift-SHt Erewitnesa to History ON I'V THIS WEEK 11:00 News Profits Dfc 2.7% 11:19 Firrt 8na Theater NOTICES I " < '" ■' ■ . NEW YORK — “Segregation 8:30 Price (a Right 5:30 Rin Tin 11n Smith Choir Begins NORTH CAROUNA doeim't payi the decline in Wool- WRAL Channel 5 9:0c Perry Cotno 6:00 Laseie DURHAM COUNTY worth prcrfits for I960 once again SATURDAY, APRIL 15 11:00 Naked City 6:80 Esso Annnal Spring Tour NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL 7:00 Today on rarm 10:30 TiPhtrope 6:40 Weather proves what most of us havo ll : 0n TJat»line CHARLOTTE — T h e Amiaalrf'«'> ESTATE ' 7:30 Cartoon Carnival 6;4S Douglas Edwarda known for a long time,” comment­ 9:00 Big Picture ll:!"? Your I^nislature \ Sprfsg Tour of the Johnson C. tJNDER AND BY VIRTUE of an 7:00 Pete and Gldaya nrrt«r of the Clerk of Superior ed CORE National Director James 9:30 Lone Ranger 11:30 Jack Paar Smtth Univorsity Choir Began ad 'T * 10:00 Shari Lewis Show t:30 Cheyenne Court of Durham County in actions Farmer on the 1960 Woolworth THURSDAY, APRIL 20 A’irn 13, wi.h a concert at ® entitled Daisy B. Turner vs. Min­ 10:30 King Leonardo RrW n inpct 8:30 Law a nd Mr. Jones Annual report. ' 11:00 Fury ^ 9:00 tlanny Thomas fiitkir State Oollege, Frafiklori^y*''^ nie Turner, et al, and Daisy B. 7 00 F rMv Bif'1 rfeH al “WoQlwortl< R efits dropped 2.7 11:30 Teenage Frrtic 0:3C Andy Griffith Turner, Executrix, vs. Thomas M. 12:30 Detective’s Diary 7-10 v,)ur T p"islaturc 'Cwitucky. ' ^ Davis, et al, the undersigned com' percent in tlie numBer of <tore.f 7:25 Viewpoint 10:9i Henneaiey 1:00 The Visitor 10:30 Alcoa Presents Fofir con<’«^s are sche«hiled tnissioners will on Monday, May of reporting income, which in­ 1:30 Life of Riley 1, 1S81, at 12:00 Noon at the 0:00 DeBBie Drake 11:00 News the St. PanI Minneapolis area. IW creases the stated foreign income l:B!5 Dayton Allen 11:1S First Bun Courthouse door, Durham, N. C., 9:15 Potpourri TUESDAY. APRIL II choir will sin- at t*ie House rf by approximately haUra-i^illion 2:00 TEA 10:00 Say When offer for sale to the highest Bid­ 2:30 Major League BaseBall Hone Pi^Byterian Church in der for cash a house' and lot de­ dollars as compared with last 10:30 Play Your Hunch 8:00 Reading .-.otfa-n 4:30 Movie Minature n 00^ Price Is Ri-Jht 7:00 Morning JamBoree Paul, Miim<Hiota, on the after- s c rie d as follows; year.” Profits in ^960 were $4$,- 5:00 Captain Gallant BEGINNING at a stake at the 11:30 Concentration 8:1* CBS Hews nonn of April 8. On that a a n ^ i 927,000, a declfne of $,305,000 5:30 Wrestling 12:00 Trtith or Consequences poi^t of intersection of the South 6:90 Ozzie and Harriet |j:10 Carolina News "veilin'!, a conrert was gi*ei| property line of Martha Street with from the 1959 figure. Farmer add­ 12:80 It Could Bt You 8:15 Capt. Kangaroo at the Westminster Preshyterinn 7:10 Bonanza 12:55 NBC New* the East property line of Fayet­ ed, “The company profits dedlined 6:30 Tall Ma 9:00 Cartoon tibop Church/ in Minneaoolis. On Mo»|j teville Road, as shown on the plat 1:00 Amos ’n Aiidy iy;00 I Love Lucy in the face of a^ inc^eas^ of 4.9 9:30 Asphalt Junele 2:00 Jan Murray ev’*ni**'*. Aoril 17, the hertinafter refmed to and run­ perecent in the* numBer of stores 10:00 Saturday Night Fights 2:30 Loretta Young 10:30 Video Village ning thence South 83 degrees 30’ siq»a at Pilwim Baotist C^nr|^| to make a total of 2,430 at the 11:00 Df.teline I 3:00 Y6ung nr. Malone il:t/Q DouBle Exposure E^st with the South property line 11:10 MrtvtP of Thp ■ 3:30 From 'These Roou il:5W Surprise Package in Saint PauL Tlie Final conc^.,j.j^ end of the year.” o | Martha Street 1S9 feet to a SUNDAY, APRIL 16 4:00 Make Room For Daddy 12:00 Love Life in Minnesota is at Macales^er Citrij j.. thence South 60 degrees 6’ The IWO Woolworth annual re­ 11:00 Lamp Unto 6iy fe e t 4:30 Herd’s Hollywood 12:;|D NumBer Please- ?e"e tn S»in» P” »l on Tue«*» West 53 feet to a stake at the port states: “A numB^ a t influ­ 12:00 TBA 5^)0 Cap’n 5 1:00 Peggy Mann Mfirtheast corner of Lot No. 22; morning, Avril 18. ences comBined to prevent the 12:15 Industry on Parade 5:30 Hucklphfifry Hound 1:30 A* iBe'Wwld Turns tl)«nc« Korth 85 degrees 30* West 6:00 Cap’n Five 8:U0 Face the Facts w |th th e ' North line of said Lot Company froin realizing its, goal 12:30 Oral RoBerts A concert will h* riven at TEACHER GUEST ORGANIST— sage* of flowers . By admirers. 1:00 Church of Our Fathers 6:05 Stateline 8:80 House Party Njl, Zi, 175.5 feet to a stake tn . ameng the major fictors . 1:30 Circuit Rider 6:20 Viewpoint 3:00 Millionaire Metropolitnn Baptist- Church, JS tW East property line of the Fay- interruption of norm ^ ahppplng Whan th* .Pearl high school She was assisted at the cansdie 6:25 Weathier 3:30 Vefdct is Yours waukee, Wi*<*fmsin. on Wpdnesday«day gM elitVitle Road at,, the Northwest 2:00 Championship Bridge patteriis in some communities as Band of Nashville, Tenn. recent­ of the Hammond organ By het 6:30 Reeve—Sports 4:00 Brighter evejiing, Anril 10. On Frif»av ' c ^ M t of Lot No. 22; thence North instruc:or, Jerry Briggs. (AN 2:30 NBA Basketball 0:45 NBC News 4:16 Secret Bterui 17 degrees 40’ East iwith the East a result of local actions taken in ly gave iU Easter Symphonic a-?'’ roncert In Brass 7:00 Mr. Ed 4i80 Edg» of Night nin". Anril 21. the choir will snCsing*** property line Fayetteville Road the interest of desegregating fat­ cencer?, conducted by Marcui Photo) 5:00 Woody Hayes upen House 7:30 Outlawi 8:00 Bandstand at th" DunBar Vo<!ational Scl SM ceet to the point and place of ing facilities in certain Southern Gunter, one of Nashville's soclal- 6:00 Walt Disney Presents 8:30 Bat Masterson 10 Rocky and His Friends in Chicago, Illinois, under B e^ n ih R , Being Lot No. 21 of 9:30 Ernie Ford coBmunities.” ita taachf»rs. Miss Hortense You tell a girl she is Beautiful 7 nn Shirlev Temple Dinnla ati«T*ices of the Chicago Chaplti thp, B. M. Proctor Property. as> 8:00 Mavericlc 10:00 Groucho Marx Esso 3sl White, (above) was featured as and promptly she gets a hairdo of the Johrson C. Smith Univer- shotvn on Plat of E. C. BelVini ^ “A policy of complete integra­ 9:00 Chevy SHOW 10:30 Tightrope Weather irfT guest organist. Beautifully gown­ and facial and spoils herself for 11:00 Dateline Douglas Edwards dated April 20, 1908, and recorded tion iii every Woolworth store 10:00 Loretta Yount; sitv General AUimni Association. j |‘I In Plat Book 1, Page 118, and ed Miss White played • several you. 10:30 Timex Special 11:10 Sportsline Adv. in Paradise would Bring tnany thousands of 11:15 Y;onr Legislature The four concludes with a con* bl Being the home-place of the late selections including a quatrain 11:00 Sunday Late Show THree Sons Minnie Turner, deceased. customers Back tp Woolworth. A 11:30 Jack Paar 8:80 Dobie Gillis CPrt at the Woodward Ave. Pres- of familiar ^irituals in a color­ MONDAY, APRIL 17 FRIDAY, APRIL 21 hvterian rhiirch in Detroit, Miclfc,„j^’ Cm itiy and City taxes for the democratic serving policy would Sulkiness may Be a feminine 9:00 Tom Ewell y w 1961 are to be paid By the ful' symphonic catting for organ fi:30 Asoect 6:30 Aspect i):io Red Skelton I'faii. on Sunday evening, April 23, pay l>^tter than, the present half­ characteristic, But v/ho can Be 7:00 Tod?y purchaser. and Band. Miss White, president 7:00 Today lOifiO Garry Moore under the snonsorship of the De-, way policy,” said Farmer. sure? '• 7:25 Viewpoint 7:25 Viewpoint The highest Bidder at said sale of PI Sigma chapter of Delta 11.00 News troit Alumni Chapter. wjll Be required to deposit with 7:30 Today 7:30 Today 11:15 First Bun Sigma Theta sororl’.y and a 9:00 Debbie Dralfe 9:00 DeBBie Drake tt» commissioners immediately . VyiDNESDAY, 1’ The touring choir is composed falowiog the sale ten per cent memBer of several- professional' PossiBly a thirfi of what is testi­ 9:15 Romppr Room 9:15 Potpourti (ip% ) of the Bid as evidence of organitations, w a s presented fied to under oath in court are 10:00 Say When 10:00 Say When of 34 voices.
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