Eagle Forum Hatches Collegiate Groups by Adam DeVore ing an alternative" to the liberal-left po- explained Alexander. ing conservative groups such as National "Radical feminists must not be al­ litical perspective to which university The students whom EFC hopes to Empowerment Television, a project of lowed to run roughshod over people's students are most frequently exposed, recruit "are not necessarily Republicans the Washington, DC-based Free Con- liberties," according to Leslie Alexander, or involved in politics already, but greSs Foundation. national director of the fledgling conser­ students who feel that they pres- EFC plans to provide students with vative activist group Eagle Forum Colle­ ently have no alternative," said Schlafly's newsletter, The Phyllis Schlaj1y gians (EFC). Alexander. "EFC is very interested Rq;ort, as well as other resources to keep These feminists "do not represent in education and getting out con- them well abreast of national and local American women, and they must be chal­ servative literature," she added. issues of import to conservative students. lenged," said Alexander. According to Alexander, EFC Letter writing campaigns will be The inception of EFC, an offshoot of plans to establish representative strongly encouraged as well, according Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum, the self­ groups on various university and to Alexander, and students will be noti- proclaimed "leading pro-family move­ college campuses which will then fied "when they should put pressure on ment since 10/72," marks the beginning of bring in nationally known speak- their representatives." "a national effort to recruit college age ers and generally form an "impe- This week marks EFC's national kick- conservative activists across the coun­ tus for a rejuvenatipn of conserva- off and will be spent establishing con- try," according to Alexander. tive activism in this post Cold War tacts at colleges and universities across EFC's objective, as Alexander puts it, era." _ . -~· ··~ the country. EFC hopes to promote cOhSer- "is to provide the foundation for an au­ vative and traditional values with Students interested in learning more thentic conservative representation on respect to all levels of political ac­ about the group should write to leslie issues of social, economic, and nati(:>nal tivity, ranging from domestic is­ Alexander, National Director, Eagle Fo­ security concern." sues to foreign policy. "We are very rum Collegians, 316 PennsylVania Ave., "Weare very concerned about the active at all levels," said Alexander. S.E., Suite 203, Washington, DC, 20003. environment of political correctness on In order to achieve this goal, Interested students may also telephone campuses and very interested in provid- Phillis Schlafly, Eagle Forum President · EFe int~nds to network with exist- Alexander at (202) 544-D353. Gargoyle Nearly Gels Wings Clipped by Tony Ghecea by December 18 to be able to mail them continued. "Maybe someone was of­ What could we change?" Ranieri asked, Not every time that someone out to subscribers and advertisers while fended by something that we said in "because we would like to keep working cries" censorship" is the complaint legiti­ we still had a few people left on campus making a statement about something or with you. But he wouldn't tell us any­ mate. But when the publishing wing of a before break," said Ranieri. someone. I couldn't find anything of that thing. public institution such as the University Printing Services subsequently called sort. Then I went through on an entirely Please See Page 10 of Michigan begins selectively rejecting to confirm December 18 as the chosen different level, looking for bad pictures clients based solely on their would-be printing date. To his surprise and dis­ or words." publication's content, one must take the may, on December II, said Ranieri, "I After exhausting these avenues, charge quite seriously. A recent experi­ came to my office and the manager of Ranieri contacted Printing Services to INSIDE ence of the Gargoyle, a U-M humor maga­ Student Publications, David Friedo, who inquire as to what, exactly, the probll?Ol zine, provides a disturbing case in point. oversees the three publications in our was. According. to Ranierj/"~ob According to editor lee Ranieri, the building, told me that Printing Services Hubbard, the director of PrintingSer~ 1 Serpent's Tooth 2 Gargoyle had previously printed two is­ had called him to say that they would not vices, said he wouldn't get i~to specifics, sues with University of Michigan Print­ complete our job because they had found but that they had found somepbjeqi(>n­ U-M Sci Spending 3 ing Services without encountering any some of our material to be objection­ able materia~ in the issue and that they problems. "We seemed to have a pretty able," weren't interested in printing it./I Mishandled SNAFU 4 good relationship," noted Ranieri. 'They Ranieri, naturally, was somewhat Ranieri asked Hubbard whether any­ were reliable and we were happy to be on taken aback. "The first thing I did," he thing in the issue was new, something Letters 5 their client list." related, "was look through the issue and that the Service had not printed before. On December 4, 1992, Ranieri see what it might have been that they "He gave me no answer," said Ranieri. "I SAPAC's Bogus Stats 6 brought the then up-coming issue to U­ found objectionable. I didn't think there asked him again what the problem was, M Printing Services and was told to ex­ was anything in there that they had had and I noted that we had never run into Music: Walt Mink 11 pect a two-week "tum-around time." a problem with in the past. any trouble with them before. Was he "We told them we would need the issues '1 was looking on two levels," Ranieri offended by the quality of our layouts? Even More Letters 12 _ : "_ "~""", , ,,,-, ,~ .."" ... -.-~.-~~ " "~, _ ..~~, .",,, "'''~ ' '''-_ ''''' '''' ' _ ' _ '''» .. _ .... ;'-:;;~ * .._" _. ..,;:::: ~ .:...'_:.m;."_'_.;:;..-.;....:; •.;;;:~;:; "';;,:~' ' ; ¥c .. ~ 15;;: - " liiiii'~ ===T 2 THE MICHIGAN REVIEW January 13, 1993 -',1: <. ~ .~. 1111· I\IICIII(;A~ REVIE\V Serpent's Tooth The Campus Affairs Journal of the University of Michigan We are the Establishment According to retiring Ohio Congressman equipped than men to nurture the like incinerators h' :ause they get rid of EDlTOR-IN-CHIEF: Adam DeVore Don Pease, ''The underlying philosophy economy back to health." Sexist! Just be­ industrial wask, and Greenpeace would PUBLISHER: Andrew Bockelman of the tax code is that you tax income cause men can't breast-feed the indus­ rather get rid of industry" (Wall Street EDITOR-ELECT: TonyGhecea from whatever source. It doesn't make trial base ... but, then again, they can Journal, 8 January 1993). EXECUTIVE EDITOR: Joe Coletti sense to let a substantial amount of in­ pump-prime the economy. CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Beth MartIn, Jay D. M:Nell come go untaxed altogether. If it walks Slick Willie, National Education Asso­ Tracy Robinson, Stacey L. Walker ASSISTANT EDITORS: Ryan Boeskool, Brtan Scheft<e and talks like income, then it is income "Someone's HIV status shouldn't be a ciation lapdog and subsequent opponent and it should be taxed." Did we mention determining factor for a job, and thernili­ COpy EDITOR: Shannon Pfent of open school choice, has hypocritically MUSIC EDITOR: Chris Peters that Mr. Pease is a Democrat? tary is a job," says Daniel T. Bross of the decided to send his daughter Chelsea ~o Lt'TERARY EDITOR: Adam Garaglola AIDS Action Council. Cmon, Dan, it's the private Sidwell Friends School fpr GRAPHICS EDITOR: WIll Ryan Patsy Schroeder recently proclaimed, "\ not just a job, it's an adventure - an $10,000 ayear. Convictions, anyone? . , EDITORIAL STAFF: Matt Anderson, Eddie Amer, Erlc have a brain and a uterus, and I use adventure in hateful, right-wing, bloody Berg, Michele Brogtey, Andrea Causlno, KIm Conley, James Elek, JOIl Epstein, Frank Grabowski, Nate both." Upon learning of this statement, gore. , i, , Michigan State Representative Lynn ~'V- Rush Limbaugh replied, "1 have a brain Jamison, Eric Lepard, Mary t~ Cat, Crusty Muncher, -----------, -, -:. ":"', tt"..· ~r- , - :ers (D-Go Figure) declared this week, Dave Perczak, ,Drew Peters, James Roberts, Renee and a penis, and I only need to use half of Ford Motor Company pr.o¥~W~ ~n- , :; "The ,national iS9ues.~,cNld care, faJ!l­ Rudnlckl,TS 'TaytOr: Peny ThompsOn, Corey Tobin, each." Touche. nounced last week that its r:a~N~~aq ; •. :iiy: Rob v: Wade :-:-m~qe people look 'at Martin V1oef, Gloria Vulcano, Jeff Weinmann: Michelle become the ttl selling car i'1 tlt€! 1¥~ij~q : .;,:. \.~Jmen ahd want to elect them." If this is 'lWletek,:MaftlA ;VOl<. Matt Will<, Tony Woodle!, Yoda The latest issue of IV Guide has reported i States last ye. \U" .th: first Su'~ t: ~chi. 'r'..lit. t i r ;~e, how does one explain the succes$. I that Ronald Reagan cast his vote for Billy ment for a domestic auto maktlt ~l'f . ~ ~. ~ampaign of Diane Feinstein? .MTS "'ElSTER,: ~oUg Thlese . SYSTEMS ANALYST: MKCh Rohde Boy Clinton in November. Yeah. And 1988. Thank God for Clinton! ' i !~.~ ..· ~' ____________-:- , ' George McGovern has invited Pat "U-M is pretty homophobic in mqst . ADVERTISING D1RECTOR: JonalhanLajlnesS Buchanan to have tea and crumpets with Does anyone ·' loathe ' George places;''"said'Billie Edwards, soon'::'f6-be .. BUSINESSSTAFt: Jacob Bourne, Peler DaUgavietis, him on Inauguration Day. Stephanopolous as much as we do? Ar­ former coLCoordirtaroi- of the LesbUm Gay Erica De Santls, Tori Dlromualdo, Chris Fruendt, John rogant little maggot. He's pathetic. Male Programs Office (LGMPO). Oh, give Gustalson,Jeny Kowal, ErIc Larson, Aaron Steelman, According to Illinois Senator Carol 't air d I Lik th U M " t ' ., -Barry Stem, Chat Zarko 1 up ea y.
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